GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #3

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I don't think you would secure freedom or gain custody by pleading insanity IMO

She would not have gained custody for sure.
She would probably lose her inheritance too or be made a ward of court when released from a long stay mental health institution in lieu of prison.
Yes true about the bat. Was the exact location of the bat when he or she picked it up ever disclosed yet or will we ever know for sure? Hard to establish this IMO. It could have been anywhere, either in the garage or it could have been lying in the hallway. They really only have TMs version of events in this respect to go on unless someone else who was in the house earlier that evening can recall specifically seeing it. I am firmly of the belief still until I hear to the contrary that TM is covering to a certain extent for MM, that she started the whole thing off with the paving brick and Jason was struggling with her to disarm her and also trying to defend himself and TM walked in just at the moment Jason possibly had his hands on her, not to physically abuse her, but naturally outraged at her attack on him and doing what comes natural when one is attacked which is to try defend himself by whatever means either by pushing or trying to restrain her. TM reacts as many a father would do on what greeted him. However, its only afterwards when he assesses the scene he realises that he didn't inflict all the damage with the bat but molly and the paving brick did. Is it possible he could have survived the attack if he were hit with just the bat I wonder?

Now, despite the claims of mollys bipolar, was she unstable at the time of the attack... I don't think she was..wouldn't the first place she should go or be ordered to go is the nearest psych ward to both protect herself and those around her. The child services in NC who met her in the aftermath would have been looking for signs of instability while asessing her and didn't see anything wrong, she is able to give instructions to her lawyers and seemingly functioning normally since for her court appearances. I'm on the fence about the bipolar and the part it plays in this murder to be honest. Did she actually have bipolar or was it a form of depression she had, il await medical evidence on this. She claims not to have taken medication in eight years which would tie in with the timeline of her coming to Ireland, it's just not possible for a person with bipolar to function normally for eight years without a carefully followed medication plan. Its a Massive and foolish lie for her to tell when her life is on the line which is easily verified. I am of the view she is and was very much stable and in control of her actions whether or not she suffered some of form of mental illness eight years ago and prior, i dont believe at the time of the murder she was suffering from mental health. There's just something odd about this and her side have offered nothing to rebutt any of what has been said which is in line with what their strategy has been so reveal as little as possible. Such interviews like KMs are giving them fodder to work with. Has her previous mental health problems any relevance to the upcoming trial, at the moment I don't think it has. Telling a lie or being vague about previous medical history in the past does not make a person a murderer and this can be explained away that she was ashamed and worried how people incl jasons family would react if she revealed all, this is what the defence will say and there are plenty who can relate to that. I wish we knew more of her alleged version of events of what led up to this. Something made her snap and I really really would love to know for sure what it was but il have to patiently wait for the trial for this!

Thank you for saying this...she said she had been misdiagnosed and wasn't being treated for bi-polar anymore...why not believe her?...I know some people feel like some of their problem is exacerbated by psychotropic drugs and they just won't take them ... of course I live around Boulder where you can heal yourself of anything through macrobiotics, homeopathy, ayurvetic massage therapy, yoga, meditation, diet, and extreme sports like mountain biking and marathon running... so I believe it's possible... does anyone know if she worked out a lot when she came to Ireland? I thought I noticed she has some Irish friends that support her on her faceBook page still that might know... but, like I've been saying as well, I don't think bipolar is going to be an issue because once again in fairness...she is not using mental defect as a defense so the prosecution can't in turn use it against her... second-degree murder no premeditation, no deliberation...malice...
I don't think you would secure freedom or gain custody by pleading insanity IMO

No, she wouldn't gain freedom but perhaps an easier ride in a psych facility for a few years with emphasis on therapy and the like and then release under supervision rather than being in a mainstream prison for many years. The custody battle was lost when she entered her plea so she could have easily gone down this road after being charged IMO if reports of her volatile past are accurate and could be backed up. Everyone has a breaking point even people with no mental health issues. Most of us will never reach it or be pushed over it to committ murder.

