NC NC - Faith Hedgepeth, 19, UNC student, Chapel Hill, 7 Sept 2012 #1

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I would totally agree, and I was absolutely convinced but: WHY has getting a DNA match been so difficult? They have a rape kit, they say that the DNA from the rape kit matched DNA found in the apartment. They also mentioned "tissue" and "DNA" on one of the bottles found in the bedroom (I presume either the riesling bottle or the Bacardi bottle). It seems like there is DNA, and I thought they did get a DNA sample from KR's ex. So why no match?
I don't think they have a sample from him? I'll have to go back and look.

I agree though even if he didn't consent and they couldn't get a warrant for it, you would think after 2 years they could've gotten a sample from a cig butt, gum wrapper, coffee cup, soda bottle he tossed away? It does seem incredibly weird they don't have all of the suspects' DNA by now?
I'm returning to the early morning phone calls again… here's my understanding of that sequence of events:

1) Faith & roommate have been with a group of men at Thrill including BE. They get home (back at apt.) ~3am. Then, someone (presumably Faith) sends two text messages from Faith's phone to BE at 3:40 and 3:43 essentially encouraging him to come over because KR "needs" him.

2) Then at 3:44, 3:52, 3:55, and 4:14 KR makes 4 brief (under 40 secs.) calls -- at least one press report implies these were all to BE… I'm not sure if that's their interpretation or that's a fact from the police (it seems possible that the last call might've gone to one of the housemates who were going to pick her up shortly, but maybe not -- although at 4:15 a call from one of those housemates comes into presumably KR's phone, before she is picked up).

3) then at 4:16 a text message, implied to be from BE, arrives on Faith's phone asking "Who is this?"
What does that mean… is he confused by the 2 text messages from Faith preceding 4 ph. calls from KE… is he skeptical that the texts coming from Faith's phone really are from Faith (does he think someone is trying to mess with him, or what?).

4) Anyway, less than 15 mins. later someone (JM) is picking up KE to take her to the Longview St. house -- why the sudden departure; is she leaving because she knows that BE is on the way over (and he's angry?), or some other reason?

And how shortly after 4:30 did Faith's assault occur?

The police must have a lot of these answers, but without access to the autopsy and the interviews conducted we don't.
(my own view, for now, is that the perp is one of the men that saw, or was with, Faith at the Thrill that night; but that's at least 4-5 suspects, and I don't think it includes the ex-bf (ETJ) that so much of the early suspicion/evidence pointed to -- one thing I am slightly curious about though is whether his apt. in the same complex, gave him a direct view of Faith's apt., such that he could see the comings-and-goings of people whenever he wished?)
LE is being vague, IMO, about who gave DNA samples and who didn't. Those warrants made my eyes glaze over trying to infer identities with all the redactions. If someone has figured it out, please share!

If someone is holding out on providing DNA (can they, legally?), maybe they are highly cautious (paranoid, even) about leaving any DNA laying around, knowing that it's wanted by LE.

But LE said they got it from semen and other areas around the apt. I thought they were insinuating it was found in many places like a frequent visitor/prior resident might leave it. But maybe I was trying too hard to read between the lines. If I inferred correctly, though, BE and TJ would be the ones who had hung out there a lot. And I don't think T's prior arrests have been for any violent incidents, so his probably isn't on file. I don't know if BE has any arrests in his past.
Roommate had a thing (probably rebound, after my main suspect) with BE and liked him more than he liked her. He liked the booty call. She is a little clingy and needy, he takes advantage of it until it bugs him. Roommate,sad and probably a little tanked after couple hours at bar where BE probably ignored her too much (and I bet he was the reason they went out that late to that bar that night),is sad and down and Faith tries to help (texting BE) from 3 to 430 while roomie gets needier and drunk dials BE leaving increasingly desperate messages that she is up for another booty call. He doesnt answer, I have no doubt. So she gets angry, decides to "show him" she can get another guy and gets a ride to another guy who is a "sure thing"..thinking this will make her feel better about herself (never does) and make BE mad. I hope this isn't offensive to anyone but it is honestly fairly standard operating procedure at any college these days. [emoji20]

I think you're probably right about this.
I'm returning to the early morning phone calls again… here's my understanding of that sequence of events:

1) Faith & roommate have been with a group of men at Thrill including BE. They get home (back at apt.) ~3am. Then, someone (presumably Faith) sends two text messages from Faith's phone to BE at 3:40 and 3:43 essentially encouraging him to come over because KR "needs" him.

