NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sept 2012 #1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I'm now feeling a bit uncertain about the killer being arrested & tried & convicted. It's been too long, IMO. Do they have the suspect in their sights & are they still working on enuff evidence for a probable cause warrant, or are they in the weeds with this case & no closer than they were 2 yrs ago?

I remember being very impressed with the CHPD when they investigated the kidnapping, robbery and killing of Eve Carson. They were determined, smart and worked very hard on that case & they had the desired results. Celisa Lehew left no stone unturned, and she is in charge of this investigation. I am hoping to be reading about an arrest each day, as, I'm sure, we all are.

Everyday this is exactly how I feel. Losing hope. It's been so long.
Does anyone remember from where, specifically, the DNA sample was obtained? If it was from semen, it could be unrelated to her murder. She left the library for awhile, perhaps to visit a BF, that night.

I'll say it again, I think Karena knows what happened. If she does, I don't know how she can live with herself, leaving Faith's family in the dark. Karena's Latino...maybe someone close to her?

Presumably if it were a sample from someone she knew, they should have hit a match, especially since they've taken samples from hundreds of men supposedly.
I think love and hate are an especially fine line and frequently blurred still in one's 20s...and I think making someone jealous by leaving for a booty call with another guy is a very common revenge/power trip among women of that age, for me regardless of whether I was in love or hate with the guy at that moment. Passions run really hot and really cold at that age, IMO and I think Faith got caught up in someone else's drama.

If not mistaken identity by perp, then payback for what KR did to someone. Makes the message on the bag seem clear enough. That just seems too depraved, though, so I take mistaken identity instead for now...


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This to a T!!! I was just like this at this age.
I think it might be useful to make a list of the possible accounts of how the murder might have occurred and the problem/s with these accounts. For me, there are three basic accounts:

  1. the killer is male & Karena left the apartment unlocked
  2. the killer is male & Karena left the apartment locked
  3. Karena is the killer

The first account has a couple of things going for it, namely:

  • it accords with the forensic evidence (semen, DNA)
  • it allows for the male to be a stranger or a male one step removed from their social circle
  • it accords with Karena's account to police

However, the first account has some problems as well, namely:
  • who would've shown up to their apartment door at 4:30am & why?
  • did this person sneak in or knock on the door?
  • if they knocked, why would Faith have let them in?
  • if they snuck in, wouldn't they have startled her? wouldn't she have screamed?
  • most importantly, why would such a person write the note that was left behind?

The second account also has a couple things going for it, but it seems to have a number of problems as well, including:

  • again, who would've shown up to their apartment door at 4:30am w/o texting or calling? why?
  • why would Faith have let this person in?
  • if this person were close enough to Faith that she would let them in at 4:30am, why has this person not been identified by the forensics?
  • why would this person have murdered faith? why would they have written the note that was left behind?

The third account also has a number of things going for it, namely:
  • Karena was the last person to see Faith alive & the odds of someone else entering the apartment after 4:30am are slim
  • jealousy over a boy could have provided ample motive for murder, esp. if alcohol was involved
  • brutality of murder suggests intimacy, ferocious anger, no planning
  • the note reflects elements of female conflict, jealousy

Yet the third account has one very serious problem, namely:
  • what about the semen? what about the male DNA on the pen & note?

In short, this is a very perplexing case.
ill continue looking for the timeline from abc news i was referring to which states Rosario placed a call to Brandon at 3:40am the same time it said that Faith was texting him.

From the texts released though Faith's phone was texting him on behalf of KR so I'm not buying the jealousy story in this particular instance.
You - I presented what I regard as a pretty good account of why Karena might have become murderously jealous of Faith a few pages back. You might review that. But the bigger problem is there is apparently male DNA on the pen and note that matches the semen. This obviously points to a male perpetrator and is a massive problem for the Karena-did-it account.
You - I presented what I regard as a pretty good account of why Karena might have become murderously jealous of Faith a few pages back. You might review that. But the bigger problem is there is apparently male DNA on the pen and note that matches the semen. This obviously points to a male perpetrator and is a massive problem for the Karena-did-it account.
Yea IMO there is no Karena-did-it-alone scenario, but possibly a scenario where she enlisted help from a male she could trust after some degree of anger and/or violence toward Faith.

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Yea IMO there is no Karena-did-it-alone scenario, but possibly a scenario where she enlisted help from a male she could trust after some degree of anger and/or violence toward Faith.

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Keep in mind, though, this male has to be:
1. Someone KR knows very closely
2. Someone who is immediately available to her
3. Someone willing to commit murder
4. A Latino male around 25 years old

There just can't be that many guys who meet all four criteria. And if there IS one or two that do, I have a hard time believing the police just haven't found them, if they've swabbed hundreds of men and talked to 1800 people (as of a year ago).
Great post, Woof. I have always wondered why no one ever mentioned an estimated time of death.

