GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #4

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I inferred from Gaskins opening statement that they're going to "show" that Laura was dismembered elsewhere.

Which, if that's what he maintains, would mean the Hayes' status quo was to have a messy house with a pristine, spotless guest/children's bathroom!

How else could AH "know absolutely nothing."

Of course, it will all be baloney if he takes that tact.

I also felt Gaskins was inferring that Laura was dismembered elsewhere.
Can't believe this is what the defense is putting forth. Of course they are just that desperate.
why didn't laura have full custody of her children?

Grant pulled a "dirty" - had an ex parte hearing with a judge saying bad things about LA, and the judge awarded temporary custody to GH pending a full-fledged custody hearing. Things got drawn out, and GH would not do his part to comply with the court process (participate in evaluations, etc.). The hearing kept getting pushed out further in time.

Finally, the psych evals, etc were completed, which favored Laura getting custody. They got the results of the evals in June or July, IIRC, and the hearing was scheduled on the court calendar for August. GH killed Laura in July before the hearing was held, ostensibly to prevent LA from getting custody and/or to prevent having to pay her child support.
From what I recall she had been Grant's scheduler for gigs and when they broke up she didn't have a job or place of her own so he got primary custody until she got back on her feet financially.

Yup. He had been trying to get her to sign over full custody since he was in the Virgin Islands so that AH could adopt her son (this was before LA moved down there and then gave birth to their 2nd). It was his plan for a long time. She even lived with his mom and worked for her for a while... all he ever did was try to tarnish her reputation so that he could gain permanent custody and AH to adopt them and they could move back to the VI.
Grant filed a report claiming that Laura abused the children ... turned out to be unsubstantiated, but that might have influenced custody.

The claim was groundless. GeeVee's right Laura was Grant's manager. When the relationship went bad Laura had nothing to fall back on and lost the kids to Grant.
Anybody remember the photos of Laura's apartment with the beds made up for her little boys. That still gets me. She was trying so hard...
OK! We finally got a trial-fix after a long withdrawal! See ya'll tomorrow!.
This is kind of surreal. So far it feels like I am just watching a rerun of Grants trial.
Same judge, witness', prosecutors.... And once again I will probably hear the term "Monkey Joes" about 8 thousand times!
I'm going to check out the archives when they are posted. I'll try and get what the def. atty. said in openings in a timeline of events.
This is kind of surreal. So far it feels like I am just watching a rerun of Grants trial.
Same judge, witness', prosecutors.... And once again I will probably hear the term "Monkey Joes" about 8 thousand times!

I thought it was just me, but I was beginning to feel very Deja vu!
8001. Monkey Joe's. :) The place to drop your kids off all day.

See ya all tomorrow!
Yup. He had been trying to get her to sign over full custody since he was in the Virgin Islands so that AH could adopt her son (this was before LA moved down there and then gave birth to their 2nd). It was his plan for a long time. She even lived with his mom and worked for her for a while... all he ever did was try to tarnish her reputation so that he could gain permanent custody and AH to adopt them and they could move back to the VI.

I see his mom is on the witness list. That's definitely going to be hard to watch. On one hand, I want to be angry with her, but on the other not so much.
This is, in many ways, a complete re-run of the GH trial. Same crime, same victim, same set of facts, same state witnesses, same ADAs, same judge.
Okay, I'm typing as I listen to Gaskins.

1. Laura arrives and Grant sends Amanda and the kids out of the room so he can talk privately with her about custody issues.

2. Laura and Grant sat at the kitchen table to talk about a settlement agreement. Grant would give her $25,000 for dropping the custody case.

3. Amanda came out of the bedroom with baby Lily.

4. Laura asked if she could hold Lily.

5. Amanda simply turned around and walked away.

6. Laura came up behind her and tripped on the rug, bumping into Amanda's back.

7. Amanda called out for Grant.

8. Grant grabbed Laura from the back in an attempt to pull her away.

9. Laura and Grant tripped and fell to the floor.

10. Amanda continued on into the bedroom.

11. A couple minutes later, Grant went into the bedroom and told Amanda he was going to call EMS to attend to Laura.

12. Grant said he would put Laura in the bathroom while Laura took the children out so they wouldn't see the EMS working on Laura.

13. Amanda drove around with the boys for a while.

14. When she got back, Laura's car was still there and no EMS vehicle.

15. She left again and took the boys and the baby to Chic'a'filet..(Can't spell that one!)

16. When she gets back the second time, Laura's car is gone and Grant is smoking heavily.

17. Amanda puts the children to bed.

18. With the kids in bed, she comes out and Grant is on the phone with his mother. She overhears him say that he will see her tomorrow.

19. Amanda asks where Laura is and Grant tells her everything is fine and has gone home with just a bump on her head.

20. Amanda went to bed thinking everything was fine.

21. About midnight, Grant leave the apartment and went to the various places he went that night. (Like WalMart)

22. Gaskins then goes onto the fact that from midnight the 13th to midnight the 15th, they can track his movements through technology.

23. Claims we can tell you with great precision where they THINK he killed Laura and where he dismembered her body.

24. Grant concealed everything he did for the next 3 days.

I got the information from roughly 12:30 to when Gaskins started rambling on about how Laura's body was concealed behind the furniture in the truck.

It would seem that the defense is going to say that Grant killed and dismembered Laura some other places. I can't wait to hear his witness testimony to that! I think there is a "HINT" when Laura overhears Grant tell his mother he will see her tomorrow.
Oh lawd, help me with this defense...Sounds like a bunch of made up BS. He even sounds like he is making it up as he is going along. Please Amanda get up on that stand and face the jury and us. So Amanda has nothing to do with it, threatened her with a cut less. This is foolishness lol

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Thanks Carolina Moon!

That is what I thought I heard! So now it is set up to believe GH did all of this at his dad and mom's. smh
Oh no.....

CC ‏@courtchatter 1m

Jury drama in #AmandaHayes. Juror #8's employer does not want her to serve. May replace her with alt and choose another alt. Stay tuned.


If that is so, the Court has the power to make it so, of course. This boss man needs to be very careful -- you cannot block or make impossible your employee serving as a juror. as we all know. That is a big No-no. This little drama may be interesting. And even if the bossman relents, how much of a distraction might this be for that juror -- wondering if she will have a job when she returns to work. Worrisome... JMO

If that is so, the Court has the power to make it so, of course. This boss man needs to be very careful -- you cannot block or make impossible your employee serving as a juror. as we all know. That is a big No-no. This little drama may be interesting. And even if the bossman relents, how much of a distraction might this be for that juror -- wondering if she will have a job when she returns to work. Worrisome... JMO

It is illegal for an employer to forbid an employee to serve on a jury. However, depending on the company policy, they may not have to pay them.
??? Right? Amanda didn't notice a body being cut up in that apartment? There's a few weird things going on here.

I'm not buying that a long trip to Chick'a'Filet is going to be enough time to cut up the body and clean up the mess???

Readin' you loud & clear, C'Moon!

So GRANT cleaned up the bathroom and the floors and the halls and the rest of the apartment? After he was prolly worn out from cutting up her body? Human bones and muscle & skin would be hard-going, IMO. That had to be work, especially if GH were doing it alone. And then the clean-up? What absolute folly to even think it. (Makes me laff that this super-Narcissist would even know where a sponge and a scrub brush could even be found in that apt.) What a joke.

Yes, I can easily see Mr. Wonderful-I-love-me-most-of-all gettin' down on his hands & knees & scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing all that carpet and bathroom floor, tub, etc., etc. etc. That's woman's work.

ETA: And a big Howdy to the cuckoohead!!! Glad you're here!!!
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