Found Deceased NC - Hania Noelia Aguilar, 13, abducted, Lumberton, 5 Nov 2018 #2

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There is a reason that man was walking thru town at that morning hour. He stands out, being alone, no other walkers that we know of. Was he recently off a work shift? Was he heading to work? Was there a bus stop nearby that he had just gotten off of? Had someone dropped him off on their way to somewhere else? Does surveillance show him walking there other days at similar morning hours?

Just to clarify - the area she went missing from is not part of downtown. It’s more of a neighborhood on the outskirts of town. Not an area where people are typically walking around. There are no bus stops. No public transportation. The direction he was walking on Elizabethtown Road he would pass a Walmart Neighborhood Market that I think is open 24 hours. There is also a gas station that might open at 6:00 am. Other than that, not much else open at that hour.

I need to study the videos of him walking to see if I can determine where they were taken. One of them might be from the Walmart I mentioned.

Great question about if surveillance shows him walking there on other days.
From what I know, Lumberton doesn't have public bus transport besides a more national chain like Greyhound. Lumberton is known for crime and has quite a bit of poverty, especially after Hurricane Matthew wiped out a lot of areas with flooding, as well as Hurricane Florence. I live about 1.5 hours north of it so I've driven through the area at times and have seen some not so great areas.

That is just my two cents about the area itself. I hope that this girl can be found, safe and sound and her family gets the support that they need.

Jumping off this, could he be new to the area after his own home was damaged? Meaning, I remember after Katrina many NO locals were relocated to other areas like Texas, etc.
Just to clarify - the area she went missing from is not part of downtown. It’s more of a neighborhood on the outskirts of town. Not an area where people are typically walking around. There are no bus stops. No public transportation. The direction he was walking on Elizabethtown Road he would pass a Walmart Neighborhood Market that I think is open 24 hours. There is also a gas station that might open at 6:00 am. Other than that, not much else open at that hour.

I need to study the videos of him walking to see if I can determine where they were taken. One of them might be from the Walmart I mentioned.

Great question about if surveillance shows him walking there on other days.
Isn't there a Greyhound bus station in Lumberton?
Otherwise he must be a local imo which I pretty much think anyway.
Good recap article of everything we know so far and the video of the man walking:

Read more: Lumberton kidnapping of Hania Aguilar: What we know

“Hania Noelia Aguilar, an eighth grade student at Lumberton Junior High School, was abducted at 6:58 a.m. Monday at Rosewood Mobile Home while she waited in her yard for the rest of her family to come outside and drive to school.“

The more I think about this, this is so classic random child abduction (despite the car jacking aspect)- abducting a girl before school and/or in the yard. We’ve seen this so many times. I specifically remember an abductor talking about a little girl he abducted—he said “I was driving by and there she was”.

I think he walked away from the vehicle. Wherever he vanished to, he knew how to get there on foot.

Otherwise, this crime was really, truly planned with precise timing to nab her exactly when she started the car and he had a second vehicle ready in the hiding spot several miles away. Even with that tight of a plan, he would still be relying on no one being with Hania when she was in the yard and nobody stopping him as he drove. I just don't see a planned attack in this case. I think he jumped at the opportunity when it was presented, though it possible he had his eye on her.

I'm still curious where he walked FROM to get to Hania's place. It couldn't have been too far, unless he left well before dawn. It was just starting to get light.

jmopinion at the moment, subject to change

I agree.
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I think I found the trail that the perp may have come into the park and its not down Hornets road. I think he walked past Hornets road and took the first left shortly after that on that winding road.

I see the shortcut trail that goes to the park and is a shortcut to Dollar General or Food Lion. If you follow that winding road right past Hornets road and where it does a U-turn back towards the Trailer Park and look real close then you can see a foot trail that goes right into the Trailer Park.
Its right at that last bend before it hits the dead end of the road.

He could have went that way and stayed hidden from most all cars and other people. Also their house was speculated to be only the next block over heading that way.

Hope this is clear enough to describe what I am seeing.
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Here’s another thing I’m going to throw out the FTR—not saying this is the case at all, but considering the clear gang problems there and the gang-ish MO of the POI imo, there is the possibility of a gang initiation, and maybe even the slight possibility of trafficking. Again, these are not my leading theories, but still bringing them to the table.

We do know that trafficking victims are not usually approached like this, but really who knows what nutjobs might do these days.
You think that’s creepy? I did not even post my reaction to the second half of that quote if you really want a shiver.

I went out scouting in the neighborhood after Jessica was found when her killer was still at large. Everyone was locked up inside scared as they should have been. Anyway, ARS was the ONLY one the street walking. He was the only one! What ever the quote was above, I thought of that same thing immediately because I always say about ARS that “he was the only one out there walking!” But as I’ve told you guys before, I looked at him then and said, “nah, too young”).

You guys have heard that story a million times and I don’t want to get off topic so didn’t comment the first time. But since you said that.

Quote for reference.

Ps: this is exaaactly why I stuck around. To be here right now having this exact conversation with you guys. Taking what we’ve learned to try to help with the “next one”.

We have to learn from the last ones. Look at all we have learned together Again, I’m confident Hania will be brought home one way or another. And this says a lot considering I’m reaaaallly frustrated about BG and Jayme as we all are! COLD AS ICE—please let something break there too (and other cases like Lizzie and Lyric, etc etc etc..the list goes on and on). Anyway, point is time is still of essence before this goes cold.

Yes, Pommy did he stop for smokes. Or booze earlier in the night. Or maybe blunt papers, soda, candy bar.

I think chances are strong he was in the area for drugs, moo.

I have not heard your story before, even though I followed Jessica’s case. I am sorry, now I know why you posted that you suffered PTSD because of her case.
I think Kayser-Roth is still in Lumberton, I know Jockey shut down all of their plants in the US and everything is made in India or China now.
A lot of the hog and poultry plants were flooded by the hurricane and probably affected jobs in that area too.

(I hate how these meat processing plants have come up as potentials in so many cases.)
Maybe he pulled an MJK and tossed her off the bridge like he did Kathlynn (after assaulting her at the hog farm).

I had asked about a bridge, sorry if I missed it. Is there one that goes over the Lumber River? Tia.

Also how has the weather been since Hania was taken (weather underground etc will have history, making note to review).
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I'm still lost on WHY it took SO LONG for them to release face shots of Hania that were clear and recent. I mean not doing so from day one could potentially jeprodize someone not calling authorities because they are not 100% sure its her.

Sorry about posting the video. As I said I do not monetize my videos. I just try and get all the facts and put them into a quality video to help spread awareness. My channel is strictly for the missing and I do not make a penny. I was just trying to spread awareness anywhere I could. I have taken your advice and contacted Tirica via email and am awaiting a response. I work 60 hours a week at my day job and then try and push out a video when I can when I see cases like these are critical in getting the story out about a missing person. Sorry I wasn't trying to advertise my channel just the story.
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