GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #10

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When MM moved to Ireland, she was just emerging from...or still in...a very fragile mental state. And yet, TM never visited her for four years. It is just impossible for me to reconcile a man with an unstable daughter who travels overseas...never once visiting her when he has the financial resources to do so.

He also stated on the stand that he knew of no DV. He said "M's marriage was M's marriage." He wasnt going to interfere.

I just can't reconcile the detached Father with the laissez-faire attitude...with the man with the bat, willing to die for his daughter. Or willing to take the rap for her.

Even SM was blaming MM not her husband "M hit him and he fell down."

Why not tell the truth, let her plead temporary insanity,and get the help she needs. Maybe she'd get four years. We know it was no problem for TM to go without seeing her for that length of time.

What is their motivation?

I truly believe that they thought they could just get away with it, that they could give their story and local law enforcement would just say, grand Mr FBI, toddle on, self defence. In the ABC interview, they are citing a video where some police officer says to MM "it looks like self defence", they are clinging to this that the cops believed them but invented a story to convict. Deluded. As if a story convicted them, it was hard evidence that did it.

But also, if they admitted that MM went psycho that night and ran with guilt by reason of insanity, they would be admitting that all they have done over their lives was covering for her. It would have been their best course of action but that did not run in their phyche, they created a scenario and all they have shown since is contempt for all others, it has shown them up for much much worse than just covering for their daughter during her life. Their motivation was self preservation and the preservation of their standing in their own community & among friends. TM is arrogance personified, that he is willing to destroy another mans name & reputation just to protect his social standing.

Would or could she have only got four years? Four years for pulverising someone to death like she did JC. There is no way on earth she would have just admitted to it anyway, in her eyes she was doing the right thing, eliminating someone from her life that was upsetting her plans. TM was a fool as was his wife.
I truly believe that they thought they could just get away with it, that they could give their story and local law enforcement would just say, grand Mr FBI, toddle on, self defence. In the ABC interview, they are citing a video where some police officer says to MM "it looks like self defence", they are clinging to this that the cops believed them but invented a story to convict. Deluded. As if a story convicted them, it was hard evidence that did it.

But also, if they admitted that MM went psycho that night and ran with guilt by reason of insanity, they would be admitting that all they have done over their lives was covering for her. It would have been their best course of action but that did not run in their phyche, they created a scenario and all they have shown since is contempt for all others, it has shown them up for much much worse than just covering for their daughter during her life. Their motivation was self preservation and the preservation of their standing in their own community & among friends. TM is arrogance personified, that he is willing to destroy another mans name & reputation just to protect his social standing.

Would or could she have only got four years? Four years for pulverising someone to death like she did JC. There is no way on earth she would have just admitted to it anyway, in her eyes she was doing the right thing, eliminating someone from her life that was upsetting her plans. TM was a fool as was his wife.

Excellent post and probably as close to the truth as we will ever know.

As for the "four years"...I was just making a sarcastic point that he'd managed to go 4 years without seeing her he wouldn't be pining
I truly believe that they thought they could just get away with it, that they could give their story and local law enforcement would just say, grand Mr FBI, toddle on, self defence. In the ABC interview, they are citing a video where some police officer says to MM "it looks like self defence", they are clinging to this that the cops believed them but invented a story to convict. Deluded. As if a story convicted them, it was hard evidence that did it.

But also, if they admitted that MM went psycho that night and ran with guilt by reason of insanity, they would be admitting that all they have done over their lives was covering for her. It would have been their best course of action but that did not run in their phyche, they created a scenario and all they have shown since is contempt for all others, it has shown them up for much much worse than just covering for their daughter during her life. Their motivation was self preservation and the preservation of their standing in their own community & among friends. TM is arrogance personified, that he is willing to destroy another mans name & reputation just to protect his social standing.

Would or could she have only got four years? Four years for pulverising someone to death like she did JC. There is no way on earth she would have just admitted to it anyway, in her eyes she was doing the right thing, eliminating someone from her life that was upsetting her plans. TM was a fool as was his wife.
Don't know about the 4 years but if they had gone with some sort of psychotic episode and MM had pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity (that's what it is in Ireland - I don't know what the equivalent charge is in the US) - she would have been committed, I presume, to some form of hospital until she was judged to be well enough not to be a danger to society. That definitely could be as little as 4 years. (Btw, not at all au fait with US law so I would welcome any corrections to the above.) TM would have been free. Would this not have been an easier scenario? All my own opinion.