Now another idea I have on the defence strategy is if they realise the DV claims just aren't enough to convince a jury, they could change tack and go with the story that yes jason was a lovely kind loving husband and father (there will be plenty testimony on this) , treated his wife and children impeccably regardless of there being some discord in the marriage over the adoption issue but they ploughed on for the childrens sake but that on this particular night he got drunk, mixed alcohol with prescription drugs and turned into a monster much to mollys horror and disbelief...she never seen him like thiscabtore, didn't know what he was capable of and therefore had no choice but to hit him numerous times etc etc. Dad hears commotion, walks in, cant believe his eyes, that his kind loving son in law has basically turned into the incredible hulk and therefore we know the rest as per the defence attorneys press releases. Food for thought there.
I agree, I think I said it before, the only hope they have of no jail time is to convincingly sell the self defense theory...any other charge would accrue some other type of incarceration and IMO, there is an arrogance in regards to the charges that highlights they don't believe they should be punished at all.
I'm sorry Kitty but..."sociopathic approach to the murder of her children?"...that's new...
Thank you for saying this...she said she had been misdiagnosed and wasn't being treated for bi-polar anymore...why not believe her?...I know some people feel like some of their problem is exacerbated by psychotropic drugs and they just won't take them ... of course I live around Boulder where you can heal yourself of anything through macrobiotics, homeopathy, ayurvetic massage therapy, yoga, meditation, diet, and extreme sports like mountain biking and marathon running... so I believe it's possible... does anyone know if she worked out a lot when she came to Ireland? I thought I noticed she has some Irish friends that support her on her faceBook page still that might know... but, like I've been saying as well, I don't think bipolar is going to be an issue because once again in fairness...she is not using mental defect as a defense so the prosecution can't in turn use it against her... second-degree murder no premeditation, no deliberation...malice...

I believe but I may be wrong that these people have followed her after the murder . I don't think Bi Polar will be used as the defence either . I agree that this would not explain everything but both Tracey and Keith have stated separately That Molly
Flipped like a light switch
two separate accounts many years apart . This is questionable IMO
No, she wouldn't gain freedom but perhaps an easier ride in a psych facility for a few years with emphasis on therapy and the like and then release under supervision rather than being in a mainstream prison for many years. The custody battle was lost when she entered her plea so she could have easily gone down this road after being charged IMO if reports of her volatile past are accurate and could be backed up. Everyone has a breaking point even people with no mental health issues. Most of us will never reach it or be pushed over it to committ murder.

Now another idea I have on the defence strategy is if they realise the DV claims just aren't enough to convince a jury, they could change tack and go with the story that yes jason was a lovely kind loving husband and father (there will be plenty testimony on this) , treated his wife and children impeccably regardless of there being some discord in the marriage over the adoption issue but they ploughed on for the childrens sake but that on this particular night he got drunk, mixed alcohol with prescription drugs and turned into a monster much to mollys horror and disbelief...she never seen him like thiscabtore, didn't know what he was capable of and therefore had no choice but to hit him numerous times etc etc. Dad hears commotion, walks in, cant believe his eyes, that his kind loving son in law has basically turned into the incredible hulk and therefore we know the rest as per the defence attorneys press releases. Food for thought there.

Domestic violence isn't necessarily a pattern of's defined as a crime involving members of the same family in NC...IMO
...I'm sorry my mouse is misbehaving...
I believe but I may be wrong that these people have followed her after the murder . I don't think Bi Polar will be used as the defence either . I agree that this would not explain everything but both Molly and Keith have stated separately That Molly two separate accounts many years apart . This is questionable IMO
Molly said that?
No, she wouldn't gain freedom but perhaps an easier ride in a psych facility for a few years with emphasis on therapy and the like and then release under supervision rather than being in a mainstream prison for many years. The custody battle was lost when she entered her plea so she could have easily gone down this road after being charged IMO if reports of her volatile past are accurate and could be backed up. Everyone has a breaking point even people with no mental health issues. Most of us will never reach it or be pushed over it to committ murder.

