NC - Erica Lynn Parsons, 13, Rowan County, 19 Nov 2011 - #5

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Keeping a heavy secret can cause loads of GI trouble........mooo.
Maybe she can send SP out for some more Mickey D's while she's hospitalized. I'm sure that's just the diet needed.
This is the first post I've felt compelled to make since joining this site six months ago. I spent all day yesterday reading the tragic circumstances of this poor girl's life. My personal opinion is that she was sold, like the dogs and the other babies, these people made their living as puppy mill and baby mill operators. The only reason they took Erica in the first place was for the monthly supplement (money) and when they got a offer for her they sold her. I believe the adoptive mother (sic) is the ringleader of all the evil and the father (Sandy) is just a spineless follower. The only reason they want their younger children back is that is those kids are their "bread and butter." No kids, no government support and that is all they've even known. How a woman with a grade school education (as evidenced by her vocabulary and grammar)could be allowed to home school is a joke. That woman is rotten to the core. Poor Erica was hated and abused by that woman her whole sad life. She gave her to whoever would take her several times and only took her back because she was worried about losing the income she got for having her. She belongs in jail. Regardless of whether she killed the child herself or sold/gave her to someone else that ultimately killed her, she needs to be charged with wanton disregard for human life and made to answer for the way she has treated all the precious children that have had the unfortunate fate of having crossed paths with her. She needs to be made an example of to show others out there that you can't get away with mistreating another human under your care. LE has charged many people with a lot less, they need to get off their swivel chairs and find a charge of the dozens of possible and lay it on her NOW!!
How about unlawful conduct towards a child maximum term ten years and I think she's a candidate for the full term.
:welcome: to the forum, Semi! Thanks for posting as another voice for Erica. It may be too late, or she may be out there somewhere. Either way, She Deserves Our Notice and Our Speaking Up For Her.

I don't know if Erica was sold or disposed of in a more permanent way, but we are glad to have you with us, watching and calling for justice on her behalf.
I try to come here every day and the first thing I do is find Erica's thread and see if there is any news about her and hopefully an arrest of these despicable people. What ever they have done with this child is no good.
:welcome: to the forum, Semi! Thanks for posting as another voice for Erica. It may be too late, or she may be out there somewhere. Either way, She Deserves Our Notice and Our Speaking Up For Her.

I don't know if Erica was sold or disposed of in a more permanent way, but we are glad to have you with us, watching and calling for justice on her behalf.

IMO- these so-called parents are anti-social to the Nth degree. Erica put them out of their comfort zone so she had to go. No bonding with her at all, and the Parsons' could not care less about her fate/future. When I say anti-social, I mean that they have no morals, the laws are beneath them and as far as they are concerned...well, they aren't concerned. They are as evil as the AL folks on Brittney Woods thread.
I have just read about this poor girl today and I am just horrified by what I have read.

Am I alone in worrying about these younger children being in the care of their grandparents? - these people did nothing when they did not hear from their granddaughter for 1 1/2 years. In that time did they try to get her a birthday or Christmas present? Ask to speak with her on her birthday, holiday or just to say hello? There is no way my MIL would allow a year to go by with no contact with her granddaughter.

I cry for this child because she had so many people who let her down. Not just her parents. She has a brother older then James who never helped or reported her missing. Her relatives knew who the bio mom was -- no one thought to contact her to find out how to reach Nana? No neighbors or friends knew she was missing?

There should be some sort of oversight for homeschooling. No one who "learns" their daughter to walk should be homeschooling any of their children.

I just wish there was something I could do for this poor girl. Sadly, she is most likely no longer with us. One of the cruelties of life is there are many people who would love to have children but cannot, yet there are people like this who have children and treat them horribly.
I have just read about this poor girl today and I am just horrified by what I have read.

Am I alone in worrying about these younger children being in the care of their grandparents? - these people did nothing when they did not hear from their granddaughter for 1 1/2 years. In that time did they try to get her a birthday or Christmas present? Ask to speak with her on her birthday, holiday or just to say hello? There is no way my MIL would allow a year to go by with no contact with her granddaughter.

I cry for this child because she had so many people who let her down. Not just her parents. She has a brother older then James who never helped or reported her missing. Her relatives knew who the bio mom was -- no one thought to contact her to find out how to reach Nana? No neighbors or friends knew she was missing?

There should be some sort of oversight for homeschooling. No one who "learns" their daughter to walk should be homeschooling any of their children.

I just wish there was something I could do for this poor girl. Sadly, she is most likely no longer with us. One of the cruelties of life is there are many people who would love to have children but cannot, yet there are people like this who have children and treat them horribly.

