NC - MacDonald family murders at Fort Bragg, 1970 - Jeffrey MacDonald innocent?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
SS: The MacDonald camp are masters at using propaganda and hyperbole to make it APPEAR as though the CID/FBI conspired to railroad MacDonald. The documented record, however, clearly demonstrates that this stance is absurd. This case is open and shut. The government presented over 1,100 evidentiary items at trial, MacDonald flunked a 1970 defense-funded polygraph exam, and the 2006 DNA test results further demonstrated MacDonald's guilt. MacDonald is a liar, a coward, and a psychopath.
I believed MacDonald guilty long before he was ever charged. Anyone who knows anything about mental illness knows that such people will invent stories and admit to anything and nutcases come out of the woodwork in a major murder case. He would have one believe that a green Beret would be knocked out with his piddly injuries perpetrated by "drugged out hippies" while a woman and babies were savagely murdered by them. Yeah right.
Inmate's wife has until 1/21/15 to find a lawyer to represent her husband in requesting additional or "Touch DNA" testing in this case. If the 4th Circuit Court does not hear from Kathryn by the 21st, they will either dismiss the DNA motion or assign a pro bono lawyer for inmate.

The government's response to Gordie's ball of nothing is due on 2/5/15. IMO, the government will do what they always do, and that is to thoroughly debunk all of the distortions, half-truths, and b.s. put forth by MacDonald's rotating band of lawyers.
My curiosity has gotten the better of me. Why are you using the name of
the lead prosecutor (Murtagh 21) in this case?
I post on several MacDonald case discussion boards as JTF or Justthefacts, but for whatever reason, I was not allowed to use either poster name on this board. I then created the tag Murtagh21 and it was accepted by the moderators of this board.
Just for the record, there are already members using those ^^ names under which to post.
I believed MacDonald guilty long before he was ever charged. Anyone who knows anything about mental illness knows that such people will invent stories and admit to anything and nutcases come out of the woodwork in a major murder case. He would have one believe that a green Beret would be knocked out with his piddly injuries perpetrated by "drugged out hippies" while a woman and babies were savagely murdered by them. Yeah right.

Anyone who knows a Green Beret, knows they would have to be DEAD before they allowed some intruders to savagely murder their babies. Any and all Green Berets would fight to the death before that happened. Heck, my husband would do the same and he ain't no Green Beret. But the only way someone could have harmed our babies would have been over his dead body.
Really, Jeff just misses the attention. If you think about all of the time and money wasted on this man it is truly shocking. This is a case where he can just victimize the victims over and over again...he and his attorneys (as they come and go) sit around looking for ways to bend the law and manipulate the media. It is the case that never ends and I think there should be a legal remedy for that. Really all you need is to look at the autopsy photos regarding what was done to his victims vs the laughable injuries he claimed to over. jmvho
Who's to blame for this case being the most litigated murder case in HISTORY. Inmate? The government? Judge Dupree? Judge Fox? IMO, the blame should be placed squarely on the shoulders of the current 4th Circuit Court. Those who have followed this case were convinced that inmate's 8th shot at a new trial was his last viable shot. Most perps in high profile murder cases are lucky to get 2 shots at a new trial, but in 2006, inmate was given new life when Jimmy Britt alleged that red herring Helena Stoeckley was threatened by government prosecutors during the 1979 trial. The defense also attempted to distort the inculpatory DNA test results by arguing that the results were exculpatory.

In 2008, Judge Fox was unimpressed with these arguments and denied MacDonald relief. Unfortunately, the 4th Circuit Court was now comprised of 3 new judges. After listening to 2011 oral arguments before this new court, it was clear that this court ignored the conclusions drawn by past 4th Circuit Court judges who deemed the evidence presented by the defense as being "dubious" and "without merit." Incredibly, this current 4th Circuit Court allowed the defense to retry this case at the District Court level. An evidentiary hearing was held in 2012, and not surprisingly, Judge Fox denied inmate relief on 7/24/14.

As mentioned in a prior post, inmate's wife has until 1/21/15 to find a lawyer to represent her husband in requesting additional or "Touch DNA" testing in this case. If the 4th Circuit Court does not hear from Kathryn by the 21st, they will either dismiss the DNA motion or assign a pro bono lawyer for inmate. The government's response to Gordie's ball of nothing is due on 2/5/15. IMO, the government will do what they always do, and that is to thoroughly debunk all of the distortions, half-truths, and b.s. put forth by MacDonald's rotating band of lawyers. Hopefully, this 4th Circuit Court will stop throwing inmate undeserved legal bones and put an end to this legal circus.

