GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #4

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In the next few weeks it will be very important to remember the truth is the truth no matter what happens with the trial or what the media deems print worthy. The truth meant that J’s children were placed with those most able to care for them long before the trial. The truth was made known to the world, that the L’s were the best fit for J’s children, not the M’s, who admitted that they killed J. So please know that no matter what the troll(s) and the designated/paid for MM/TM lieutenants/family members/friends, including their lawyers, might try to infer and use every opportunity to cause unnecessary pain to those most touched by this homicide, the truth is the truth. So please, do NOT lose hope, know that no matter what happens, the best outcome has already been realized, J’s children are with those who really love them. Please know, that this is not meant to deny that J’s children and family must feel absolutely cheated by his senseless death. Just meant to recognize that …. STOP!!!! I am a fool for trying to find the positive in the most heinous crime against a helpless victim. Please forgive me for trying to make something positive out of nothing but evil. Glad that J’s children are with those who love them. Sad that J’s children are with those who love them because he was murdered.

Thanks for this .We will not lose hope . I think we are all here for the long run . We are but amateur sleuthers and even we have been able to find inaccuracies and inconsistencies within the Martens family statements and inaccuracies of time & dates by the defense attorneys. I'm sure that the prosecution will show more inaccuracies to be blatant lies especially the lie about Mr Fitzpatrick (RIP) find it interesting that in the news article they call it a statement as if it was hand written by him just to add more credibility to the Martens .

Holton said Jason Corbett had an alcohol level of .02, which was measured seven hours after his death. He said his team will have an expert who will testify on the true level at the time of Corbett’s death. Davidson County Sheriff David Grice said he couldn’t comment on any possible alcohol involvement because that aspect is of the “evidentiary nature.”

Walter Holton, attorney for Ms Martens, said: ‘The medical examiner report indicates that some 30 hours after his death they drew the blood and that blood had an alcohol content of 0.02% but it’s not indicative of what the content of his blood would have been on the night that this incident happened.’
The youngest child Sarah (9) was riding her bicycle and the eldest Jack (11) was in the house with Ms Martens, they said.The children were taken away in ten minutes or less. It was claimed Ms Martens was still in her bathing suit while Jack Corbett "was not even given time to put on a pair of shoes"
“On Monday night, not only were the children taken from her, but the children were literally ripped out of her home with no warning to her whatsoever, with their pyjamas on… it was a horrible sight
He actually took steps to become a more permanent citizen here. He got paperwork both for himself, and for Jack and Sarah, as permanent residents.”
We have some witnesses here to say that his wishes were to make them American citizens and to stay here with Molly.”

Jack and Sarah we're excited to start school on Tuesday. They had just returned from a shopping trip Monday afternoon picking out their school supplies only to be rippedaway with zero notification
‘[She] was most definitely not at the home yesterday [Thursday]. I could be telling you a bold-faced lie but I can assure you if anyone is telling you that Molly was there at the house, taking things out, that is a bold-faced lie.’

‘That is a complete lie and fabrication. There could be nothing further from the truth.’ He added: ‘It’s one thing to tell a lie about an average citizen. It’s another to tell a lie about a sworn US federal agent.’ He declined to comment on the SIGAR investigation.
Two senior internal affairs investigators from SIGAR are understood to have travelled from Washington to interview staff from Multi-Packing Solutions, where Mr Corbett worked. Staff at the plant in North Carolina contacted police and Mr Earnest was denied access, it is claimed. It is understood that passports belonging to Mr Corbett’s two children – Sarah and Jack – may have been kept in his office. ‘SIGAR is conducting an administrative inquiry. We take all allegations seriously and review them thoroughly.

