GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #3

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Please have a read of the above. When you talk about evidence, new evidence can be introduced at any time as long as the defence has seen it prior to the prosecution showing it in court. And IMO mm is the gift that keeps on giving with regards to evidence against her. I'll say it again. We merely are only getting the tip of the iceberg here from prosecution.

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Exactly and we made several posts about defence outright lies on this thread before.. they can be found easily. I am not going to search them out. They are here.
I don't know if it was noted but I thought we should, for a moment remember the Victim Jason Corbett was murdered 9 months ago this week. I hope we can all remember him as we move forward doing what we can for justice.

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Exactly and we made several posts about defence outright lies on this thread before.. they can be found easily. I am not going to search them out. They are here.
I don't know what you mean about the defense outright lies...
the investigating officers may have believed them but that evidence didn't make it into discovery... ...

"COSBY: Hang on. Now, hold on one second. Let me just make it clear. It is the exact same-looking bat, literally the same. So if it`s in a picture, then it`s literally the same model, same everything?
FREEDMAN: It`s not the same everything. We`ve seen nothing in the statement of discovery received to show that Jack made the statement supposedly he made somewhere in (Ireland). However ..."

IMO...this attorney wouldn't be lying about this because anything he says publicly can be scrutinized by the court...and he could be sanctioned ...

I think this is something believable ...IMO
I think this is something believable ...IMO
I have to ask, do you believe mm is guilty or do you believe Jason was abusive. I believe she is guilty, I'm just curious what you as a fellow sleuther thinks?

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I have to ask, do you believe mm is guilty or do you believe Jason was abusive. I believe she is guilty, I'm just curious what you as a fellow slither thinks?
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I hope "slither" was a, since you asked, I think Molly is probably guilty... however, as a DV survivor I know that the situation in which Jason was killed involved the two of them in an argument that got out of control so I want to hear her story...the malice is unexplainable at this point except for pure hatred...I wonder if Jason hated her... you think?...I do grieve for those precious children ...what I don't think Molly sees in herself is that if she loves them as much as she claims they wouldn't be in the situation Molly is grieving over... it makes me angry they are so young and have endured so much loss... and no matter how it works out in the criminal trials, they lose... nonetheless, I'm sure there is something we don't know and haven't even considered yet (because there always is... sorry no link for that)...and, I don't care much for Molly at all...she's the type that always gets away with things and IDK... she might get away with this ... I hope you are prepared for that... IMO, the change of venue motion if it's filed could be problematic...there are a lot of differing demographic types living across the State and if they do succeed in getting a change, I wonder where they will move it because it could make a difference...IMO

I come here to post and learn things and hear what other people think...I think I'm an objective observer...this morning after the link didn't work for me I found this article which discusses getting evidence admitted... I think it's interesting and written by a defense attorney in Fayetteville... FYI ...
I hope "slither" was a, since you asked, I think Molly is probably guilty... however, as a DV survivor I know that the situation in which Jason was killed involved the two of them in an argument that got out of control so I want to hear her story...the malice is unexplainable at this point except for pure hatred...I wonder if Jason hated her... you think?...I do grieve for those precious children ...what I don't think Molly sees in herself is that if she loves them as much as she claims they wouldn't be in the situation Molly is grieving over... it makes me angry they are so young and have endured so much loss... and no matter how it works out in the criminal trials, they lose... nonetheless, I'm sure there is something we don't know and haven't even considered yet (because there always is... sorry no link for that)...and, I don't care much for Molly at all...she's the type that always gets away with things and IDK... she might get away with this ... I hope you are prepared for that... IMO, the change of venue motion if it's filed could be problematic...there are a lot of differing demographic types living across the State and if they do succeed in getting a change, I wonder where they will move it because it could make a difference...IMO

I come here to post and learn things and hear what other people think...I think I'm an objective observer...this morning after the link didn't work for me I found this article which discusses getting evidence admitted... I think it's interesting and written by a defense attorney in Fayetteville... FYI ...
Appreciate your thoughts, Great to hear your a survivor of DV, I also have experience of this and for that reason I notice that you presume the situation in which Jason was killed involved an arguement between the two of them? This is an important point because is it not highly possible that Jason himself was a victim of DV for a prolonged period? which brought about as we both know can happen the final beating the, fatal beating. Is it not possible for a man to be the Victim? Whatever you may think of KM I'm stuck on one statement he made, that Molly would block him from leaving a room and hated that he would go to bed during an arguement or after when she would stay up all night is this not the description of a tyrant a person wanting to control another? The links to this are up on the media page I'm sure.
As you will know there doesn't have to be a reason for a beating there doesn't have to be a reason for verbal abuse (witnessed) abusers don't need a reason they don't need an arguement to snap.

