GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #1

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Here is what bothers me about this quote: it was made TUE 7/19...only four days after LA had initially been reported missing. No signs of foul play, her car had not been located yet. Yes, it was abnormal for LA to go a day without speaking to her sons, yes, her co-workers and friends were worried...but at that stage for the mother of GH to imply this was a long-term or permanent situation they would need to "get over" is pretty odd. Its as if she knew LA was dead.

I think this is a case of poor word choice on his mothers part. Yes, this is the disappearance of their mom we're talking about, but it's a commonly used phrase to say kids get over things more quickly than adults. The kids are no older than four or five right? That, coupled with being with their dad the majority of the time, it likely wasn't a huge issue. I feel like saying this will make me seem cold hearted, and please believe that is not the case. I just didn't see anything suspicious or upsetting about what she said other than maybe she should have worded it a nicer manner.
I haven't seen this posted yet: [article link]

some snippets:

Becky Holt has been assigned to prosecute GH and/or AH (separate cases and the article did not make the and/or clear). She was recently the lead prosecutor in the Jason Young trial part 1 (hung jury). Part 2 (retrial) is in October.

(Jason) Ackerson kept his composure, though this was the first time he had seen the Hayeses since they allegedly murdered his sister, Laura Jean Ackerson of Kinston...He said to (DA) Willoughby: “Is it possible to get the death penalty?”​
(judge) Brewer order the defendants to be held without bond, assigned each counsel from the public defender’s office and set their next court dates — Grant Hayes on Aug. 15 at 4 p.m. and Amanda Hayes on Aug. 16 at 2 p.m.​
They arrived in Richmond on July 18, investigators say, and left the next day. While there, the Hayeses allegedly took a jon boat onto the nearby creek and dumped the remains.

Haenel said investigators have a witness who saw it.​
“I do not know that it is more complicated. It’s a little more inconvenient,” Willoughby said in response to a reporter’s question about the difficulty of pulling together a case that spans seven states.​
I think this is a case of poor word choice on his mothers part. Yes, this is the disappearance of their mom we're talking about, but it's a commonly used phrase to say kids get over things more quickly than adults. The kids are no older than four or five right? That, coupled with being with their dad the majority of the time, it likely wasn't a huge issue. I feel like saying this will make me seem cold hearted, and please believe that is not the case. I just didn't see anything suspicious or upsetting about what she said other than maybe she should have worded it a nicer manner.

I agree....I'm not going to jump on the mother-must-have-known bandwagon yet. The oldest child is 3. I also don't believe AH's sister knew. Yes they had a uhaul and coolers, but who in the world would jump to the conclusion that their family members were at their home to dump a dismembered body? Would that thought EVER cross your mind?
...and a few exchanges from the JVM program last night:

CM, LA's business partner/friend, last one to speak to her (aside from the arrested) who called Kinston PD to report her missing FRI.

MATHES: She just said she was excited, actually, that she would -- that she would be getting the kids back soon. She seemed very positive about it at this point. She had taken a psych eval, and the results were in her favor, and so she was just very excited about the upcoming court -- court hearing.​

Any this one, where JVM and CJ think they've identified the motive:

JORDAN: It is indeed. And you really have to wonder. You look at that interview with him. He strikes me as a very charming man. And you have to wonder a few things. Did he really just want to relocate permanently back down to the Virgin Islands, perhaps with his new wife, Amanda? I have to tell you, if you have joint custody of a child, that is not going to be possible. Maybe she really, really loved those kids and wanted them for herself.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me tell you this. He wanted her to be able to adopt the two boys.

JORDAN: Doesn`t surprise me at all.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And that`s the motive right there.


Full transcript of the show is HERE for those interested.
It blows my mind that 3 of the 5 ice chests were recovered back in NC after apparently having been taken to Texas. That means they traveled to TX with 5 coolers with the body parts, left 2 there, then returned home in the car with 3 of the coolers. Wow. I know this is bizarre, but I can't think of any reason they would do that except if maybe they were planning to return them. {{shudder}} Otherwise, what would they do with them, use them for family picnics?
It blows my mind that 3 of the 5 ice chests were recovered back in NC after apparently having been taken to Texas. That means they traveled to TX with 5 coolers with the body parts, left 2 there, then returned home in the car with 3 of the coolers. Wow. I know this is bizarre, but I can't think of any reason they would do that except if maybe they were planning to return them. {{shudder}} Otherwise, what would they do with them, use them for family picnics?

