GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #3

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The more I look at the actions, behaviour and general life of the Martens family until August 1st the more I am leaning towards a jury finding one or both guilty.
Before Jason's murder we have what appears to be on the outside decent, well educated, middle class, church going family. There will be witnesses lining up to give testimony of this "fine family" I have no doubt. Mm herself, model, swim coach, volunteer, Great mother all round near perfect. So on August 2nd 2 members of this fine family beat Jason to death on his bedroom floor ok, ok it was self defence, alright so the law abiding, well educated etc etc father and daughter were merely protecting themselves. If that were true we still would hold on to the idea that they were a fine family and most probably we along with a jury would have sympathy for their circumstances.

However. We now have a fine family who acted in self defence suddenly enlisting an uncle to gain illegal access to the victims office in the 24 hours after his death. We have daughter and father with no injuries defensive or otherwise on either of them. We have insurance companies being called. Funerals being organised. Sharon phoning the victims family 10 hours after his death to say mm had pushed him and he fell. We have tracey corbett testifying she recieved a phone call from mm where she admitted to the killing. We have a grieving widow taking two orphans out for "ice cream" .. as you do. We have a scramble by mm for custody and a possible dash for passports. All in the 24 to 48 hours after Jason was beaten to death.

In the weeks following. We have mm allegedly denying Jasons family access to both Jason's body and children. We have her and the children happily getting ready for the start of school. The Facebook family pictures come down replaced by mm and Jason's 2 children, he is basically erased completely. We have the custody battle that ensues, slanderous comments posted by her cousin about Jason on fb. Herself and uncle Mike berating the corbett family, speaking of conspiracy, trying to allegedly board a plane to stop the children from leaving. Trying to employ pilots to fly banners over the grieving victims family hometown declaring her love. Hidden messages left for the kids in their toys, dramatic radio interviews basically asking strangers to approach the kids. Her anger rising on her fb posts all the time. Her handful of supporters get on board and post pictures of Jasons children and also berate the corbett family. And not one mention of remorse, grief, sorrow from ONE member of her family, herself or her friends. And at some point she's enough time even though she's so busy to take large amounts of money from a joint account.
We have her refusal to give the children items they have requested including their mothers rings. We have pictures of their belongings strewn out on the driveway and the corbetts outside refused access to their brothers home. I'm probably missing a lot out here !

To sum up... if I was on a jury and went into this case seeing a fine family who were confronted by a monster on Aug 2nd and who acted to save their own lives or the lives of each other. I would absolutely and utterly appalled by the above actions and possibly more of this family in the hours days and months after that night. They are not the actions of a normal decent family who feared for their lives and had to do what they did. IMO they are a family with narcissistic, dishonest and sometimes nasty characteristics that don't fit with the ^fine family" picture.
Mm and tm lost their case IMO in their actions in the hours days, and months after the night of Aug 2nd. And that's not even taking into account the incriminating autopsy.

All just my thoughts and opinions.

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Bravo! Fantastic post.
I think its a given that there will be at least one guilty verdict, the question is which, in my mind. Or both.
The more I look at the actions, behaviour and general life of the Martens family until August 1st the more I am leaning towards a jury finding one or both guilty.
Before Jason's murder we have what appears to be on the outside decent, well educated, middle class, church going family. There will be witnesses lining up to give testimony of this "fine family" I have no doubt. Mm herself, model, swim coach, volunteer, Great mother all round near perfect. So on August 2nd 2 members of this fine family beat Jason to death on his bedroom floor ok, ok it was self defence, alright so the law abiding, well educated etc etc father and daughter were merely protecting themselves. If that were true we still would hold on to the idea that they were a fine family and most probably we along with a jury would have sympathy for their circumstances.

However. We now have a fine family who acted in self defence suddenly enlisting an uncle to gain illegal access to the victims office in the 24 hours after his death. We have daughter and father with no injuries defensive or otherwise on either of them. We have insurance companies being called. Funerals being organised. Sharon phoning the victims family 10 hours after his death to say mm had pushed him and he fell. We have tracey corbett testifying she recieved a phone call from mm where she admitted to the killing. We have a grieving widow taking two orphans out for "ice cream" .. as you do. We have a scramble by mm for custody and a possible dash for passports. All in the 24 to 48 hours after Jason was beaten to death.

