GUILTY NC - Jason Corbett, 39, murdered in his Wallburg home, 2 Aug 2015 #9

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That was my first thought, too, but then I realized that since MM did not testify, the jury is really just seeking to hear her and see her. They know nothing about MM, have never seen her in action so to speak. I think they wanted to judge her demeanor. If MM goes to hung jury, then I think the prosecution would push to enter the tape in a retrial. I hope the jury realizes that the defense had possession of the videotape and could have presented it themselves! Maybe after they sleep, some juror will realize that from their general knowledge that ALL prosecution evidence is shared with the defense.

Wouldn't you just love to be able to nip into the room and tell them
Tonight's mass was just a lovely show of strength. I just wanted to say how upsetting it was to see Marion Fitzpatrick and Mrs corbett hug at tonight's mass. Two mothers united as ever. The Fitzpatrick family lost Mags 18 years ago she is practically forgotten as J and S mother in all of this.As is the fact that those families are the kids grandparents NOT the Martin family!! But they have always supported jason and his family - I want to acknowledge their strength. I hope for the Corbett's justice comes soon so that they may start to mend.
Alex Rose @AlexRoseNews

The burden of proof is on the state. The defense doesn't have to do anything if they don't want to. #CorbettTrial

Problem with defence reports stating Jc was a walking time-bomb and a big drinker without having had to submit any evidence to that effect?

Why were those comments allowed?
McGinn's book should have been offered by way of counter-argument IMO
My daughter was a victim of DV...a real one. Many of the advocates for these victims are some of the kindest, most sincere indivuals you might hope to meet. But too many, I would say...a majority...have lost the emotional ability to tell the wheat from the chaff.

Not every woman who cries and moans DV is worthy of their support and compassion. All should be heard out...but with your head as well as your heart.

Not every man is the EX who beat them.

Women lie, manipulate,and yes, use every excuse to get away with murder. The pain of real victims is sullied by their greedy, twisted lies.

MM is among the most vicious and unworthy I have ever encountered.

Tonight I'll pray for clarity for that jury.

They peeled the flesh off Jason's skull.
Wouldn't you just love to be able to nip into the room and tell them
I think that Americans in general know their rights, and they know this from television shows and cases. One of twelve will surely realize it by tomorrow and remind the others. Maybe the prosecution should have objected when the defense made that argument about the tape - the prosecution absolutely cannot be sneaky. I don't know why either side did not enter it into evidence, but I suspect the prosecution thought they didn't need it, and it was not flattering and helpful for MM = lawyer games.
Tonight's mass was just a lovely show of strength. I just wanted to say how upsetting it was to see Marion Fitzpatrick and Mrs corbett hug at tonight's mass. Two mothers united as ever. The Fitzpatrick family lost Mags 18 years ago she is practically forgotten as J and S mother in all of this.As is the fact that those families are the kids grandparents NOT the Martin family!! But they have always supported jason and his family - I want to acknowledge their strength. I hope for the Corbett's justice comes soon so that they may start to mend.

So many broken hearts that may never mend..
I think that Americans in general know their rights, and they know this from television shows and cases. One of twelve will surely realize it by tomorrow and remind the others. Maybe the prosecution should have objected when the defense made that argument about the tape - the prosecution absolutely cannot be sneaky. I don't know why either side did not enter it into evidence, but I suspect the prosecution thought they didn't need it, and it was not flattering and helpful for MM = lawyer games.

IMO I think the defence knew they would be using this point in closing statement. They knew it had not value, otherwise they would have entered it but it gave them a point in closing.
Those of us here who want justice for Jason should be nervous. DV is such a potent emotional we have seen on MM's social media...that the merest mention of it...makes you a Sister Survivor. Then everything good and lovely about TM and MM is accepted without question. Love and sympathy pours into them. Jason is the bully, the husband or boyfriend that hurt them...the savage hulk.

He just can't be the good man that Limerick prays for tonight.