WOW. Completely makes sense, with them hurting for money and all, but... wow! Could you imagine if they had gotten around to returning them? I can't even fathom...
Very strange about the coolers! I guess they didn't give much thought about what they would do with them after. It makes you wonder if they were going to put those on craigslist too! Maybe 5 wouldn't fit in the car. Who knows...

It blows my mind that 3 of the 5 ice chests were recovered back in NC after apparently having been taken to Texas. That means they traveled to TX with 5 coolers with the body parts, left 2 there, then returned home in the car with 3 of the coolers. Wow. I know this is bizarre, but I can't think of any reason they would do that except if maybe they were planning to return them. {{shudder}} Otherwise, what would they do with them, use them for family picnics?
Recent posts from friends on GH's FB wall:

-A few people say they are shocked but not surprised
-More than one person referenced drug use by GH
-One person asks if anyone knows GH's first wife, Emily. First I've heard of that one...but then again he told everyone LA was his wife as well.

One person very recently posted this:

"If you knew Grant you know he was a class A personality, a people person could people to fo what ever wanted. He was smart, an artist. He fits the classic profile of a killer. I think if you take a step back and look at the big picture and when combine this with chronic drug use is mind warping."

Does not surprise me about the drug use. When I saw the mug shot of AH I immediately felt she looked like a meth or heroin user. This could have played a major part in getting AH to become a killer.
THIS ARTICLE sheds some light on the earlier part of the day of WED 7/13, and also suggests IMO why RPD is convinced she was murdered in Wake Co. that day:

“She was very professional,” Dunn said. “You could tell she met with a lot of people. She was persistent.”

Both men said she stayed about an hour, packed up the rest of her calzone in a to-go box and left.


But when Raleigh police called him days later and had found her Ford Focus outside a North Raleigh apartment complex, he didn’t think it was a good sign. Investigators contacted Dunn, trying to determine a timeline. They also had another strange question for him.

“They wanted to know if she took a to-go box with her,” he said about that day in Wilson when she ate lunch. “They asked me what Paul’s take out boxes looked like. I described it.”

Police then told Dunn they had found a to-go box inside her car matching that description.

This strongly suggest that LA never returned to Kinston, and that the car had been sitting there for a week.
THIS ARTICLE sheds some light on the earlier part of the day of WED 7/13, and also suggests IMO why RPD is convinced she was murdered in Wake Co. that day:

“She was very professional,” Dunn said. “You could tell she met with a lot of people. She was persistent.”

Both men said she stayed about an hour, packed up the rest of her calzone in a to-go box and left.


But when Raleigh police called him days later and had found her Ford Focus outside a North Raleigh apartment complex, he didn’t think it was a good sign. Investigators contacted Dunn, trying to determine a timeline. They also had another strange question for him.

“They wanted to know if she took a to-go box with her,” he said about that day in Wilson when she ate lunch. “They asked me what Paul’s take out boxes looked like. I described it.”

Police then told Dunn they had found a to-go box inside her car matching that description.

This strongly suggest that LA never returned to Kinston, and that the car had been sitting there for a week.

Thank you all for your talented sleuthing abilities. I am very appreciative to each of you for your thoughts, the links you provide and for staying on the ball with this case.
I got behind last night--monitor went out--hope to get caught up soon.
THIS ARTICLE sheds some light on the earlier part of the day of WED 7/13, and also suggests IMO why RPD is convinced she was murdered in Wake Co. that day:

“She was very professional,” Dunn said. “You could tell she met with a lot of people. She was persistent.”

Both men said she stayed about an hour, packed up the rest of her calzone in a to-go box and left.


But when Raleigh police called him days later and had found her Ford Focus outside a North Raleigh apartment complex, he didn’t think it was a good sign. Investigators contacted Dunn, trying to determine a timeline. They also had another strange question for him.

“They wanted to know if she took a to-go box with her,” he said about that day in Wilson when she ate lunch. “They asked me what Paul’s take out boxes looked like. I described it.”

Police then told Dunn they had found a to-go box inside her car matching that description.

This strongly suggest that LA never returned to Kinston, and that the car had been sitting there for a week.

According to google maps that restaurant is only a 5 minute drive from the gas station where the kid drop-off/pick-up is done. But that's on Fridays. Why was she there on a Wednesday? Possibly GH asked her to watch the kids an extra couple days? Why else would she be in Wilson? Did GH think this would help his story if she had been missing since Wednesday, not Friday the day he said he went to the gas station to drop off the boys?

