Found Deceased NC - Hania Noelia Aguilar, 13, abducted and murdered, Lumberton, 5 Nov 2018 #4 *Arrest*

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I’m glad he’s off the streets. He’s a danger to everyone. He shouldn’t have been let out of jail to begin with. This is where the system fails. Quit arresting people for selling pot or smoking it. Then we’d have more room for the violent offenders. Hania was killed for no reason. If he never got out in the first place, she would still be with us. Our system needs changed.
I wish they had filed the charges after the funeral.
I'm glad they got him, I'm glad he was already in custody.
I just wish they'd waited another day.
I don't feel like Hania's family needed to see "rape" and "sodomy" the day of her funeral.
Oh no, where did you see that? I have not seen particulars posted. I agree. I know her mother is imagining all sorts of things anyway.
Perhaps he thought LE was as dumb as him! JMO
I don’t think he’s necessarily dumb at all, he just really doesn’t care. Something that most of us can’t really wrap our heads around is that “Life in Prison” and even “Death Penalty” have no deterant factor at all unless they threaten to take something you value. Looking at his life and trying to imagine the world as he sees it - what’s the difference?
Maybe by turning himself in for lesser crime he was hoping to avoid being found out for bigger crime (kidnapping, rape and murder).
Who knows what his motivation was,but I won't give him much credit for turning himself in.
I think he turned himself in to avoid being torn limb from limb by people in the community who would recognize him on the surveillance video.
With his criminal record I am afraid they will go for Competency. He began when he was twenty years old and all have been violent.
I think someone knew what he had done and he was scared to be on the streets. Jail was a hide out for him.
Do we know anything about his upbringing?

I do believe he thought he was safer in the confines of jail than out on the streets fearing someone may recognize him.

In some cases when a group of people recognized someone on the streets who they believed had committed horrible crimes they have beaten the suspect to a pulp before police could arrive.

Imo this was nothing about him doing the right thing. It was totally for his own self protection.

That's the thing about these kind of monsters. They dont care one bit about gravely harming or even murdering victims but they sure as hell want to protect themselves from being hurt.

Criminals like him are really cowards and that is why they target victims much smaller than them who have less strength to fight back.

This does not make sense. Why turn yourself in for a crime in which nobody was hurt when you know you committed a much heinous crime and risk being held?

Perhaps for distraction and deception? He might not have had any choice but to turn himself in for the first crime. He probably thought he could claim he was "coming clean" about his first, lessor crime-- "see, look I'm being honest... I don't know nothing about that 13 year old girl," and maybe they wouldn't look at him for Hania. IDK, who can understand the minds of career criminals such as him? JMO.
Oh no, where did you see that? I have not seen particulars posted. I agree. I know her mother is imagining all sorts of things anyway.

I'm not seeing sodomy, but here is the list of 10 felonies MM is charged with in the death and kidnapping of Hania:
This does not make sense. Why turn yourself in for a crime in which nobody was hurt when you know you committed a much heinous crime and risk being held?

I believe he did it to protect himself from people who may attack him after seeing him in the surveillance video. That is the only thing that makes sense to me. He is a totally selfish so and so and was trying to protect himself.
unfortunately people who spend a lot of time in jail/prison can't survive in the outside world. my ex's uncle is like that. he got out of prison in January after serving a long sentence and in March, he went back and he's still there. he's institutionalized. Perhaps that's how MM is. And what's worse is he has VIOLENT crimes. He's obviously got issues with females.. and it makes me sick.

I don't like to ever wish harm on someone.. but.. well, I won't get myself in time out, so use your imagination on that one to finish what I was gonna say.
I don’t think he’s necessarily dumb at all, he just really doesn’t care. Something that most of us can’t really wrap our heads around is that “Life in Prison” and even “Death Penalty” have no deterant factor at all unless they threaten to take something you value. Looking at his life and trying to imagine the world as he sees it - what’s the difference?

MM grew up in an area where opportunity has diminshed- textile Jobs moved overseas, plants closed, and the tobaccco market evaporated, etc. He obviously did not value education as his FB page indicated he graduated from Fairmount HS, and the town and HS are spelled Fairmont.

He's probably been scrapping all his life.
Not excusing his behavior, just trying to explain the hardscrabble life in those parts.

I believe in the death penalty.