In the weeks following. We have mm allegedly denying Jasons family access to both Jason's body and children. We have her and the children happily getting ready for the start of school. The Facebook family pictures come down replaced by mm and Jason's 2 children, he is basically erased completely. We have the custody battle that ensues, slanderous comments posted by her cousin about Jason on fb. Herself and uncle Mike berating the corbett family, speaking of conspiracy, trying to allegedly board a plane to stop the children from leaving. Trying to employ pilots to fly banners over the grieving victims family hometown declaring her love. Hidden messages left for the kids in their toys, dramatic radio interviews basically asking strangers to approach the kids. Her anger rising on her fb posts all the time. Her handful of supporters get on board and post pictures of Jasons children and also berate the corbett family. And not one mention of remorse, grief, sorrow from ONE member of her family, herself or her friends. And at some point she's enough time even though she's so busy to take large amounts of money from a joint account.
We have her refusal to give the children items they have requested including their mothers rings. We have pictures of their belongings strewn out on the driveway and the corbetts outside refused access to their brothers home. I'm probably missing a lot out here !

To sum up... if I was on a jury and went into this case seeing a fine family who were confronted by a monster on Aug 2nd and who acted to save their own lives or the lives of each other. I would absolutely and utterly appalled by the above actions and possibly more of this family in the hours days and months after that night. They are not the actions of a normal decent family who feared for their lives and had to do what they did. IMO they are a family with narcissistic, dishonest and sometimes nasty characteristics that don't fit with the ^fine family" picture.
Mm and tm lost their case IMO in their actions in the hours days, and months after the night of Aug 2nd. And that's not even taking into account the incriminating autopsy.

All just my thoughts and opinions.

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Fantastic post !
Am I the only one who thinks this had nothing to do with money? I really don't think it does. This was a crime of rage. We don't yet know what triggered that rage. If this was about money, it would have been planned and executed in a much more clever fashion, the cover story would not be so inept.
Molly had never lost. Had some temporary setbacks but always landed on her feet smelling like a rose. She was no longer as youthful. She now had kids she loved and adored. A husband that had money that in the past had sort of allowed money to disappear w/o asking too many questions (sympathy I guess on JC's part). But all of that was about to disappear. It was imminent. For the first time on her life she was going to lose (because of her own actions) and Momma and Daddy for the first time couldn't solve her problem. Just my uneducated opinion.
IMO Mike may have been called straight away by Sharon. Tm and mm would have been taken for questioning by LE and Sharon also. Both him and his wife Mona would have been given their jobs as such. Mona takes care of the kids Mike starts the cover up. I'm thinking now that maybe in the grand plan possibly concocted by tm and mm maybe they played it safe keeping Sharon out of it, telling her to make a statement saying she didn't hear or see anything as she was asleep. This would explain perhaps her taking a step back. They might not have wanted to risk a third witness giving a statement. The more statements the more flaws between one persons version of events and the next person....even if it's scripted.
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I totally agree they conspired to keep Sharon out of it to prevent being caught in a lie. All she had to say was she remained cowering beneath covers as directed by her husband.
I have always believed TM has attempted to use his badge to help him. It has helped him thus far in getting quick access and inside info thus far, but, if a badge works wonders, 2 badges even better. More inside LE contacts and favors to pull. Bottom line, MM and TM had no injuries, no past reports of DV by MM. We all know SM probably went upstairs with TM and could tell us what happened.. And the overkill damage to JC. I really don't see where Mona/Mike can help the defense. They could actually hurt the defense. Just like with Sharon, MM and TM have to have their facts jive with Mona/Mike. Little slip ups can be damning.
Does anyone know or guess if LE will ask the kids any questions? Hopefully the kids wont be forced to testify but I think they could be asked some nice easy questions that could help the prosecutor. Did your grandfather bring you a new bat or did you already have a bat? Where did you store the bat? When did you last see your bat? Did Mom and Dad ever argue? Did your dad ever say anything about taking you 2 kids back to Europe?
I totally agree they conspired to keep Sharon out of it to prevent being caught in a lie. All she had to say was she remained cowering beneath covers as directed by her husband.
I have always believed TM has attempted to use his badge to help him. It has helped him thus far in getting quick access and inside info thus far, but, if a badge works wonders, 2 badges even better. More inside LE contacts and favors to pull. Bottom line, MM and TM had no injuries, no past reports of DV by MM. We all know SM probably went upstairs with TM and could tell us what happened.. And the overkill damage to JC. I really don't see where Mona/Mike can help the defense. They could actually hurt the defense. Just like with Sharon, MM and TM have to have their facts jive with Mona/Mike. Little slip ups can be damning.
Does anyone know or guess if LE will ask the kids any questions? Hopefully the kids wont be forced to testify but I think they could be asked some nice easy questions that could help the prosecutor. Did your grandfather bring you a new bat or did you already have a bat? Where did you store the bat? When did you last see your bat? Did Mom and Dad ever argue? Did your dad ever say anything about taking you 2 kids back to Europe?
So far there has been no confirmation of the children giving evidence at trial. We do have this article in which it's claimed Jason's son inadvertently alerted LE to discrepancies about the bat story from tm.