Honestly, time of death can be an unreliable science sometimes. A lot of times it's based on circumstantial stuff like when the person was last seen or decompositional features of the body during autopsy. It's not as good as it is on TV lol. I think the police may have a good idea of a few hours during which the murder likely happened, but as we all know there's a lot they aren't telling us.
Ok I created a Google Drive directory that we can try out for collaboration on this case. Going to be trial and error bc I'm not very familiar with how this works. There's a link below to a word doc I've started.. can someone try it out and tell me:
1) can you see the document?
2) can you edit the document?
3) can you see the other files I've uploaded?
4) do you see any way to upload your own file to this folder?
Keep in mind, though, this male has to be:
1. Someone KR knows very closely
2. Someone who is immediately available to her
3. Someone willing to commit murder
4. A Latino male around 25 years old

There just can't be that many guys who meet all four criteria. And if there IS one or two that do, I have a hard time believing the police just haven't found them, if they've swabbed hundreds of men and talked to 1800 people (as of a year ago).
Yep or on #3, someone willing to help her cover up the murder that may have already happened. and also someone she probably had to contact via text or call and would have definitely been on LE's radar if they were able to get KR's phone records.
I can click on it, see the document, and download it. I can't seem to edit it and I don't see an option to upload anything. This is the first time I've used google drive and I literally just signed up for a google account to log in to it, so it's entirely possible I just don't know what I'm doing.

Sorry, two replies came in while I wrote this. Referring to the google drive post.
Ok I created a Google Drive directory that we can try out for collaboration on this case. Going to be trial and error bc I'm not very familiar with how this works. There's a link below to a word doc I've started.. can someone try it out and tell me:
1) can you see the document?
2) can you edit the document?
3) can you see the other files I've uploaded?
4) do you see any way to upload your own file to this folder?

im able to edit the file via google docs
Okay, thanks to CADWrest and youlostone for the feedback. How about this link - it should give you access to all the files I've uploaded:

I think this should allow anyone clicking the link to view the documents, but not save changes. For anyone who wants to edit, you can PM me the gmail account you want authorized and I can add it. I'm not sure if that will allow you to also create a new file or if you'll have to send the file to me to upload to Google Drive. Guess we'll find out.

Some folks in the more conspiratorial camp seem to be assuming this was a planned murder from the start… I don’t buy that at all… think it was a rape and/or robbery gone bad that only became murder when FH resisted and enraged her attacker by biting/scratching/kicking and the bottle was impulsively used to subdue her with fatal results.
The murder happened in the southern heat of Sept… I always thought police should’ve asked the public to be on lookout for acquaintances/co-workers who suddenly had scratches/bruises/bite-marks on them at the time, OR who were wearing long-sleeve shirts on 80-90 degree days (to cover such) — just as they SHOULD have also released the bag-note at the time (instead of 2 yrs. later) to see if anyone recognized the handwriting — but they did not. Missed opportunities.

Yep or on #3, someone willing to help her cover up the murder that may have already happened. and also someone she probably had to contact via text or call and would have definitely been on LE's radar if they were able to get KR's phone records.

Excellent point about the phone records, and I'll add to your other point that, if he didn't actually help with the murder, he didn't just help her cover up the murder. He covered up her involvement in it at the cost of completely implicating himself. And did so perfectly, as far as we know.

Those kind of concerns are why a scenario with KR as a killer in a spontaneous jealous rage doesn't make sense to me. There are too many unlikely events that have to take place. To break them down:

1. KR gets mad at Faith, and takes the step of killing her (yes, this in itself isn't typically how those situations play out).
2. She contacts this theoretical male who's close to her geographically and relationship-wise, using a method police don't detect.
3. He sends her away to create an alibi, and she interacts with several other people (JM and MR, at least) who don't pick up on the fact that something's terribly wrong.
4. He is intelligent enough to know he can't just clean the crime scene and remove the body, since he'll never get all the blood. But he's still very savvy, getting up all forensic evidence implicating KR and leaving his own, performing several actions I don't care to dwell on and setting himself up to take the fall if he's ever caught.
5. He somehow communicates, without detection, to KR about how she'll have to find the body, how she should bring a witness with her, and what she'll need to say to police about certain things ("make sure you say you left the door unlocked").
6. He leaves and never resurfaces during the investigation.

IMO, that just all seems very unlikely. People who kill impulsively panic and make mistakes, they trip themselves up, and they nearly always leave contradictory forensics when they're staging a scene. KR would have to be one cool customer who got very lucky to pull it off.

If she's actually going to be a suspect, I think it makes far more sense as a carefully planned, premeditated crime.
I can do all of those things, I think. But do you really want to give anyone and everyone edit-access to your documents / pages? I would think you might want to limit this to people you know you can trust, no? Regardless, I really like what you're doing and I would be happy to contribute in any way I can.
CAD - I see what you're saying, but Karena-as-the-killer only makes sense as an un-premeditated act of jealousy and anger. If her collaborating with a male requires it to have been premeditated and planned, I'd say that's a good reason to throw that theory out. I'd say for there to be any viability to a Karena-did-it theory, one has to show either that (i) there is another explanation for the male DNA being on the pen and note or that (ii) Karena could have received help from a male in the hour or so after the unpremeditated killing.
I can do all of those things, I think. But do you really want to give anyone and everyone edit-access to your documents / pages? I would think you might want to limit this to people you know you can trust, no? Regardless, I really like what you're doing and I would be happy to contribute in any way I can.
No I don't want everyone to have edit access. I was hoping everyone could view if they have the link, but only those whose email addresses I've authorized can edit or upload a new file. I'm just not sure if it's working that way.
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