2) Then at 3:44, 3:52, 3:55, and 4:14 KR makes 4 brief (under 40 secs.) calls -- at least one press report implies these were all to BE… I'm not sure if that's their interpretation or that's a fact from the police (it seems possible that the last call might've gone to one of the housemates who were going to pick her up shortly, but maybe not -- although at 4:15 a call from one of those housemates comes into presumably KR's phone, before she is picked up).

3) then at 4:16 a text message, implied to be from BE, arrives on Faith's phone asking "Who is this?"
What does that mean… is he confused by the 2 text messages from Faith preceding 4 ph. calls from KE… is he skeptical that the texts coming from Faith's phone really are from Faith (does he think someone is trying to mess with him, or what?).

4) Anyway, less than 15 mins. later someone (JM) is picking up KE to take her to the Longview St. house -- why the sudden departure; is she leaving because she knows that BE is on the way over (and he's angry?), or some other reason?

And how shortly after 4:30 did Faith's assault occur?

The police must have a lot of these answers, but without access to the autopsy and the interviews conducted we don't.
(my own view, for now, is that the perp is one of the men that saw, or was with, Faith at the Thrill that night; but that's at least 4-5 suspects, and I don't think it includes the ex-bf (ETJ) that so much of the early suspicion/evidence pointed to -- one thing I am slightly curious about though is whether his apt. in the same complex, gave him a direct view of Faith's apt., such that he could see the comings-and-goings of people whenever he wished?)
The "who is this" is because he doesn't recognize the number and/or being a normal college boy blowing her off. Pretty standard question...if my girls don't have your name attached to your number, they are going to ask the same thing---did it to me before when I texted from my Google Voice number once (had never done before so not under "mom")! Also a (excuse the language and may get snipped) college douchebag way to blow off a girl and kill her confidence, per my girls.

All calls were to BE per warrants and I can't express how absolutely certain I am they were drunk dials from KR and then she took the next guy down the list thus leaving at guess is his roommate was at the complex because hooking up with a girl/gf so she knew she could get a ride.

Honestly, my scenario with drunk dials and booty calls may be distasteful, but I would bet a LOT of money on it based on what I hear from my kids...and living next town over from a big state university. The conversations at Dunkin Donut's on Saturday mornings would scare you. Older people are nonexistent so they don't even notice I'm standing there with my mouth gaping open. These are not bad kids, they are normal kids but normal these days involves Tinder hookups, the Walk of Shame and lots of drunk dialing and texting.

I'm not passing judgment on any of them (except BE who seems a real user and, of course, the perp), I'm just explaining the reality of college life these days.

Also, the wine and rum bottle could have been from days or weeks prior...nothing stating it was from that night and while adults would toss the next day, most kids, even clean ones, might not. My elder uses some nice looking bottles for vases (washes out), so for all we know, Faith was too.

I don't get the sense Faith was drunk, BTW.

Finally I can't get through that much speculation and so much seems off off base to me. I guess I'll keep trying...

I'm spending more time with the warrants because I noticed in almost all there is at least one place where they failed to redact a name or names. Maybe proofreading isn't in the budget....which is good for sleuthing.
LE is being vague, IMO, about who gave DNA samples and who didn't. Those warrants made my eyes glaze over trying to infer identities with all the redactions. If someone has figured it out, please share!

