GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #6

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And some places were hit multiple times, over and God Knows the real count. Then...there's the paving brick...
It's sm I can't figure out and I think if I could I would have the full picture


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Hoping those pills were counted and returning to my theory that they were administered in stages so that toxicology showed only a tiny quantity remaining
Also recalling

I’m damn well sure Molly had experimented before on JC and was satisfied they were effective on him. No one would trust the once off having the desired effect especial such psych drugs as they can affect everyone differently. We have already here a poster that uses it and they state it knocks them out.
'It was not two, it was not four, it was not six and it was not eight. It was at least 10 times'

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I wonder whether the overkill, referred to as 'crushing of his skull ' in the same article was in effect an attempt to mask the fatal blow..
hopefully the pathologist will have been able to reconstruct the entire skull and examine margins in an effort to determine sequence of blows..

again.. it appears to be a crime of rage.. when the brain is damaged, life expires.

I fear they had far too much time alone in the crime scene..
I wonder whether the overkill, referred to as 'crushing of his skull ' in the same article was in effect an attempt to mask the fatal blow..
hopefully the pathologist will have been able to reconstruct the entire skull and examine margins in an effort to determine sequence of blows..

again.. it appears to be a crime of rage.. when the brain is damaged, life expires.

I fear they had far too much time alone in the crime scene..
I would even question the hair? Pull someone's hair you don't pull one imo

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I just can't believe that Tom the Golfing Buddy could exhibit that much rage.

The description of those rooms really indicates someone who just does not want to stop.if Jason had been dragging and choking Molly from the bedroom to the hall, to against the outside bathroom door, to inside the bathroom door..she'd have to have been limp as a rag doll..or unconscious.
Sounds like a nerve rash to me. IMO I get it all the time when I'm anxious or stressed Red blotches on my neck that disappear after about half an hour.
Did Mollys attorney mention DV in his opening argument?
I dont know because the journalists have chosen to tweet what they think prior to providing us with facts.. I dont hate them,, I dont mind if they do it later but they are violating transparency laws by not sharing info, in other words they are useless.
I wonder how the defense is going to portray the fear Molly felt, the panic that he was going to kill her, those final moments of panic where he let go of her neck long enough to grab her by the hair....without putting Molly on the stand to testify?The prosecution will have pretty damning forensic evidence, they should in theory be able to to present a blow by blow account to verify how Jason died. I do wonder how the defense will manage this with their witness sitting in the court, but not able/willing to take the stand in her own defense.

hearsay Molly has to go weeping and bawling on the stand and she is quite capable of it its a Hollywood career she should have. There is now the new Molly the dedicated student the C kids is over with prob wonder why she had the extended tantrum about them. Only hiatus for her now she is facing 20+ yrs behind bars with new friends
I dont know because the journalists have chosen to tweet what they think prior to providing us with facts.. I dont hate them,, I dont mind if they do it later but they are violating transparency laws by not sharing info, in other words they are useless.
It's a drip feed. Where are our journalists ?

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But Mr Corbett said:) I'm sorry - I shouldn't be doing this," he said. (Mr. Martin)

First time I've ever heard of an assailant stopping an assault to apologise to a witness


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I mean it is utterly ridiculous; he was stark naked choking his wife when his father-in-law walks in, pleads with him to stop. He states he is sorry he shouldn't be doing this then puts her in a sleeper hold and starts dragging her around the house completely starkers whilst being hit with a baseball bat that miraculously only strikes him and not MM.

MM manages to not lose consciousness despite the time her airways must have been obstructed and even more luckily doesn't have any damage to her neck. She doesn't have any scratch marks to her neck where she was desperrately trying to loosen the hold to breathe. Despite being choked for some minutes it would seem she is fine enough to pick up a concrete brick and start hitting JC with it.

If it wasn't so tragic it would be laughable.

It's a drip feed. Where are our journalists ?

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The received statements from the court.
The statements should have immediately been distributed and published.. They dont change.
Journalists will often post their story and a tweet storm afterwards expanding on points in the story and elaborating. Each tweet should be a story. The good ones have this skill.

I suspect as well that they are attempting to keep it away from national interest so they get the exclusive story, or their own version of it.. which may fall short of the truth and accuracy.
Its a despicable and greedy practice.
The Irish Indo omitted the statements as well though they described them in a little more detail.

Its a very big deal to be granted live tweeting permissions and they are using it to their own advantage.
It will also serve to divert attention away from the case which is I suspect their brief.
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