ETA: Just saw this in the article: "Kinston police said Ackerson was last seen in her car in Raleigh around 9:30 p.m. on July 13." Okay so that means she made the full drive to Raleigh. She must have gone to GH's apartment that night. She really diverged from the court-set agreements on meeting half-way, public place, etc. if I am understanding this correctly.
According to google maps that restaurant is only a 5 minute drive from the gas station where the kid drop-off/pick-up is done. But that's on Fridays. Why was she there on a Wednesday? Possibly GH asked her to watch the kids an extra couple days? Why else would she be in Wilson? Did GH think this would help his story if she had been missing since Wednesday, not Friday the day he said he went to the gas station to drop off the boys?

ETA: Just saw this in the article: "Kinston police said Ackerson was last seen in her car in Raleigh around 9:30 p.m. on July 13." Okay so that means she made the full drive to Raleigh. She must have gone to GH's apartment that night. She really diverged from the court-set agreements on meeting half-way, public place, etc. if I am understanding this correctly.

There's an article somewhere that I read where the ex-boyfriend shared some emails. She specifically stated that she and the boys ate ice cream and watched ?the World Cup? on Monday, July 11, 2011.
I think she told her business partner the last time the spoke that she was going to go to Raleigh (possibly for another business meeting, but I'm not sure if I'm remembering that correctly) and was going to try and see the kids. For some reason I also got the impression that this happened from time to time. But again, not sure if I'm remembering that information correctly.

Also Wilson isn't huge, most things are within a 5-10 minute drive.

(this is in response to HateSociopaths last post but I can't seem to quote it right, sorry!)
There's an article somewhere that I read where the ex-boyfriend shared some emails. She specifically stated that she and the boys ate ice cream and watched ?the World Cup? on Monday, July 11, 2011.

Thanks, so there clearly was some extra visitation going on besides the court-set agreements. That Monday is only two days earlier than the time she was seen in Raleigh. Yet she didn't have the boys on that Wednesday. So she would have dropped the kids off Monday or Tuesday, then driven out there again on Wednesday.

Is there information somewhere showing that LA felt comfortable enough to visit with the kids at GA's apartment, ie. go inside, hang out there, etc.? It just seemed from the legal battle, accusations, etc. going on that she would not have been travelling there and hanging out.
There's an article somewhere that I read where the ex-boyfriend shared some emails. She specifically stated that she and the boys ate ice cream and watched ?the World Cup? on Monday, July 11, 2011.

The game was on Sunday July 10, she must have meant she watched it the day before.
There's an article somewhere that I read where the ex-boyfriend shared some emails. She specifically stated that she and the boys ate ice cream and watched ?the World Cup? on Monday, July 11, 2011.

The game was on Sunday July 10, she must have meant she watched it the day before.

I recall that article, she was communicating with the ex-boyfriend in NY on the 11th and 12th, but was referring to the past weekend she had spent with the boys (9th and 10th).
ETA: Just saw this in the article: "Kinston police said Ackerson was last seen in her car in Raleigh around 9:30 p.m. on July 13." Okay so that means she made the full drive to Raleigh. She must have gone to GH's apartment that night. She really diverged from the court-set agreements on meeting half-way, public place, etc. if I am understanding this correctly.

From what I understand, LA had business appointments set up in both Wilson and Raleigh that day. She also told a few people she would be seeing her boys that night. I also read she "dropped them back off" with GH, so many she took them out to eat? I assume she had made a request to GH/AH in advance to which they agreed and would not just show up at the door.
From what I understand, LA had business appointments set up in both Wilson and Raleigh that day. She also told a few people she would be seeing her boys that night. I also read she "dropped them back off" with GH, so many she took them out to eat? I assume she had made a request to GH/AH in advance to which they agreed and would not just show up at the door.

So LA went to drop the kids off at 930pm on July 13 and no one ever saw her again. Sounds like that news article may have been before she was found and when GH said he saw her when she dropped them off at 930pm.. Make sense?
So, we can not rely on the last time she was seen if it was GH.. I could imagine it was that night she dropped them off that they ambushed and killed.

Gosh, I am really starting to smell lots of premeditation!! Those facebook messages where he said he was giving the kids back to her.. ya right!
They wanted to take all the kids and move back to VI and killed her and hoped they would never find the body and she was just another missing good looking chick no one would ever find... nice try! I hope LE reveals more info. It's hard to put all this together.
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