GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #2

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Isn't the target audience of any non-business Facebook page friends and family? I know mine is.
It is indeed, unless one changes the status of the a/c to public as opposed to friends only or friends and acquaintances
It is indeed, unless one changes the status of the a/c to public as opposed to friends only or friends and acquaintances
She claims it is made public so the children can look her up on Facebook and see she was trying to reach out to them and hadn't forgotten them....others may say it was a publicity agenda to create an image of herself. Only she knows what her true motives were.
She claims it is made public so the children can look her up on Facebook and see she was trying to reach out to them and hadn't forgotten them....others may say it was a publicity agenda to create an image of herself. Only she knows what her true motives were.

She made it public for the children to see, then she also must have thought it was ok for the children to see all the post both she and others made slating JC family back in Ireland. Not exactly the actions of a caring stepmother. I hope to god that they never see it, it would be devastating for them to view such posts.
She made it public for the children to see, then she also must have thought it was ok for the children to see all the post both she and others made slating JC family back in Ireland. Not exactly the actions of a caring stepmother.
did we not discuss the liklihood of them seeing anything at all to be around zero as they are too young to have facebook accounts?
I have notice the word 'bombard' being used by those who believe Martens to be justified in their actions.
I have not noticed it in either official reports, court transcripts or media.
i suggest we ban it until the dA is at least rushed to hospital suffering from acute bombardment (dont know how to use the squiggly things properly or I would add a giggle)
there won't be many people giggling if any of the Irish politicians 'bombarded' by the Irish public to make demands that charges be brought actually put that in writing to a DA....freedom of information applies here too so I'm sure the defence have asked to see copies of this 'bombardment' and will review its potential significance. Again, it may not have had any effect, all the defence have to do is raise it as a doubt in a jurors mind....
there won't be many people giggling if any of the Irish politicians 'bombarded' by the Irish public to make demands that charges be brought actually put that in writing to a DA....freedom of information applies here too so I'm sure the defence have asked to see copies of this 'bombardment' and will review its potential significance. Again, it may not have had any effect, all the defence have to do is raise it as a doubt in a jurors mind....

Doubt of what, exactly?
there won't be many people giggling if any of the Irish politicians 'bombarded' by the Irish public to make demands that charges be brought actually put that in writing to a DA....freedom of information applies here too so I'm sure the defence have asked to see copies of this 'bombardment' and will review its potential significance. Again, it may not have had any effect, all the defence have to do is raise it as a doubt in a jurors mind....

You seriously think that an Irish Politician wrote any letters demanding that charges be brought. Ireland is not a backward little country where politicians write such letters of demand. And regardless of any emails sent, they didn't make the evidence up.
there won't be many people giggling if any of the Irish politicians 'bombarded' by the Irish public to make demands that charges be brought actually put that in writing to a DA....freedom of information applies here too so I'm sure the defence have asked to see copies of this 'bombardment' and will review its potential significance. Again, it may not have had any effect, all the defence have to do is raise it as a doubt in a jurors mind....

So you believe NC law enforcement brought a case before a local NC grand jury and the grand jury indicted only because Irish citizens sent emails that probably never got beyond secretaries in those offices? Anyone familiar with DA offices know that the district attorney could not possibly read every email that he receives!

His secretaries and assistants weed through it so that he sees only what is essential.

Right now in the US, there are many controversial cases that generate much email in one side or the other. If anyone thinks that the DA personally handles or reads this stuff has no idea how overburdened these offices are!
did we not discuss the liklihood of them seeing anything at all to be around zero as they are too young to have facebook accounts?
you can get a Facebook account when you are 13 so in 2 years for the young boy and her page will still be accessible then. They can also google her name or their fathers name and read online a litany of stories regarding their family, plus I'm sure most days they walked into the local store they saw her face or their fathers face on the front of the newspaper.... Those children cannot possibly be shielded 100% from what's out there. Most kids their age have some form of Internet movies, research projects for homework, download video games etc.
Doubt of what, exactly?
that the DA was under public and political pressure from Ireland to bring murder charges, that they did not investigate self defence claims impartially....all the search warrants issued were based on information provided by Irish family and work colleagues, the Martens were only interviewed once. I am not saying they were unduly influenced, I'm saying this is what a defence will try to claim
So you believe NC law enforcement brought a case before a local NC grand jury and the grand jury indicted only because Irish citizens sent emails that probably never got beyond secretaries in those offices? Anyone familiar with DA offices know that the district attorney could not possibly read every email that he receives!