We said there wasn’t any need for search warrants because we’ll give them any information they want, but they went and executed all these warrants.
Respondent did not not admit into evidence at the hearing any financial records of her own
Respondent did not admit into evidence at the hearing any credit card records to corroborate her purchases of tangible property on her Chase Visa card
Respondent objected to the subpoena but has yet to produce any documents to corroborate her testimony
Respondent has possession of or access to her Chase visa records that could coobrate her testimony, but those records were not entered into evidence at the hearing
Holton said Molly Corbett has received voicemails from Jack asking her to call him in what they believe is an attempt to get her to violate a court order.
In the statement, Ely Martens also said her sister-in-law had "very recently" been the target of an obscene phonecall where a child - not Jack or Sarah Corbett - was put on the phone to speak to her., was your client planning to fight for custody of these children?HOLTON: I think the court records show that she very much wanted -- she was the mother of these children. They called her Mother. He called her Mother. They said...GRACE: Stepmother. Stepmother.HOLTON: No, they called her Mother.GRACE: Did she want -- right, but she is the stepmother. Did she want to adopt them? That`s my question.HOLTON: Yes. Yes. She did want to adopt them.GRACE: Why didn`t the husband let her?HOLTON: I don`t know. I can`t answer that question.GRACE: OK. Interesting. She wanted to adopt them, wanted custody of them. Why did he not agree to her adopting his children?HOLTON: I cannot answer that question. I don`t know why he would not let them...GRACE: OK. Did either your client, Molly, or her father have injuries to their own bodies?HOLTON: There are -- I can`t address that. It`s an evidentiary matter...GRACE: Why?HOLTON: ... which is not a part of the public record at this point, unfortunately.GRACE: So you can`t tell me if she or her father were injured in any way?HOLTON: No, I cannot tell you that.GRACE: OK.HOLTON: That would be a trial issue.GRACE: Let me ask David Freedman. Mr. Freedman, you`re the lawyer for her father, the former FBI agent. Was he injured in any way?FREEDMAN: Well, we can`t get into the evidence, but I don`t believe there`s anything there at the scene that`s inconsistent with the heres the self defence rationale, its bizarre, dudes are nuts!!So how is this self-defense if they`re not injured and he`s bludgeoned dead?FREEDMAN: Well, when you walk into a room and your daughter is being held by a person who`s three times larger, and he`s got her by the neck and says, I`m going to kill you -- kill her, and all he wants is for him to let go, I would contend that`s self-defense.​

Molly during custody hearing Image and video no marks

The father of Jason Corbett’s first wife believed Corbett was responsible for his daughter’s death, according to a motion filed by attorneys for Thomas Martens, who is charged in Corbett’s death.
“The content of the statements were that Mr. Fitzpatrick believed that Jason Corbett had caused the death of Mr. Fitzpatrick’s daughter Margaret Corbett,” the motion says. “Mr. Fitzpatrick’s prior statements are offered in support of the defendant’s asserted defenses of self-defense and the defense of others, in that they are relevant to the defendant’s state of mind during the alleged altercation with Jason Corbett.”

Now, the former FBI agent is claiming in a motion filed to the court ahead of the trial that he was "approached by Michael Fitzpatrick (since deceased), the father of Jason Corbett's late first wife Margaret Corbett" at his daughter and Jason's wedding in 2011.It reads; "On that occasion, Mr Fitzpatrick told Mr Martens that he believed that Jason Corbett had caused the death of his daughter Margaret."

The motion reads; "Specifically, during the alleged altercation that resulted in the death of Jason Corbett, Mr Martens witnessed Jason Corbett, a man far larger and more physically powerful than he or his daughter, choking his daughter and threatening to kill her, and thereafter acted in defense of his daughter and, eventually, in his own defense [sic]."
It adds that Mr Martens was allegedly aware of Jason Corbett's size during the assault, and that "Mr Fitzpatrick had represented to him that Mr Fitzpatrick believed his duaghter's death to have come at the hands of Jason Corbett.""[The allegation] is being offered... to show the reasonableness of Mr Martens' apprehension of death or serious bodily to he and his daughter - and thus is competent evidence with respect to Mr Martens' state of mind."

