GUILTY NC - Lynn Jackenheimer, 33, murdered, Hatteras Island, 3 July 2012

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i still think he had some sort of help i just cant fathom how he was on the run since the beginning of july so over a month and was able to get to michigan and back stay at hotels that are 50 bucks a pop eat and afford gas to get up to michigan in the first place then back home. im still think someone helped maybe they grew a conscience or maybe they cut a deal saying hey look i know where he is and i have been helping him but if i tell you where he is you let me go? is that a possiblity? just thinking out loud here but i cant see this guy having enough to afford to live on for over a month...
I too would like to know how he got from Michigan back to Ohio. Strangers? Hitchhiking? Or maybe he found an innocent person close to home that did not know who he was, fed them a line about selling his car or something and got them to follow him and bring him back to Ohio. Just a thought, but I bet these people figure it out very soon.
This case screams harboring a fugitive. Federal charges... Hmmm.. I wonder who was willing to go down for him? I wonder who's phone cell pings need to be tracked to figure out who met him at the motel. It really sounds to me like there was someone involved with the "red truck", leaving the room right before police came in... IMHO IMHO IMHO
first off kinda peeved i posted a really long message only to go to post and it said i timed out... what am i doing wrong here?
red truck= tipster in my mind... the police have to get everyone together and coordinate things alittle he did get picked up pretty early in the morning so maybe whoever it was drove home and realized that they had picked up nate? the other thing is that i cant imagine that he was picked up by someone and that person stuck around long enough to drop him off at the motel stick around through the whole night and then leave a second before he got caught by the police.... also would nate really let a random person who might have the possiblity of identifying him come into his room? would he be that trusting... curious to know if they found a pack of smokes in the room or on nate... sidenote im also curious to see if other reported sightings of him start to trickle in with other motel owners going back and saying that he stayed at their hotel as well... if not then we know he was either sleeping in a park or somewhere else... he didnt look to worse for the wear IMO in his mugshot
Just going to throw this out there...
Does anyone think that maybe he was ready for it to be over? He was only 20 minutes from home (sounds like he was working his way BACK to area...) and his looks aren't that altered.
He looks very tired in the booking photo.

I was thinking the same thing, m'minds. He does look tired, doesn't he? I wonder if he had been sleeping in the woods or in some nasty $8.00/night motel, or in a car, etc., or if his "helper" had kicked him out.... Somehow though, he did have the bucks for the motel where they found him. It could have been his 1st hot shower and clean bed in a while.

Well, let's hope the poor guy won't have to worry about a bed to sleep in for the rest of his life -- the State of NC has one for him, along with powdered eggs, Kool Aid, processed cheese spread, and a bucket and a mop and plenty of bathrooms and halls to clean & clean & clean....

Yeah, I'd love to hear how his life on the run went...
i still think he had some sort of help i just cant fathom how he was on the run since the beginning of july so over a month and was able to get to michigan and back stay at hotels that are 50 bucks a pop eat and afford gas to get up to michigan in the first place then back home. im still think someone helped maybe they grew a conscience or maybe they cut a deal saying hey look i know where he is and i have been helping him but if i tell you where he is you let me go? is that a possiblity? just thinking out loud here but i cant see this guy having enough to afford to live on for over a month...

Could he have had a stash of drugs that he sold out of his car? Sell a few in one town & on to the next? Who knoze? And we may never find out...:waitasec:
This case screams harboring a fugitive. Federal charges... Hmmm.. I wonder who was willing to go down for him? I wonder who's phone cell pings need to be tracked to figure out who met him at the motel. It really sounds to me like there was someone involved with the "red truck", leaving the room right before police came in... IMHO IMHO IMHO

Don't know, coco. The red truck thing is very intriguing, isn't it? And a dog? -- just to make the individual appear local or something?? If the Feds, bless them, were running an operation on him, we may never know...
With his face plastered everywhere, (I'm assuming heavily within 20 miles of Ashland), how did he have the kahunas to walk into a motel and request a room? I still think that someone was escorting him around (since ditching the car) and screening places for him. Heck, we don't even know that he is the one that ditched the car in Michigan.
Checking into hotels
Buying groceries (Big Lots bag mentioned with Poptarts, popcorn, etc)
Getting gasoline to travel

Too many contacts with the public for a fugitive so close to home.
I'd bet money in Vegas that there has been someone helping all along. Someone who doesn't have much to lose.
I still think that he was lining up a "helper" and getting his ducks in a row the Saturday before he returned the kids. No one has ever discussed his wherabouts that Saturday night. Didn't stay in a hotel (at least it's never been reported like the Friday night Richmond stay was), wasn't at his house.