If someone is holding out on providing DNA (can they, legally?), maybe they are highly cautious (paranoid, even) about leaving any DNA laying around, knowing that it's wanted by LE.

But LE said they got it from semen and other areas around the apt. I thought they were insinuating it was found in many places like a frequent visitor/prior resident might leave it. But maybe I was trying too hard to read between the lines. If I inferred correctly, though, BE and TJ would be the ones who had hung out there a lot. And I don't think T's prior arrests have been for any violent incidents, so his probably isn't on file. I don't know if BE has any arrests in his past.
Yes, they can re DNA. You can give it voluntarily but if you don't, it's like anything else, LE needs a search warrant which means probable cause must exist.

I wondered that too, since the suspect knows they have his DNA he could be fastidious and paranoid about discarding anything. He'd be dumb not to be...but then again he was dumb enough (more likely angry enough) to leave it in the first place in this day and age.
Yes, they can re DNA. You can give it voluntarily but if you don't, it's like anything else, LE needs a search warrant which means probable cause must exist.

I wondered that too, since the suspect knows they have his DNA he could be fastidious and paranoid about discarding anything. He'd be dumb not to be...but then again he was dumb enough (more likely angry enough) to leave it in the first place in this day and age.

They were able to show probable cause to compel at least two other suspects to give DNA samples, so I wonder if they weren't able to get a warrant for the ex, why not? I'll have to re-read the new documents. I thought they did get a sample.

FWIW, in addition to the many places where names were accidentally not redacted in the second release, it's pretty easy to tell names because although much was redacted in the first set, names weren't redacted. In the second set, names were redacted but other information wasn't. It's pretty easy to match them up. I also have found it interesting to compare what was redacted from the first set and the second, since LE was saying that important evidence was redacted. The note is obviously a huge piece of evidence that was not released. In addition to that, I gather from the inventory of items taken from the bedroom in FH's apartment that LE thought there was significance to the two bottles from the kitchen that were found in the bedroom (I can't help but wonder if one was a murder weapon since human tissue was found on it), and her cell phone.

FH's blood alcohol level was only .02 when they did the tox screen, ChinaCat. She also was driving that evening, so I would bet that you are right and that she drank only moderately.
Someone upstream recommended reading which I've just done and RECOMMEND to others -- it's full of speculation, but ALSO NEW details not available in the released docs. I don't agree with some of Gaspo's speculation about the bag note, but IF he's received correct info that police have never analyzed nor compared the handwriting, that would be just mindblowingly unbelievable -- if true, heads should roll at CHPD, which hasn't demonstrated a lot of competency ever since management changes that occurred some yrs. ago (could also be due to poor, limited funding).
Like myself, Gaspo is not 100% certain (though it seems probable) that the DNA (semen) was left by the killer -- the autopsy (that I haven't seen) must have more details, but all I've seen is that semen was left ON Faith, which opens a door (admittedly somewhat convolutedly) to a lot of scenarios that could be made to fit all the other details of the scene we have available.
Anyway, a lot to chew on from Gaspo.

Besides the very latest post by Gaspo [] at least these two others should be read (and there are earlier ones):
They were able to show probable cause to compel at least two other suspects to give DNA samples, so I wonder if they weren't able to get a warrant for the ex, why not? I'll have to re-read the new documents. I thought they did get a sample.

FWIW, in addition to the many places where names were accidentally not redacted in the second release, it's pretty easy to tell names because although much was redacted in the first set, names weren't redacted. In the second set, names were redacted but other information wasn't. It's pretty easy to match them up. I also have found it interesting to compare what was redacted from the first set and the second, since LE was saying that important evidence was redacted. The note is obviously a huge piece of evidence that was not released. In addition to that, I gather from the inventory of items taken from the bedroom in FH's apartment that LE thought there was significance to the two bottles from the kitchen that were found in the bedroom (I can't help but wonder if one was a murder weapon since human tissue was found on it), and her cell phone.

FH's blood alcohol level was only .02 when they did the tox screen, ChinaCat. She also was driving that evening, so I would bet that you are right and that she drank only moderately.

