GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #8

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If JC caught the bat "perfectly" in his left hand, I'm assuming it was the part of the bat that hits the ball (excuse my ignorance of bat terminology) not the bit you hold. Wouldn't this part of the bat be smooth and therefore prints would be clear? Or would they have been obliterated by the blood/hair etc on the bat?

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jC was righthanded.
And how many blows had he received to his head at that stage?
Brain injuries do not enhance co-ordination..
Could you all stop posting for about 10 minutes so I can catch up?.... just kidding... :giggle:
No doubt would blame alleged ignorance of MM with paving stone on the tissue of lies that he was a short while without his glasses.

But without his glasses he managed to beat a man - much younger and bigger than him - to death without getting so much as a scrape on him or MM who had to be extremely close due to the tissue and blood that ended up on her pyjamas..

[FONT=&quot]"I get what I think is a chance to hit him," Martens said. "Only this time, he puts up his left hand and catches the bat, perfectly right in his palm."
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Molly escapes at that moment, Martens said. Jason then pushes Martens with his left hand across the bedroom, he said.[/FONT]

So Jason grabbed the bat with his left hand, and still had the strength to push TM across the room, knocking off his glasses in the process?
But without his glasses he managed to beat a man - much younger and bigger than him - to death without getting so much as a scrape on him or MM who had to be extremely close due to the tissue and blood that ended up on her pyjamas..


He might have gotten training in blind combat in FBI?

Did he explain the blood in the bed with his story?

So Jason grabbed the bat with his left hand, and still had the strength to push TM across the room, knocking off his glasses in the process?

So he caught the bat in his left hand and pushed TM across the room with his left hand? Does he have two left hands?

JC clearly had a very strong non-dominant hand.

A good performance from TM from the way i see it.

He stuck to his story.

The loosing of the glasses is a good addition. Basically the prosecution are claiming that MM was under threat, it was chaotic and in the chaos JC ended up dead. The chaos does not allow TM or MM to recall the exact specifics of what happened.

At least it is a narrative with a beginning and an end.

The prosecution has not "opened doors" either to allow significant rebuttal.

Does anyone else feel disappointed with the information presented at trial?

People on this board know more than the jurors. They are not judging on what actually happened but on what was presented to them.

Thanks to all for the updates.
TM is going down .........IMO. <modsnip>........we have to focus on........... She's the real danger to the public if TM takes the rap ...TM is blaming himself for how she turned out. He can't have her on the inside.. IMO.
A good performance from TM from the way i see it.

He stuck to his story.

The loosing of the glasses is a good addition. Basically the prosecution are claiming that MM was under threat, it was chaotic and in the chaos JC ended up dead. The chaos does not allow TM or MM to recall the exact specifics of what happened.

At least it is a narrative with a beginning and an end.

The prosecution has not "opened doors" either to allow significant rebuttal.

Does anyone else feel disappointed with the information presented at trial?

People on this board know more than the jurors. They are not judging on what actually happened but on what was presented to them.

Thanks to all for the updates.
Sticking to a story and telling the truth are 2 different things A380 and he didn't even manage that . A good performsnce from a murderer ? Imo let's wait see

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No doubt would blame alleged ignorance of MM with paving stone on the tissue of lies that he was a short while without his glasses.

all set up immaculate!
(The Doors)
And I suppose the spectacles didnt even get a scratch either.. ?
( I think he may have used eye drops or onions for the tears)
A good performance from TM from the way i see it.

He stuck to his story.

The loosing of the glasses is a good addition. Basically the prosecution are claiming that MM was under threat, it was chaotic and in the chaos JC ended up dead. The chaos does not allow TM or MM to recall the exact specifics of what happened.

At least it is a narrative with a beginning and an end.

The prosecution has not "opened doors" either to allow significant rebuttal.

Does anyone else feel disappointed with the information presented at trial?

People on this board know more than the jurors. They are not judging on what actually happened but on what was presented to them.

Thanks to all for the updates.