His secretaries and assistants weed through it so that he sees only what is essential.

Right now in the US, there are many controversial cases that generate much email in one side or the other. If anyone thinks that the DA personally handles or reads this stuff has no idea how overburdened these offices are!
<modsnip> I don't believe they were unduly influenced....BUT I think the defence will use the public pressure ( e-mail or otherwise) from Ireland as a factor in possibly swaying the direction the investigation took. We already know Irish politicians intervened in the custody case. It is an angle they will probably use. I don't believe it....I think they could use stated, already.
You seriously think that an Irish Politician wrote any letters demanding that charges be brought. Ireland is not a backward little country where politicians write such letters of demand. And regardless of any emails sent, they didn't make the evidence up.
Irish politicians did write letters in the custody case, Irish politicians were asked to contact the DA's office. <modsnip> Evidence is only evidence when proven in a court of law....the defence claim to have evidence too.... The prosecutor in the Stephen Avery case had his evidence too! So wait and see what ALL the evidence amounts to.
<modsnip>I don't believe they were unduly influenced....BUT I think the defence will use the public pressure ( e-mail or otherwise) from Ireland as a factor in possibly swaying the direction the investigation took. We already know Irish politicians intervened in the custody case. It is an angle they will probably use. I don't believe it....I think they could use stated, already.

They may use it, but it's weak. And the prosecutor will show that argument to be weak. Hey, he could call his own secretaries and assistants to the stand to show its ridiculous.

The defense would then look deceptive to the jury. American juries know how overloaded these DA offices are. Even television shows make that point on a weekly basis.

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that the DA was under public and political pressure from Ireland to bring murder charges, that they did not investigate self defence claims impartially....all the search warrants issued were based on information provided by Irish family and work colleagues, the Martens were only interviewed once. I am not saying they were unduly influenced, I'm saying this is what a defence will try to claim

How exactly do you KNOW...I mean have proof that they did not weigh the possibility of self defense?

Do you know how long these interviews were?

Why did they need multiple interviews? TM and MM gave their version of events in detail. They admitted the murder.

The task AFTER THAT is to see if the evidence supports their story or supports the theory of deliberate murder. They took months to sort through this.

The only piece of evidence we know the public that horrific description of overkill in the autopsy. But that came back in about a month. They did not indict at that point. They continued to investigate. The jury will know of their diligence.

Every step of the way, every piece of information they gathered...were compared against TM and MM's account.

What was the result? Initially they wanted MURDER 1. Could have been death penalty!

But, they settled on two charges to pretty much ensure these two will do jail time. The recent trial of Casey Anthony has been a warning shot to consider the proclivities of certain juries.

The important thing is justice for a man who died a heinous brutal death. And in my's coming.

If they think they have evidence for capital murder..they are REALLY confident they can prove the lesser charges!

