GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #3

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"Mary eventually developed a painful uterine disease that doctors attributed to years of putting so many powerful narcotics in her body. They believed the disease would bother her the rest of her life."

I may be being slightly off here but this does not, to me, translate to him being told - specifically - that she had suffered multiple miscarriages due to her medication. There are many people who suffer from uterine disease who do not miscarry and many who miscarry who do not suffer from uterine disease. We know that she says she suffered miscarriages but IMO we have no proof what caused them - we can only assume.
Thats not an assumption Emma. Thats a direct quote from her partner at the time who would have been privy to her medical diagnosis. Are you suggesting he was lying?
I also posted peer reviewed and cited links in response to anniejay's original post which clarified the statement he made.
There is very sound medical evidence that these drugs do in fact cause miscarriage
It may better if we all read the book because it's getting confusing as not everybody knows what it says . Also I would like to say searchingirl on numerous occasions you have stated that Jason may have taken the tradazone as a sexual enhancer . You have also mentioned marital rape . These are not facts . They haven't been mentioned so far by anybody not even the defence. I have always said I will be willing to listen to another side If it is evidence based. I have seen nothing to point to this in any way . And in all honesty I really don't want to be coming on here when we are fighting like school children . We are all adults and it's achieving nothing only a pain in the head . Kate's thread is great it contains everything that has been found so far and we should all probably check in on it from time to time or if we want to provide a link
Thats not an assumption Emma. Thats a direct quote from her partner at the time who would have been privy to her medical diagnosis. Are you suggesting he was lying?
I also posted peer reviewed and cited links in response to anniejay's original post which clarified the statement he made.
There is very sound medical evidence that these drugs do in fact cause miscarriage

What i posted is the quote from the book as shown in anniejay's original post. She had it clearly marked by quotations. He stated the doctors said she would suffer from uterine problems for the rest of her life.

As for the medication causing miscarriage we would first need to know exactly what medication MM was taking. We can assume that the medication was the culprit but we cannot state it as fact. IMO

I do not see how peer reviews and links can change a quote made? I do not think KM is lying, i think he is being misquoted.
Another interesting little correlation between the Maginn book and Lynch testimony. Maginn describes a situation where he is living with his Fiancé, goes thru a miscarriage with her, goes thru a pyschiatric hospitalization with her, endures all the cycles of her mania and depression while writing her poems...and she essentially abruptly announces she's going to Ireland for a month and never comes back. Abrupt departure in the extreme.

Now Lynch's testimony is that MM told her she was through with JC and indeed had connected with "an old boyfriend" on Facebook. A secret life in the planning? Only this time, JC had some things MM wants to take into her newest life to be...his kids and his money! Could be why the investigators wanted 1st degree murder initially?

I wonder if the Facebook lover will testify in court?

I've been thinking the same thing...I imagine there will be some big revelations once the Facebook accounts are uncovered during the trial!
What i posted is the quote from the book as shown in anniejay's original post. She had it clearly marked by quotations. He stated the doctors said she would suffer from uterine problems for the rest of her life.

As for the medication causing miscarriage we would first need to know exactly what medication MM was taking. We can assume that the medication was the culprit but we cannot state it as fact. IMO

I do not see how peer reviews and links can change a quote made? I do not think KM is lying, i think he is being misquoted.
that doctors attributed to years of putting so many powerful narcotics in her body is the exact quote.
We know she received medication for her manic depression, we dont know which brand but its irrelevant.
If you had taken the trouble to read the links I provided along with search sources for further readings, you would have found the information is accurate. It backs up the quote.
When I read the quote I researched. I submitted my research.
Sorry Emma, if you want to read it and argue it thats fine but I cant read it for you and I am tired of these endless pedantic posts.
The point was not whether uterine disease contributed to miscarriage, it was that her specific brand of uterine disease is KNOWN to be associated with drugs.
I've been thinking the same thing...I imagine there will be some big revelations once the Facebook accounts are uncovered during the trial!

I think what was discovered from online presence of MM will be very interesting indeed.