Show me the narcissist in Jason Corbett , Show me the bad father, show me the financial control over mm, show me the bad relationship he has with her family, employees, community, Show me his verbal abuse of mm in public and then in fairness we can discuss mm defence. The defence are doing their job at the moment with what they have to work with but have several times as Kittythehare mentioned they have lied and tripped up as has mm in her case, too many times to mention. All documented, discrepancies in how the kids were taken into custody, mm bi polar, the ambulance bill the childrens personal belongings, the removal of items from the house etc etc a read through the media links will bring your attention to these and more. They haven't IMO got mms innocence to work with so the next best thing is patch up, cover up.

Lawyers for martens in KM article make a statement in which there is a truth that we should remember on here with regards to the Victim....

"In cases such as this one, efforts are often made to portray the victim of domestic violence as the culprit. Such efforts are misguided and cruel.”

Jason Corbett was a victim, mm an abuser.

All just my thoughts and opinions no more no less.

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Appreciate your thoughts, Great to hear your a survivor of DV, I also have experience of this and for that reason I notice that you presume the situation in which Jason was killed involved an arguement between the two of them? This is an important point because is it not highly possible that Jason himself was a victim of DV for a prolonged period? which brought about as we both know can happen the final beating the, fatal beating. Is it not possible for a man to be the Victim? Whatever you may think of KM I'm stuck on one statement he made, that Molly would block him from leaving a room and hated that he would go to bed during an arguement or after when she would stay up all night is this not the description of a tyrant a person wanting to control another? The links to this are up on the media page I'm sure.
As you will know there doesn't have to be a reason for a beating there doesn't have to be a reason for verbal abuse (witnessed) abusers don't need a reason they don't need an arguement to snap.

Show me the narcissist in Jason Corbett , Show me the bad father, show me the financial control over mm, show me the bad relationship he has with her family, employees, community, Show me his verbal abuse of mm in public and then in fairness we can discuss mm defence. The defence are doing their job at the moment with what they have to work with but have several times as Kittythehare mentioned they have lied and tripped up as has mm in her case, too many times to mention. All documented, discrepancies in how the kids were taken into custody, mm bi polar, the ambulance bill the childrens personal belongings, the removal of items from the house etc etc a read through the media links will bring your attention to these and more. They haven't IMO got mms innocence to work with so the next best thing is patch up, cover up.

Lawyers for martens in KM article make a statement in which there is a truth that we should remember on here with regards to the Victim....

"In cases such as this one, efforts are often made to portray the victim of domestic violence as the culprit. Such efforts are misguided and cruel.”

Jason Corbett was a victim, mm an abuser.

All just my thoughts and opinions no more no less.

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Every case of DV is different.
Every situation is different
every person is different.
What we know is that molly martens is a known abuser.
our own life experience does not grant us immunity to either post nonsense or claim unique insight into what went on in that bedroom on the night of the murder.
Brilliant post btw Truthalways.
I think we have all been distracted of late and neglected uncle mike mm uncle under investigation for trying to gain illegal access to Jason's office by using his position. Does anyone know anything about how these investigations work?

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Holton said Jason Corbett had an alcohol level of .02, which was measured seven hours after his death. He said his team will have an expert who will testify on the true level at the time of Corbett’s death. Davidson County Sheriff David Grice said he couldn’t comment on any possible alcohol involvement because that aspect is of the “evidentiary nature.”

Walter Holton, attorney for Ms Martens, said: ‘The medical examiner report indicates that some 30 hours after his death they drew the blood and that blood had an alcohol content of 0.02% but it’s not indicative of what the content of his blood would have been on the night that this incident happened.’

“On Monday night, not only were the children taken from her, but the children were literally ripped out of her home with no warning to her whatsoever, with their pyjamas on… it was a horrible sight

Jack and Sarah we're excited to start school on Tuesday. They had just returned from a shopping trip Monday afternoon picking out their school supplies only to be rippedaway with zero notification
2 big lies I know of Im sure there are more this is a quick search but there is a pattern of lies and half truths here with everyone associated with the Martens

“He actually took steps to become a more permanent citizen here. He got paperwork both for himself, and for Jack and Sarah, as permanent residents.”
Shipwash ruling once Jason was dead the children were illegal as they were on his work visa

“We have some witnesses here to say that his wishes were to make them American citizens and to stay here with Molly.”

