NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sep 2012 #2

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There is NO indication that the VM was recorded inside a Night Club.

We do not know if that was Faith on video leaving the Night Club. It could have been, or it might not have. I haven't seen the video so I can't say.

If you visit a Verizon support forum you will read dozens of post by people wanting to know why their VM time stamps are hours off.

Also the guy that enhanced the VM clearly knew what he was doing. That's why they paid him a $1000.00 to do it. I'm assuming that we are not hearing the actual enhanced version, but he did provide a transcript on the audio, and if you put on a good set of studio headphones, and turn the volume on low, then you can quit clearly hear that what he transcribed is there.

Also, I think the take out food bag note could have a great deal of significance in this case.

You hear rap music in the background so many people presume the voicemail was either recorded in the club or in a car. We also don't know what additional information CHPD may have regarding the location of the phone when this call was made. They seem to be pretty certain it was placed while at the club.
You hear rap music in the background so many people presume the voicemail was either recorded in the club or in a car. We also don't know what additional information CHPD may have regarding the location of the phone when this call was made. They seem to be pretty certain it was placed while at the club.

Cause college kids don’t play music at 2 in the morning at home. 🧐

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You guys, I am a guitar player. I don't exspect you to hear things that I can hear. Arlo West is also a guitar player. He is also a forensic audio expert. You guys act like he's just some dude that dropped out of high school, and is sitting in his basement smoking pot.

In the audio there is NO music. There are no drums, or anything that you would hear in a night club. Yes you hear someone rapping, but there is NO music.

The pocket dial phone call did not take place in a night club. I don't care what CHIPs says.
You guys, I am a guitar player. I don't exspect you to hear things that I can hear. Arlo West is also a guitar player. He is also a forensic audio expert. You guys act like he's just some dude that dropped out of high school, and is sitting in his basement smoking pot.

In the audio there is NO music. There are no drums, or anything that you would hear in a night club. Yes you hear someone rapping, but there is NO music.

The pocket dial phone call did not take place in a night club. I don't care what CHIPs says.
Respectfully, your implication that those "arguing" with you have inferior hearing because they aren't guitar players seems... counterproductive to winning those people over on your arguments. IMO, everyone discussing the voicemail audio has listened to it and read up on it, and come to their own conclusion. I understand the analysis/enhancement was done by a professional, but I can't make out what is transcribed on the audio. If my conclusion is different than yours, after a certain amount of debating sometimes it's best to agree to disagree. JMO.
Respectfully, your implication that those "arguing" with you have inferior hearing because they aren't guitar players seems... counterproductive to winning those people over on your arguments. IMO, everyone discussing the voicemail audio has listened to it and read up on it, and come to their own conclusion. I understand the analysis/enhancement was done by a professional, but I can't make out what is transcribed on the audio. If my conclusion is different than yours, after a certain amount of debating sometimes it's best to agree to disagree. JMO.

Whiskers, I am not Brian Wilson from the Beech Boys. So therefor I can't tune a piano with a bobby pin, but Brian Wilson could. So I guess my hearing is inferior to his.
You guys, I am a guitar player. I don't exspect you to hear things that I can hear. Arlo West is also a guitar player. He is also a forensic audio expert. You guys act like he's just some dude that dropped out of high school, and is sitting in his basement smoking pot.

In the audio there is NO music. There are no drums, or anything that you would hear in a night club. Yes you hear someone rapping, but there is NO music.

The pocket dial phone call did not take place in a night club. I don't care what CHIPs says.