The other thing that also stuck in my head was MM stating to JC's close friend that she had obtained legal advice about a divorce along with her comments to TL that she had basically had enough of her marriage and wanted out. Why would she say this to them? Did she feel that somehow her bond with them was superior to the one they shared with JC? If I was being unfaithful to my husband the last thing I would do is let a member of his family know.
I know, it is amazing that her parents allowed her to jet set half way across the world to look after two very minor children a month after she was released from the hospital and them also knowing her history. Mind boggling.
I am playing catch up in my reading of this case. I agree it was very irresponsible for Martens to knowingly send MM off to Europe knowing potential damage she could do while wearing a role model hat. I know I shouldn't try to justify TM & SM bon voyage wishes for a mentally unstable daughter but I think they were desperate and at wits end maybe. Parents had witnessed the slow degradation of MM stability. Witnessed MM manipulate career, frienships, relationships,and even them as parents. The stay at Emory maybe got MM out of Knoxville to prevent any embarrassment for the family while getting her help from afar (Isn't that how they used to handle youthful pregnancies). I think the parents knew their pretty daughter could find herself a man and was wanting to spread her wings and knew it would take a strong minded male. JC probably was a parents dream for the TM/SM. A widowed dad raising 2 children and the financial means to remove that hardship. Maybe the parents thought they needed to change MM patterns and across the Atlantic with a loving man and kids and from all accounts thus far an impeccable family and support cast. Maybe the Marten's then shared pillow talk along the lines of " maybe we finally did it. Maybe we finally found the right people and environment for our daughter to be happy in life" But.....maybe in their loving support of MM they assumed the strong dad would watch out for signs of MM sickness and not allow the kids to become collateral damage. I wonder how in depth the golf conversations were between JC and TM?
I think what was discovered from online presence of MM will be very interesting indeed.

The other thing that also stuck in my head was MM stating to JC's close friend that she had obtained legal advice about a divorce along with her comments to TL that she had basically had enough of her marriage and wanted out. Why would she say this to them? Did she feel that somehow her bond with them was superior to the one they shared with JC? If I was being unfaithful to my husband the last thing I would do is let a member of his family know.

I agree, and I thought the same...the only conclusion I have come to so far is that Molly seems to play the martyr incredibly well. All of her FB posts are about how Her life is so hard, how HER life is so unfair, how HER life has been destroyed. Never once does she mention the impact everything would be having on the children, her own parents, her in-laws. Perhaps it was a sign that she was starting to break down again, the beginning of random manipulations to see who 'loved her'?
Notable also is that he stated the doctors told her that her multiple miscarriages were due to the meds she was taking.

Kitty this is your quote i have simply asked that you show me where it was stated. You in turn directed me to anniejay's post which included a quote dealing with uterine disease. I have no doubt that many drugs can increase the risk of miscarriage. However I am concerned that KM's words are being twisted here.
Agree. It is a role she has played for a long time and is, therefore, very good at it. The fact that her mindset was that the children were so happy and getting ready for the new school year just weeks after their father's murder shows - to me - that she has very little comprehension on how others feel.
I am playing catch up in my reading of this case. I agree it was very irresponsible for Martens to knowingly send MM off to Europe knowing potential damage she could do while wearing a role model hat. I know I shouldn't try to justify TM & SM bon voyage wishes for a mentally unstable daughter but I think they were desperate and at wits end maybe. Parents had witnessed the slow degradation of MM stability. Witnessed MM manipulate career, frienships, relationships,and even them as parents. The stay at Emory maybe got MM out of Knoxville to prevent any embarrassment for the family while getting her help from afar (Isn't that how they used to handle youthful pregnancies). I think the parents knew their pretty daughter could find herself a man and was wanting to spread her wings and knew it would take a strong minded male. JC probably was a parents dream for the TM/SM. A widowed dad raising 2 children and the financial means to remove that hardship. Maybe the parents thought they needed to change MM patterns and across the Atlantic with a loving man and kids and from all accounts thus far an impeccable family and support cast. Maybe the Marten's then shared pillow talk along the lines of " maybe we finally did it. Maybe we finally found the right people and environment for our daughter to be happy in life" But.....maybe in their loving support of MM they assumed the strong dad would watch out for signs of MM sickness and not allow the kids to become collateral damage. I wonder how in depth the golf conversations were between JC and TM?

I agree with most of what you say here, by all accounts thus far, it seems that Jason got in over his head with Molly and could never quite find the right out. Apparently, Molly only just told him about her mental illness just prior to their move to the US - he had already sold the house he had built with his first wife and the children's mother, organised to change his job State-side etc. Her revelation was enough for him to question his decision according to a close work colleague who he confided in but his ultimate response was 'I'll give it a shot, I can always come home' ...