I've always been curious about his coworkers and Medina area. No one was ever quoted, interviewed. Nothing mentioned about that part of his life or how those people were reacting to him being a murderer and Most Wanted.
His hearing for extradition is tomorrow. If he doesn't fight it...NC can begin the court case right away. But if he does, he can fight extradition for up to 90 days.

capital punishment is fairly uncommon in NC.
North Carolina has performed 43 executions since 1976. By comparison, Ohio has executed 47 prisoners since the death penalty was reinstated in 1999.

In North Carolina, if a defendant is convicted of first-degree capital murder, the automatic sentence is at least life without parole.

"And it means what it says," Lamb said. "There will be no parole."

Lamb said the earliest the state could decide to pursue the death penalty is Sept. 10, the next available grand jury session.

On the sign in sheet NS filled out, he didn't list a red truck as his vechicle. Here's a picture gallery (notice the car parked in front of his room) I do believe that is the description he wrote in his sign in paper. You can also see his sign in sheet at this link:

I noticed that the news blurred the licence plate in the photos.
i still think he had some sort of help i just cant fathom how he was on the run since the beginning of july so over a month and was able to get to michigan and back stay at hotels that are 50 bucks a pop eat and afford gas to get up to michigan in the first place then back home. im still think someone helped maybe they grew a conscience or maybe they cut a deal saying hey look i know where he is and i have been helping him but if i tell you where he is you let me go? is that a possiblity? just thinking out loud here but i cant see this guy having enough to afford to live on for over a month...

Maybe he hasn't been staying at motels the whole time he's been on the run. Maybe whoever was helping him had a camper or something on the way to MI? If you leave Ashland and head towards Indiana/MI...there are tons of camp sites along the way. Actually, it's a whole lot of nothing that way....just interstate and wide open spaces. Lots of ponds/quarries scattered here and there, and most have campers around them.

I find it weird that the motel let him rent his room at 9:30 in the morning. Most motels have a sign in/check in time around 11:00-1:00. I guess it's possible, though.
Maybe he hasn't been staying at motels the whole time he's been on the run. Maybe whoever was helping him had a camper or something on the way to MI? If you leave Ashland and head towards Indiana/MI...there are tons of camp sites along the way. Actually, it's a whole lot of nothing that way....just interstate and wide open spaces. Lots of ponds/quarries scattered here and there, and most have campers around them.

I find it weird that the motel let him rent his room at 9:30 in the morning. Most motels have a sign in/check in time around 11:00-1:00. I guess it's possible, though.

Not to mention, rent it w/o a credit card on file or any ID at all...

Business must have been slow?
I read all the reviews about the motel online. There were not many bad reviews. It's seems like the motel is a family business and the rooms are offered at a reasonable rate. There were no complaints about it being a "sleezy" motel or a motel known for crime.
Thankful to wake to news he has been caught.

I am waiting to see Lynn get justice for this horrific crime.

May you rest in peace Lynn.

Prayers and good thoughts to Lynn's family and friends.

“Ever since Nate Summerfield murdered my mother I felt so sad and I’m so glad he’s gonna be found and everything and he’s now either gonna go to the electric chair or go in jail and die,” said Jackenheimer’s daughter, Ciara Sheppard, on Wednesday.* “I don’t care about him, he used me to get to my mother.* I really liked my mom.* I have these people now, I love you mom.”

Respecfully re-quoted:

I just BUSTED in tears reading that. That poor child, I just want to hug her!
.* “I don’t care about him, he used me to get to my mother.* I really liked my mom.* I have these people now, I love you mom.”

I woke up this morning wondering what she meant by he used me to get to my mother... did he try to have her convience her mom to go to OBX? Ive been thinking about this alot
RE Ditching the car at the Indiana / Mich border...

He probably wanted LE to think he was on the Turnpike (80/90) and continuing on it out west, while he circled back and hid so close to home....
“He deserves to go to jail or the death chair,” she said. “Whoever helped him should go to jail, too. Justice is done.”
This quote from the daughter in the Ashland paper strikes me as odd too. Like she has overheard adults talking. Not "if someone helped him" but just a definitive statement that "whoever helped him".
Maybe I'm reading too much into it... Hopefully the pieces of the puzzle will all fall together for the family's sake.
where did he get the money and who the heck is he calling?

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