GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #1

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Recent posts from friends on GH's FB wall:

-A few people say they are shocked but not surprised
-More than one person referenced drug use by GH
-One person asks if anyone knows GH's first wife, Emily. First I've heard of that one...but then again he told everyone LA was his wife as well.

One person very recently posted this:

"If you knew Grant you know he was a class A personality, a people person could people to fo what ever wanted. He was smart, an artist. He fits the classic profile of a killer. I think if you take a step back and look at the big picture and when combine this with chronic drug use is mind warping."

Where do you see this stuff? Is it Grant Haze or Hayes? When I'm on his Haze FB the last thing I see posted is from 7/13 about CSI.
If there was an established court ordered neutral place (Sheetz in Wilson) for the drop off/pick up of the kids - one would assume that there weren't amicable conditions between the parents. So, could it be that if LA came to Raleigh on business and found some time to visit the kids, it wasn't necessarily planned. This could have upset plans that GH and AH had or they just didn't like being put in a position to accomodate her. And maybe, she wasn't comfortable meeting at their apartment (maybe new wife and ex don't get along.) She could have suggested a close place to meet and let her see the children. Their old apartment around the corner is convenient and close by and it makes sense - especially since LE said there is nothing wrong with the car. That would mean that she was never in the apartment, but maybe taken somewhere and killed and later dismembered. If that's the case, there is yet another location to find in this investigation. That is saying maybe strangulation in the car and then her body is placed somewhere until they could get out of town with it. I'm just trying to put a few things together logically - I'm probably wrong.:waitasec:
If there was an established court ordered neutral place (Sheetz in Wilson) for the drop off/pick up of the kids - one would assume that there weren't amicable conditions between the parents. So, could it be that if LA came to Raleigh on business and found some time to visit the kids, it wasn't necessarily planned. This could have upset plans that GH and AH had or they just didn't like being put in a position to accomodate her. And maybe, she wasn't comfortable meeting at their apartment (maybe new wife and ex don't get along.) She could have suggested a close place to meet and let her see the children. Their old apartment around the corner is convenient and close by and it makes sense - especially since LE said there is nothing wrong with the car. That would mean that she was never in the apartment, but maybe taken somewhere and killed and later dismembered. If that's the case, there is yet another location to find in this investigation. That is saying maybe strangulation in the car and then her body is placed somewhere until they could get out of town with it. I'm just trying to put a few things together logically - I'm probably wrong.:waitasec:

Is it known if LA had work to do frequently in Raleigh or was this an isolated job related trip? One could reason that if she had made trips before to Raleigh for work, that stopping by to see the kids had been done before. She knew at the restaurant in Wilson that she planned to see the kids that day, so it was not a surprise visit for GH. It may have been to him a good time to execute his plan, as the visit was not on the record. One of the more notable things about that old apartment is that it is a short walking distance to GH current apt.
From what I understand, LA had business appointments set up in both Wilson and Raleigh that day. She also told a few people she would be seeing her boys that night. I also read she "dropped them back off" with GH, so many she took them out to eat? I assume she had made a request to GH/AH in advance to which they agreed and would not just show up at the door.

If there was an established court ordered neutral place (Sheetz in Wilson) for the drop off/pick up of the kids - one would assume that there weren't amicable conditions between the parents. So, could it be that if LA came to Raleigh on business and found some time to visit the kids, it wasn't necessarily planned. This could have upset plans that GH and AH had or they just didn't like being put in a position to accomodate her. And maybe, she wasn't comfortable meeting at their apartment (maybe new wife and ex don't get along.) She could have suggested a close place to meet and let her see the children. Their old apartment around the corner is convenient and close by and it makes sense - especially since LE said there is nothing wrong with the car. That would mean that she was never in the apartment, but maybe taken somewhere and killed and later dismembered. If that's the case, there is yet another location to find in this investigation. That is saying maybe strangulation in the car and then her body is placed somewhere until they could get out of town with it. I'm just trying to put a few things together logically - I'm probably wrong.:waitasec:

I agree with everything you said, that they always met at sheetz, but I have a feeling they said just come to our apartment and pick up the kids or drop off the kids (i thought an article said she dropped them off july 13 at 930pm)
I guess we will find out later, who knows when. Someone suggested earlier maybe she was in town and took them out to dinner and returned them at 930?
I bet they just got her in that apartment and she only left in the cooler.. no one wants to keep moving the body around and one could be like dexter and get plastic wrap and over the entire area while they dismember.. gosh this is gross.. but seriously- they could have just done it at their apartment.. not sure where else they would go... and get the kids watching tv, etc and do it in a bedroom...
From what I understand, LA had business appointments set up in both Wilson and Raleigh that day. She also told a few people she would be seeing her boys that night. I also read she "dropped them back off" with GH, so many she took them out to eat? I assume she had made a request to GH/AH in advance to which they agreed and would not just show up at the door.

