GUILTY NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #6

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I was looking at photo's of the house, inside and out, yesterday on the MLS. Didn't realize it was only something like 1400 sq. ft. And the back is so isolated, beautiful, but so isolated looking.
I think his wife's testimony nailed it, they were fighting and he was pizzed. Especially at *women*. Oh he was mad, and he had to take it out on somebody. Poor Kathy.
I'm surprised this witness doesn't speak more to the jury. Most of the physicians I've seen appear to address their testimony more to the jury rather than the questioning attorney. As for JW, his therapy certainly wasn't *intense*. He didn't appear to have regularly scheduled appointments.
JMO, but this doctor didn't appear too interested in discovering *why* his patient was depressed, nor much history at all. He's an alcoholic, depressed, anger issues, yet no history as to *why* he drank. Usually there is a reason for depression.
Morning peoples.... :coffeews: really, really, really tired today. Since I missed so much yesterday, do tell: did Kathy's sister testify?
Morning peoples.... :coffeews: really, really, really tired today. Since I missed so much yesterday, do tell: did Kathy's sister testify?

No, not that I saw. Just through the video reinactment of the crime scene introduced by one of the detectives IIRC. Someone else said she'd been at the trial last week, but not this week.
No, the sister is in the hospital.

Watching the defendant on the WRAL feed, he's actually looking up from time to time now. He's appearing more alert and seems nervous now (big sighs and swallowing hard) that his mom is about to take the stand. I bet that's an interesting dynamic.
Oh man, JW's mom on the stand now. I don't know if this is going to be too much for me. Reminds me of my mother-in-law -- and how broken and aged she looked and looks taking care of my now ex-husband, who is mentally ill (non violent, but very much non-responsive bless his heart). I am not condoning JW at all, but I feel sh---i---tty for the fams :(
Morning peoples.... :coffeews: really, really, really tired today. Since I missed so much yesterday, do tell: did Kathy's sister testify?

No, she is still in the hospital and unvailable to appear in court. The defendant's wife did testify. That was quite interesting. I think she did a good job. I intend to watch all of her testimony later. The second half of testimony wasn't available last night on the WRAL site.
:coffeews:Hi Everybody I'm trying to catch up also - after a few hours of sleep! it's hard to conk out in the daytime...hope everyone is well. I'm about to dive into the videotapes.:rocker:
My prayers for JW's mom.

On a side note, I am wishing I didn't name my first-born Jason in light of the past two trials I've watched : (. As a mom, I can't imagine having to go through this.
She is a strong woman, mom. Talking about family history of alcoholism and mental illness. I still hope the defense has more than anecdotal evidence - actual family members who suffer from either disease. Otherwise, it is just "she said she saw", and we all know how moms would never lie on the stand, right? (sends a big middle finger to CA)
So if someone in my family does the unthinkable, are we to drag out the whole bunch of *relatives* that 'aren't right' in my family? Of course I feel for this poor woman, but what has any of this to do with the brutal murder of Kathy Taft? It would appear the DT made much of the alcoholism in the KT family also.
So if someone in my family does the unthinkable, are we to drag out the whole bunch of *relatives* that 'aren't right' in my family? Of course I feel for this poor woman, but what has any of this to do with the brutal murder of Kathy Taft? It would appear the DT made much of the alcoholism in the KT family also.

I do think family history is relevant in this case since the DT is hinging on mental illness and alcoholism as causes of the crime. What I don't see being of too much weight it having just mom giving anecdotal evidence. And I think the DT is full of caca - but they could plant some RD in jury's minds. I hope they don't.
No, the sister is in the hospital.

Watching the defendant on the WRAL feed, he's actually looking up from time to time now. He's appearing more alert and seems nervous now (big sighs and swallowing hard) that his mom is about to take the stand. I bet that's an interesting dynamic.

I was just getting ready to post the same thing, Boods -- his mom is on the stand -- he appears more stressed -- breathing is a bit more rapid -- blinking eyes more -- pursing lips. Interesting -- maybe there is a person way down deep in there, but Charles Manson or Ted Bundy probably had one, too.

(sorry, couldn't help it. this man is one of the worst, and he had a lot more opportunities to overcome his problems than Manson or Bundy did.)
I do think family history is relevant in this case since the DT is hinging on mental illness and alcoholism as causes of the crime. What I don't see being of too much weight it having just mom giving anecdotal evidence. And I think the DT is full of caca - but they could plant some RD in jury's minds. I hope they don't.

I agree, were he a raving lunatic, but JW was able to plan and carry on a life. He committed crimes, made excuses, covered up, etc. IMO. I come from an extremely abusive family, alcoholics in the history, not my parents though. They were simply mean. There were suicides on both sides of the family history, numerous other weird-o's of various degrees. I've had a breakdown, take meds, have been in therapy for years due to PTSD & panic attacks from my childhood. But what I do with my life, is my responsibility. IMO Jason isn't a schitzo, he doesn't hear voices, wander around unable to function. I guess I just don't have much sympathy for someone who rapes and murders and then blames it on nutty relatives. Again, JMO.
I feel for this woman, JW's mom. I feel for all that she has been through since giving birth to him. However, all of the drooling, and sleeping, and non sleeping, and no friends, and drugs and alcohol do not make what he did to KT right, or OK, or forgivable. I'm with you, GL, I had a crappy childhood with many traumas and because of it I became determined to go in the opposite direction with myself and my kids and everybody else who touched my life. I hate that this defense team is even trying to bring down the other family members including the great grandfather and his drinking habits to justify what JW did. He is evil, that's all it boils down to.
JW knew and understood enough that he wasn't going to give a DNA sample to LE. If he'd had a true alcoholic blackout, how did he KNOW he didn't want his DNA tested? He knew he had to rid himself of his clothes that night, his wife testified he came in 'in his boxers' and no other clothes. He took a rock into the house with him, IMO *intent*. Now his entire family is being dragged through the mud in an attempt to 'answer for' his crimes that night. Truly mentally ill people are seldom violent. I didn't hear mention of any of those mentally ill relatives committing harm upon anyone but themselves. I guess I just don't have a lot of patience with attempts to blame others for ones crimes. JW certainly had two parents who were involved in his childhood. I've heard no mention of parental abuse, just the opposite.
I have to look to at this way. The defense team has to use anything they can to try to defend their client. It may be the most bizarre, unlikely defense in the world, but you have to try it, because as his lawyer, you are bound by the oath to provide your client zealous representation. And no matter how crazy the defense may seem, sometimes a jury falls for it. CA comes to mind. Don't get me started.

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