It's there on social media. The autopsy was waved a insignifant fairy tale. Molly is the DV victim. Why is she even on trial, they said.


Everyone brings there own history to these cases.
Unfortunately your right. Energy from day one on their side was pushing for mm the victim. Which I find so disheartening. to think there are supporters of his injuries and his death, that could excuse all that because a woman with no injuries and no DV history says it's so.

This is not a sisterhood, this is a shame. I feel ashamed as someone familiar with DV that there would be a so called sisterhood defending this disgusting and horrific crime. It takes from each and every victim of domestic abuse and everyone who was ever murdered by their partner using DV as an after thought. Man woman and child. It's a real life get out of jail card.

It's horrifying to think their are men and women as we type here being abused in their homes tonight, beaten, demoralised, verbally attacked or killed and they are further insulted by a biast view of this so called sisterhood who spring to action at the smell of DV.

Not because of FACT but because of their own experiences that they haven't dealt with or healed from imo. I've talked of this before.
Imo there are two roads you take as a victim of DV. You experience, you heal, you learn, you observe, you listen, you know what signs in others resonate with DV, you help.
Or you join the toxic sisterhood, Imo the man haters, closed minded perhaps, quick to judge on their own experiences.

Point being your partner, my partner, her partner they weren't JC none of them are the same, she's not a victim she does not sound like a victim, she's a victim of herself imo but no one else.

Just my opinion sorry for rant stmary

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Unfortunately your right. Energy from day one on their side was pushing for mm the victim. Which I find so disheartening. to think there are supporters of his injuries and his death, that could excuse all that because a woman with no injuries and no DV history says it's so.

This is not a sisterhood, this is a shame. I feel ashamed as someone familiar with DV that there would be a so called sisterhood defending this disgusting and horrific crime. It takes from each and every victim of domestic abuse and everyone who was ever murdered by their partner using DV as an after thought. Man woman and child. It's a real life get out of jail card.

It's horrifying to think their are men and women as we type here being abused in their homes tonight, beaten, demoralised, verbally attacked or killed and they are further insulted by a biast view of this so called sisterhood who spring to action at the smell of DV.

Not because of FACT but because of their own experiences that they haven't dealt with or healed from imo. I've talked of this before.
Imo there are two roads you take as a victim of DV. You experience, you heal, you learn, you observe, you listen, you know what signs in others resonate with DV, you help.
Or you join the toxic sisterhood, Imo the man haters, closed minded perhaps, quick to judge on their own experiences.

Point being your partner, my partner, her partner they weren't JC none of them are the same, she's not a victim she does not sound like a victim, she's a victim of herself imo but no one else.

Just my opinion sorry for rant stmary

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I want to thank you so much and shout AMEN! Eloquent and sadly so true.
Unfortunately your right. Energy from day one on their side was pushing for mm the victim. Which I find so disheartening. to think there are supporters of his injuries and his death, that could excuse all that because a woman with no injuries and no DV history says it's so.

This is not a sisterhood, this is a shame. I feel ashamed as someone familiar with DV that there would be a so called sisterhood defending this disgusting and horrific crime. It takes from each and every victim of domestic abuse and everyone who was ever murdered by their partner using DV as an after thought. Man woman and child. It's a real life get out of jail card.

It's horrifying to think their are men and women as we type here being abused in their homes tonight, beaten, demoralised, verbally attacked or killed and they are further insulted by a biast view of this so called sisterhood who spring to action at the smell of DV.

Not because of FACT but because of their own experiences that they haven't dealt with or healed from imo. I've talked of this before.
Imo there are two roads you take as a victim of DV. You experience, you heal, you learn, you observe, you listen, you know what signs in others resonate with DV, you help.
Or you join the toxic sisterhood, Imo the man haters, closed minded perhaps, quick to judge on their own experiences.

Point being your partner, my partner, her partner they weren't JC none of them are the same, she's not a victim she does not sound like a victim, she's a victim of herself imo but no one else.

