GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #6

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Were they afraid of him when they had him up,against the bathroom door, swinging at him...or inside the bathroom when the bat hit the wall in several places. We're they afraid of him as theynbeat fracture upon fracture into,his skull..ANY ONE OF WHICH would make Jason uxnconcious.,were they afraid of an unconscious man?

I think there was an Incredible Hulk or two in that room...and it's the two people with no injuries.

And why in that room with blood pooling everywhere..did TM and MM have no blood on their clothes?

I must say I'm having difficulty understanding the crime scene and reconciling it to the blood and their statements if that makes you feel better. Something doesn't add up. There is a piece of the puzzle here that's missing. IMO don't you want to know what it is?
Tom wasn't in the fight of his life because he received no injuries. Nor did his daughter receive any injuries. This was not a "fight" but an execution. This was NOT three bloodied and beaten combatants, and one died. This is someone with his brains literally beaten out...followed and cornered from room to room.

If SM had called the police that night, and they had interupted this scene before anybody died, do you believe they would have arrested Tom or Jason?

If Jason, would they have found him guilty of a crime for which he should be executed? Would our system require he die in the heinous way he died?

You and I do not know Jason or Tom Martens or Molly Martens. So we can attribute good motives and bad ones anyway we want. But feelings aren't evidence. And the evidence says overkill. I guess you have excuses for that and I don't. That's allowed on this Board. But I might ask you, is there anyone in your life that you love, that you would want to die this way?

The evidence we heard this week goes to the kind of society we want to live in. I fear a society where we invent excuses for heinous violence like this.
TM did not "give his life" for his daughter. He didn't get a scratch. He TOOK a life for his daughter. Or is throwing away his life to cover for that raging, sick woman that drove Maginn to write his book. Either way, we are a society of laws. Neither one of them, by law, had a right to do what they did.

We have put in place many options for abused women with no resources. Molly had many resources, many options. Execution with such extreme violence was not an option we should want to find excuses for....because that's a slippery slope. Most murderers feel aggrieved. So they shoot up their workplace, or a school, or kill the other woman or the nasty boss.

When individuals are permitted to decide who lives or dies based on their feelings..we are the Wild,Wild west. When we make their feelings more important than a human life or a lawful society, that's a dangerous path.

I have been reading up on FBI training in de-escalation and crisis control.
Theres quite a lot of information online for anybody that is interested in the subject.

I doubt very much whether we have heard all of the autopsy conclusions as yet..
I would be very interested in whether there were more than one post mortem strike?

If the aim of the attack on Jason was to make him stop an alleged but highly unlikely action, a single strike to the arm, hand or shoulder would have automatically caused grip to drop. I even know this and I have had no specific training in physical deescalation.
So, a single well placed strike could have the alleged action to cease, he would have lost his grip and she could have run away.

I am trying to visualise a scene which could have led to the injuries that killed Jason Corbett. The nature of the frenzy and the spirit informing the attackers..
I cannot help but wonder whether they have ever considered exorcism as a solution for their family problems...
Just my thoughts..

Re the single whack to arm or shoulder, I think people may think Tom is too old and frail.. he is not, or at least he was not, at the time.. As regards accuracy, he plays golf. Now, I have a dread of golf so I know nothing about it apart from the fact that people spend hours trying to get small balls into holes one of life's mysteries..and they have things called handicaps which seems to be a level of aptitude thing( I'm not feigning ignorance here, btw, I'm not pretending.)

Re the dreaded golf. I wonder why he chose a bat and not a golf club.. its just a stone I never remember uncovering in the years we have been sleuthing this..
I wonder if he did any of it himself.
Well I don't know that and have a hard time believing that about TM.

I respect different opinions but so far the crime scene pics paint a violent murder. I am not an expert, but for blood to be splattered on a wall equals a powerful hit.

We may never know why there was so much anger that night but the fact is JC was brutally murdered in his own home that he paid for with his job. I have heard no evidence pertaining to any self defence wounds if MM and her father were in danger. JMO, Jason had no chance to defend himself. Sounds like he was ambushed.
We are curious but what started it should not matter. Let's say that the defense is telling the truth. He grabbed her by the neck, he made a threat.

Did that entitle them, receiving no visible wounds themselves, to pound him up against doors, up against walls, on the floor, multiple fractures layered on each other, congealing pools of blood, broken nose, dents in walls where they missed him...

Was that okay? Do we say something he did deserved ALL that?


There's an excuse? Like what?