No Im pretty happy tbh . Toms story doesn't match the blood spatter experts conclusions . He was never going to break and confess hes trained FBI in case you didn't know that . Hes landed is daughter in the manure she claimed she never hit Jason . Tom says Molly told him she hit Jason , maybe hes saving his own backside . The coached statements disallowed. They have hearsay from people Molly knew for 3 years and 2 her brothers statements . Tom thinks he did well but when he analyses it he is not as smart as he likes to think. He seems to think he is superior, he demands respect because of it, he doesn't reciprocate that respect . Respect is earned its not a given no matter who you are . He isn't policing the streets here . He is insulting and I don't think the jurors will like the kind of man he is .
I am still smarting from the comment about poor Mr. Fitz and that JC didn't measure up to his daughter, the daughter he didn't visit for 4 years..... Add to that he looked down his nose at Jason and his family/friends. Didn't like McGinn either. Who the hell does this fella think he is.
A wise trial judge he has not allowed the trial down a cul-de-sac which would be to any defenses benefit as happened in the OJ trial. Muddy the water confuses the Jury. As for what we have heard from TM it&#8217;s his entire version not a line to corroborate his story and totally conflicts the blood spatter evidence. The brave warrior that couldn&#8217;t stop till there was death. We know from the autopsy evidence a fractured skull would have completely incapacitate.

We still await the &#8220;bat&#8221; outcome and this is only a small cog but it could well displace all the other cogs. The fact that young Jack id it as his from the past does indeed spell trouble for the defense to account for. There is one think of kids they can readily id what&#8217;s theirs. The baseball playing son TM referred to in court is Stewart. The picture is dated April 2015.

In 2010 he looks 20, this would make him the same age as young Jack in 2000. The bat would be 15yrs old in 2015 and its stretching it a bit far to keep a child&#8217;s bat. I presume this is him attending another person&#8217;s grads, pic dated 2010.

Another thing with the bat which I found difficult to comprehend when forensics analysed the body of the bat it had no palm print especially a bloodied one that should be present if as TM alleges JC had grabbed control of. In fact the forensics could find no prints only at the ribbed grip at the top not allowing id. As for JC drinking I understand over 5hrs he drank around 8 cans, 12units approx. At that rate the body would have metabolised at least 4.5 units while actually drinking, the time delay to the metabolism starting up 1/2hr after he began drinking (1/2 pt. or 1 unit per hr. after this) and prob 3 units in the period he stopped drinking which was from 8.30pm approx. till his death. The low level alcohol in the autopsy report which was a fraction of the drunken driving level is indicative of this. Did TM at the time of the assault think JC was both drunk and drugged; just shows his bravery.

&#8220;Mr Martens admitted he told Davidson County detectives it was "a great time to be young in Miami" and said doors would be kicked in as part of criminal raids.&#8221;

"I liked all my work with the FBI," he said.&#8221;

He paints himself a picture of the macho enforcement officer, macho father and this was how to solve the likes of JC crime problems. And for the local police we are all on the same side, crime busting.

&#8220;Mr Martens had described MF as "uneducated" and claimed he also found him hard to understand.&#8221;

Demeaning as he goes without a shred for anyone&#8217;s feeling even for someone he never met and even the dead are fair game for his vile. It&#8217;s apparent he had an ethnic hatred for everything Irish. We have nothing of the TM past history and a Google search is not very enlightening on this.
But without his glasses he managed to beat a man - much younger and bigger than him - to death without getting so much as a scrape on him or MM who had to be extremely close due to the tissue and blood that ended up on her pyjamas..


It was 3:00 in the morning. Paramedics mentioned the room was dimly lit. TM lost his glasses, compounded by dim light in a semi- darkened room, and yet still managed to hit his target without accidentally hitting his daughter or getting hurt himself as things were jostled around the room during the altercation.:thinking:
I am still smarting from the comment about poor MF and that JC didn't measure up to his daughter, the daughter he didn't visit for 4 years..... Add to that he looked down his nose at Jason and his family/friends. Didn't like McGinn either. Who the hell does this fella think he is.

He is one sick puppy. he lacks insight, sensitivity and moral fibre is my estimation..

MF had/has the highest respect in his community.
Everybody loved him for his kindness to others.
For someone to attempt to desecrate his memory , impugn on his character and reputation for a totally self serving reason puts tM off the Richter scale in sanity, for one thing, and in humanity as well.
Jason Corbett was known and loved.. he was sensitive to others, I did not know him, btw, but i know an awful lot of people who did. He was sensitive too, he had the capacity for empathy and theres an expression here 'he wouldn't see anybody stuck', meaning, in trouble without instinctively going whatever distance it took to help them out.

two pretty special human beings.. irreplacable.

He saw fit to kick them around, to judge them as unfit for the rarified existence he imagined he was leading,
- streets be way better off without him. be the safest thing to do. Lock him up for a very long time.. that type dont tend to engage with the rehabilitative aspects of prison life.

I'm ashamed for humanity that people like that have never been touched by the Light. This goes way beyond nationality.. culture and any other differences we delude ourselves into believing.

I hope Mike and Jason are having an interdimensional pint right now and laughing at our innocence and our ignorance.
I think they are ok.
I do.
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