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firstly Stephen, I'm sorry you were baffled by my medical terminology, as far as I knew words such as phalanx ( finger joints), heamato and anterior are all commonly found anatomical vocabulary world wide, although your medical 'expert' seems to be confused with the term 'anterior' which can point to the front or side of a thigh but I'm not going to get drawn into pedantics. The finger injuries you claim are my 'bug bear' ( must be Irish term), I never claimed were 'extensive' as there were no fractures anywhere other than head and nose. What I did suggest is that they 'could' be consistent with a finger twist injury.
I don't know if you have ever sat through a pathologist giving autopsy evidence in court, in my experience having worked in pathology labs preparing reports for ME's is that they are asked by the prosecutor 1. What is the most 'probable' cause of this injury. Then the defence will produce a different scenario and will ask could their scenario be a 'possible' cause of this there is a gap between probable and possible....but that's all a defence needs is to introduce a possibility, no matter how remote, that another scenario could be conceivable. I agree there were both front and back injuries, I never denied that, I also never denied the possibility that MM inflicted some injuries ( my opinion is she inflicted the frontal ones and TM the rear injuries) it 'possible' frontal injuries were inflicted from a position of MM pinned down, kicks to the shin, abrasions, the front head injury ( paving stone) whilst TM caused injury with a bat from the back. Didn't realise nightstand was such an Americanism....must run that one past my wife. There are SO many pieces of key evidence not known that can give a fuller picture, blood splatter in the room, DNA under both victims and MM nails, fingerprint analysis of MM neck and of course of the bat. If it was an old one given last fall to the child then if it's anything like my grandsons it will be well scored and won't look new at have the boys finger prints on it. Plus TM should be able to show proof of purchase so if he lies about that it's a rather foolish lie that can easily be traced. Unfortunately for the victim and their family JC character will form a large part of this case; as my wife says 'don't speak ill of the dead as they can't defend themselves'....however in a criminal investigation the victims character is often pulled apart ( seen it often in rape cases) and whilst uncomfortable to watch if it's in the pursuit of the truth then it's necessary, even if that truth does not sit well with the memories people have of their loved one. I'm not going to comment one way about that man as I did not know the man so how would I know his temperament or behaviour, similar to MM. You seem to think she's able to defend herself and be vocal, I have not seen any references she has made about her husband or his family in any negative light, just all about the children. It's a matter of taste and decorum the social media route she took...not to my taste as I abhor this need to regurgitate our private lives on the Internet for the world to dissect and comment on ( same goes for the JC Facebook page) but that's the world we live in whereby what was once a private affair is now a free for all. The autopsy report being dispersed far and wide for even us to discuss here is a bit crass so I'm a hypocrite and I'm dissecting the corpse of this man too for my own curiosity. I have no personal connection to this individual and can create scenarios at will, but families who have emotional connection will find they very difficult. I met Nicole Simpsons mother many years ago through a fundraiser and she said it was the public 'raping' of her daughters life, character, the hoaring over the injuries on her body that got to her most, and that was in the days before social media!
So I understand the upset some of my suggestions have caused. But when the trial begins, my commentary will look like a kids fairy tale in comparison to what will be suggested in court. For now it's a very one sided picture that few people are questioning, when the defence flip it on its head and poke holes people are going to find that very upsetting. From what I know of their actions post JC death is that the sister was travelling over and alledgedky told the boy he was coming back to Ireland with them, that was when she started the custody hearing procedures. The Irish family filed to be executors of his estate the day after he was killed....they moved pretty fast on things too. There was a story people kept mentioning that SM phone Ireland and said MM pushed him down the stairs....that story has conveniently been withdrawn now. She withdrawing money I presume was for the retainer for her custody battle after contacting her lawyer, they won't lift a pen without a retainer....uncle accessing the office, were the kids passports not there? Didn't the Irish family first go to the same office the day they arrived? Was it to get the kids passports but she got them first? I don't know. Just guessing like you. As for her wiping out the existence of her husband, yes her FB page made it look like she was a sole parent, ( as a stay at home mom she realistically did the majority of the day to day, my wife did when I worked long hours)....this would irk his family, yet they totally dismissed her at the start with a brother claiming her years in Ireland 'were only as a nanny whose job was to drive the kids places and do light cleaning'.....we know she was much much more than that! Legally, any mention of her husband, positive or negative would have been used against her in the event of a trial. She would have been told this over and over, they had already searched her she wasn't going to make any reference to him at all.
So there's my reply, the world would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything

I never claimed to have a medical expert advising me I said somebody with medical knowledge. I have never sat through an autopsy or would want to after going into detail of this one it was a horrifying experience and one I would never wish to repeat again. I do however like to educate myself on facts and do research on what I don't understand. I don't believe given the weight difference (keeps getting mentioned) that Molly would be capable of kicking violently if Jason was as you say pinning her down on the bed as you mentioned before in you last post.You mentioned the brick being on the bedside locker . First of all what's it doing there? Not something typically kept on the bedside locker . Even if it was for an school project that is likely to have been done in the kitchen or children's own room. School would not be back for 2 weeks after Jason was killed so I really don't buy into it but as you say it is "possible" The fingers it says nowhere on the autopsy that the injuries are consistent with being pulled back this is a conclusion that you have made yourself . There is extensive damage done to the left hand 2nd and 3rd finger as shown in the diagram. It states on the autopsy On the dorsum of the left hand and 2nd and 3rd fingers is a 5 x 2 1/2",irregular, raised, pink and purple ecchymosis. If a finger was being pulled back with great force or twisting I suggest there would definitely be fractures but again it is "possible" of course. If this is the case there definitely should be tissue under Mollys fingernails. Also how did he come to be lying face flat on the ground without Molly underneath him if he was pinning her down again not consistent with their story.I think from the search warrant they were looking for pictures of the bat that were used little sloppy of the police to be honest not to check out the origin of the bat but I believe Jack described his bat to his counsellor and it matched the description of the bat used in the assault (found this info in the search warrant page 89-95). Her instagram account is very telling about her interaction with people and her ability to defend herself, she has criticised Jasons family on her own facebook page which is open for viewing to the public and often her posts are published on various newspapers here which she would be told about because she has made friends in Ireland since this started that she didn't know before. The Links are avaible on the thread Kate made.
Jasons family didn't hear about his death until 10 hours the fact in a very brief phone call from Sharon saying "Jason is dead MM pushed him and he banged his head " and hung up she mentioned nothing about the stairs as has been mentioned previously. David Lynch was always executor of the will/estate Jason named him as such when he made the will. They didn't apply to make him he was already listed as the executor. The problem with Mike entering the office is he tried to use his FBI status and badge to do so . This is why he is being internally investigated. I find it hard to believe that a man whos job it is to remember important facts and data would forget doing such a thing unless conveniently . The reason Jasons family went to the office is because they were informed of this by the employees and also because the workers wanted to extend condolences to Jasons family such was their respect for him. The only thing they did was to have Jasons will recognised in the Usa which was critical to verify Jasons wishes regarding the care of the children in the event of his death.There is one person that can could gain financially from his death do you know who is the beneficiary of Jasons estate ? <modsnip> I can't see why you have focused on the finger injuries and not the very extensive head injuries. Of course it is good to get another point of view we most definitely won't agree but my only wish is that they are charged with 2nd degree murder and not involuntary manslaughter because they will do jail time in my opinion but for how long is the question only the presiding Judge will answer. Also to answer about the email campaign that I saw was for J and S to be taken out of the care of the woman that had murdered their father . It is unimaginable that even happened there were no other suspects. A very normal reaction in my opinion especially considering the extent of the injuries which the DA has described as especially heinous atrocious and cruel .
firstly Stephen, I'm sorry you were baffled by my medical terminology, as far as I knew words such as phalanx ( finger joints), heamato and anterior are all commonly found anatomical vocabulary world wide, although your medical 'expert' seems to be confused with the term 'anterior' which can point to the front or side of a thigh but I'm not going to get drawn into pedantics. The finger injuries you claim are my 'bug bear' ( must be Irish term), I never claimed were 'extensive' as there were no fractures anywhere other than head and nose. What I did suggest is that they 'could' be consistent with a finger twist injury.
I don't know if you have ever sat through a pathologist giving autopsy evidence in court, in my experience having worked in pathology labs preparing reports for ME's is that they are asked by the prosecutor 1. What is the most 'probable' cause of this injury. Then the defence will produce a different scenario and will ask could their scenario be a 'possible' cause of this there is a gap between probable and possible....but that's all a defence needs is to introduce a possibility, no matter how remote, that another scenario could be conceivable. I agree there were both front and back injuries, I never denied that, I also never denied the possibility that MM inflicted some injuries ( my opinion is she inflicted the frontal ones and TM the rear injuries) it 'possible' frontal injuries were inflicted from a position of MM pinned down, kicks to the shin, abrasions, the front head injury ( paving stone) whilst TM caused injury with a bat from the back. Didn't realise nightstand was such an Americanism....must run that one past my wife. There are SO many pieces of key evidence not known that can give a fuller picture, blood splatter in the room, DNA under both victims and MM nails, fingerprint analysis of MM neck and of course of the bat. If it was an old one given last fall to the child then if it's anything like my grandsons it will be well scored and won't look new at have the boys finger prints on it. Plus TM should be able to show proof of purchase so if he lies about that it's a rather foolish lie that can easily be traced. Unfortunately for the victim and their family JC character will form a large part of this case; as my wife says 'don't speak ill of the dead as they can't defend themselves'....however in a criminal investigation the victims character is often pulled apart ( seen it often in rape cases) and whilst uncomfortable to watch if it's in the pursuit of the truth then it's necessary, even if that truth does not sit well with the memories people have of their loved one. I'm not going to comment one way about that man as I did not know the man so how would I know his temperament or behaviour, similar to MM. You seem to think she's able to defend herself and be vocal, I have not seen any references she has made about her husband or his family in any negative light, just all about the children. It's a matter of taste and decorum the social media route she took...not to my taste as I abhor this need to regurgitate our private lives on the Internet for the world to dissect and comment on ( same goes for the JC Facebook page) but that's the world we live in whereby what was once a private affair is now a free for all. The autopsy report being dispersed far and wide for even us to discuss here is a bit crass so I'm a hypocrite and I'm dissecting the corpse of this man too for my own curiosity. I have no personal connection to this individual and can create scenarios at will, but families who have emotional connection will find they very difficult. I met Nicole Simpsons mother many years ago through a fundraiser and she said it was the public 'raping' of her daughters life, character, the hoaring over the injuries on her body that got to her most, and that was in the days before social media!
So I understand the upset some of my suggestions have caused. But when the trial begins, my commentary will look like a kids fairy tale in comparison to what will be suggested in court. For now it's a very one sided picture that few people are questioning, when the defence flip it on its head and poke holes people are going to find that very upsetting. From what I know of their actions post JC death is that the sister was travelling over and alledgedky told the boy he was coming back to Ireland with them, that was when she started the custody hearing procedures. The Irish family filed to be executors of his estate the day after he was killed....they moved pretty fast on things too. There was a story people kept mentioning that SM phone Ireland and said MM pushed him down the stairs....that story has conveniently been withdrawn now. She withdrawing money I presume was for the retainer for her custody battle after contacting her lawyer, they won't lift a pen without a retainer....uncle accessing the office, were the kids passports not there? Didn't the Irish family first go to the same office the day they arrived? Was it to get the kids passports but she got them first? I don't know. Just guessing like you. As for her wiping out the existence of her husband, yes her FB page made it look like she was a sole parent, ( as a stay at home mom she realistically did the majority of the day to day, my wife did when I worked long hours)....this would irk his family, yet they totally dismissed her at the start with a brother claiming her years in Ireland 'were only as a nanny whose job was to drive the kids places and do light cleaning'.....we know she was much much more than that! Legally, any mention of her husband, positive or negative would have been used against her in the event of a trial. She would have been told this over and over, they had already searched her she wasn't going to make any reference to him at all.
So there's my reply, the world would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything

[FONT=&quot]Truthseeker 79, please note that “phalanx means “a bone of the finger or toe” not (finger joints) as your post implies. You make many posts without supporting documentation. Going forward, could you please provide links to all of your assertions? Please see this link that defines a phalanx, NOT as a joint, but as “a bone of the finger or toe.” Just to be clear I have experience in the medical field for many years & even I am confused by your posts because facts are facts and what you are pushing does not match the facts. The facts are here in Jason’s Autopsy Report. No need to be condescending to Stephen or anyone else about medical terminology. There is NO doubt that Jason’s Autopsy Report says that his death was horrific.
many crime scene irregularities appearing of late..
An entire staircase.. a human hand gripping hair- I checked that one out, the crime scene analysts dont ever actually just casually put puled hair samples in the victims' hands. they have special little bags and cards and they are all labelled.
People we cannot stage crime scenes after the events.
And i dont believe we should be planting evidence etherically either.
We are confined.
I am reading this wonderful book, its online, free.. its great- heres the link- I love the author's wordcraft.. its tidy and neat.. he describes the entire process of a murder investigation. Enjoy!
[FONT=&amp]Truthseeker 79, please note that &#8220;phalanx means &#8220;a bone of the finger or toe&#8221; not (finger joints) as your post implies. You make many posts without supporting documentation. Going forward, could you please provide links to all of your assertions? Please see this link that defines a phalanx, NOT as a joint, but as &#8220;a bone of the finger or toe.&#8221; Just to be clear I have experience in the medical field for many years & even I am confused by your posts because facts are facts and what you are pushing does not match the facts. The facts are here in Jason&#8217;s Autopsy Report. No need to be condescending to Stephen or anyone else about medical terminology. There is NO doubt that Jason&#8217;s Autopsy Report says that his death was horrific.

Thank you for the clarification dumbfounded
Irish politicians did write letters in the custody case, Irish politicians were asked to contact the DA's office. Sorry for offending the reputations of your politicians, they must be all very moral and above any unorthodox practices. Evidence is only evidence when proven in a court of law....the defence claim to have evidence too.... The prosecutor in the Stephen Avery case had his evidence too! So wait and see what ALL the evidence amounts to.

Well, we will wait and see what all the evidence is, as you know we can only go of what we know. If you have any further evidence, particularly on the defence side, we would all love to hear it here. I have no doubt that contact was made at the very least in the custody case, this was an Irish Citizen murdered on foreign soil with children involved with no representative in the US. Frankly, I would be shocked if the Irish Consulate did not get involved.
there won't be many people giggling if any of the Irish politicians 'bombarded' by the Irish public to make demands that charges be brought actually put that in writing to a DA....freedom of information applies here too so I'm sure the defence have asked to see copies of this 'bombardment' and will review its potential significance. Again, it may not have had any effect, all the defence have to do is raise it as a doubt in a jurors mind....

Truthseeker I addressed your comments previously about Irish politicians getting involved with the DA in post #327. <modsnip>
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