NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sept 2012 #1

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I call bs on KR feeling sick at the club. In video surveillance she is seen exiting the club in what looks like she maybe upset. Faith exits and sits on a bench while KR looks like she's preoccupied. I'm sure if she was sick Faith would be helping her.

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The reason I asked about the polygraph is because the 911 call leads me to believe there is deception.

Also the transcript of the voice mail is troubling.

There are four voices on the voice mail and authorities believe they know who they are.
I will not name them here.

I will link an article about the voice mail and you can discern who the people are.

Afterward you will begin to see why I asked the original question.

What we need is a copy of the autopsy diagram...which is created for all autopsies.
Here is a typical autopsy diagram.

View attachment 108850

in regards to the voicemail/butt dial most of that was public...crimewatchers daily as well as's Tom's blog. The names are public information.

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The reason I asked about the polygraph is because the 911 call leads me to believe there is deception.

Also the transcript of the voice mail is troubling.

There are four voices on the voice mail and authorities believe they know who they are.
I will not name them here.

I will link an article about the voice mail and you can discern who the people are.

Afterward you will begin to see why I asked the original question.

What we need is a copy of the autopsy diagram...which is created for all autopsies.
Here is a typical autopsy diagram.

View attachment 108850

For sure there was not detailed autopsy as the example you provided. I don't think a more detailed one is out. I found it extremely odd that the autopsy doesn't say much at all...a few remarks whihc i provided to you earlier...i think the one we "see" isn't the real one...

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What do you guys think of the "profile" the FBI came up with?
Seems too general to me...maybe they are leaving certain things out.
From 20/20 interview...when shown the photo, MR, says "that doesn't look like anyone i know" which is weird cause she is latina...the picture is a very generic photo of a latino man...I'm sure she knows a say looks like nobody she knows...i call bs.

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I found the FBI profile to be basically useless, mostly because it wasn't filled with any new information or at least anything we weren't already assuming about the perpetrator.

As far as MR I don't think she would lie. If she knew had a clue as to who the photo was of, for sure she would say.
I have tried to find a copy of the autopsy report in this case...does anyone know where it can be found?

I'd imagine maybe it's still sealed under wraps. It seems like it was one of the few things that they were still able to keep sealed after that one big release of all the warrants and what not.
I call bs on KR feeling sick at the club. In video surveillance she is seen exiting the club in what looks like she maybe upset. Faith exits and sits on a bench while KR looks like she's preoccupied. I'm sure if she was sick Faith would be helping her.

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To me its odd that someone who was sick from drinking and had a stomach ache was determined to not be present in her own apartment that night. When she couldn't reach her initial contact, she contacted another boy to spend the night with him. I can understand if there was a relationship with the first boy...but why call another?

That makes no sense, unless something was already planned that necessitated Faith being home and KR being away that night. Coming back with the other girl at 11 adds a safety component to the discovery of the body.
I'm thinking there is a more detailed report. I looked into ME reports and all of them are more than 4 pages. Even ones that died of natural causes.

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Yeah, generally the autopsy report can be pretty extensive, especially when there are significant findings like multiple abrasions/bruising/possible sexual assault. They take tons of swabs, hair samples, fingernails, urine and blood toxicology and all that jazz as well as report internal findings of damage or any abnormalities to the organs internally.

Like I said in another post above I always just assumed that some of that info is being held back/heavily redacted because the case is still open and IMO they don't know who did it.
Absolutely. Why leave if you feel ill??? She looks mad not sick in the video footage. Faith just sits on a bench nearby. KR is surrounded by guys. She def looks mad. IMO

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I also find it odd that in an Instagram picture of a tattoo BE got to honor Faith, he captions it with a heartfelt message. One being he statIng something like,I remember your facing lighting up when you walked into the bar and saw me. We talked about old times and what you wanted to do in the future. I remember me telling you to get home safe.

What struck me as weird is the fact he states we talked about old times and future plans...why talk about old times when BE slept over with Faith and KR the night before? He makes it seem as if he was seeing her for the first time that night at Thrill. Like when you run into someone you haven't seen in awhile...not someone you spent the night at the apartment they share with your exgirlfriend.

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I also find it odd that in an Instagram picture of a tattoo BE got to honor Faith, he captions it with a heartfelt message. One being he statIng something like,I remember your facing lighting up when you walked into the bar and saw me. We talked about old times and what you wanted to do in the future. I remember me telling you to get home safe.