I so agree with this - especially the part bolded by me.

I know the vast majority of home schooling parents are wonderful at overseeing their kids' educations (I am absolutely not attacking the 99.9% of wonderful homeschooling parents). However, sometimes it seems "homeschooling" is done to stop adults at school from catching on to the abuse the child is suffering at home (as in the case of Zahra Baker, who was abused and then murdered by her stepmom who was allegedly homeschooling her) and in Erica's case.

Zahra's case links are below, in case anyone is interested. I see a lot of commonalities between Zahra's case and Erica's case.

Was Zahra Really Homeschooled? If so, WHY?! - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
This is the first post I've felt compelled to make since joining this site six months ago. I spent all day yesterday reading the tragic circumstances of this poor girl's life. My personal opinion is that she was sold, like the dogs and the other babies, these people made their living as puppy mill and baby mill operators. The only reason they took Erica in the first place was for the monthly supplement (money) and when they got a offer for her they sold her. I believe the adoptive mother (sic) is the ringleader of all the evil and the father (Sandy) is just a spineless follower. The only reason they want their younger children back is that is those kids are their "bread and butter." No kids, no government support and that is all they've even known. How a woman with a grade school education (as evidenced by her vocabulary and grammar)could be allowed to home school is a joke. That woman is rotten to the core. Poor Erica was hated and abused by that woman her whole sad life. She gave her to whoever would take her several times and only took her back because she was worried about losing the income she got for having her. She belongs in jail. Regardless of whether she killed the child herself or sold/gave her to someone else that ultimately killed her, she needs to be charged with wanton disregard for human life and made to answer for the way she has treated all the precious children that have had the unfortunate fate of having crossed paths with her. She needs to be made an example of to show others out there that you can't get away with mistreating another human under your care. LE has charged many people with a lot less, they need to get off their swivel chairs and find a charge of the dozens of possible and lay it on her NOW!!

Welcome! And I whole heartedly agree with every word you wrote!

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Everything above is JMO!
There's an interesting similar case that just came to light yesterday. Jeremiah Oliver, 5, hasn't been seen since September. He was just reported missing Friday by his sibling.

Same as Erica - not seen for extended period of time, parents don't report missing, eventually sibling reports the child missing. Also similar to Erica, mom and boyfriend are being charged with abuse of Jeremiah and his sibling (recent adjudication of child abuse in Erica's case).

What's really interesting is that the judge yesterday issued a court order on his mother to produce Jeremiah or face contempt charges. Hearing where she was to answer was this morning, but they ordered a mental eval for competency. Results are supposed to be back shortly, with another hearing around 2pm.

Would be great if a judge could issue the same kind of court order to produce Erica or face charges.

Here's Jeremiah's thread if anyone wants to check it out:
MA MA - Jeremiah Oliver, 5, Worcester, 14 September 2013 - **arrests** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I am sure most people who homeschool are completely capable and competent enough to do so but someone like Casey Parsons comes along and makes others question everything about it. People should be able to at least pass some sort of general education requirements themselves before being allowed to school others.
I am sure most people who homeschool are completely capable and competent enough to do so but someone like Casey Parsons comes along and makes others question everything about it. People should be able to at least pass some sort of general education requirements themselves before being allowed to school others.

not a perfect solution, but it is something. It won't prevent an educated person from abusing their children, but it could at least bring to light people like these who are obviously homeschooling for a malicious reason.
and with homeschooling in NC and some other states - who monitors/tracks whether education is actually happening? Who oversees who is being home schooled and whether learning is happening? Are documents/paperwork submitted at school year's end? So the child can advance to next grade level? Is there any regulation as far as what curriculum is taught?

IMO there are many checks and balances that could be in place in many parts of the country but are not that would at least keep kids somewhat on the radar even if being home schooled.

Home schooling when done responsibly can be a wonderful experience for families and for most it is simply that - a family choice.

It seems like lately home schooling has become a place to hide your abused kids and I think that is a shame as it is developing a sort of stigma thanks to those horrible parents whose goal is to hide their kids.

I have to imagine that to those parents who are genuinely schooling their children at home cases such as this make them cringe and worry that people will associate them with the likes of Casey Parsons and Elisa Baker.
Using homeschool as subterfuge, remember Adam Herrman in Kansas and the nearly starved girl in Carnation, Washington.

I live between two homeschooling families, and know others. I see the kids and speak with the kids.

There must be a way to protect the rights of homeschoolers AND protect children!
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