IMO Molly's parents probably placed alot of responsibility on Jason to 'manage' Molly (as they seemed to do with Keith also - why were they not there for check in at Emory?) and this would have bolstered their relationship with him. They probably did grow close, he was helping her...but that doesn't tally with the portrayal of Jason that the defense are running with.
Kitty this is your quote i have simply asked that you show me where it was stated. You in turn directed me to anniejay's post which included a quote dealing with uterine disease. I have no doubt that many drugs can increase the risk of miscarriage. However I am concerned that KM's words are being twisted here.
I refer only to the quote by anniejay. I have shown you the quote. I am not quoting myself.
heres the quote directly from the post again "Mary eventually developed a painful uterine disease that doctors attributed to years of putting so many powerful narcotics in her body. They believed the disease would bother her the rest of her life."
Now why dont you google painful uterine diseases caused by drugs as reason for miscarriage. If you use the peer reviewed and cited search paramaters you will be most likely to find accuracy.
Miscarriage does not arise out of a vacuum, there are reasons.
This is one.
I think what was discovered from online presence of MM will be very interesting indeed.

The other thing that also stuck in my head was MM stating to JC's close friend that she had obtained legal advice about a divorce along with her comments to TL that she had basically had enough of her marriage and wanted out. Why would she say this to them? Did she feel that somehow her bond with them was superior to the one they shared with JC? If I was being unfaithful to my husband the last thing I would do is let a member of his family know.
As far as i recall from that post she discussed divorce, not infidelity. Infidelity-
Knock off the snarky snide comments. Address the content of the post. It is possible to disagree without personally belittling the opinions of others or attacking your fellow members.
She discussed divorce with a lawyer and told TL that she had reconnected with an ex online and no longer wanted to be with JC. I would personally consider rekindling with an ex online being emotionally unfaithful. But that is simply my opinion.
I believe the old boyfriend theory came up much later than the conversation with Lyn Shanahan.
august 20, 2015. This was in relation to her gaining custody, not a confession of an affair. old boyfriend reference Jan 16.
I have suggested Molly might use marital rape as a defense and if perhaps she went independently to a doctor for an examination that might confirm they had sex if not vaginal bruising or tears... that's the kind of evidence that could be presented at the trial that we don't know about yet...and I would not be surprised if she did so under the advice of her I were a defense lawyer, I would look at that autopsy report and find every area of possible weakness I could and exploit it as I believe that is what the prosecution is hanging its hat on so to speak... Logic-lady pointed out at this point we don't know Molly's fact the only story really that's out there is Tracey's as told to the Irish press...and every week it's re-worded and published far as I'm concerned almost all of it is hearsay including everything she said about Molly in the custody hearing except for one thing...if Molly confessed to her I expect to hear it in the Irish Daily Mail found this young man's memoir wherein he originally says he changed one name to protect his/her identity and gets him to out Molly as Mary in his book...although he says he wasn't paid for his interview, obviously it increased sales of his book and gained him some spotlight...I think he is just the crummiest boyfriend ever ...because I don't think his story has anything to do with Molly's guilt for the crime she is charged with... Molly may be a mental mess but she has a right to defend herself and KMs story in the Mail and his book are just another reason for Molly not getting a fair's highly prejudicial and IMO not at all probative for this crime... of course, we all may have different theories of the crime and we won't know the prosecution's version until opening statements....IMO

Then there is faceBook...I started following this story in January when Molly and her Father were indicted so I missed coverage of the custody dispute and didn't read posts in "real time"...but I have to say that Molly's pained cries for those children sound more like a broken hearted woman than a murderer trying to gain control of witnesses...still, plenty of hateful things have been said on both sides of the fence and who is to say how any of that will play out in Court...I think cyber-bullying is a big deal on faceBook now legally I'm just wondering in terms of sleuthing...if we were discover who Molly dated in 2007, then what? Confront him and coerce him to speak out?... Harass him until he does?...Call him names if he doesn't? ...all in the name of Justice?...

this is what my signature means to me...if you believe everything you hear other people say about someone, you will probably end up hurting somebody else you didn't intend to...including yourself...
I believe the old boyfriend theory came up much later than the conversation with Lyn Shanahan.
august 20, 2015. This was in relation to her gaining custody, not a confession of an affair. old boyfriend reference Jan 16.

I never stated that she spoke to LS about reconnecting with an ex. I stated - and I quote from my original post - "MM stating to JC's close friend that she had obtained legal advice about a divorce along with her comments to TL that she had basically had enough of her marriage and wanted out". My comment was that if i was being unfaithful - and I think reconnecting with an ex online as suggested is being unfaithful emotionally - the last thing I would do is say this to a family member.
I am left wondering what people feel our purpose being here is all about....


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