Sent from my Hol-U19 using Tapatalk
How do they think they are going to get two Irish citizens out of Ireland when an American court sent them there...and another American court upheld the decison?

They are deluded but maybe they think that they can keep this up to enhance their story that the Irish family are just gold diggers. The C/L family don't want the money, they want it either returned to whoever donated or to a charity that has been chosen by the children. No court on this earth would return those children to the US.

As for the "four years"...I was just making a sarcastic point that he'd managed to go 4 years without seeing her he wouldn't be pining

Ha ha, I didn't get your sarcasm in that, I thought 4 year, like you what!?!?
I truly believe that they thought they could just get away with it, that they could give their story and local law enforcement would just say, grand Mr FBI, toddle on, self defence. In the ABC interview, they are citing a video where some police officer says to MM "it looks like self defence", they are clinging to this that the cops believed them but invented a story to convict. Deluded. As if a story convicted them, it was hard evidence that did it.

But also, if they admitted that MM went psycho that night and ran with guilt by reason of insanity, they would be admitting that all they have done over their lives was covering for her. It would have been their best course of action but that did not run in their phyche, they created a scenario and all they have shown since is contempt for all others, it has shown them up for much much worse than just covering for their daughter during her life. Their motivation was self preservation and the preservation of their standing in their own community & among friends. TM is arrogance personified, that he is willing to destroy another mans name & reputation just to protect his social standing.

Would or could she have only got four years? Four years for pulverising someone to death like she did JC. There is no way on earth she would have just admitted to it anyway, in her eyes she was doing the right thing, eliminating someone from her life that was upsetting her plans. TM was a fool as was his wife.

i agree ,i think the martens would prefer to have mm do 20/25ys as wrongfully convicted ,miscarriage of justice rather then guilty by insanity and having their social circle know their daughter was/is mentally unstable and risk the finger pointed at them why didnt they get he help ,she could have harmed the kids, everything i wrote here is strictly my opinions and thoughts only
If he has any sense he should think of his job and his friends it's never good to bring negative attention like this to yourself.

Maybe the martens had a word either, those pics are not good news for mm. It's what we know her to be only in colour right there for all to see.

Sent from my SM-T561 using Tapatalk
I'm just catching up on posts... What are you referring to here? Can't see any link or is there a chunk of posts missing?

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
They are deluded but maybe they think that they can keep this up to enhance their story that the Irish family are just gold diggers. The C/L family don't want the money, they want it either returned to whoever donated or to a charity that has been chosen by the children. No court on this earth would return those children to the US.

Ha ha, I didn't get your sarcasm in that, I thought 4 year, like you what!?!?

Frisby, I had an Uncle whose only son had to go into the Army and live abroad for two years. My main memories of this period of going there for dinner with my parents and he'd be strumming his guitar, singing some melancholy version of "Remember the Red River Valley" with much dramatic flourish.

On the way home, my parents would say...never again...but, of course, we went again.

I just don't see TM having a similar
A lot of this could come in at the civil trial. I wonder where MM has been living and with whom. Was she living at "Folly" before it was sold and was she alone? What did the FB searches turn up in regard to this purported new romance that preceded the murder. The Prosecution seems to have kept the case "clean" because the evidence was so horrific and potent. I think their decison not to go down other alleys was a good one, but we might find out a lot more in the civil case.

New evidence could be out there.

The parents appear to have kept the Condo they had purchased for her to live in, and still have it. She easily could have been living in it since the murder, free to come and go as she please, to date, go to college, etc. (It's the one KM moved in to with her, so she could have been living on her own there all this time, rather than with them.) Though it's not worth as much as the house they sold in Folly Beach, NC, odd they didn't sell it prior to this to help pay for trial- unless they really thought they were away with the murder, and Molly would continue to need the condo?
The parents appear to have kept the Condo they had purchased for her to live in, and still have it. She easily could have been living in it since the murder, free to come and go as she please, to date, go to college, etc. (It's the one KM moved in to with her, so she could have been living on her own there all this time, rather than with them.) Though it's not worth as much as the house they sold in Folly Beach, NC, odd they didn't sell it prior to this to help pay for trial- unless they really thought they were away with the murder, and Molly would continue to need the condo?