Oooooo...where can I find the first set that aren't redacted? Also, I agree with you, if they could get warrant for those two guys, why not the others? All I can come up with it the others lawyered up and managed to quash the warrant? If anything, though, the ex seems to be the most likely to be easy probable cause with his tweets, RO, behavior that next day etc. So it is weird to me too.

Ugh, I can think of two ways "tissue" could have gotten on the bottle(s) and neither is good.

Great info, thanks!
They were able to show probable cause to compel at least two other suspects to give DNA samples, so I wonder if they weren't able to get a warrant for the ex, why not? I'll have to re-read the new documents. I thought they did get a sample.

FWIW, in addition to the many places where names were accidentally not redacted in the second release, it's pretty easy to tell names because although much was redacted in the first set, names weren't redacted. In the second set, names were redacted but other information wasn't. It's pretty easy to match them up. I also have found it interesting to compare what was redacted from the first set and the second, since LE was saying that important evidence was redacted. The note is obviously a huge piece of evidence that was not released. In addition to that, I gather from the inventory of items taken from the bedroom in FH's apartment that LE thought there was significance to the two bottles from the kitchen that were found in the bedroom (I can't help but wonder if one was a murder weapon since human tissue was found on it), and her cell phone.

FH's blood alcohol level was only .02 when they did the tox screen, ChinaCat. She also was driving that evening, so I would bet that you are right and that she drank only moderately.

Ok, haven't seen the first, less redacted, set of released docs, but have gone through the documents on WRAL's documentcloud and here's what I gather:

Players: 1. FH 2. KR 3. 4 law school friends who left The Thrill with FH & KR 4.BE who is "just friends" with KR 5.Ex of KR (name?) 6. JM & JB, whose place KR went to at 4:30

Locations searched per warrants released: 1. KR apt #1502 and 2. EX (?) apt #904 (interestingly, it sounds like the name of JM or JB came up in the cell phone dump as somehow being related to this apartment. If he was there that night getting a call from KR at 4:15 to take her for a booty call, then Ex surely knew about it all, because he was there--it was his apartment?!?!!!)

Vehicles searched per warrants released: 1. FH; 2. the white Honda of BE, 3. the black Jeep of Ex

Things taken in searches: Clothing from all apts, electronic devices (laptops and phones), swabs from backseat of Honda, swabs from #1502, wine bottle, rum bottle (it doesn't note in warrant where those bottles were located--could have been anywhere in apartment?)

Facebook warrants: 1.KR 2.FH 3.Ex

DNA warrants: Based on the probable cause "story" we can deduce the targets: 1. Law school dude she walked out of bar with but he later agreed voluntarily (so we can rule him out, right?) 2. JM (or JB?) who drove KR to their place at 4:30. Seems to have been taken so we can rule him/them out too seemingly.

NOTE: 3rd request/order are missing probable cause pages, thus story, and seem to state those are still sealed, but the person who it was being requested of lives in that BE or Ex or who?

Per the Order to Unseal Dtd 9/5/14 a few interesting tidbits:

1. Autopsy report should be unsealed except for photos...has anyone seen that? It may have to be requested from Coroner?

2. There were THREE "nontestimonial ID orders" (ie DNA) and all three were, we know 2 of the three but the third isn't clear and does that mean we also know that no other DNA had to be ordered to be collected (which isn't the same as no more was collected--maybe others volunteered it?)

3. IMPTLY, some things are still under seal until 10/1/14! So there are documents that have not been unsealed and released yet. Why do that? What is the point of the 2 week gap/delay? Interesting.

I read the "gaspo" posts linked above, including the 911 call. I'm still not sure about him--what are his credentials? Why should I believe him on anything? Nothing personal to him, but if I believed every blogger out there, I'd be insane. There is nothing in his "about me" section and he seems more informal than professional, IMOO. Can someone direct me to his background or a reason I should listen to his opinions? He does have some good facts and documents though!!