I really hope they have more credible witnesses then the ones that I observed on Fb on various pages and under news articles. Some in professional backgrounds which astounded me to no end . If so no wonder the police allegedly told them they didn't believe them , as far as I know the most vocal one on her supporters on facebook is little more than an acquaintance S and her daughter were friends. Sure I know my sons parents but if either ended up murdered in their own home no other suspects could I be 100% certain of their innocence. The answer is no . I saw that woman say she met Jason a few times could she be considered a credible witness I think not especially if other witnesses from the same social circle of Jason and Molly gave statements which I have no doubt they did because we have the fat shaming incident and the house moving incident reported. IMO
I think we have all been distracted of late and neglected uncle mike mm uncle under investigation for trying to gain illegal access to Jason's office by using his position. Does anyone know anything about how these investigations work?

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yes.. why is Mike Earnest so eager to narrate himself into the murder?
Does SIGAR have a significant role in this investigation?
What is the role of the FBI in this murder?
What significance has an FBI connection to this murder?
How far will FBI go to ensure their name is not tarnished here?

These are questions, not answers.. Does anybody on websleuths have previous experience of working cases with FBI involvement?
How did they pan out?
How high are the stakes really for the FBI here?

2 big lies I know of Im sure there are more this is a quick search butthere is a pattern of lies and half truths here with everyone associated with the Martens

Shipwash ruling once Jason was the dead the children were illegal as they were on his work visa

I really hope they have more credible witnesses then the one that I observed on Fb . Some in professional backgrounds which astounded me to no end . If so no wonder the police allegedly told them they didn't believe , as far as I know the most vocal one on her supporters on facebook is little more than an acquaintance S and her daughter were friends. Sure I know my sons parents but if either ended up murdered in their own home no other suspects could I be 100% certain of their innocence . I saw that woman say she met Jason a few times could she be considered a credible witness I think not especially if other witnesses from the same social circle gave statements which I have no doubt they did because we have the fat shaming incident . IMO
I'm actually horrified reading your post. I was aware of discrepancies but this is astonishing!! The lies never seem to end which is a fact in itself that this whole case smacks of GUILT. Supporters of mm seem to be few but I think anything they have to say will be tossed out of court due to their vicious and contradicting posts on social media.

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I'm actually horrified reading your post. I was aware of discrepancies but this is astonishing!! The lies never seem to end which is a fact in itself that this whole case smacks of GUILT. Supporters of mm seem to be few but I think anything they have to say will be tossed out of court due to their vicious and contradicting posts on social media.

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Honestly it is shocking . Who knows what other discrepancies we will find out once the trial starts.... Or indeed what lengths these people went to .
Mikes Lies
‘[She] was most definitely not at the home yesterday [Thursday]. I could be telling you a bold-faced lie but I can assure you if anyone is telling you that Molly was there at the house, taking things out, that is a bold-faced lie.’

On January 21st 2016 , Respondent took a majority of tangible personal property locate at the home and placed that property in storage

‘That is a complete lie and fabrication. There could be nothing further from the truth.’ He added: ‘It’s one thing to tell a lie about an average citizen. It’s another to tell a lie about a sworn US federal agent.’ He declined to comment on the SIGAR investigation.
While Mr Earnest has denied the allegations, his employer has confirmed the inquiry. A spokesperson said: ‘SIGAR is conducting an administrative inquiry. We take all allegations seriously and review them thoroughly.
Two senior internal affairs investigators from SIGAR are understood to have travelled from Washington to interview staff from Multi-Packing Solutions, where Mr Corbett worked. Staff at the plant in North Carolina contacted police and Mr Earnest was denied access, it is claimed.