Interesting, isn't one of the boys 3 years old? Is it possible he can talk and could provide information on what he saw? I think it's quite possible he would know something.
Interesting, isn't one of the boys 3 years old? Is it possible he can talk and could provide information on what he saw? I think it's quite possible he would know something.

My son is 3 and he makes up stuff all the time that doesn't happen.. not reliable imo. If someone asked what he had for dinner when he saw his mommy you may get that from him.. but other than that he is not old enough to be reliable enough to recall things. IMO.

Editing to add: I really hope he doesn't remember anything, especially if he saw her dead :(

This new article has some new details and may shed light on some of the above questions

Interesting. The one thing I find completely abnormal is the to-go box. If you are taking the box with you and then someone saw you at 930pm, obviously that can't be true. WHO saw her at 930pm? I am thinking it was GH who said that. I don't think she was alive at 930pm! No one in their right mind would keep food in the car that long, no way!
Recent posts from friends on GH's FB wall:

-A few people say they are shocked but not surprised
-More than one person referenced drug use by GH
-One person asks if anyone knows GH's first wife, Emily. First I've heard of that one...but then again he told everyone LA was his wife as well.

One person very recently posted this:

"If you knew Grant you know he was a class A personality, a people person could people to fo what ever wanted. He was smart, an artist. He fits the classic profile of a killer. I think if you take a step back and look at the big picture and when combine this with chronic drug use is mind warping."

RaleighN -- Thanks for this bit of further info....

From the personality-picture we seem to be seeing emerge about GH, it seems to me that Amanda -- however much or little responsibility she had in this horrible tragedy -- is better off in jail & away from him. I wonder if she was ever fearful of him.... Was she just as fouled-up (IMO) as he, or did she help or carry it out due to fear? We should begin to see if we can find these tidbits and anecdotes about her. I would think we're all curious.

These narcissistic, arrogant, insight-less, control-freak (read "sociopathic") personalities we keep seeing just seem to be poured from the same mold.

It is such a common "type" in these awful tragedies. I wonder how soon this trait could be seen by a professional -- other than seeing a 6-yr-old torture an animal? What might be obvious in a 10-year-old, or does it sit back and grow like a nasty virus, and finally spring forth in usually one's twenties? :waitasec:
RaleighN -- Thanks for this bit of further info....

From the personality-picture we seem to be seeing emerge about GH, it seems to me that Amanda -- however much or little responsibility she had in this horrible tragedy -- is better off in jail & away from him. I wonder if she was ever fearful of him.... Was she just as fouled-up (IMO) as he, or did she help or carry it out due to fear? We should begin to see if we can find these tidbits and anecdotes about her. I would think we're all curious.

These narcissistic, arrogant, insight-less, control-freak (read "sociopathic") personalities we keep seeing just seem to be poured from the same mold.

It is such a common "type" in these awful tragedies. I wonder how soon this trait could be seen by a professional -- other than seeing a 6-yr-old torture an animal? What might be obvious in a 10-year-old, or does it sit back and grow like a nasty virus, and finally spring forth in usually one's twenties? :waitasec:

BBM. I'm still unsure of her involvement (whether it was fully willing or coerced), but either way I don't think she was controlled through overt fear at this point. Sociopaths manipulate in a variety of ways, and I think in Amanda's case (and likely Laura's before her), Grant was at the stage of manipulating through the strongest feeling of "unconditional love" they'd ever felt from a man. "I can't possibly lose this man who loves me this much" can be just as strong a psychological control tactic than being fearful of one's safety / scared to leave.

The video below confirms that for me (just in my opinion only). Check out the 1:16 mark (but turn your sound down b/c the song is horrible!). To me, that is someone creating a situation where their "love" controls everything - eventually to the point where the victim only feels secure in an environment where the abuser is present. Would he have eventually turned outwardly abusive and/or violent? I'd venture so... But I think what you're seeing here is that first stage of "loving manipulation" that sucks so many women in.

Still not sure, however, whether AH was also a manipulator in her own right, or whether she got in over her head. Maybe she was so scared of losing Grant that she went along with hiding a body. Or maybe, she wanted Laura gone just as much as he did. I'm still on the fence on that.

Anyway, here's the video:
‪Hello Thursday Grant Haze‬‏ - YouTube
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