Mrs Fitzpatricks response

Claims are blatant lies Jason was just a great husband to my daughter

My husband was not at Jasons second wedding , None of us were , so the incident described at the wedding in the States is nothing more than a fabrication . We were in Ireland at the time so its physically impossible that Tom Martens had any conversation with my husband in Tennessee

And in interviews with the Mail several other guests at Mr Corbetts second wedding confirmed Mr Fitzpatrick was not there

Mrs Fitzpatrick broke down as she described the agony she felt in light of the claims . These claims have been deeply hurtful. I recently lost my own father as well as my husband its a very difficult time

But the truth is these claims are all blatant lies Michael got on extremely well with Jason. He was a great husband to Mags and a wonderful person

If you had known my husband you would have known he was a gentleman. If there had been any risk to Mags he would have stepped in

Michael Fitzpatrick was not at that wedding said Brendan O Callaghan Mr Corbetts best man . None of the FitzPatricks were

I was Jasons best man. I was there for the rehearsals the ceremony the reception the whole lot. I know for a fact MIchael Fitzpatrick was not there

I don't know why Mr Martens is making up these allegations. Mags died of an asthma attack. There was a post mortem

Karen Gorey whose daughter was a flower girl at the wedding said she found the allegations
deeply disturbing

Michael Fitzpatrick wasn't there . His passing is still very raw so these claims have been very upsetting for his family

The allegation is very serious and the fact is it is simply untrue. The fact he is not here to state that says it all. Its a very low blow to drag a deceased man into a lie

Daily Mail originally posted by Frizby Posted it post no 221(Come Back Frizby if your watching )

Molly Martens claims she has not been prescribed drugs for bipolar or depression in 'over eight years' according to court documents.

In a transcript of her testimony during a guardianship hearing on August 14th last year, the 32-year old told the court that she was diagnosed as bipolar at the age of 15.

Her testimony was given in response to evidence from her sister-in-law Tracey Lynch, who claimed that Ms Martens had left 'her lithium out on a shelf' in the bathroom while staying in Ms Lynch's home. The claims were made in court while both parties battled for custody of Mr Corbett's two young children.

While being examined under oath, Molly's attorney Kelley Gondring asked her what happened after she was diagnosed as bipolar. In reply she said "I underwent therapy and a psychiatrist for medications".

Mr Gondring then asked: "and today, what, if any, medications do you take for being bipolar?"

Ms Martens replied: "I don't"

Q - When is the last time you saw anyone about being bipolar?

A - The last time I saw anyone for bipolar depression was around age 17. And probably the last time I say anyone for depression was eight or nine years ago.

Q - Why haven't you seen anybody for bipolar since you were 17?

A - I feel that I probably wasn't bipolar. I was given anti-depressants and they reacted physiologically with my body. So later on the diagnosis changed to depression.

Q - Okay, when have you been prescribed lithium?

A - Not for over..... It's been over eight years since I have been prescribed anything.

Q - When, if ever, would you have had a box of lithium?

A - I have never had a box of lithium

Keith Mc Ginns book at 24 years old Molly admitted to a physc ward
What Happened that night?
Did MM spend time down in the basement bedroom, being placated by her parents, them trying to calm her down, trying to talk through any options she might have if he was to leave and take the children?.
Was the conclusion that if that's what was happening there really wasn't anything she could do if he went through with it?
Did that conclusion ignite a rage she could not control?
Did she leave the basement bedroom and then picked up the weapons on the way back up to the master bedroom?
Did she enter the bedroom?
Was JC asleep in his bed?
Did she lift the paving stone and forcefully bring it down on his head?
Could she have shouted at him with each blow, you will not take my children you will not ruin my life, I will kill you first?
Could TM have exceptional hearing and and not a decline in his hearing like most aging men and women around his age, and hear who really uttered the "I will kill you" all the way down to the basement of a very large house?
Did he feel sick to his stomach when he entered the bedroom? MOO
Thanks for this .We will not lose hope . I think we are all here for the long run . We are but amateur sleuthers and even we have been able to find inaccuracies and inconsistencies within the Martens family statements and inaccuracies of time & dates by the defense attorneys. I'm sure that the prosecution will show more inaccuracies to be blatant lies especially the lie about Mr Fitzpatrick (RIP) find it interesting that in the news article they call it a statement as if it was hand written by him just to add more credibility to the Martens .