According to:

Dated 12/24/2016

In a change from her previous incarnation as a ‘stay-at-home mom’ who was financed by her husband, she has enrolled as a student at Pellissippi State College, where she is studying interior design. In a recent photo posted on a social networking site associated with the course, Molly can be seen striking a sultry pose next to her classmates after winning a prize for ‘best presentation’.
Outside her studies, the former swim coach has thrown herself back in to the world of swimming, taking part in the Tennessee Open water series during the summer. In a series of pictures of the event the blonde can be seen swimming alongside competitors at a swim meet on August 19 — two weeks after the first anniversary of her husband’s death.
Waiting close by on the jetty at Kingston Waterfront Park, after ferrying his daughter from their luxury Knoxville home, her father, ex FBI agent Tom, passed the time watching the action.
Everyone in here needs to read the rules. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the rules.

Particularly this one:

Time outs are forth-coming for those who continue to cause disarray on the threads.
I'm just catching up on posts... What are you referring to here? Can't see any link or is there a chunk of posts missing?

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
Hotchips we were referring to a new acquaintance of mm and discussed what we could given the rules, as per Harmonys post We can't discuss further it wouldn't be appropriate.

Sent from my SM-T561 using Tapatalk
HOTchips check out JFJ public FB page. Recently updated.

The Martens thought they could erase this "incident" from Molly's record, and move back on to the life-track she should have been on - starting over, going to college, dating, hiking, camping with new/old high school beau (the "right sort of family this time" of course), get a real job I suppose was the next step before the next wedding. Another important trait of NPD is that they always think they're the smartest person in the room, and both Tom and Molly appeared to be of like mindset when it came to local police, they thought they'd give their version, Molly play the sympathetic 'victim', Tom the strong father/FBI law enforcement expert to the yokel locals, and then come back in day or two when they had more time to get their story straight and "help clear up inconsistencies" in their original story. Molly wrote only a one-page for police supposed to cover her DV history which drove her to this, life or death battles with Jason, her father's life or death battle with Jason, the aftermath... That's why I lean towards Molly being NPD, and perhaps Tom also. Our prisons in America are filled with like minded- they were all going to out smart the police.
I am still speculating TC and SM were somewhat decent people until approx 2:00 am on that dreadful night Aug 2015. They raised what appears to be 3 educated well rounded young men. That would include all the trips for ball practices, boy scouts, etc. while both maintained their long term professional careers. No doubt they struggled with MM from a very early age. I feel sure they tried many varying approaches to attempt to mold MM into the little girl they wanted her to be. They funded local housing for a mature adult in Knoxville. They paid cash for an adult daughter's hospital stay in GA. I feel sure most decent parents would continue fighting for their unstable child. But, along the whole lifelong MM train ride, TM/SM have had little relief.
I can just imagine what the extended conversation between MM/SM/MM was like as they conspired a theory they hoped LE might believe that early Aug 2015 morning. (just my speculation, not in fact). I feel SM and TM have had many nights of pillow talk since saying "What have we done?" "But we can't change our story now" "That Damn Molly, she has really done it this time". I believe all 3 Martens believed they could convince a NC jury DV forced Daddy to protect ..right up until the verdict was rendered.
I can easily believe they will appeal, that's what defense lawyers do for desperate people locked away. On the recent grounds for appeal listed, I think the judge will deny their motion. It's now time for SM to go through the 7 stages of grief. To go to bed and ponder all the "what if's". I think as we see low volume of financial responses to the request for donations if proof how many really believe the Martens. Many Knoxville locals probably felt they had to donate to save face. Imagine they see SM tomorrow in grocery, they will want to say "We are so sorry SM, we donated" but SM will soon realize the low amount dollars donated that people know the real truth. SM will probably ultimately move in with one of her boys where they will continue the pitty party until one day SM will grow so bitter toward her daughter for placing SM/TM in this predicament (again, just a guess on my part). For me personally, I would have liked to have seen TM convicted of manslaughter and MM convicted of 1st degree premedicated murder LWOP.
My thoughts have been:
So glad the children are in Europe. I can't imagine what the courts would now be doing with the children with MM/TM locked away and the kids going through more custody hearings.
Will SM be able to collect TM's retirement dollars/his social security?
Will TM/MM request transfer to be imprisoned in TN?
Will SM move to NC where she can make more frequent visits?
Will SM ever break down and tell maybe one of her son's the truth about what really happened that dreadful night? (in my mind, SM will serve her own sentence LWOP)
I doubt SM will ever reach the 7th stage of grief:

  • SHOCK & DENIAL- You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. ...
  • PAIN & GUILT- ...
I am still speculating TC and SM were somewhat decent people until approx 2:00 am on that dreadful night Aug 2015. They raised what appears to be 3 educated well rounded young men. That would include all the trips for ball practices, boy scouts, etc. while both maintained their long term professional careers. No doubt they struggled with MM from a very early age. I feel sure they tried many varying approaches to attempt to mold MM into the little girl they wanted her to be. They funded local housing for a mature adult in Knoxville. They paid cash for an adult daughter's hospital stay in GA. I feel sure most decent parents would continue fighting for their unstable child. But, along the whole lifelong MM train ride, TM/SM have had little relief.
I can just imagine what the extended conversation between MM/SM/MM was like as they conspired a theory they hoped LE might believe that early Aug 2015 morning. (just my speculation, not in fact). I feel SM and TM have had many nights of pillow talk since saying "What have we done?" "But we can't change our story now" "That Damn Molly, she has really done it this time". I believe all 3 Martens believed they could convince a NC jury DV forced Daddy to protect ..right up until the verdict was rendered.
I can easily believe they will appeal, that's what defense lawyers do for desperate people locked away. On the recent grounds for appeal listed, I think the judge will deny their motion. It's now time for SM to go through the 7 stages of grief. To go to bed and ponder all the "what if's". I think as we see low volume of financial responses to the request for donations if proof how many really believe the Martens. Many Knoxville locals probably felt they had to donate to save face. Imagine they see SM tomorrow in grocery, they will want to say "We are so sorry SM, we donated" but SM will soon realize the low amount dollars donated that people know the real truth. SM will probably ultimately move in with one of her boys where they will continue the pitty party until one day SM will grow so bitter toward her daughter for placing SM/TM in this predicament (again, just a guess on my part). For me personally, I would have liked to have seen TM convicted of manslaughter and MM convicted of 1st degree premedicated murder LWOP.
My thoughts have been:
So glad the children are in Europe. I can't imagine what the courts would now be doing with the children with MM/TM locked away and the kids going through more custody hearings.
Will SM be able to collect TM's retirement dollars/his social security?
Will TM/MM request transfer to be imprisoned in TN?
Will SM move to NC where she can make more frequent visits?
Will SM ever break down and tell maybe one of her son's the truth about what really happened that dreadful night? (in my mind, SM will serve her own sentence LWOP)
I doubt SM will ever reach the 7th stage of grief:

  • SHOCK & DENIAL- You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. ...
  • PAIN & GUILT- ...
Yes I think I agree with your original speculation about TM & SM. I just can't get my head around what happened next. How did they think that this was the best road to take? It's such a sad situation all around, from whichever side you look at it. Go back 2 years and a month and would any of them have changed the decisions they made then? I bet they would.

Sent from my Hol-U19 using Tapatalk
I am still speculating TC and SM were somewhat decent people until approx 2:00 am on that dreadful night Aug 2015. They raised what appears to be 3 educated well rounded young men. That would include all the trips for ball practices, boy scouts, etc. while both maintained their long term professional careers. No doubt they struggled with MM from a very early age. I feel sure they tried many varying approaches to attempt to mold MM into the little girl they wanted her to be. They funded local housing for a mature adult in Knoxville. They paid cash for an adult daughter's hospital stay in GA. I feel sure most decent parents would continue fighting for their unstable child. But, along the whole lifelong MM train ride, TM/SM have had little relief.
I can just imagine what the extended conversation between MM/SM/MM was like as they conspired a theory they hoped LE might believe that early Aug 2015 morning. (just my speculation, not in fact). I feel SM and TM have had many nights of pillow talk since saying "What have we done?" "But we can't change our story now" "That Damn Molly, she has really done it this time". I believe all 3 Martens believed they could convince a NC jury DV forced Daddy to protect ..right up until the verdict was rendered.
I can easily believe they will appeal, that's what defense lawyers do for desperate people locked away. On the recent grounds for appeal listed, I think the judge will deny their motion. It's now time for SM to go through the 7 stages of grief. To go to bed and ponder all the "what if's". I think as we see low volume of financial responses to the request for donations if proof how many really believe the Martens. Many Knoxville locals probably felt they had to donate to save face. Imagine they see SM tomorrow in grocery, they will want to say "We are so sorry SM, we donated" but SM will soon realize the low amount dollars donated that people know the real truth. SM will probably ultimately move in with one of her boys where they will continue the pitty party until one day SM will grow so bitter toward her daughter for placing SM/TM in this predicament (again, just a guess on my part). For me personally, I would have liked to have seen TM convicted of manslaughter and MM convicted of 1st degree premedicated murder LWOP.
My thoughts have been:
So glad the children are in Europe. I can't imagine what the courts would now be doing with the children with MM/TM locked away and the kids going through more custody hearings.
Will SM be able to collect TM's retirement dollars/his social security?
Will TM/MM request transfer to be imprisoned in TN?
Will SM move to NC where she can make more frequent visits?
Will SM ever break down and tell maybe one of her son's the truth about what really happened that dreadful night? (in my mind, SM will serve her own sentence LWOP)
I doubt SM will ever reach the 7th stage of grief:

  • SHOCK & DENIAL- You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. ...
  • PAIN & GUILT- ...

