GUILTY NC - Laura Ackerson, 27, Kinston, 13 July 2011 #8

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Well, I've gained 3 pounds today just sitting here.
THe more that I think of it, the more and more I agree with your post (I already did, but now I think you really hit the nail on the head).

I'm just thinking, if they had to pay child support, with minimal income Grant was pulling in (when he had a job), think of how hard it would be to give any of that to Laura. It was for the kids, but to them it would seem like they were just giving it to Laura.

THey were already in financial straits.

They had new baby.

They (I'm sure) felt like Laura would "waste it."

I think Amanda herself spoke about it in a roundabout, lying kind of way - when she said she read the custody paper and was miffed because Grant was promising Laura 25,000. of Amanda's money, Amanda failed to say she didn't have 25 grand anymore (so nothing to get mad about there). But that the custody battle was taking a big lean towards Laura's side and child support would come into play, with Grant never earning a real income it would fall to Amanda to pay Laura to take care of the boys that Amanda wanted. That's plenty of motive on Amanda's part to do away with Laura.
What do u guys think Amanda will do if she gets out? Live with Grants parents and the kids? Go back to skinner Lane in texas? Go and live with Sha?

I gave a lot of thought to this last night. I wonder if the folks in TX would want her there? Or Sha? She would probably be happier if she could find her way back to the VI--and put this life and these memories completely behind her.
She didn't have many ummms during her brillian closing!

I have wondered before if those umms were sometimes on purpose... Dunno. It may be to make sure the jury and the witness follow what she is saying... I've seen other folks do it -- they get to going too fast so they back off with an ummm or an er and remind themselves to slow down, breathe & give the listeners a chance to understand what is being said.

I thought her closing was excellent,
But during testimony she sometimes gets lost at the worst times with the long pauses.

JMO, btw.
If the juror's are deliberating, they don't have to go back to work yet! Just a thought!
What do u guys think Amanda will do if she gets out? Live with Grants parents and the kids? Go back to skinner Lane in texas? Go and live with Sha?

Remember Sha is married and is probably sticking close to her dad out there in NM. AH's sister doesn't live at that place in Texas any more. I don't know why, but she said that in trial. And AH cheesed off GH's mom so much so that she flew into town with AH's letters as a rebuttal witness for the Pros. I think all of those options are out.
Same here, Hadassah! "See" you there along with my bud, NCEast!!

I'm going to try to follow this one, too. I missed it last time around. Do we have a start date on this, or is it still up in the air? I know I read something about jury selection beginning yesterday, but I also read something about a delay in mailing the jury summons. Do we know what's up?
What do u guys think Amanda will do if she gets out? Live with Grants parents and the kids? Go back to skinner Lane in texas? Go and live with Sha?

I don't think she wants to leave GH. IMO.
I gave a lot of thought to this last night. I wonder if the folks in TX would want her there? Or Sha? She would probably be happier if she could find her way back to the VI--and put this life and these memories completely behind her.

I agree and I think she would do it without Lili to keep her from snagging the next meal ticket.
I gave a lot of thought to this last night. I wonder if the folks in TX would want her there? Or Sha? She would probably be happier if she could find her way back to the VI--and put this life and these memories completely behind her.
I don't ever want her to be happy. I want her in a prison cell :banghead:
Remember Sha is married and is probably sticking close to her dad out there in NM. AH's sister doesn't live at that place in Texas any more. I don't know why, but she said that in trial. And AH cheesed off GH's mom so much so that she flew into town with AH's letters as a rebuttal witness for the Pros. I think all of those options are out.

I think karen was thrown out of the house real fast! It seems her husband still owns the property! Did sha and her husband move to new mexico with her dad?
I'm going to try to follow this one, too. I missed it last time around. Do we have a start date on this, or is it still up in the air? I know I read something about jury selection beginning yesterday, but I also read something about a delay in mailing the jury summons. Do we know what's up?

Born has the scoop on the delay, something about the juror notices not having been sent out on time. I think she said it is rescheduled for March. She can chime in with the details.
I lurk here during most of the big trials and love both your astute analsys and observations. I was more active for Young number 2 and Abaroa number 1. I don't have time recently to watch all the testimony but I am amazed at how any obvious and more subtle aspects of the case you'll are able to pick on. I moss alot of them. I'm in Canada and you have no idea how lucky you are in certain aspects of your justice system. For one you have cameras in the courtroom. Two we often have publication bans so nothing from the trials can even e reported on, and lastly the sentences in Canada are ridiculous. Recent case near me, Dad kills three kids and poses them on couch for estranged wife to find. Caught gets mg by reason insanity. One or two years in Psych facility and already he has supervised out tri
S. another guy killed his wife
It her in the trunk and drove across the province caught served 5 years. These are fairly typical cases. I can not watch Canadian crime news it is a travesty. So I come here and watch yours. Waiting for Raven no 2 next.