I had the same try to produce a timeline of statements that we know have been found to have been untrue or unproven. Well done this is great! I had forgotten that she refused to provide evidence to the court to defend her claim to the property.
What Happened that night?
Did MM spend time down in the basement bedroom, being placated by her parents, them trying to calm her down, trying to talk through any options she might have if he was to leave and take the children?.
Was the conclusion that if that's what was happening there really wasn't anything she could do if he went through with it?
Did that conclusion ignite a rage she could not control?
Did she leave the basement bedroom and then picked up the weapons on the way back up to the master bedroom?
Did she enter the bedroom?
Was JC asleep in his bed?
Did she lift the paving stone and forcefully bring it down on his head?
Could she have shouted at him with each blow, you will not take my children you will not ruin my life, I will kill you first?
Could TM have exceptional hearing and and not a decline in his hearing like most aging men and women around his age, and hear who really uttered the "I will kill you" all the way down to the basement of a very large house?
Did he feel sick to his stomach when he entered the bedroom? MOO
Anything is possible.. everything is possible. He could even have been upstairs saying goodnight to the children and got ambushed and pushed down the stairs..and then whacked with rocks.. also possible there were additional weapons..
Integrity of the crime scene cannot be guaranteed, nor chain of evidence, nor even some of the wounds on the deceased.. if they occurred post mortem..
Even if a neighbour or somebody says they saw him alive at a certain time, it still does not give a definite time of attack or death. A lot of answers will come from autopsy, sequence of blows, which was the fatal blow.. and length of time from blow to time of death likely following such an injury. His weight, height etc will be part of those calculations too, if the questions are asked.
Doctors differ and patients die and expert witnesses disagree with eachother.

I dont even hold out much hope for truth to be revealed at the trial.
Dumbfounded's post was a catalyst too..
It is what it is.
US justice is what it is.
NC justice is what it is.
Dodgy lawyers are what they are.
Jason was the victim as well as all those who cared for him.
The truth may well be a victim too.
I have no expectations from this trial.
I have no attachment to any outcome short of resurrection.
But, shoddy journalism and shoddy lawyers happen to be a pet hate of mine and I tend to go for them baldheaded.. thats my way.
(i'll be lettin' them know, like)
Thanks and keep exploring any and all posibilities.
This is a disgraceful excuse for journalism. Clearly they dont even have a spell check facility, let alone a fact check.
Biased and inaccurate and lazy dishonest.
A sign of whats to come.

This is a perfect example of FAKE NEWS. The pushback in America is not about intimidating free's a reaction to years of vomitous biased one sided reporting...that "selects" what the public is allowed to know, and pushes "information" from (ha!) anonymous sources that just happen to match the bias
of the journalism industry.

Now murdered Jason is receiving "the treatment." This is about selective reporting to infect the jury pool.. FAKE NEWS. Molly has been selected as "the victim." I'm awaiting the heartbreaking interview from some relative about how she "suffered" and what a gem of a woman she is. Maybe there will be a fake that will be quietly admitted to be a lie years later. Our case had "Sister Survivor." Her last boyfriend didn't "survive" HER.

Please note that the "Wedding warning" is repeated as fact. No mention that it has been withdrawn. No mention of the reaction of the Fitzgerald family. That's how it works.

Our journalists are great supporters of the grievance industry. The specific "grievance" doesn't have to be true. Just usefulmto pushing the Cause, Mollys "grievances" are now presented as fact. Jason will be typecast...the real man will cease to exist as they create THE NARRATIVE. And Anything that threatens the narrative about Sweet Molly and Brute Jason will just be ignored. Fake News is very obvious, very powerful, and unused to having their power to infect the public, challenged.

This is all about infecting the jury pool. Fake News has its goals.Just as they try mightily to infect our lives, our elections, etc. Just as they infect opinion around the world with their smears from "anonymous sources" printed as Gods Truth.

Please please remember this when YOU rely on CNN International and its biased media cohorts for your opinions on America,

We are waking up over here. Hopefully, the Great Pushback against the media that is gaining ground daily...will help the truth to surface and survive in North Carolina.
Let me add, if you are on this forum and live in the States, it's a free phone call to call that papers editor today. Use the term Fake News. They are beginning to get very nervous about it.

From the article:

For 14 minutes and 27 seconds, the dispatcher told Martens and Molly Corbett how to administer CPR to Jason Corbett. Martens was calm. Molly Corbett was hysterical. During the 911 call, she could be heard counting “one, two, three, four” over and over, through tears, while administering CPR. She and Martens took turns doing CPR until paramedics arrived.