It warms my heart to see that Kathryn hasn't lost her touch for fabrication.

CLAIM: Inmate "offered up" information on his 3 one night stands during the 4/6/70 CID interview.

FACT: Inmate admitted to fooling around (e.g., touching, but no intercourse) with a woman only after he was presented with a photograph of that woman by Franz Grebner. In addition, the CID reinvestigation discovered that inmate had sex with at least 8 women during his marriage to Colette. Some of those relationships were one night stands, while others were ongoing sexual relationships. The most infamous of those relationships took place when inmate was confined to quarters during the Article 32 hearing. Despite evidence to the contrary, inmate denied under oath at the Grand Jury hearings that he had a sexual relationship during this time period.

CLAIM: William Ivory was 21 years old at the time of the murders and he was an "inept" investigator.

FACT: Ivory was 30 years old at the time of the murders and he was inducted into the CID Hall of Fame in 2007.

CLAIM: Peter Kearns "recruited" the "inept" threesome of Grebner, Ivory, and Shaw for his CID reinvestigation team.

FACT: The CID reinvestigation team consisted of 8 agents and Ivory was the only CID agent from the original investigation to be "recruited" by Kearns.

CLAIM: The final CID reinvestigation report deemed the evidence in this case to be "inconclusive."

FACT: The final CID reinvestigation report concluded that "all of the available evidence" pointed to Jeffrey MacDonald as the perpetrator.

CLAIM: For the most part, inmate shunned media attention.

FACT: Inmate sought out media attention as evidenced by his correspondence with multiple newspaper, magazine, and television outlets.

CLAIM: In his 34 years in jail, inmate didn't have a single "disciplinary action of any merit."

FACT: Inmate was placed in solitary on at least 3 separate occasions.
Thanks for the link and the list, JTF! I only got a chance to hear part of it yesterday before I was interrupted, but will listen to the rest ASAP.

In the meantime, the 4th Circuit has once again bowed to the wishes of Jeffrey MacDonald for yet another delay to file his opening brief. It was originally due on Nov. 17, he got a delay until Dec. 26, then until Jan. 21, and now they've given him until Feb. 9.

Check the new uploads at:
BUNNY: Thanks for the link. This decision by the 4th Circuit Court further solidifies my stance that this Court is at fault for inmate having a legal pulse. They will continue to enable inmate and order oral arguments in regards to the request for additional DNA tests. Mark my words.
The government filed their response brief 5 days prior to its due date.

IMO, it places the FBI's microscopic hair report and the claims leveled by the defense in their proper context. The highlights include...

- The FBI's critique of Paul Stombaugh consisted of 6 lines from 301 pages of Stombaugh's trial testimony

- Contrary to assertions by the defense, the FBI report found no errors in Stombaugh's lab reports

- Bernie Segal attempted to use CID hair/fiber expert Dillard Browning to discredit Stombaugh's hair/fiber analysis in this case, but that strategy backfired

- Browning testified at trial that there are limitations when attempting to source hair exemplars under a microscope, yet Segal did not ask Stombaugh about these limitations

- Judge Dupree qualified Stombaugh as an expert in hair, fiber, fabric impressions, and fabric damage analysis

- Dupree then left it up to the jury to decide whether Stombaugh's testimony was credible and/or reliable

- The government presented the Pajama Top Theory in its totality

- This included the 4th Circuit Court's decision that the Pajama Top Theory was credible and contained probative force

- The government pointed out that the defense did not depose Michael Malone or Robert Fram to testify at the 2012 evidentiary hearing

- The microscopic analysis of the 3 hairs contained in the FBI report were superseded by DNA tests completed in 2006

- The government asserts that the, "hairs do not undermine proof of MacDonald's guilt, and therefore they do not entitle him to relief."

- The government adds that, "MacDonald is exaggerating the import of the OIG report and the FBI review as to this case."

