NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #1

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Dina Holten lives in Oriental NC
She must have been staying at the house with Kathy as reported.
Yes, I now think she was in the house. I can still think of situations where she might not have heard the attack, especially if they were sleeping on different floors.

Not only sleeping on different floors, but have you ever had surgery?

When I had my wisdom teeth out, I lost half a day. Someone could have hit me over the head and I wouldn't have screamed. I was so out of it, it wouldn't have mattered.

Maybe (and hopefully for Kathy), she never felt the pain.

I also find it unlikely that the sister would have called the doctor if she knew she did it herself.
Judge OKs secrecy in Taft case

In his order, Stephens said the release of the information would "likely risk and jeopardize the success of the criminal investigation and will likely undermine the investigation" and could also publicly "expose hearsay information about the offense which may prejudice the public against anyone charged and arrested for this crime."
The News & Observer and other local media companies plan to seek to have the documents unsealed. Stephens even sealed Willoughby's request to have the documents kept from public view.

"There is nothing on the record that demonstrates why the release would jeopardize the investigation," said Amanda Martin, the Raleigh lawyer working with the media companies. "There's no indication why this case should be treated any different from any other case."

Police have released few details about the incident since Taft was found critically injured at 2710 Cartier Drive, the home of JMG, a Raleigh lawyer with whom she had a relationship. Stephens' order says that two 911 calls related to the case were made.
...and what kind of "minor" surgery would leave a woman with her head bandaged up? I don't call that minor. Wonder what amount of drugs were in her system, and wonder what wounds she had? A good amount of painkillers could make you sleep through your own nightmare. She surely would not have been interested in breakfast the next morning, just maybe some liquids. Anyone else thinking how this is becoming stranger and stranger. We know nothing.
...and what kind of "minor" surgery would leave a woman with her head bandaged up?


A face lift could do it. Or a chin alteration. Where they wrap you around your chin and head.

When you go in for one thing on your face, you do a few. Chemical peel. Eyebrow lift. Maybe some injections in your cheeks.

Also, whenever I've had anything done, I'm starving the next day. It is likely she didn't eat the night before (or after 6pm). So nothing for 24 hours usually. I would be starving!

I agree it is getting weirder
...and what kind of "minor" surgery would leave a woman with her head bandaged up? I don't call that minor. Wonder what amount of drugs were in her system, and wonder what wounds she had? A good amount of painkillers could make you sleep through your own nightmare. She surely would not have been interested in breakfast the next morning, just maybe some liquids. Anyone else thinking how this is becoming stranger and stranger. We know nothing.

I'm thinking the "minor" surgery was actually "major" surgery that could be performed as an outpatient at a hospital....(I consider major surgery to be one that requires general anesthesia, but that's just me.)...I've had surgeries as an outpatient several times that years ago would only have been performed as an in-patient at a hospital.

I've seen folks on the makeover shows who've had facelifts & work around the eyes that looked pretty beat up...swollen faces, dark circles under eyes, bandages around the head...maybe that's more along the lines of what she had.

But yeah - like you said, if her surgery was that involved, why plan on going out to breakfast.

IDK - just trying to think of reasons why the sister would think Kathy's wounds were "surgical complications".

The television station also cited several unnamed sources who reported that Taft’s sister called 911 after discovering her and that she thought Taft was experiencing surgical complications. WRAL reported that sources said police were called after Taft’s surgeon examined her at WakeMed and determined she had been assaulted.
no wonder people get confused & rumors get started...ugh

Friends said that Taft had been staying at his home after minor surgery in the leg. Her sister was living with her and discovered Taft.

Well how on God's green earth did the woman get beat in the head and they think that was a surgery issue?

Kathy Taft, 62, died Tuesday afternoon, three days after she was attacked in the Raleigh home of a friend and suffered a severe head injury.

I am leaning toward the theory someone posted earlier about the possibility that Kathy's injuries could be related to some complication with the surgery. IMO, patients are released way too soon after many surgical procedeures. I agree, she could have fallen or hit her head on a cabinet door, sink, or doorjamb as a result of disorientation. She could have had some injury from the surgery which caused catastrophic swelling or bleeding to occur hours later.

As for the surgeon's claim that she must have been injured by an attacker in her home, I'd say that his speculation could be based upon a need to cover his own butt. There are several ways a post-operative patient might sustain a blunt-trauma injury, and I don't think that the first assumption should be assault. If it was just an accident, he may be afraid of a lawsuit even if it was through no fault of his own.

If someone did assault her or cause her to fall, maybe they were after her pain meds. I would be interested to know what meds she had, how much was left, and how much was in her system when she was admitted to the hospital. Do we know the sister's name? Wouldn't hurt to check her out for any history of substance abuse, along with any of their close relatives who may have had access to the home, and knowledge that Kathy would be recuperating there.
Well how on God's green earth did the woman get beat in the head and they think that was a surgery issue?


...And why did the police say that her injuries may have been concealed by bandages left on her head from the sugery if it was her leg that was operated on? Two procedeures in one? If so, why not just say so? I see no shame in having an elective cosmetic procedeure, if that is what it was!
...And why did the police say that her injuries may have been concealed by bandages left on her head from the sugery if it was her leg that was operated on? Two procedeures in one? If so, why not just say so? I see no shame in having an elective cosmetic procedeure, if that is what it was!