When investigators with the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the house, they found Jason Corbett with severe head injuries, according to search warrants. Martens told investigators that he had hit Jason Corbett with a child-size red-and-black aluminum baseball bat and a concrete paving brick. He described the altercation as a “donnybrook.”

Please note the insertion of the words "through tears." Ahhh, poor Molly.Doesnt that pull at your heart strings.

Please note the word "child-sized." Oh my. Just a baby weapon. Notice that description of the horrific overkill contained in the autopsy is never used in the article. What was it "heinous, grievous and cruel" ...something like that.

No, poor Molly was just heartbroken that she had to splatter her husband's brains on the bedroom wall...that she had to pound him with multiple weapons. Oh, but the bat was "child size."

See how subtle FAKE NEWS operates.
I just want to explore MM extreme reaction(imo) to the water splashing incident with a young child.

Why Did she not just laugh off being splashed with water by a young child on a day out?
Why did she just not take it as it was meant, fun, as most people would have and joined in?
Why did she hold on to that anger all the way home?
Why did she need to punish the child for something so innocent as splashing her with water?
Why was her punishment so severe, so extreme? Dragging the young child to the sink, using her force to push his head under the faucet and then turning on the water, letting it run into his mouth?

Surely this was not a normal reaction? Was it an extreme reaction filled with uncontrollable rage?IMO
From the article:

For 14 minutes and 27 seconds, the dispatcher told Martens and Molly Corbett how to administer CPR to Jason Corbett. Martens was calm. Molly Corbett was hysterical. During the 911 call, she could be heard counting “one, two, three, four” over and over, through tears, while administering CPR. She and Martens took turns doing CPR until paramedics arrived.

When investigators with the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the house, they found Jason Corbett with severe head injuries, according to search warrants. Martens told investigators that he had hit Jason Corbett with a child-size red-and-black aluminum baseball bat and a concrete paving brick. He described the altercation as a “donnybrook.”

Please note the insertion of the words "through tears." Ahhh, poor Molly.Doesnt that pull at your heart strings.

Please note the word "child-sized." Oh my. Just a baby weapon. Notice that description of the horrific overkill contained in the autopsy is never used in the article. What was it "heinous, grievous and cruel" ...something like that.

No, poor Molly was just heartbroken that she had to splatter her husband's brains on the bedroom wall...that she had to pound him with multiple weapons. Oh, but the bat was "child size."

See how subtle FAKE NEWS operates.
Good points and may I add to that the disclosure of 2 weapons was not mentioned in 911 call. I'm wondering did TM not know about the brick until he led MM from the room after paramedics arrived


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Let me add, if you are on this forum and live in the States, it's a free phone call to call that papers editor today. Use the term Fake News. They are beginning to get very nervous about it.
I sent them public tweets and will complain further to their various governing bodies.
To pull a stunt like this one day before a murder trial begins and to label it 'sordid' is a dishonest manipulation of the truth. And yes, they again printed the wedding lie as fact.
I would be encouraging the Fitzpatrick and Corbett families to begin legal action.
They also stated there were 2 sources of tv coverage when it was reported yesterday that the trial would not be covered and no cameras would be permitted,

Its an awful lot of #errors for one piece of writing.

it is blatant cruelty and will cause further distress for the victims.
And, I think it can be proved that they did know better.
Even the quote from the jfj page was inane. Disrespectful.
I just want to explore MM extreme reaction(imo) to the water splashing incident with a young child.

Why Did she not just laugh off being splashed with water by a young child on a day out?
Why did she just not take it as it was meant, fun, as most people would have and joined in?
Why did she hold on to that anger all the way home?
Why did she need to punish the child for something so innocent as splashing her with water?
Why was her punishment so severe, so extreme? Dragging the young child to the sink, using her force to push his head under the faucet and then turning on the water, letting it run into his mouth?

Surely this was not a normal reaction? Was it an extreme reaction filled with uncontrollable rage?IMO

My reading of that event was that she was not angry at all.
It was like a pre-programmed response..
'this is how you learn, now drown a bit'
draconian, dangerous action...her idea of discipline. How it should be.. possibly resented the child too,
Of course, they know better. This is deliberate. In 2006 this was a shock to me. I had such faith.