Most trials will start with an establishment of expertise, and even in a courtroom, jurors are allowed to evaluate the testimony of a "expert" and do not have to accept everything every expert says (often there are experts with dueling opinions on each side). We all have ears, we all can hear, and actually, as a neuroscientist, I have quite a bit of expertise in perception and I certainly do not hear half of the things in the audio that the supposed expert hears, nor do I believe that even a guitar player has enhanced perception that would necessarily allow one to hear what the expert claims to hear. Furthermore, as a neuroscientist and memory expert, I can say very confidently that expectations shape perception (and working memory, which underlies the perception of language) and from my viewing of the program, it is evident to me (my opinion) that this putative expert went in with a very strong set of expectations. It was especially evident when he got defensive after learning about the time stamp. Finally, "no music" could be because the phone did not transmit it clearly because of where it was located relative to the source of the music and the proximity of the phone to the human speakers, and the sensitivity of the microphone to certain sound frequencies versus others. So, I'm content to say we all may hear it differently and can agree to disagree, I'm not content to be told that I must accept the conclusions of this one "expert" or someone else who plays the guitar.
Ibiz - The VM is a red herring. There is no reason whatsoever to doubt the timestamp. The key to this case lies not in the VM but in the note on the Time-Out bag, the rum bottle, the sexual assault, the DNA, and the question of who would have entered that second floor apartment after 4:30am.
Most trials will start with an establishment of expertise, and even in a courtroom, jurors are allowed to evaluate the testimony of a "expert" and do not have to accept everything every expert says (often there are experts with dueling opinions on each side). We all have ears, we all can hear, and actually, as a neuroscientist, I have quite a bit of expertise in perception and I certainly do not hear half of the things in the audio that the supposed expert hears, nor do I believe that even a guitar player has enhanced perception that would necessarily allow one to hear what the expert claims to hear. Furthermore, as a neuroscientist and memory expert, I can say very confidently that expectations shape perception (and working memory, which underlies the perception of language) and from my viewing of the program, it is evident to me (my opinion) that this putative expert went in with a very strong set of expectations. It was especially evident when he got defensive after learning about the time stamp. Finally, "no music" could be because the phone did not transmit it clearly because of where it was located relative to the source of the music and the proximity of the phone to the human speakers, and the sensitivity of the microphone to certain sound frequencies versus others. So, I'm content to say we all may hear it differently and can agree to disagree, I'm not content to be told that I must accept the conclusions of this one "expert" or someone else who plays the guitar.

I didn't really understand much of what you said, but I really like you a lot, but you are a strange little woman.
I didn't really understand much of what you said, but I really like you a lot, but you are a strange little woman.

I agree that arguing over the internet with total strangers about butt-dial phone calls probably does qualify as strange.

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Ibiz - The VM is a red herring. There is no reason whatsoever to doubt the timestamp. The key to this case lies not in the VM but in the note on the Time-Out bag, the rum bottle, the sexual assault, the DNA, and the question of who would have entered that second floor apartment after 4:30am.

I have a theory about the note. Maybe it's a dum one, but I want to share it anyway. Is it possible that Faith may have bought food for the murderer that came inside the bag?

Could the bag have been a symbolic symble of the anger that her killer might of been feeling towered her?
I have a theory about the note. Maybe it's a dum one, but I want to share it anyway. Is it possible that Faith may have bought food for the murderer that came inside the bag?

Could the bag have been a symbolic symble of the anger that her killer might of been feeling towered her?

I sort of wondered -- if they did stop at Time Out -- if the person at the counter felt slighted by her and killed her when she ignored his flirting.
I sort of wondered -- if they did stop at Time Out -- if the person at the counter felt slighted by her and killed her when she ignored his flirting.

Or she had a secret flirting relationship - or an emotional affair with him. Possibly she did not speak about, or have on social media, or in her phone. He did not attend school with her ether, and was beyond her social circle.

Perhaps she herself did not take the flirting/affair as serious, but the male, he took it for much more then what it was, and possibly started watching/stalking her.

After seeing her with other males, and being ignored by her, he became engulfed with emotion/jealousy, he went to the apartment that morning and saw KR leave. He then made a decision to confront her.
My two cents : I think the VM happened during a minor argument in the ladies bathroom. This is why music periodically shows up. Someone leaves or someone comes in . I definitely hear a synthesizer with the song. As far as the note , It so unusual to leave your motive right there for LE. Also unusual this person can find the rum bottle , the pen , and the curling iron but a regular piece of paper was elusive. Also the not is written like it started out as another word.
My two cents : I think the VM happened during a minor argument in the ladies bathroom. This is why music periodically shows up. Someone leaves or someone comes in . I definitely hear a synthesizer with the song. As far as the note , It so unusual to leave your motive right there for LE. Also unusual this person can find the rum bottle , the pen , and the curling iron but a regular piece of paper was elusive. Also the not is written like it started out as another word.

The note is written like it started out as another word?

I didn't see that.

Nevertheless it's possible that the killer sexual assaulted Faith, and left the room with her thinking that he was leaving, but he stopped in the kitchen to find a knife, but stumbled upon the rum bottle instead.

The note holds quit a mystery, but I think what it was written on is more significant then what it says.
I can’t figure out how to link the video but on Facebook WRAL reporter, Amanda Lamb, posted Rolanda’s(Faith’s sister) speech today from downtown Raleigh at an even honoring victims of violent crimes. Truly heartbreaking. No words. #J4F

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