MISTRIAL NC - Jonathan Ferrell, 24, fatally shot by LE, Charlotte, 14 Sep 2013

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And the fact that neither of the other cops joined in the shooting... is not a good sign.
Generally when one feels threatened the other cops will defend him.
In this case he defended himself... against a threat only he saw.
What was wrong with dodging him if he thought he was coming after him?
I just don't get it.
Yes, 12 shots is a little extreme. If the accident victim were in shock he may not have been able to comprehend what the officers were saying to him. It is sad because if he were rushing to the officer I'm sure the officer felt as if he were in danger.

My BIL was in an accident while in the back seat when he was 16 while out with friends. The back end of the car hit a tree. He got out of the car and walked up to the nearest door and told the residents he lived there. He was arrested for trying to break into the home and charged with being under the influence even though LE knew he had just been in an accident (this was 70's). By the time my husband who was with LE (not same police force) got to him he was in bad shape and had to be transported to the hospital. BIL was in shock. They threw my him in a cell and left him and he probably would have died had my husband not been called. No drugs just a head injury and he was in severe shock. He could not even answer simple questions.
Yes, 12 shots is a little extreme. If the accident victim were in shock he may not have been able to comprehend what the officers were saying to him. It is sad because if he were rushing to the officer I'm sure the officer felt as if he were in danger.

My BIL was in an accident while in the back seat when he was 16 while out with friends. The back end of the car hit a tree. He got out of the car and walked up to the nearest door and told the residents he lived there. He was arrested for trying to break into the home and charged with being under the influence even though LE knew he had just been in an accident (this was 70's). By the time my husband who was with LE (not same police force) got to him he was in bad shape and had to be transported to the hospital. BIL was in shock. They threw my him in a cell and left him and he probably would have died had my husband not been called. No drugs just a head injury and he was in severe shock. He could not even answer simple questions.

Yea, with head injury, a person can appear o'key and talk for some time then stop making sense and die. I wonder what the autopsy and tox screen are going to show. If he had any bleeding on the brain, etc, that will come up in autopsy (assuming he wasn't shot in the head).
But even if he wasn't acting completely rational it doesn't sound like his behavior would justify him being shot.
I wonder what the autopsy and tox screen are going to show.

Yeah I wonder what a tox screen would show too. It was 2:30 am on a saturday morning.

And yeah, 12 rounds from one shooter sounds like a bit much (unless the person kept coming towards them, then keep shooting until you are out), but he probably had a 17 round clip so he showed a tiny bit of restraint.

Apparently at 2:30 AM on a Saturday morning the victim accidentally drove off the road into the woods?????

Before arriving at McCartney's house, Ferrell was in a car accident several yards away. Orange spray paint marks where investigators tracked the path his vehicle took into the woods. After police arrived on scene, they say Ferrell advanced toward them. Officer Randall Kerrick fired 12 rounds. 10 hit Ferrell. Investigators later learned he was unarmed. http://www.wccbcharlotte.com/story/911-caller-shares-her-side-of-the-story-20130916
I hope they did a tox screen on the cop. I don't know if that's SOP when an officer kills someone, but it is warranted in this instance.

I wonder how hurt Jonathan was, how much pain he was in. He is the victim. I don't care why he was driving at 2:30am. It appears he was in an accident and needed help.

If I did the exact same things he did (which I probably would have), I feel certain that people would have been going out of their way to help me. A person would probably open a door for me (which BTW I feel is the wrong thing to do if a stranger in the night comes knocking), offer me help, and the cops would be falling all over me if I ran toward them.

I hope there is thorough, objective, fact-based investigation. I hope the participants and witnesses are honest. I know law enforcement people tend to stick together, and I just hope the true facts come out.

In this case, vengeance isn't of any interest to me. Nothing can change that this young man was shot down and killed when he was seeking assistance. I just want the realities of this situation, whatever they may be, to be honestly and openly divulged so some constructive lesson might be learned to prevent such devastation in the future.

Mr. Chesnut is a close colleague of Benjamin Crump. I believe not one syllable either of them utters. Still waiting for the full story. If he was shot a millisecond after being told to get on the ground, when did the attempted tasing happen, just for example. And why wasn't it sufficient. jmo

Perhaps he fell asleep at the wheel and that is why he drove off the road. :twocents:
It was reported that Jonathan had driven someone home into the subdivision which is in the outlying area of Charlotte. He was unfamilar with the roads in the area. Looks like a 2-lane road with woods on either side where he crashed.

Link to satellite view

In other news, the case has been given to the State DA to handle:
Mecklenburg County District Attorney Andrew Murray said Thursday he's requested state help to ensure public confidence in the integrity and fairness of the judicial process.

Before being elected district attorney, Murray was a partner in the law firm representing Kerrick.

That seems like a good move.
I know if there was pounding on my door in the middle of the night and I was alone I would have called police most likely hysterical.

That being said, I wonder if he said anything to her?? That he was in an accident? That he was hurt??

I can not wrap my head around shooting someone 10 times that had no weapon. I just can not see why that would happen within the bounds of the law.