Feel free to add more I know there have been many more

Mikes Lies

Feel free to add more I know there have been many more

I remember Stmartmead requesting a lie file in the past few weeks.. can we make one here or should we make a cloud liarfile?
there were more.. definitely..
Appreciate your thoughts, Great to hear your a survivor of DV, I also have experience of this and for that reason I notice that you presume the situation in which Jason was killed involved an arguement between the two of them? This is an important point because is it not highly possible that Jason himself was a victim of DV for a prolonged period? which brought about as we both know can happen the final beating the, fatal beating. Is it not possible for a man to be the Victim? Whatever you may think of KM I'm stuck on one statement he made, that Molly would block him from leaving a room and hated that he would go to bed during an arguement or after when she would stay up all night is this not the description of a tyrant a person wanting to control another? The links to this are up on the media page I'm sure.
As you will know there doesn't have to be a reason for a beating there doesn't have to be a reason for verbal abuse (witnessed) abusers don't need a reason they don't need an arguement to snap.

Show me the narcissist in Jason Corbett , Show me the bad father, show me the financial control over mm, show me the bad relationship he has with her family, employees, community, Show me his verbal abuse of mm in public and then in fairness we can discuss mm defence. The defence are doing their job at the moment with what they have to work with but have several times as Kittythehare mentioned they have lied and tripped up as has mm in her case, too many times to mention. All documented, discrepancies in how the kids were taken into custody, mm bi polar, the ambulance bill the childrens personal belongings, the removal of items from the house etc etc a read through the media links will bring your attention to these and more. They haven't IMO got mms innocence to work with so the next best thing is patch up, cover up.

Lawyers for martens in KM article make a statement in which there is a truth that we should remember on here with regards to the Victim....

"In cases such as this one, efforts are often made to portray the victim of domestic violence as the culprit. Such efforts are misguided and cruel.”

Jason Corbett was a victim, mm an abuser.

All just my thoughts and opinions no more no less.

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I may be wrong cuz I've tried to discuss it before but I think the assumption of an argument, or altercation is inherent in the 2nd degree murder charge...add that they were married and it becomes defined as Domestic Violence (just due to the relationship)... then if there is the serial aspect to it..., had they gotten in physical fights before?...Is there evidence of Molly beating Jason prior to this night?...did he seek treatment for his wounds?... did he talk to anyone about it? I believe KM story in it's entirety and I think I stated before that I believe its evidentiary value has 2's a double-edged side is as you described that she would stand at the door and keep him from leaving the room (obsessive engagement in the argument, entrapment?)...and the other side is that KM also said that Molly wasn't physically violent when she was angry...please, I don't see Jason as an abuser... in the eyes of the law I think if one or the other is to be considered more abusive than the other, to establish a pattern of abuse, for the defense I think they call it an affirmative defense and would require a filing in court asking the judge to allow it...for the prosecution side I can't help but think they would have charged her with 1st degree murder if that was the case...IMO...I don't believe I am spouting nonsense...and don't believe my experience gives me unique insight into what happened that early me nonsense is if I were to make sweeping generalizations backed up by nothing but hearsay...I believe we all want to know the truth...truth is

Uncle Mike may be a liar...has he been charged in connection with this crime?
More Lies

We said there wasn’t any need for search warrants because we’ll give them any information they want, but they went and executed all these warrants.

Respondent did not not admit into evidence at the hearing any financial records of her own
Respondent did not admit into evidence at the hearing any credit card records to corroborate her purchases of tangible property on her Chase Visa card
Respondent objected to the subpoena but has yet to produce any documents to corroborate her testimony
Respondent has possession of or access to her Chase visa records that could coobrate her testimony, but those records were not entered into evidence at the hearing

Holton said Molly Corbett has received voicemails from Jack asking her to call him in what they believe is an attempt to get her to violate a court order.

In the statement, Ely Martens also said her sister-in-law had "very recently" been the target of an obscene phonecall where a child - not Jack or Sarah Corbett - was put on the phone to speak to her.
LIE FILE contd
“Jason had been drinking all day. He is a huge man. It’s clear from the 911 tape he was choking his wife and he was threatening to kill her. He said, ‘I am going to kill her.’ That is a life or death situation.”
There is nothing clear from the 91 tape. Drinking all day with 0.2mgs c2h5oh?

"She's innocent," Holton said. "She doesn't deserve even to be charged. But much less to be subject to this level of harassment."

irst to you, Walter Holton. Did your client know at the time her husband was bludgeoned dead, her husband was planning to leave her? He was not

booking a ticket for her.

WALTER HOLTON, WIFE`S ATTORNEY (via telephone): Nancy, what evidence do you have of that? There is no evidence of that. There`s no evidence in

the search warrant of that. And if you or your reporter have any evidence of that, we would certainly like to see it.
lie exposed-ZARRELL: Well, the tickets is a report that`s out there. We`re working to confirm it with police. But the documents clearly state that he had been

planning to move back to Ireland with his children permanently, and without the wife. He had expressed his intentions to a number of people, and the

wife was not coming with them.