Now another idea I have on the defence strategy is if they realise the DV claims just aren't enough to convince a jury, they could change tack and go with the story that yes jason was a lovely kind loving husband and father (there will be plenty testimony on this) , treated his wife and children impeccably regardless of there being some discord in the marriage over the adoption issue but they ploughed on for the childrens sake but that on this particular night he got drunk, mixed alcohol with prescription drugs and turned into a monster much to mollys horror and disbelief...she never seen him like thiscabtore, didn't know what he was capable of and therefore had no choice but to hit him numerous times etc etc. Dad hears commotion, walks in, cant believe his eyes, that his kind loving son in law has basically turned into the incredible hulk and therefore we know the rest as per the defence attorneys press releases. Food for thought there.

Yes its very minimal amounts though . .50 tradozone .20 Ethanol . Also Jason has heart conditions as stated in the Autopsy . People with heart conditions are careful about taking medicines and would certainly read labels .IMO
Yes its very minimal amounts though . .50 tradozone .20 Ethanol . Also Jason has heart conditions as stated in the Autopsy . People with heart conditions are careful about taking medicines and would certainly read labels .IMO
with all due respect Stephan, trazodone is not indicated for certain heart conditions and I don't believe Jason's was one of them...but, Holton's description of what happened with the violence would not have happened in that dosage IMO...the only type of behavior that might account for that is like a serotonin overdose ... if JC was incapacitated in some way it would be the dizziness...IMO...yes it makes you sleepy but it helps more in letting you fall asleep rather than keeping you's really a drug you shouldn't take if you don't plan on being in bed...start at 50mg to sleep, 500mg for antidepressant therapy...IMO...
with all due respect Stephan, trazodone is not indicated for certain heart conditions and I don't believe Jason's was one of them...but, Holton's description of what happened with the violence would not have happened in that dosage IMO...the only type of behavior that might account for that is like a serotonin overdose ... if JC was incapacitated in some way it would be the dizziness...IMO...yes it makes you sleepy but it helps more in letting you fall asleep rather than keeping you's really a drug you shouldn't take if you don't plan on being in bed...start at 50mg to sleep, 500mg for antidepressant therapy...IMO...

I really just don't see him ingesting something that may or may not effect his heart especially with known heart conditions that is all . Im not saying you are wrong I'm saying I don't believe it. If Jason was "drinking throughout the course of the day " as stated by Tom in the 911 call I don't see why he needed to take a sleep aid especially if it wasn't prescribed to him and I don't believe it was. Again I don't know if this is the case and I may be proved wrong but it is my opinion. Nothing adds up to me .
Yes its very minimal amounts though . .50 tradozone .20 Ethanol . Also Jason has heart conditions as stated in the Autopsy . People with heart conditions are careful about taking medicines and would certainly read labels .IMO

Yes that's true, they are minimal. I am interested in what the defence provide to contradict these levels hopefully it will be translated in laymans terms. I tried researching online how to figure out the alcohol level changes after death and read what was previously posted on this forum about it however I was not able to dicipher and make much sense of the medical and scientific terminology and calculations. Not my forte unfortunately. Was Jason aware I wonder of his heart problems? Many people can be unaware of artery blockages etc unless something happens for them to seek medical attention. Sometimes they are discovered too late like after suffering a stroke.
I really just don't see him ingesting something that may or may not effect his heart especially with known heart conditions that is all . Im not saying you are wrong I'm saying I don't believe it. If Jason was "drinking throughout the course of the day " as stated by Tom in the 911 call I don't see why he needed to take a sleep aid especially if it wasn't prescribed to him and I don't believe it was. Again I don't know if this is the case and I may be proved wrong but it is my opinion. Nothing adds up to me .

he might not have known about the heart side-effects...but the more I think about it the dizziness could have affected his ability to fight back...IMO
Yes that's true, they are minimal. I am interested in what the defence provide to contradict these levels hopefully it will be translated in laymans terms. I tried researching online how to figure out the alcohol level changes after death and read what was previously posted on this forum about it however I was not able to dicipher and make much sense of the medical and scientific terminology and calculations. Not my forte unfortunately. Was Jason aware I wonder of his heart problems? Many people can be unaware of artery blockages etc unless something happens for them to seek medical attention. Sometimes they are discovered too late like after suffering a stroke.