Just my opinion sorry for rant stmary

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'That is sooo well said. Being a DV survivor leaves scars few see but we are still capable of separating our abuser from all men or women. I had a wise woman tell me something that help me. She told me that the best way to get even was to get ahead. Be a survivor not a victim. It took some time and hard work to move/ on and not wallow in the sisterhood. Unfortunately though some enjoy being the victim.
I think that Americans in general know their rights, and they know this from television shows and cases. One of twelve will surely realize it by tomorrow and remind the others. Maybe the prosecution should have objected when the defense made that argument about the tape - the prosecution absolutely cannot be sneaky. I don't know why either side did not enter it into evidence, but I suspect the prosecution thought they didn't need it, and it was not flattering and helpful for MM = lawyer games.

Actually, it probably contains elements of both good and bad for both sides; but I'm also thinking she plays pretty well to the camera, and you have to believe she speaks of the children, her family, her home, things he did to her that made her cry and perhaps the children backed up.... I cant help but think the jury wants to see it before they can find her guilty. I have to admit I would want to see it. and wonder about what she might have said to the neighbor when she was there waiting for 90 minutes. Don't know if that's grounds for a mistrial or what, but this thing just grew some more media legs. IMO
I'm not sure I like where this is heading in relation to MM. All it takes is one person with doubt.
And I've never said this before because it brings you there but I'm saying it for Jason corbett
If you have felt a fist to your cheek, pulled around by your hair, hands on your throat, weight bearing down, grip on your arm, speed of a fall, broken bones, telling lies, covering up, insults, insinuations, blame, shame.


SHES not imo. And I for one wish there were more Jason Corbetts in the world.

Ok definately rant over now or harmony will be chasing me with a TO [emoji22]

Sent from my SM-T561 using Tapatalk
'That is sooo well said. Being a DV survivor leaves scars few see but we are still capable of separating our abuser from all men or women. I had a wise woman tell me something that help me. She told me that the best way to get even was to get ahead. Be a survivor not a victim. It took some time and hard work to move/ on and not wallow in the sisterhood. Unfortunately though some enjoy being the victim.
Yes and it makes us loose precious time we could be helping true victims because we have to first question their truth.

Girls like mm hurt victims


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I think I'd like to believe that the jury are just curious about MM and that's why they wanted to see the tape. No defence was offered and she didn't testify in her own defence so they know nothing about her, they haven't even heard her voice. Surely this is unusual?

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And I've never said this before because it brings you there but I'm saying it for Jason corbett
If you have felt a fist to your cheek, pulled around by your hair, hands on your throat, weight bearing down, grip on your arm, speed of a fall, broken bones, telling lies, covering up, insults, insinuations, blame, shame.


SHES not imo. And I for one wish there were more Jason Corbetts in the world.

Ok definately rant over now or harmony will be chasing me with a TO [emoji22]

Sent from my SM-T561 using Tapatalk

Beautifully said Mm makes a mockery of DV victims her long history of abuse evidence is just like everything else about Molly . A lie .
I NEVER again want to hear these 2 letters
A man was battered and bludgeoned to death, his face unrecognisable, his skull crushed, his eyes black, his nose twisted to one side of his face.

Not a single shred of evidence was offered showing either of the killers were batter victims themselves.
Not one.
And I've never said this before because it brings you there but I'm saying it for Jason corbett
If you have felt a fist to your cheek, pulled around by your hair, hands on your throat, weight bearing down, grip on your arm, speed of a fall, broken bones, telling lies, covering up, insults, insinuations, blame, shame.


SHES not imo. And I for one wish there were more Jason Corbetts in the world.

Ok definately rant over now or harmony will be chasing me with a TO [emoji22]

Sent from my SM-T561 using Tapatalk

I only knew one person who suffered DV. She said the moment she heard about the "fat shaming" in front of their friends that there was no DV on JC's part as if so she wouldn't do that in public as she would be too scared of what he would do when they got home.
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