Great post. As to the retirement/pension, it may be safe per the info below. Of course, I hope someone proves me wrong.

Being convicted of a crime almost never jeopardizes a federal pension – the rare exception to this rule for federal civil servants is the list of crimes codified at 5 U.S.C § 8312. Those charges almost all relate to criminal disloyalty to the United States: espionage, treason, sabotage, insurrection against the United States, improper sharing or intentional loss of certain highly classified documents, and so on.
The other lie was TM saying he hit JC in the back of the head while he was holding MM. In those rooms, crowded with furniture, narrowing the hallway, that's just not possible for him to get a clean shot to the back of the head...and several times.

I have be wondering what if TM was already in the room and hiding in the walking in closet with the bat or the brick. There is no way he could have hit JC on the back of the head in that corridor if as he said JC was holding MC between them. If JC was stumbling either to the bathroom or disorientedly staggering around, e.g. could have them hit him on the back of the head either on his left or right. Does anybody else think this is possible? MOO
I am still speculating TC and SM were somewhat decent people until approx 2:00 am on that dreadful night Aug 2015. They raised what appears to be 3 educated well rounded young men. That would include all the trips for ball practices, boy scouts, etc. while both maintained their long term professional careers. No doubt they struggled with MM from a very early age. I feel sure they tried many varying approaches to attempt to mold MM into the little girl they wanted her to be. They funded local housing for a mature adult in Knoxville. They paid cash for an adult daughter's hospital stay in GA. I feel sure most decent parents would continue fighting for their unstable child. But, along the whole lifelong MM train ride, TM/SM have had little relief.
I can just imagine what the extended conversation between MM/SM/MM was like as they conspired a theory they hoped LE might believe that early Aug 2015 morning. (just my speculation, not in fact). I feel SM and TM have had many nights of pillow talk since saying "What have we done?" "But we can't change our story now" "That Damn Molly, she has really done it this time". I believe all 3 Martens believed they could convince a NC jury DV forced Daddy to protect ..right up until the verdict was rendered.
I can easily believe they will appeal, that's what defense lawyers do for desperate people locked away. On the recent grounds for appeal listed, I think the judge will deny their motion. It's now time for SM to go through the 7 stages of grief. To go to bed and ponder all the "what if's". I think as we see low volume of financial responses to the request for donations if proof how many really believe the Martens. Many Knoxville locals probably felt they had to donate to save face. Imagine they see SM tomorrow in grocery, they will want to say "We are so sorry SM, we donated" but SM will soon realize the low amount dollars donated that people know the real truth. SM will probably ultimately move in with one of her boys where they will continue the pitty party until one day SM will grow so bitter toward her daughter for placing SM/TM in this predicament (again, just a guess on my part). For me personally, I would have liked to have seen TM convicted of manslaughter and MM convicted of 1st degree premedicated murder LWOP.
My thoughts have been:
So glad the children are in Europe. I can't imagine what the courts would now be doing with the children with MM/TM locked away and the kids going through more custody hearings.
Will SM be able to collect TM's retirement dollars/his social security?
Will TM/MM request transfer to be imprisoned in TN?
Will SM move to NC where she can make more frequent visits?
Will SM ever break down and tell maybe one of her son's the truth about what really happened that dreadful night? (in my mind, SM will serve her own sentence LWOP)
I doubt SM will ever reach the 7th stage of grief:

  • SHOCK & DENIAL- You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. ...
  • PAIN & GUILT- ...
Are you speculating that TM and SM are innocent victime, like bystanders? They are not. The charge was 'in concert'.
As far as any of them turning back clock and wishing they could have done it differently- there has not been a single note of remorse throughout, during or following the murder and when TM was given an opportunity to speak for himself pre sentencing- he demurred citing his testimony. He was not sorry. He was facing the family of their victim.. he could not bring himself to say he was sorry. Because he has no regrets, except perhaps about getting caught out in his lies and his delusions of grandeur.
None of them are innocent and none of them have shown any capacity whatsoever for compassion.
I am still speculating TC and SM were somewhat decent people until approx 2:00 am on that dreadful night Aug 2015. They raised what appears to be 3 educated well rounded young men. That would include all the trips for ball practices, boy scouts, etc. while both maintained their long term professional careers. No doubt they struggled with MM from a very early age. I feel sure they tried many varying approaches to attempt to mold MM into the little girl they wanted her to be. They funded local housing for a mature adult in Knoxville. They paid cash for an adult daughter's hospital stay in GA. I feel sure most decent parents would continue fighting for their unstable child. But, along the whole lifelong MM train ride, TM/SM have had little relief.
I can just imagine what the extended conversation between MM/SM/MM was like as they conspired a theory they hoped LE might believe that early Aug 2015 morning. (just my speculation, not in fact). I feel SM and TM have had many nights of pillow talk since saying "What have we done?" "But we can't change our story now" "That Damn Molly, she has really done it this time". I believe all 3 Martens believed they could convince a NC jury DV forced Daddy to protect ..right up until the verdict was rendered.
I can easily believe they will appeal, that's what defense lawyers do for desperate people locked away. On the recent grounds for appeal listed, I think the judge will deny their motion. It's now time for SM to go through the 7 stages of grief. To go to bed and ponder all the "what if's". I think as we see low volume of financial responses to the request for donations if proof how many really believe the Martens. Many Knoxville locals probably felt they had to donate to save face. Imagine they see SM tomorrow in grocery, they will want to say "We are so sorry SM, we donated" but SM will soon realize the low amount dollars donated that people know the real truth. SM will probably ultimately move in with one of her boys where they will continue the pitty party until one day SM will grow so bitter toward her daughter for placing SM/TM in this predicament (again, just a guess on my part). For me personally, I would have liked to have seen TM convicted of manslaughter and MM convicted of 1st degree premedicated murder LWOP.
My thoughts have been:
So glad the children are in Europe. I can't imagine what the courts would now be doing with the children with MM/TM locked away and the kids going through more custody hearings.
Will SM be able to collect TM's retirement dollars/his social security?
Will TM/MM request transfer to be imprisoned in TN?
Will SM move to NC where she can make more frequent visits?
Will SM ever break down and tell maybe one of her son's the truth about what really happened that dreadful night? (in my mind, SM will serve her own sentence LWOP)
I doubt SM will ever reach the 7th stage of grief:

  • SHOCK & DENIAL- You will probably react to learning of the loss with numbed disbelief. ...
  • PAIN & GUILT- ...

I would agree with some of your post and I truly hope that SM does tell the truth to her other children. They deserve to know the truth however difficult it will for them to deal with it. After all they had no hand, act or part in the horrible events of that night. I don't agree however that they are as decent as you think, no decent person would do what they did after the event.

Can I just ask you, how do you feel about what TM & MM said about the death of JC's first wife? Not just making a statement of such (which I believe only TM did) but also going on National TV and both saying it.
I have be wondering what if TM was already in the room and hiding in the walking in closet with the bat or the brick. There is no way he could have hit JC on the back of the head in that corridor if as he said JC was holding MC between them. If JC was stumbling either to the bathroom or disorientedly staggering around, e.g. could have them hit him on the back of the head either on his left or right. Does anybody else think this is possible? MOO

Personally I don't think so, I think that it was all MM, or the vast majority of it was anyway. We might have to wait till the transcripts of the trial to come out to dissect it further because all we have really is what he said on that ABC program. Has there been any reporting of what his testimony on the stand said in detail? He also said on that program that he hit him "hard" in the bathroom but the blood spatter expert testified that there was no evidence of hits in the bathroom only blood transfer. Wondering did he say this on the stand?
Are you speculating that TM and SM are innocent victime, like bystanders? They are not. The charge was 'in concert'.
As far as any of them turning back clock and wishing they could have done it differently- there has not been a single note of remorse throughout, during or following the murder and when TM was given an opportunity to speak for himself pre sentencing- he demurred citing his testimony. He was not sorry. He was facing the family of their victim.. he could not bring himself to say he was sorry. Because he has no regrets, except perhaps about getting caught out in his lies and his delusions of grandeur.
None of them are innocent and none of them have shown any capacity whatsoever for compassion.
I don't think that the poster is suggesting for one minute that TM and SM are innocent bystanders. As for turning the clock back - they may not be in a position to show it but I'd be willing to bet that MM and TM (and SM) would do things differently given the chance. BTW, I believe that MM and TM are exactly where they should be right now.

Sent from my Hol-U19 using Tapatalk

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