I didn't realize that the heartbreaking stories I was being fed by the media had "selective" information. I never suspected the manipulation. I felt what they wanted me to feel. I sided with the victim they had selected for me.

I considered the media to be fair and accurate, Then...

I was in a position to know the facts, the truth of an explosive case. I saw lie after lie after lie. I saw manipulation of emotions, of identity issues that stunned me!

I rejoice that finally, finally we are seeing our media exposed for the charlatans they are.
Reading back through posts. There seems to have been an awful lot of emphasis from the defence regarding Jason's size which seems tactical regarding their arguments about self defence theory

I think if defence proceed down this road with this picture of a large, tall, broad, heavy brute trying to strangle the slight petite MM it might just be favourable for the prosecution because how would he not have left marks on her neck, broke her neck, stopped the oxygen flow to her brain in the time it took TM to hear it get upstairs with a weapon from the garage and the assault to ensue?

If JC was strangling MM which I don't believe he was, the intent behind the action of strangulation is one which would require force and strnght and with yhe belief that he was a "huge" man without thid being reflected in injuries it's another strike for prosecution


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I just want to explore MM extreme reaction(imo) to the water splashing incident with a young child.

Why Did she not just laugh off being splashed with water by a young child on a day out?
Why did she just not take it as it was meant, fun, as most people would have and joined in?
Why did she hold on to that anger all the way home?
Why did she need to punish the child for something so innocent as splashing her with water?
Why was her punishment so severe, so extreme? Dragging the young child to the sink, using her force to push his head under the faucet and then turning on the water, letting it run into his mouth?

Surely this was not a normal reaction? Was it an extreme reaction filled with uncontrollable rage?IMO

I have an opinion on this. Keith Maginn stated in his book that Molly was "good with children."
On pg 31, he also writes:
"Her self loathing was mind-boggling."

Ms Stranahan who knew Molly during her time in Ireland stating that she was withdrawn, kept to herself among Jason's ADULT friends.

In my mind, there's a connection here.

I believe MM was only comfortable around small children.I think the children must have loved her maniac moods when she was high and happy. She felt loved and appreciated.

Maginn wrote..

"She had had sporadic maniac periods for years, often staying awake for days." snip. "It was a fantasy like high; as if she were on hallucinogenic drugs." But he also warned:

Page 4""Mary had been maniac on the drive down from Knoxville, Tenn....the phase of her illness where she felt indescribable euphoria. I dreaded this stage because of the devastating low that inevitably followed."

Children would be attracted to these euphoric states. They would be sad and puzzled by the sudden swing to uncontrolled crying, severe depression.But they wouldn't judge. And Mollys self-loathing and attending rages would not be triggered by the unconditional love of small children.

But the children were growing up. Perhaps they were starting to speak up. Perhaps they were challenging her, as children do. Especially the boy entering his preteen years.

I think Molly was exhibiting more anger toward the son and Jason noticed this. In my opinion, Jason was resigned to tolerating being the object of her ridicule and rages. But he would never tolerate that behavior exhibited toward his and Mags children.

I admit this is just opinion. But the children were growing up. My guess is that Molly was changing toward the son. Jason was going to get them away from her and back to Ireland.
Will someone repost the link to the Murder Warning motion being withdrawn. I have a call to make.��
Will someone repost the link to the Murder Warning motion being withdrawn. I have a call to make.��


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Thanks for this .We will not lose hope . I think we are all here for the long run . We are but amateur sleuthers and even we have been able to find inaccuracies and inconsistencies within the Martens family statements and inaccuracies of time & dates by the defense attorneys. I'm sure that the prosecution will show more inaccuracies to be blatant lies especially the lie about Mr Fitzpatrick (RIP) find it interesting that in the news article they call it a statement as if it was hand written by him just to add more credibility to the Martens .

Daily Mail originally posted by Frizby Posted it post no 221(Come Back Frizby if your watching )

Keith Mc Ginns book at 24 years old Molly admitted to a physc ward

Phew! Great work Stephen

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Thank you, thank you, Stephandoody. Love you....and your messages are full again! ❤️

Anyone who wants to contact the reporter who wrote that is his email and phone. At the very least he should include that that motion was retracted!


336-727-7326 @mhewlettWSJ
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