:seeya: Hi Hadassah, welcome back (I seem to remember you being here for another trial, maybe Grant Hayes?)
The examples above are pretty messed up, brought to mind one case that makes me just ANGRY....Karla Homolka.
That she is free and living a new life is just SO WRONG.
One thing I've wrestled with is why did this happen? It seems to be popular opinion or even the court's idea that GH & AH wanted those boys. I'm thinking it may be more in line with what so many other "man kills the mother of his child(ren)" scenarios - child support. If LA got custody or more custody, child support might have or probably would have been an issue. And with that, GH would HAVE to get a job - a real job. He would have to stop wasting money traveling. He spent (or they spent) all of AH's money. AH was caring for an infant and wouldn't have been able to work. Regardless of her working or not, it would be GH who would have to shoulder the child support - which meant GET A JOB. I think he didn't want to work. He loved not growing up (like so many of them do) and all the responsibility falls on someone else. Suddenly, he knows he will be forced to do something like earn a living and he gets resentful to point of murder. Just a thought. As for AH, I guess she got caught up in it or she's just crazy.

Here's my two cents -- all just an opinion based on the two trials. I think AMANDA was MUCH more at the center of this. Her life was filled with her doing what she wanted when she wanted and up until she met Grant Hayes she had come out where she wanted. NOW in steps GRANT HAYES - someone she THOUGHT was going to be A SOMEBODY if she didn't already think he was a SOMEBODY in the music industry. She moves to NY and signs up to learn the music industry, sends him a ticket, ... Little Grant is sent up to become a child actor. BUT WAIT - Laura enters the picture. She is NOT what Grant claims. She doesn't just release her kid. As time drones on Amanda realizes in order to do what she wants where Grant or those kids go, Laura needs to be controlled. Every man in Amanda's past was self sufficient. She knew how to manipulate THOSE kinds of men apparently. This was entirely different. A perpetual child like GRANT HAYES and his ex-girlfriend who even after they married refused to fade away. The Psychologist and his own mother claimed Grant was 'docile'. I found that very interesting. Not lazy, docile. I take this to mean ZERO DRIVE. He drifts along on currents. Shae noted he never finishes anything. AMANDA was quite the current wasn't she? She was a self centered self starter and I believe she drove this custody matter - and her finances - off the rails because of her own arrogance and determination to have her way. She thought she could game the system. She had been there before but that was a different time and different state. She has a mighty high opinion of herself. And she thought she had the resources. Grant kept claiming he was going to make some money. She overestimated her ability to control the situation. I think she grew to resent all of the communication between Laura and Grant.

Did anyone pay attention to that cellmate's testimony including some new gal at the jail who played music with Grant and told Amanda in jail that Grant and Laura had met in Florida AFTER Amanda and he was married. WOW would that put a spin on that document!!! Whether true or not I bet Amanda was threatened by Laura. As Amanda was losing control, Laura was gaining it.

I think that report set AMANDA off. I think she could see a personal hell ahead where she was in a car chauffeuring these kids for years and years, trapped in Kinston NC, and she needed it all to stop! And I believe she was toe for toe with GRANT where Laura's death went. She hated Laura.

Also believe she thought GRANT would take responsibility for the murder and exonerate her if for no other reason the children. But he didn't, did he? He only cared about himself. So Plan B was to throw Grant under the bus which is exactly what she has done and hope the jury buys she was deaf.dumb.blind until TEXAS and then Grant threatened her.

ABSOLUTE RUBBISH from where I sit.

Contrary to type, contrary to her past, contrary to the evidence.

Amanda Hayes in my opinion is not crazy, she is something far worse.

I am wondering why the Jury is having so much trouble sorting fact from fiction.
While we await the verdict, a 2014 Winter Olympics Medal Count update:

What do u guys think Amanda will do if she gets out? Live with Grants parents and the kids? Go back to skinner Lane in texas? Go and live with Sha?

I don't think she'll go to Skinner -- she may not ever "trust" her sister again (hah! doesn't that go two ways?!); I think Sha will say there's not enuff room (at least I hope she would); and she'll have no choice, at least for a while, except to go to Kinston with GH's parents -- that's where her daughter is. But I would wonder how the elder Hayeses would feel about that...

So she'll sing a sad, sad song and warm up a bit with, "hummmm, me, me, me, me." Although "Me, me, me, me" is, of course, her favorite song for obvious reasons, she might have to sing this one:

"Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me,
Guess I'll go and eat some worms,
Long, thin, slimy ones;
Short, fat, juicy ones,
Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms"
I think karen was thrown out of the house real fast! It seems her husband still owns the property! Did sha and her husband move to new mexico with her dad?

I remember that Sha spent time in NM with her father, so I just assumed that with her moving to NM meant it was to be near people she knew (like old friends and her dad.) And again, she is married.

As far as Karen, I hadn't heard the reason she didn't live on the TX property any more. You have more info than me. But like someone else said, notice that her boys didn't testify in this trial, as they did in GH's. Sounds like a family broken up to me. Look at the mess these two idiots caused for so many people.
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