Do we believe that an Incredible, unrelenting amount of horror was necessary when there is no sign that he fought back in any way? No sign that he landed a blow? When there is Evidence now that any one of those layered concussions would cause unconsciousness? Evidence now that some of the blood spatter is near the floor?

Is there something Martens can say. that started this that we will say..."Oh, okay, no problem." "Oh he didn't let go...well, then smash his skull to pieces..follow thru doors, corner him againstwalls. Yeah, we are good with that."

Do we, as humans, care why this started?

I don't.

I care that...IT DID NOT STOP.

Very well said Mary. It doesn't matter what started it, it matters that it did not stop. 100% correct.
Tom wasn't in the fight of his life because he received no injuries. Nor did his daughter receive any injuries. This was not a "fight" but an execution. This was NOT three bloodied and beaten combatants, and one died. This is someone with his brains literally beaten out...followed and cornered from room to room.

If SM had called the police that night, and they had interupted this scene before anybody died, do you believe they would have arrested Tom or Jason?

If Jason, would they have found him guilty of a crime for which he should be executed? Would our system require he die in the heinous way he died?

You and I do not know Jason or Tom Martens or Molly Martens. So we can attribute good motives and bad ones anyway we want. But feelings aren't evidence. And the evidence says overkill. I guess you have excuses for that and I don't. That's allowed on this Board. But I might ask you, is there anyone in your life that you love, that you would want to die this way?

The evidence we heard this week goes to the kind of society we want to live in. I fear a society where we invent excuses for heinous violence like this.
TM did not "give his life" for his daughter. He didn't get a scratch. He TOOK a life for his daughter. Or is throwing away his life to cover for that raging, sick woman that drove Maginn to write his book. Either way, we are a society of laws. Neither one of them, by law, had a right to do what they did.

We have put in place many options for abused women with no resources. Molly had many resources, many options. Execution with such extreme violence was not an option we should want to find excuses for....because that's a slippery slope. Most murderers feel aggrieved. So they shoot up their workplace, or a school, or kill the other woman or the nasty boss.

When individuals are permitted to decide who lives or dies based on their feelings..we are the Wild,Wild west. When we make their feelings more important than a human life or a lawful society, that's a dangerous path.

Another excellent, eloquent post!
Agreed! Do you think he might have been asleep??? This was my perception early on.


Up until opening I was pretty convinced he was asleep when the attack commenced. Given what we now know about blood and hair in different rooms, I am not so sure.

Now I am trying to work out something that makes sense to me. The situation as presented by the defence is, IMO, nonsensical; i.e. that TM was chasing JC around the bedroom, hallway and bathroom hitting him with a baseball bat as he had MM in a chokehold or headlock yet she sustained no blow.

I am wondering could JC have gotten up in the night to use the bathroom, and the attack started there? Blood and hair found in the bathroom, dents in the bathroom wall, cracked light switch etc. and he then tried to flee to the master bedroom to get away?

I am not sure if the attack started in the bedroom, proceeded down the hall into the bathroom (and then back down the hall and back the bedroom where JC's life was brutally taken) could this have happened without him losing consciousness from the multiple blows he sustained.

At this point I am really interested in what the blood splatter expert will have to say.

all IMO
I respect different opinions but so far the crime scene pics paint a violent murder. I am not an expert, but for blood to be splattered on a wall equals a powerful hit.

We may never know why there was so much anger that night but the fact is JC was brutally murdered in his own home that he paid for with his job. I have heard no evidence pertaining to any self defence wounds if MM and her father were in danger. JMO, Jason had no chance to defend himself. Sounds like he was ambushed.

I'm beginning to think an ambush was much more likely, the blood spatter leaves so many unanswered questions. Can anyone remember the placement of the main ceiling light in the master bedroom? I can't find the link with the photos...but if Jason was 'choking' Molly by the bedroom door and TM came in from the hallway, how did it get a point where someone was swinging in the bedroom high enough to smash the overhead light?

Also, if Molly's brother played college baseball, the likelihood that TM would have practised with his son would be higher surely...between that and his golf swing I would be interested to see if the prosecution could establish the force behind that swing.



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Up until opening I was pretty convinced he was asleep when the attack commenced. Given what we now know about blood and hair in different rooms, I am not so sure.

Now I am trying to work out something that makes sense to me. The situation as presented by the defence is, IMO, nonsensical; i.e. that TM was chasing JC around the bedroom, hallway and bathroom hitting him with a baseball bat as he had MM in a chokehold or headlock yet she sustained no blow.