I would presume he was . He only started the job he worked in before his death 4 years prior. I would think a medical would be part of the criteria. For any factory job in Ireland a medical is a necessity but other than that its stated he was health conscious I see no reason he wasn't attending a doctor if only for a yearly examination. IMO
Yes that's true, they are minimal. I am interested in what the defence provide to contradict these levels hopefully it will be translated in laymans terms. I tried researching online how to figure out the alcohol level changes after death and read what was previously posted on this forum about it however I was not able to dicipher and make much sense of the medical and scientific terminology and calculations. Not my forte unfortunately. Was Jason aware I wonder of his heart problems? Many people can be unaware of artery blockages etc unless something happens for them to seek medical attention. Sometimes they are discovered too late like after suffering a stroke.

I think, after watching a few of these trials, that the Defense will have their expert and the Prosecution will have their expert...and they will cancel themselves out. That means that the jury will have to look elsewhere for their decison. I believe that credibility will be key. Uncle Mike has been doing PR work to impress upon a jury pool that this is a stellar family, above reproach. Molly has been cited by him as a terrific Mother. Jason has been called an abusive drunk. This is not a one night attack according to hints on her page and outright statements by her supporters, including one family member. Uncle Mike has also given us their precise outline of the case.

The evidence of the Prosecution will have as its goal to destroy their credibility and they will start with that autopsy. Have the Martens lied in their public statements? Have they already corrupted their credibility.

Well, in my opinion, we've already seen a few bombshells. The Defense will earn their pay.
It's very true that Jason was a big man. I would not have let my 160 lb husband who is 65 years old go upstairs, bat or not, to face a raging man almost half his age and twice his size. I'd have called police for help and been right behind him.
I respectfully hope we can agree to disagree on this one. I believe many women, most women, would send their FBI husband upstairs in defense of their daughter.
I respectfully hope we can agree to disagree on this one. I believe many women, most women, would send their FBI husband upstairs in defense of their daughter.

We certainly can agree to disagree and it keeps this place interesting. I might agree with you...up to a certain age. I have a neighbor who is married to a former Navy SEAL...trained in every sort of hand to hand elite group of highly athletic fighting men. But he's TM. He is not the man he was in the glory days of youth and health. TM retired early...has been in a desk job. I don't think a loving wife would send him up to deal with what they claim to be...a raging drunk, 275 lbs and in the process of murdering their daughter.

I'd be afraid that the Hulk would kill them both.
Molly was thinking talking divorce for 2 years.. but she could not lose him because she would lose the children and his wealth.
Its a possibility, glad you mentioned it..
link to sux-
I consider MM a very pretty woman. Married to a man like 5 yrs her senior. Men are disposable to women like her. She can find a man quickly of equal financial means. I think she truly loved those children with all her heart and didnt want to lose them. I think she knew the writing was on the wall regarding her marriage and relationship with JC but didnt want to give up the kids. This was the first and only time her enabling parents couldnt bail her out or get her out of a bind...but daddy tried. Daddy may go down with the ship for not helping one iota.
I have also been curious about the charging documents mentioning "timeline." Could it be that tests or evidence indicate that the time of the crime/death and the time of the 911 call are not following spontaneously after one another as we have been led to believe? It's always puzzled me that a 65 year old man could be in a "donnybrook" of extreme physical exertion...and not even be winded in that call.
If there is an unaccounted interval there...where was Sharon? What were they doing? Why was delay necessary?
I believe with new technology the autopsy will reveal the sequence of bat blows. I believe JC was slipped a mickey then the very first blow rendered him unconscious where all remaining blows didnt make much noise. Kids wouldnt have heard anything and parents in basement wouldnt have heard anything until MM had struck all the blows. And now that i think about it i doubt she started screaming from her bedroom in fear she may possibly wake the kids. I would guess she walked downstairs and woke daddy and said JC attacked me and when i defended myself I think I may have killed him.
I believe with new technology the autopsy will reveal the sequence of bat blows. I believe JC was slipped a mickey then the very first blow rendered him unconscious where all remaining blows didnt make much noise. Kids wouldnt have heard anything and parents in basement wouldnt have heard anything until MM had struck all the blows. And now that i think about it i doubt she started screaming from her bedroom in fear she may possibly wake the kids. I would guess she walked downstairs and woke daddy and said JC attacked me and when i defended myself I think I may have killed him.
you know, it is second degree murder...just saying'...IMO
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