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So far there has been no confirmation of the children giving evidence at trial. We do have this article in which it's claimed Jason's son inadvertently alerted LE to discrepancies about the bat story from tm.

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Thank you for this. I wish I had found this very telling article a couple of weeks ago when I started clicking and reading many of the older posts. I would assume TM told LE he had purchased the bat for Jack a long long time ago and just had recently thought about bringing the gift to NC. If he mentions it being a recent purchase with no credit card receipt (cash purchase) or store surveillance film, etc. If Sharon confirms the gift that will be 3 people fibbing. I have heard some fast talking auctioneers in my life but I bet there was even faster talking going on in the master bedroom that night between TM/SM/MM but not before providing LE with some very incriminating facts. I can just imagine some of the breakfast stories as they connived how to get the stories straight after the fact. That's where they needed Mike to help out.
It is so much nicer when I start following a case from the beginning and keep abreast of the facts compared to arriving late to the party and playing catch-up.
Thanks again for the informative link
I had absolutely no idea about the farce surrounding boarding a plane to prevent J & S from returning to Ireland. Could someone tell me how this irrational plan was supposed to work? Despite reading every post about Jason's murder, I keep finding out more from the very knowledgeable posters. What did Tracey & David Lynch do about the Marten's family trying to arrange cremation? Talk about a consciousness of guilt. The hell Tracey & David encountered upon arrival in the US is about as bad as it gets. Thank God they were supported by the court to assume guardianship of Jason's precious children. It is madness to hear about the behavior of the Martens & Earnests. Do these folks think that they have fooled others? How could one possibly expect the degree of their insanity to remain hidden?I have a question about someone in the family posting on congressional pages. Could someone enlighten me about that travesty?
I had absolutely no idea about the farce surrounding boarding a plane to prevent J & S from returning to Ireland. Could someone tell me how this irrational plan was supposed to work? Despite reading every post about Jason's murder, I keep finding out more from the very knowledgeable posters. What did Tracey & David Lynch do about the Marten's family trying to arrange cremation? Talk about a consciousness of guilt. The hell Tracey & David encountered upon arrival in the US is about as bad as it gets. Thank God they were supported by the court to assume guardianship of Jason's precious children. It is madness to hear about the behavior of the Martens & Earnests. Do these folks think that they have fooled others? How could one possibly expect the degree of their insanity to remain hidden?I have a question about someone in the family posting on congressional pages. Could someone enlighten me about that travesty?
If you read the posts here you will find reference to the posts on the congressional pages and a good description.
I heard about the plane boarding incident and I believe it to be true, however it appears the media did not cover the story for some strange reason.
I dont know how the Lynch family dealt with the cremation plan but I am constantly in awe of their strength and dedication in the face of such overwhelming odds.
If I put myself in their shoes, I doubt very much I would have had the courage to persevere. To that end, I fully support their quest for justice.
It was reported in the media that Tracey heard about the planned cremation whilst on the stop over in New York and ended up getting legal assistance in stopping it. I don't know how feasible s cremation was in reality. It was planned for the Thursday. Would the body even have been released at that stage? ME said in the interview re going to Jason's office and all the calls that were made that week, that they had a memorial to plan.. That would have been interesting given the memorial was for an ALLEGED wife beater. How wud they have scripted that??? Possibly the same way the scripted his obituary.... I post the link in the first thread. It basically have his DOB and said "passed away" with the date.. That was it.... Nothing else.

re boarding plane Re custody I never heard a word about that. Are we sure that is actually true? Seems far fetched to me...IMO
The more I look at the actions, behaviour and general life of the Martens family until August 1st the more I am leaning towards a jury finding one or both guilty.
Before Jason's murder we have what appears to be on the outside decent, well educated, middle class, church going family. There will be witnesses lining up to give testimony of this "fine family" I have no doubt. Mm herself, model, swim coach, volunteer, Great mother all round near perfect. So on August 2nd 2 members of this fine family beat Jason to death on his bedroom floor ok, ok it was self defence, alright so the law abiding, well educated etc etc father and daughter were merely protecting themselves. If that were true we still would hold on to the idea that they were a fine family and most probably we along with a jury would have sympathy for their circumstances.