GRACE: And was that in the search warrant, Matt Zarrell?

ZARRELL: Yes, it was. It was the probable cause affidavit to search.
DAVID FREEDMAN, ATTORNEY FOR FATHER-IN-LAW (via telephone): Well, Mr. Martens is a great family man. He has four children. He has numerous

grandchildren. He was special agent-in-charge for the Knoxville office. He was working as a contractor for Department of Energy. I mean, his

background is impeccable. 9That should cut it.. the grandchildren preclude murder...oh my!!
FREEDMAN: Well, I just wanted to say that the -- those accusations in the search warrant are not actually attributed to anybody. And you all keep

referring to that as evidence. We don`t think there`s any evidence there of those things.

GRACE: OK. So the thing you want to tell me is that what is in this search warrant...

FREEDMAN: Yes, it`s...

GRACE: ... which is a sworn affidavit -- you`re saying I can`t prove it. OK, so...
FREEDMAN: Of what I`m...

GRACE: ... I`m taking the cops` word for it, OK?

FREEDMAN: No, but the cops don`t -- the cops attribute it to different sources out there that they don`t name. There`s no sworn affidavit to say

that stuff is true. There`s just a sworn affidavit to say they`ve received some information, and none of that information goes back to any individual.

GRACE: Well, that`s just like you telling me your client acted in self- defense.

FREEDMAN: That`s right.

GRACE: Except that that`s what he says.

FREEDMAN: It`s just like that. That`s not evidence. So what I said to you is not evidence.

GRACE: OK. If that`s the point you want to make, point made. The sworn affidavit and search warrant filed by police, the defense lawyer for the

dad -- he`s saying this is not real evidence. OK.

To Walter Holton, the lawyer for the wife. Walter, what do you make of the husband, now dead, withdrawing 60 grand from his bank account and moving it

OLTON: Nancy, I`ve seen no evidence of that.

GRACE: You`ve seen no evidence of that. OK. So let me go to you, Matt Zarrell. What evidence do we have that he had withdrawn 60 grand and moved


OLTON: Nancy, I`ve seen no evidence of that.

GRACE: You`ve seen no evidence of that. OK. So let me go to you, Matt Zarrell. What evidence do we have that he had withdrawn 60 grand and moved

In above he seems to be saying he did not see the warrants.. bIG lie
FREEDMAN: Well, I just wanted to say that the -- those accusations in the search warrant are not actually attributed to anybody. And you all keep

referring to that as evidence. We don`t think there`s any evidence there of those things.

GRACE: OK. So the thing you want to tell me is that what is in this search warrant...

FREEDMAN: Yes, it`s...

GRACE: ... which is a sworn affidavit -- you`re saying I can`t prove it. OK, so...
FREEDMAN: Of what I`m...

GRACE: ... I`m taking the cops` word for it, OK?

FREEDMAN: No, but the cops don`t -- the cops attribute it to different sources out there that they don`t name. There`s no sworn affidavit to say

that stuff is true. There`s just a sworn affidavit to say they`ve received some information, and none of that information goes back to any individual.

GRACE: Well, that`s just like you telling me your client acted in self- defense.

FREEDMAN: That`s right.

GRACE: Except that that`s what he says.

FREEDMAN: It`s just like that. That`s not evidence. So what I said to you is not evidence.

GRACE: OK. If that`s the point you want to make, point made. The sworn affidavit and search warrant filed by police, the defense lawyer for the

dad -- he`s saying this is not real evidence. OK.

To Walter Holton, the lawyer for the wife. Walter, what do you make of the husband, now dead, withdrawing 60 grand from his bank account and moving it

OLTON: Nancy, I`ve seen no evidence of that.

GRACE: You`ve seen no evidence of that. OK. So let me go to you, Matt Zarrell. What evidence do we have that he had withdrawn 60 grand and moved


OLTON: Nancy, I`ve seen no evidence of that.

GRACE: You`ve seen no evidence of that. OK. So let me go to you, Matt Zarrell. What evidence do we have that he had withdrawn 60 grand and moved

In above he seems to be saying he did not see the warrants.. bIG lie

I think he is saying that it's not part of discovery...evidence that the prosecution turned over to the defense to prove their case...IMO
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