In his 911 transcription, he has KR stating "she's in my bedroom". (This makes sense to me--if she was letting Faith crash there, she probably would not have a 2 bedroom apartment but a one bedroom and a living room couch (which BE slept on the night before? riiiiiigggghhhhtt). I bet FH slept on the couch. What college kid would rent a 2 bedroom without a roommate--way too expensive.) So again, clarifies to me that the note and the scene were meant for KR to find and directed at her.

All in all my biggest question is: Why no request/order for the DNA of Ex? Did he give it voluntarily? Skigirl, were you able to find out anything on this tidbit?

I guess I now mark my calendar for 10/1/14......
NOTE: 3rd request/order are missing probable cause pages, thus story, and seem to state those are still sealed, but the person who it was being requested of lives in that BE or Ex or who?

None of them, it's a different guy. I think the guy from Greensboro is someone that had been texting Faith in days prior.
None of them, it's a different guy. I think the guy from Greensboro is someone that had been texting Faith in days prior.

the Greensboro fellow is RLJ -- I agree he may be the one texting Faith in prior days - am wondering if he was also in the group at the Thrill that night (I already have a list of five I think were there, but could be wrong about one of them, and he could be a replacement).
Chinacat above asks about Gaspo's credentials -- he's a long-time journalist in the local area, often covering crime and doing private investigative work -- i.e., he has contacts within LE and on the street... his speculations might not be better than anyone else's, but he does have access to info the public doesn't get, so I think his stuff ought be taken quite seriously.
I read the "gaspo" posts linked above, including the 911 call. I'm still not sure about him--what are his credentials? Why should I believe him on anything? Nothing personal to him, but if I believed every blogger out there, I'd be insane. There is nothing in his "about me" section and he seems more informal than professional, IMOO. Can someone direct me to his background or a reason I should listen to his opinions? He does have some good facts and documents though!!

In his 911 transcription, he has KR stating "she's in my bedroom". (This makes sense to me--if she was letting Faith crash there, she probably would not have a 2 bedroom apartment but a one bedroom and a living room couch (which BE slept on the night before? riiiiiigggghhhhtt). I bet FH slept on the couch. What college kid would rent a 2 bedroom without a roommate--way too expensive.) So again, clarifies to me that the note and the scene were meant for KR to find and directed at her.

All in all my biggest question is: Why no request/order for the DNA of Ex? Did he give it voluntarily? Skigirl, were you able to find out anything on this tidbit?

I guess I now mark my calendar for 10/1/14......

"Gaspo" is a journalist. I agree that his writing style is pretty unpolished for a someone who makes a living in journalism. He worked at the Durham Herald-Sun and years ago was a broadcast reporter in the Twin Cities in Minnesota and in Houston. He's been interviewed on CNN (about Michael Peterson, who at one point had a column at the Durham Herald-Sun before turning his attention to running for mayor, pursuing male prostitutes, and allegedly throwing his wife down the stairs). In any case, he is more than a random blogger. I do believe he has been in the Triangle long enough to have cultivated some sources that your average Joe wouldn't have and he knows how to get more information than your average blogger. Did anyone else notice that he had snippets of search warrants in screen-shots that were missing redactions that were present in what was released to the public?

I am positive that KR had a one-bedroom apartment because it's been described a one-bedroom in many articles. I have also read that it was a temporary situation and that FH planned to move into a different apartment once her financial aid came through. KR's ex shared the apartment with her before they broke up and FH moved in. He then moved into another unit in the same complex (the one mentioned in the search warrants).

Good catch about 10/1/14! Very interesting.

I am also curious about which one of the witnesses was in Greensboro. I need to cross reference the first search warrant release.
Oooooo...where can I find the first set that aren't redacted? Also, I agree with you, if they could get warrant for those two guys, why not the others? All I can come up with it the others lawyered up and managed to quash the warrant? If anything, though, the ex seems to be the most likely to be easy probable cause with his tweets, RO, behavior that next day etc. So it is weird to me too.