My understanding of the 911 call is that she felt he was breaking/kicking down her door. The woman freaked and called 911 then went to the door and told the man she's on the phone with 911 and they are coming. This guy says to her "turn off your alarm, just turn off your alarm" She tells him to sit down on the porch and 911 will be there shortly but she said he just walked off. jmo
Here's a link to the 911 call. It's 17 minutes. Before the end of the call, Jonathan is dead.

The woman did not tell him to sit on the porch. She spoke back and forth between the 911 operator and CPI security (who kept talking on the speaker after she told them she was on the phone with 911 and police were on their way).


The article is interesting and provides a better picture of the scene. First off he tried to push in her door when she opened it and she had to struggle to get it shut again.

Secondly he was TASED and he took it then started running at what is likely the other officer with no shoes.

The officer starts to fire. Sounds like the Ferrell took being tased THEN ran at the officer and in fact was still standing after taking 10 rounds. The tox screen will be VERY interesting.

Then came three quick volleys of gunshots.

“It’s one, two, three, four – pause,” said Chestnut, counting off the shots he heard. “One, two, three, four, five, six – pause. One, two.”

Chestnut said that’s when he heard officers yell “Get down.”

“By the time they stop shooting, then they start saying, ‘Get on the ground, get on the ground,’” Chestnut said. “He had already been shot.”
Rattlers honor Ferrell at memorial


Florida A&M University football players shed tears alongside Jonathan Ferrell’s family as they honored a Rattler Thursday that had come before them on the football field.

A tribute to Ferrell, who played two seasons at FAMU in 2009 and 2010 and also at FAMU DRS, brought a crowd of well-wishers together at Lee Hall Auditorium on FAMU’s campus to remember the joy that he spread to everyone he touched. .........
Here's a link to the 911 call. It's 17 minutes. Before the end of the call, Jonathan is dead.

The woman did not tell him to sit on the porch. She spoke back and forth between the 911 operator and CPI security (who kept talking on the speaker after she told them she was on the phone with 911 and police were on their way).


Why would she tell him to sit on the porch? She thought he was trying to break into her house.
‘He never said he needed help. He had the sense to tell her a couple of things, but he didn’t say he needed help.


The young man, who was recently engaged and working two jobs after recently moving to Charlotte, drifted off a side road into a thicket of trees, totaling his future father-in-law’s 1999 Toyota Camry.

Trapped, he had to kick through back window to free himself from the wreckage. It is unknown at this point how badly injured the former Florida A&M player was. But he managed to stagger uphill to the first house on Reedy Creek Drive – about a quarter of a mile away.


And what of the officer who shot Ferrell dead? Officer Kerrick joined the force in 2011 and was assigned to the department’s Animal Control Division only two years ago before being upped to patrol, records show.

It’s unclear if he or his fellow dispatched officers ever fired their weapons in the line of duty before.

Officer Kerrick has laid low since the incident and forfeited his police-issued gun and badge to authorities before turning himself over cops.

He posted $50,000 bail and was released. He's due to appear before a judge on October 7 on a charge of voluntary manslaughter.

The article is interesting and provides a better picture of the scene. First off he tried to push in her door when she opened it and she had to struggle to get it shut again.

Secondly he was TASED and he took it then started running at what is likely the other officer with no shoes.

The officer starts to fire. Sounds like the Ferrell took being tased THEN ran at the officer and in fact was still standing after taking 10 rounds. The tox screen will be VERY interesting.

Bbm. No, he was not tased, according to LE accounts. They pointed at him, but there was a misfire or something. He was not hit with a taser.
EXCLUSIVE: Mother whose panicked 911 call led to police shooting death of unarmed former football player after car crash insists he NEVER asked for help

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...r-insists-NEVER-asked-help.html#ixzz2fidUX3Rr

Interesting article, although it's IMO sensationalizing and misstates some facts, e.g., it's 1-story house, and, no, the woman was not asleep upstairs b/c there was no upstairs! :waitasec: But that's the Daily Mail for you.

I wonder how she could hear what was being said while speaking concurrently to both 911 and CPI along with the blaring alarm system? Also, it's unknown who she was speaking to when she said she was on the phone with 911. For example, I interpreted that she was speaking to the CPI guy when she said she was on the phone with 911.

But anyway, she didn't voluntarily try to cause harm. LE is trained to deal with accident victims, drunk drivers (I am not implying anything about whether he was/wasn't), etc. She was not bound by any duty to remain calm, so I think the media and public should back off this woman.

Although I'm sickened by this homicide, placing hateful and blaming thoughts on this woman is the same thing people who are attacking her are accusing her of doing.

Here's hoping for a clean and honest investigation and prosecution process. Things sure got quiet about any details of the case... :twocents:
Bbm. No, he was not tased, according to LE accounts. They pointed at him, but there was a misfire or something. He was not hit with a taser.

Do you have a link to "he was not hit with a taser?" The only msm I've seen says a tasing was attempted and was unsuccessful. I haven't seen anything saying why it was unsuccessful. tia :)

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