However. We now have a fine family who acted in self defence suddenly enlisting an uncle to gain illegal access to the victims office in the 24 hours after his death. We have daughter and father with no injuries defensive or otherwise on either of them. We have insurance companies being called. Funerals being organised. Sharon phoning the victims family 10 hours after his death to say mm had pushed him and he fell. We have tracey corbett testifying she recieved a phone call from mm where she admitted to the killing. We have a grieving widow taking two orphans out for "ice cream" .. as you do. We have a scramble by mm for custody and a possible dash for passports. All in the 24 to 48 hours after Jason was beaten to death.

In the weeks following. We have mm allegedly denying Jasons family access to both Jason's body and children. We have her and the children happily getting ready for the start of school. The Facebook family pictures come down replaced by mm and Jason's 2 children, he is basically erased completely. We have the custody battle that ensues, slanderous comments posted by her cousin about Jason on fb. Herself and uncle Mike berating the corbett family, speaking of conspiracy, trying to allegedly board a plane to stop the children from leaving. Trying to employ pilots to fly banners over the grieving victims family hometown declaring her love. Hidden messages left for the kids in their toys, dramatic radio interviews basically asking strangers to approach the kids. Her anger rising on her fb posts all the time. Her handful of supporters get on board and post pictures of Jasons children and also berate the corbett family. And not one mention of remorse, grief, sorrow from ONE member of her family, herself or her friends. And at some point she's enough time even though she's so busy to take large amounts of money from a joint account.
We have her refusal to give the children items they have requested including their mothers rings. We have pictures of their belongings strewn out on the driveway and the corbetts outside refused access to their brothers home. I'm probably missing a lot out here !

To sum up... if I was on a jury and went into this case seeing a fine family who were confronted by a monster on Aug 2nd and who acted to save their own lives or the lives of each other. I would absolutely and utterly appalled by the above actions and possibly more of this family in the hours days and months after that night. They are not the actions of a normal decent family who feared for their lives and had to do what they did. IMO they are a family with narcissistic, dishonest and sometimes nasty characteristics that don't fit with the ^fine family" picture.
Mm and tm lost their case IMO in their actions in the hours days, and months after the night of Aug 2nd. And that's not even taking into account the incriminating autopsy.

All just my thoughts and opinions.

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This is a good post IMO...Molly's behavior is uncaring and much of everything you say after the first paragraph will be heard by the jury?
This is a good post IMO...Molly's behavior is uncaring and much of everything you say after the first paragraph will be heard by the jury?
IMO all off it. In building a picture of her character which prosecution do in every trial they can use this and every other scrap of evidence they have that we are not privy to. Imo mm wasn't indicted by a grand jury on 2nd degree murder for nothing. Would you not agree that they know even more than we do as does the prosecution?

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IMO all off it. In building a picture of her character which prosecution do in every trial they can use this and every other scrap of evidence they have that we are not privy to. Imo mm wasn't indicted by a grand jury on 2nd degree murder for nothing. Would you not agree that they know even more than we do as does the prosecution?

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Yes, I do agree they know more than we do...and it has occurred to me that one of the reasons they opted for 2nd degree murder is maybe they don't have the evidence to prove 1st degree or maybe they didn't want to get into all that "messy character stuff"...IMO...none of us know what evidence was presented to the grand jury...they heard what the DA presented to them and then handed down a true bill for 2nd degree...I believe at that time that any evidence not pertaining to 2nd degree murder should be removed from the discovery documents ... and the defense attorneys have stated publicly that certain elements we believe to be true are in fact not part of the discovery documents... ... "FREEDMAN: ... is not alleging that. I don`t believe the prosecutors are alleging that. There`s a lot of misinformation in the search warrants that were not drawn up by the prosecutors but by the Sheriff`s department that we`ve seen nothing to support."...

I believe the defense is only working with the evidence the prosecutors have handed over to them...evidence not in discovery at this point can only be admitted by the judge...see what happens at the May 30 hearing what additional evidence if any can come in...IMO...
Yes, I do agree they know more than we do...and it has occurred to me that one of the reasons they opted for 2nd degree murder is maybe they don't have the evidence to prove 1st degree or maybe they didn't want to get into all that "messy character stuff"...IMO...none of us know what evidence was presented to the grand jury...they heard what the DA presented to them and then handed down a true bill for 2nd degree...I believe at that time that any evidence not pertaining to 2nd degree murder should be removed from the discovery documents ... and the defense attorneys have stated publicly that certain elements we believe to be true are in fact not part of the discovery documents... ... "FREEDMAN: ... is not alleging that. I don`t believe the prosecutors are alleging that. There`s a lot of misinformation in the search warrants that were not drawn up by the prosecutors but by the Sheriff`s department that we`ve seen nothing to support."...