Ugh, I can think of two ways "tissue" could have gotten on the bottle(s) and neither is good.

Great info, thanks!

I'll find the links to both the old and new; I haven't been as organized as I usually am. I only started really paying attention to this case recently because it seemed so futile before this latest news that they actually have some decent evidence.
I'll find the links to both the old and new; I haven't been as organized as I usually am. I only started really paying attention to this case recently because it seemed so futile before this latest news that they actually have some decent evidence.
Me too....
the Greensboro fellow is RLJ -- I agree he may be the one texting Faith in prior days - am wondering if he was also in the group at the Thrill that night (I already have a list of five I think were there, but could be wrong about one of them, and he could be a replacement).
Chinacat above asks about Gaspo's credentials -- he's a long-time journalist in the local area, often covering crime and doing private investigative work -- i.e., he has contacts within LE and on the street... his speculations might not be better than anyone else's, but he does have access to info the public doesn't get, so I think his stuff ought be taken quite seriously.
Thank you! I'll definitely give him more credence now!
Below is a link to one of the earlier warrant releases. They have been incredibly hard to (re)find. A lot of the warrants that were released this month are not present. What is clear is that ETJ's apartment number is #904 and the Jeep that was searched belongs to him. Also, it appears that the car that BE was driving (belonging to RE, who I presume is his father) was searched for murder weapons, DNA and other evidence. I wish there was more in the below file.

One thing that you can see, that I thought was telling and interesting, is what was originally redacted in the list of items seized from FH and KR's apartment. Most notably, FH's cell phone, and the two bottles that were found in the bedroom. I would guess that those were some of the items that KR noticed when she told the 911 operator that items were in the bedroom that weren't there before. I agree with "gaspo" though, that it IS pretty interesting that she just says "things" were in there, and not, "there's a note next to her body!!!!!!" I have to wonder how complete the transcript is and why the note didn't jump out at KR as something remarkable. Maybe it's really small?
ETJ has been arrested, for speeding (in 2013) and drug paraphenelia (in 2012): (December, 2013 in Charlotte) (April, 2012 at East Gate Shopping Mall, Chapel Hill)

Oh, and he also was listed as incarcerated in Durham County on 5/4/2014:
"Fail to Stop Steady Red Light and Possession of Marijuana up to r OZ"
Below is a link to one of the earlier warrant releases. They have been incredibly hard to (re)find. A lot of the warrants that were released this month are not present. What is clear is that ETJ's apartment number is #904 and the Jeep that was searched belongs to him. Also, it appears that the car that BE was driving (belonging to RE, who I presume is his father) was searched for murder weapons, DNA and other evidence. I wish there was more in the below file.

One thing that you can see, that I thought was telling and interesting, is what was originally redacted in the list of items seized from FH and KR's apartment. Most notably, FE's cell phone, and the two bottles that were found in the bedroom. I would guess that those were some of the items that KR noticed when she told the 911 operator that items were in the bedroom that weren't there before. I agree with "gaspo" though, that it IS pretty interesting that she just says "things" were in there, and not, "there's a note next to her body!!!!!!" I have to wonder how complete the transcript is and why the note didn't jump out at KR as something remarkable. Maybe it's really small?
WOWSA!! when were those released?by mistake?

Agreed that the bottles being redacted is super interesting and I find it also weird they redact the "death scene" but not names of people who may not have anything to do with it in the end? The former bleeding heart liberal attorney that lives in some corner of my now jaded and cynical heart is aghast! (Even though I think the named party is good for it. IMVHOO)

It also does clarify that Ex KNEW KR was going over to some other guys place at 430 because she called somebody for a ride who was somehow associated with Ex apt ... Or at least was at 415 that morning.

I still am just gobsmacked that they didn't seem to get an order for Ex's DNA?!?!?! No wonder they thought it was a slam still seems like a slam dunk?!?!
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