I am wondering could JC have gotten up in the night to use the bathroom, and the attack started there? Blood and hair found in the bathroom, dents in the bathroom wall, cracked light switch etc. and he then tried to flee to the master bedroom to get away?

I am not sure if the attack started in the bedroom, proceeded down the hall into the bathroom (and then back down the hall and back the bedroom where JC's life was brutally taken) could this have happened without him losing consciousness from the multiple blows he sustained.

At this point I am really interested in what the blood splatter expert will have to say.

all IMO

I agree Emma, the story as presented by the defense, doesn't add up IMO either.
Was thinking the same thing Emma. Her pjs should have been heavily stained, alone from the CPR. TM should have had more than "spots" on his shirt. Does anyone else notice the frequent references to what TM was wearing? Descriptions include polo shirt and boxers, short sleeved shirt and shorts, red shirt and shorts etc. I am wondering whether the issue of a change of clothes will come up. There is very little reference to what she was wearing other than one reference to PJs.

Surely to God the jury will include the bat swings that dented the wall in the no of blows that were aimed at Jason. These dents demonstrate clear overkill and between them they just kept swinging their weapons. I know we have to hear the defence case yet, but I swear if these two aren't convicted by the jury I will have lost all faith in human intelligence.

Absolutely, given we know that when they removed JC from the bedroom it left a trail of blood behind them so bad that the police officers had to get the children to close their eyes so they would not see it. Testimony has been given that JC was in a pool of blood. To do CPR you would need to be kneeling next to the individual. MM's PJ bottoms would be saturated in his blood. TM was wearing boxers and a t-shirt. His legs should be covered in JC's blood. But there is no mention of this.

We have mention of small spots of blood on them. It makes no sense to me. We also know that by the time TM went to the station he was wearing shorts ([video=twitter;890746193625698305][/video]). So he must have gone down to the basement to get them; this makes SM's comment to LE asking if everything was OK even more strange.


LEXINGTON — A couple of hours after her husband had been found bludgeoned to death, Molly Corbett seemingly couldn’t stop rubbing her neck, a crime scene investigator with the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office testified Thursday
When Young arrived, Molly Corbett was in a patrol car across the street from the house. He asked her for permission to take photographs for any possible injuries, and she consented.“Molly continually pulled on her neck several times,” Young said.

He said he had to ask her several times before she stopped rubbing her neck. She had blood on her face, he said. She was in blue pajamas and was wrapped in a brown blanket.

David Dillard, a former officer with the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, testified that he stayed with Molly Corbett while she was in the patrol car.He saw dry blood on her forehead and the side of her face but did not notice any other injury. She appeared upset.

“She was making crying noises, but I didn’t see any visible tears,” Dillard said.

On cross-examination by Molly Corbett’s attorney Cheryl Andrews, Dillard acknowledged that he had written in a report that “she was obviously in shock.”
Excellent point. Also if the overhead light was smashed, wouldn't you worry about striking 'your little girl' in darkness IF she were being held by JC?

If the overhead light had been smashed would this not indicate someone raising the bat over their head and bringing it down on JC at a lower height, i.e. if he was on the floor or on his knees?

If the overhead light had been smashed would this not indicate someone raising the bat over their head and bringing it down on JC at a lower height, i.e. if he was on the floor or on his knees?


Just to clarify, before its pointed out by someone else, we don't have confirmation that the light was actually smashed, just that the paramedics were unable to switch it on which is why they had to remove Jason to the ambulance because the light in the bedroom was too poor to treat him. I found it unusual that the main light was out of action and thought it would give us an indication into the force behind some of the blows.
They are objecting to everything in the courtroom more than is even being published

That's what defence lawyers do. Object. From recollection they have had five objections to the admission of testimony/evidence, the 911 dispatcher (granted), the admission of photos of JC's injuries (refused), the officer stating he saw congealed blood (refused), the paramedics stating concerns about the temperature of the body (refused) and the admission of a map of the house that was not drawn to scale (granted). The last one is irrelevant because officers went back to the house got proper measurements and the new map was admitted yesterday. Am i missing any? I probably am!

Without being there it is hard to know what objections they are raising to specific questions which is, to me, rather annoying.

I thought that too, but it must have been the 911 dispatcher? Although, I wonder how he was out on the porch on the phone to her, when the paramedics struggled to get past the door to get into the bedroom to treat Jason. Must listen to the 911 call again in this context...

No he rang the 911 dispatcher from the house phone. Remember he said he didn't know the number as he was visiting his daughter. The call to 911 was made at 3:04 ish. Interesting.

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