What struck me as weird is the fact he states we talked about old times and future plans...why talk about old times when BE slept over with Faith and KR the night before? He makes it seem as if he was seeing her for the first time that night at Thrill. Like when you run into someone you haven't seen in awhile...not someone you spent the night at the apartment they share with your exgirlfriend.

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True... I always just assumed this was an effort to let people know he wasn't involved/possibly some remorse/guilt for not answering the phone that night. I agree, though. It is strange to be catching up like that with someone you just saw. Everything about this case is sooooo strange. It's unreal.

This is another good thread discussing the case (there's a few others on there, as well). Pretty good timeline and some other theories proposed.

Totally. I have read and reread them often. Everything is extremely weird. Looking back at photos i took of the autopsy shown on 20/20...looks like Faith's attacker knew how to hit as her injuries look like were caused by someone who boxes or knows how to...there were no misses...

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More strangeness

At about 12:30 both girls headed out to have some drinks and dance.
By 2 AM, Rosario allegedly told Faith that she had a stomach ache and felt sick from drinking too much, prompting the girls to leave Thrill at 2:06 according to video time stamp. The girls returned home around 2:30 AM.

Rather than lay down to calm her stomach ache and drinking sickness, Rosario is supposed to have tried contacting a male friend to go and spend the night by his house. He could not be reached so she contacted another male friend to stay by his place. At about 4:25 Rosario leaves with the boy headed back to his home.

At 11, Rosario in need of a ride home contacts a girl friend and returns with her to the apartment. Both enter the apartment and Rosario calls out Faith's name. Shortly thereafter they find her.

Any thoughts on this chain of events?

Didn't she also leave the door unlocked?
Thank you everyone for taking the time to look at this cold case again.

I really appreciate your time and effort.

Take Care,
Unfortunately with cases such as this, time and distance are the enemy.
Those with intimate knowledge have moved away, crime scenes have changed and evidence finds its way to the shelves of storerooms.

Its hard to get people who have left the area to willingly come back and talk to police, even if new information develops. The only way that they can be compelled to come back is if they are charged with something.

The bright spot is that a lot of people must know of the events of this case and who did it. If one of these folks gets arrested for a different offense they may offer to shed light on Faith's demise in exchange for leniency in their own case.
Wow, I depart for a day, and come back to a ton of posts! Will just mention 2 things that I didn't see get answered (apologies if they were answered and I missed it):
1) someone asked whether the bloody rum bottle could be the murder weapon, and YES that is what police believe caused Faith's head wounds.
2) As to the Time-Out bag, somewhere (perhaps the 20/20 show or elsewhere) it is mentioned that the police know that Faith bought that food herself and brought it back to the apt. (I think sometime the day of the murder, but not sure about that, could've been a day earlier).
Lastly, the fact that neighbors heard very little commotion makes me believe either Faith was knocked out very early (unlikely), or there were 2 or more perps in order to control and silence her effectively (I find it hard to imagine one person keeping her quiet while beating her -- Faith was small, but young, healthy, and probably feisty). Also, have always wondered if Faith's mouth was taped or stuffed with something, and that is one of the many details police aren't releasing...?
I have wondered the same thing. I definitely think there was more than 1 perp. Faith fought. It was a very close attack due to the wounds she had. Could she have been silenced from a weapon being threatened by the perp?! The neighbor said she heard "a trio of noises" i have always thought the phrasing was weird...trio. She said it sounded like a coffee table being turned over or a bookbag being dropped. Could Faith have been subdued before getting to the apartment? The neighbor made no mention of yelling or screaming...or maybe they aren't releasing that information. A "trio" of noises...

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I have wondered the same thing. I definitely think there was more than 1 perp. Faith fought. It was a very close attack due to the wounds she had. Could she have been silenced from a weapon being threatened by the perp?! The neighbor said she heard "a trio of noises" i have always thought the phrasing was weird...trio. She said it sounded like a coffee table being turned over or a bookbag being dropped. Could Faith have been subdued before getting to the apartment? The neighbor made no mention of yelling or screaming...or maybe they aren't releasing that information. A "trio" of noises...

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The timing gets tricky... I'm almost certain (without looking it back up) that "trio" of noises was heard around 3 or 3:30am by the downstairs neighbor, and that is well BEFORE Karena had left the apt. -- so I've always assumed the two girls were there possibly with a radio or TV on, and the neighbor just heard normal late night sounds UNrelated to the crime, which occurred later -- just my interpretation. At the possible times of the crime I don't believe any odd noise was ever reported (publicly) by any neighbor.
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