IMO, the "reporter" just got some facts wrong...but that's how rumors get started....I can't find this (leg surgery & sister "living" with Kathy) mentioned anywhere else...we check stuff out but not everybody does -- they just run with it.

Hoo boy.... This is getting more confusing as time goes on.
Ok, I'm in bed sick so I may as well sleuth right?

According to the obit, here-

She was preceded in death by a sister. There are two women of the same name, according to the SS death index, they both died in 2008, one in MN one in CA. I would surmise that her sister was in MN seeing as they were born in Wisconsin. (Assumed wrong, found that obit, she was not the MN one). She could have possibly died young so maybe she isn't on the SS death index?

Someone mentioned maybe someone was after the drugs... Daughter 2 is/was a substance abuse councilor. (I don't want to call any of these people by name, I'm just adding that bc I thought it was interesting, not b/c I think it is tied in). She is local, Greenville.

Daughter 1 lives in Broward County FL and is in education also. She is 45. Her father is Thomas P (he can be found on her FB)

Son 2 grew up and attended university in Greenville (same one I went to, which helps the FB settings). He is 24ish according to my calculations.

Son 1 grew up in Greenville, attended UNC. He could be 24ish also, if he left college on time. Both he and his brother left school in '08. He may be older though, just based on friends in common with me.

Still digging.

God I love facebook and people's lack of privacy settings.

Here is Kathy's FB and her friends list.!/kathyataft?ref=mf

She is friends with father of child 1. She is also friends with the ex who's house she was staying at John G. (I'm proud of him for knowing how to use his privacy settings, I also just realized I know one of his law partners, interesting).

To read her friend's list, it reads like a list of building names in NC (which it does, a few of these people have business schools, buildings, and private schools named after them).

So, she has been married three times right? Or has children by three different fathers at least.

I also have a much deeper held theory that involves investigations of other things in Greenville and Raleigh, but that is not going on a public forum.
There has been no mention of any forced entry into the house, has there? I realize the incident report is under seal with everything else per Judge's orders.

But, if the sister thought at first that it was a complication due to the surgery, then she didn't see or notice a broken window, or the door open or ajar, or anything else to suggest forced entry? I would think if she did, she would have called 911 right away.

Raleigh PD just held a presser. Not much information provided.

They have made "considerable progress" in the investigation.

They still cannot rule out a random act.

They cannot determine if the nearby attempted breakin is related.

The attack occured either late Friday night or early Saturday morning.

The family is offering a $25K reward.

They could not specify the type of person that would do this.

The news article said, "Taft's sister, who also was staying in the home, went to wake her for breakfast Saturday and called 911 upon finding her unresponsive and her bandages bloodied."
Some Wonder Why Kathy Taft Murder Case Documents Are Sealed
Updated: Mar. 10 11:41 pm

Transparency is important but if that transparency would in any way jeopardize the ability of authorities to conduct the case, people understand that transparency sometimes is not completely possible,” explained Bonner.

So what exactly are detectives doing at this point? The ex-cop who spent years working cases like the Taft murder tries to shed some light on the process.

Chris Morgan says detectives are examining the people closest to Kathy Taft, including family, friends, known associates and peripheral associates.

“Once you eliminate the possibility any of those peopled are involved then you’re left with the possibility this was a random attack by an unknown assailant,” he said.

Morgan also says it’s not unusual for a crime scene to be kept active for an extended period explaining Raleigh police once kept a murder scene under police control for a month until they gathered all the evidence they needed.

more here
Some Wonder Why Kathy Taft Murder Case Documents Are Sealed
Updated: Mar. 10 11:41 pm

Transparency is important but if that transparency would in any way jeopardize the ability of authorities to conduct the case, people understand that transparency sometimes is not completely possible,” explained Bonner.

So what exactly are detectives doing at this point? The ex-cop who spent years working cases like the Taft murder tries to shed some light on the process.

Chris Morgan says detectives are examining the people closest to Kathy Taft, including family, friends, known associates and peripheral associates.

“Once you eliminate the possibility any of those peopled are involved then you’re left with the possibility this was a random attack by an unknown assailant,” he said.
Morgan also says it’s not unusual for a crime scene to be kept active for an extended period explaining Raleigh police once kept a murder scene under police control for a month until they gathered all the evidence they needed.

more here


So, since they have said they don't know if its a random act, they must not have eliminated the possibility that someone close to her is responsible.
I really can't comprehend this as a random act. A woman in bed with bandages recovering from a surgery, and I would think surely not cognizant so much of her surroundings. It had to have happened in the dead of night, as her sister must have been sleeping and didn't hear anything. But, we don't know if there was forced entry, or if anything was stolen.

I am befuddled with this.
I really can't comprehend this as a random act. A woman in bed with bandages recovering from a surgery, and I would think surely not cognizant so much of her surroundings. It had to have happened in the dead of night, as her sister must have been sleeping and didn't hear anything. But, we don't know if there was forced entry, or if anything was stolen.

I am befuddled with this.

I agree with you. As the police always say "there is no such thing as a coincidence."
And what's truly puzzling is how fast everything was hushed up and sealed. I don't understand this at all. It's almost as if they wish it hadn't been made public at all.

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