I also thought about whether he could be responsible for sara graham but someone on fb suggested he was incarcerated when she went missing

It would be great to verify this (MM being incarcerated on the date Sara went missing missing); again Sara’s stepmother has been named a POI/suspect, but I’m not sure what’s going on with that though?
I'm not seeing sodomy, but here is the list of 10 felonies MM is charged with in the death and kidnapping of Hania:
Thanks. I had seen this, but "sodomy' is what I had not seen either. It's all so horrible. All that evil in one person...rape, theft, assault, paedophilia, and murder. I don't think/ hope, he will ever live long enough for a trial.
I don't understand why he turned himself in, why didn't he just disappear? I'm wondering how "with it" this guy is.
It was discussed many times here that gangs were somehow involved in her disappearance. I am not seeing that in MSM. Was this a gang related crime????
Agree no money. No where to go. But money spent for all those tattoos and grilles? And posed in a trailer park leaning on an old caddy. hopefully he's found his lifelong home now where I'll be paying part of his rent and upkeep!!

And i appreciate Stunned line - "Your past explains you. It doesn’t excuse you."
From the NC DPS Offender site
2004 Assault on Child
2005 AWDWWITKISI and Burglary 1st Degree
2017 Felony B&E and Larceny of Motor Vehicle

RELEASED on June 6, 2018 and 5 months later current charges from October and now Hania's.

“Larceny of a Motor Vehicle. ... Motor vehicle thefts are prosecuted under the general larceny statute, G.S. 14-72, meaning that such a theft is generally a misdemeanor when the vehicle is worth less than $1000, and is a felony when the vehicle is worth more than $1000”

Larceny of a Motor Vehicle

—that’s weird imo, that it’s a misdemeanor vs felony based on the value of a vehicle. Stealing a car is stealing a car, moo.

ETA / From the same article above:

“Update: a thoughtful reader pointed out that G.S. 20-106 also covers possession of a stolen vehicle, and it’s a felony regardless of value, meaning that a person who steals a car worth less than $1000 can virtually always be charged with a felony offense, even if not felony larceny.“

Is there any wonder why the crime rate in Lumberton is so high?!

In 2007, McLellan was sentenced to between 10 and 12 years in prison on charges, filed by the Fairmont Police Department, of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury and first-degree burglary. Charges of attempted second-degree murder and assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury were dismissed by the district attorney, records show.

In 2000, he was convicted of misdemeanor assault on a child and sentenced to probation. He was convicted in 2005 of the same charge and placed on probation.

McLellan was charged by Fairmont police in October 2004 with attempted second-degree sex offense, but the charge was dismissed by the Robeson County district attorney in March 2005, records show.

The reasons for the dismissals were not given.
Man accused of killing Hania Aguilar was on parole at time of her death

Here’s another thing about these prior incidents, and I’m learning about this as we speak that trying to possibly identify a suspect based on prior history can be useless for exactly this reason. What good is looking for someone with such charges as far as profile/MO goes when they’re not even in the system. Hope this makes sense.

Having major tech issues right now so having trouble posting and making it brief.

ETA: He was on parole. So does that make all these cases searchable or not?


Attacked a woman in Fairmont.


They're searchable: NC DPS Offender Public Information

No movement in Sara's case. :(

So could one search this database by crime specifically? Making a note to check (if so, this is where I should have been looking to begin with duh—making note for future cases to check state DPS Offender sites).

NC DPS Offender Public Information
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I want to know where and with whom did this guy stay with while in Lumberton. Where did he come from on the night of the abduction? Somebody knew something about a child's murder and said nothing.
Here's a link to the three videos which were released by the FBI. This article also notes the FBI "said the man, wearing light-colored shoes, a light-colored shirt, and a hoodie, was walking south on Lambert Street, then turned north on North Carolina Highway 41/Elizabethtown Highway toward the mobile home park."
This shows his route:
View attachment 158188
The first video appears to be show him walking along Lamberth. He passes some Budget trucks -- the Budget place is right on the corner of Lamberth and Elizabethtown Highway.
View attachment 158189
I can't figure out where the second video is -- I think it's from the viewpoint of the house at 2603 E. Elizabethtown Hwy, but I'm not positive.
The last video is looking across the street to 3090 E. Elizabethtown Hwy.
View attachment 158190

So, here's an overview:
View attachment 158191

Lastly, do we know where Hania's trailer was in the park?
View attachment 158193

This all makes me think that he knew exactly where he was going, IMO.

I posted this a few days ago. His path took him down a side street (Lamberth) and then onto 41. I think he walked a mile or so down 41 to get to her trailer park. He passed a couple of other trailer parks, stores, and houses. there isnt too much of anything further beyond her trailer park. It's rural (check the route using street view on Google maps, especially of Lamberth. I wonder where he started in relation to that street.) All will come out eventually.
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