- In the conclusions section of his 7/24/14 decision, Judge Fox "scarcely" mentions the results of hair comparisons

- The FBI report "drew no conclusions as to the materiality" of Stombaugh's erroneous statements at trial

- The FBI report doesn't alter the government's thorough destruction of Jimmy Britt's claims at the 2012 evidentiary hearing
Really, Jeff just misses the attention. If you think about all of the time and money wasted on this man it is truly shocking. This is a case where he can just victimize the victims over and over again...he and his attorneys (as they come and go) sit around looking for ways to bend the law and manipulate the media. It is the case that never ends and I think there should be a legal remedy for that. Really all you need is to look at the autopsy photos regarding what was done to his victims vs the laughable injuries he claimed to over. jmvho
The State of Arizona should expect the same in the Jodi Arias case. Just like McDonald, Arias is full of herself and has already dragged her trial out for years. Unless somebody stops the madness, murderers like these two will bankrupt the taxpayers and torment the victim's families forever.
There has to be relief put into place on the law books. This is not an Innocence Project case. MacDonald was fairly convicted multiple times. I dont get the revolving door of attorneys. Do all of them get a piece of the pie which is courtesy of the state?

Legislative relief. If any of you legal eagles draft something I will spread it across the universe. MacDonald requires this attention to exist-read any of his psych evals. His worst nightmare is being ignored.
When your point of emphasis is a statement made on CROSS, you've got NO chance at garnering a new trial for your psychopathic client. The FBI determined that Paul Stombaugh made no mistakes in his lab reports nor did he make any "erroneous statements" on direct examination. What he was flagged for was using the word "originated" when discussing hair comparisons on cross. The reality is that the burden of proof is on inmate and that burden is "extraordinarily high." This fluff doesn't come close to meeting that burden.
The State of Arizona should expect the same in the Jodi Arias case. Just like McDonald, Arias is full of herself and has already dragged her trial out for years. Unless somebody stops the madness, murderers like these two will bankrupt the taxpayers and torment the victim's families forever.

The state of AZ needs to reform itself. I can't believe that sk**k is still in a courtroom wasting resources. It's sick that a system allows a murderer to get away with such carp. Thankfully, she's not getting airtime any longer. The entire process surrounding that case is ridiculous, insane and, yes, cruel to the families.

Every time I see this McDonald thread pop up under new posts, I get slightly optimistic that he's dead. Alas, not yet. But yesterday I read about another murdering husband who killed his wife, Maria Marshall, who croaked in prison. Yay. (Altho I feel sad for his sons if they will grieve for him.) So it's just a matter of time for JM. Can't happen soon enough, IMO.
Brian Murtagh recently filed a notice to appear before the 4th Circuit Court if or when oral arguments on additional DNA tests are presented to the Court. Not only does Brian have an encyclopedic knowledge of the evidence in this case, he put the results of DNA tests on 29 hair exemplars in their proper context at the 2012 evidentiary hearing.
I never thought he would get a new trial, but confirmation that his request has been denied is very vindicating.

MacDonald will never admit his guilt, but the evidence speaks for itself. There are cases of injustice, of people wrongly convicted or not receiving a fair trial, but this is not one of them.

In fact, MacDonald should be grateful that he was not tried by the state, or he could have received the death penalty. And if by some miracle he did get a new trial, he could now also be charged with the death of his unborn son.

The only way he's getting out of prison is in a body bag, and well, I feel very good about that!
MacDonald had no motive to kill his family. Just because he was taking diet pills doesn't make him a murderer. I have been taking perscription diet pills now close to 3 weeks and yes they keep you awake at night but I haven't felt like killing anyone at all. I just don't think him taking diet pills had anything to do with the murders. Granted that I don't really know what happened in that home that night since I wasn't even born until July of 1970.

I had asked my mom about this case since she was pregnant with me at the time. She said she remembers it very clearly and that everyone thought he was guilty. She did say she remembered HS's claim that she was in the house that night. How would HS know about the broken horse if she wasn't in the house?

MacDonald's motive is that he was a possessive cheater who was also a narcissist. If he couldn't completely control his family, then they would have to die because of his rage. Helena Stoeckly was an drugged up hippie, incapable of that level of violence. She's also an unreliable witness. Maybe she did enter the house, but that has no bearing on McDonald brutally killing his family. This was one of the first true crime books I read when I was younger. I believe the author over McDonald.

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