I believe the defense is only working with the evidence the prosecutors have handed over to them...evidence not in discovery at this point can only be admitted by the judge...see what happens at the May 30 hearing what additional evidence if any can come in...IMO...
People in general are not indicted on 2nd degree murder without reason. It speaks volumes to me that mm actually posted comments as did her support group after the murder pointing out that she herself had not been involved in the crime so she why would she even be charged. Remember it was Tm who admitted the crime not mm so what have they got on her that would lead them to indicting her. ? Her disgust at the charge was posted all over her page the following day. You don't get charged with 2nd degree MURDER for nothing. IMO the prosecution have kept their cards close and in doing so forced the defence to show their hand, which they have and I'm not impressed.

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People in general are not indicted on 2nd degree murder without reason. It speaks volumes to me that mm actually posted comments as did her support group after the murder pointing out that she herself had not been involved in the crime so she why would she even be charged. Remember it was Tm who admitted the crime not mm so what have they got on her that would lead them to indicting her. ? Her disgust at the charge was posted all over her page the following day. You don't get charged with 2nd degree MURDER for nothing. IMO the prosecution have kept their cards close and in doing so forced the defence to show their hand, which they have and I'm not impressed.

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I don't think anyone has said she was indicted for no reason...she was indicted because of the Autopsy Report...IMO...there is so much out there I don't know what's true what's not...but don't forget the prosecution may have seen the defense's hand in the emails that were inadvertently included in discovery...IMO
People in general are not indicted on 2nd degree murder without reason. It speaks volumes to me that mm actually posted comments as did her support group after the murder pointing out that she herself had not been involved in the crime so she why would she even be charged. Remember it was Tm who admitted the crime not mm so what have they got on her that would lead them to indicting her. ? Her disgust at the charge was posted all over her page the following day. You don't get charged with 2nd degree MURDER for nothing. IMO the prosecution have kept their cards close and in doing so forced the defence to show their hand, which they have and I'm not impressed.

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It has been explained here and relevant media report links given regarding how the sheriff was informed about the bat.
It is not a mystery
it is not a secret and nothing has occurred to disprove the fact that Jack told his guardian David Lynch that he had told his counsellor where his old bat was normally stored- in the garage- which would have entailed a diversion by tom , to pick up a weapon which is indicative of pre meditation.
The bat did not fly from its bag in the garage and int tom's hands before he entered the bedroom and allegedly murdered his son-in-law.
Those are the facts.
The investigating officers believed them.
It has been explained here and relevant media report links given regarding how the sheriff was informed about the bat.
It is not a mystery
it is not a secret and nothing has occurred to disprove the fact that Jack told his guardian David Lynch that he had told his counsellor where his old bat was normally stored- in the garage- which would have entailed a diversion by tom , to pick up a weapon which is indicative of pre meditation.
The bat did not fly from its bag in the garage and int tom's hands before he entered the bedroom and allegedly murdered his son-in-law.
Those are the facts.
The investigating officers believed them.

the investigating officers may have believed them but that evidence didn't make it into discovery... ...

"COSBY: Hang on. Now, hold on one second. Let me just make it clear. It is the exact same-looking bat, literally the same. So if it`s in a picture, then it`s literally the same model, same everything?
FREEDMAN: It`s not the same everything. We`ve seen nothing in the statement of discovery received to show that Jack made the statement supposedly he made somewhere in (Ireland). However ..."

IMO...this attorney wouldn't be lying about this because anything he says publicly can be scrutinized by the court...and he could be sanctioned ...
I don't think anyone has said she was indicted for no reason...she was indicted because of the Autopsy Report...IMO...there is so much out there I don't know what's true what's not...but don't forget the prosecution may have seen the defense's hand in the emails that were inadvertently included in discovery...IMO

Please have a read of the above. When you talk about evidence, new evidence can be introduced at any time as long as the defence has seen it prior to the prosecution showing it in court. And IMO mm is the gift that keeps on giving with regards to evidence against her. I'll say it again. We merely are only getting the tip of the iceberg here from prosecution.

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Please have a read of the above. When you talk about evidence, new evidence can be introduced at any time as long as the defence has seen it prior to the prosecution showing it in court. And IMO mm is the gift that keeps on giving with regards to evidence against her. I'll say it again. We merely are only getting the tip of the iceberg here from prosecution.

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unfortunately, your link didn't work for me...I would like to read it too...
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