Found Deceased NC - Maddox Ritch, 6 w/Autism, Gastonia, 22 Sept 2018 #2

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IMO I think the father thought he could keep up. I'm pretty sure the father said this was typical behavior for Maddox, run ahead a little and then would wait for his father. I'm sure this happened dozens if not hundreds of times with nothing ever going wrong. We (parents) never think something like this could happen to our child. I don't think the father had anything to do with this and my heart breaks for him. He will never forgive himself.
He also said he'll never have another child in his life. Maybe he is really ill, more than we think?
Something that I had completely missed until this morning- I didn't know that the Mom came to the park when Maddox went missing and helped search for him. Now I understand why the comment by the park ranger, who I thought was confusing the friend with the mother. So she was there looking for him, too, when the cops were notified or was she there before the cops? Not that it matters of course, but all along, I thought that the park ranger was confusing the mother with the friend, to which has me wondering what role did the friend play in looking for him? Was this friend interviewed by LE (I am gathering that they did interview the friend).

The non-stop asking for park goers to call the cops if they were there. They found Maddox, and there was three that came forward, right? Why are they still asking for people to call in again, and again, and again?

Based on the park guy’s interview I understood it to be that the mom came after the police. He initially assumed girlfriend was mom but then she showed up hysterical. Not sure if that was before or after the cops though. I can’t imagine dad would call mom if he didn’t even want the cops called (per the poster who knows the park guy).
Just an observation, I have not seen dad give any indication of mystery womens movements or referring to her actions in anyway. In all the interviews other than him saying a friend, or gf or I emptied my pockets and handed stuff over when asked what happened, you'd think he was there alone.

"I went to the front of the lake where the parking lot area was, I turned back around, I met my girlfriend, went straight back, She went the other direction, I went one direction to look for him, and I went so far, turned around because I didn't see him any further, so I went back, went straight to the office and got staff."

Earlier, he describes that they got out the car and went straight to walking on the track and that they were all walking together, everything was great. (Prior to Maddox running off)

He also mentions that once he (Maddox) "took off running, I took the stuff out of my pockets, handed it to her to hold for me, and I took off after him"

He does seem to talk about her movements as well. What other movements of hers are you thinking he should/did know about, but didn't comment on?

One thing - when we are walking with our kid, honestly, we keep an eye on our kid. Maybe on dogs because he likes them but not necessarily on people walking the dogs. Kids around? Only if our kid plays with them. A very small kid running somewhere? Only if he were alone in the forest or on the street, not necessarily in a park.

If I am alone, I take in more things, but with my kid, my attention was on him.

Same might have happened here. The jogger could honestly not notice a kid, people walking with friends might be paying attention to friends.

And what if the jogger was there, running, head down, and simply hyperfocused on his running? If he says, I didn't see the kid, it might be true, but it does not cast any doubt on father's words.
I don't think that the reactions of the searchers who found Maddox mean much. Remember they said in the press conference that even standing next to him they could barely see him. I think any reactions were simply from finding a child's body. I don't think they could see enough detail to be horrified by anything.

I have radiating neuropathy down my entire leg resulting from herniated discs. It’s always there, some days are worse than others. When it is really acting up, I’m not sure I would be able to run without falling having that left leg in such pain. But I’d take that risk and just get myself up and begin again if I was trying to catch up with someone (anyone) in trouble.

I think it's more the numbness that causes me to doubt Ian's ability to run. I'm sure he'd run through the pain, adrenaline would help a lot... but running through numbness isn't that easy.

IMO I don't understand why the identity of the GF remains a secret. I don't think she was involved in any way so I don't understand it.

They didn't release the parents names for a while either. The GF isn't a parent, isn't a suspect and there is zero reason they need to release her name. They aren't in the habit of releasing witnesses names. If they were, they'd have A LOT less witnesses!

Entirely possible... but I'd think LE would still want to speak with her.
She'd be the only other person to last see Maddox--- other than the guests at Rankin Park ?

LE did speak with her. They interviewed her multiple times. LE knows who she is and has access to her. That's all that matters.
One more thing.

Dad looks like a person slightly on the spectrum. I am not attempting to diagnose him, but since Maddox is nonverbal autistic, one, or both parents, should carry the genes.
Just an idea.
What is common for autistic people? Not all, but some?
Pronating gait.

I assume dad had it. If he also had diabetic neuropathy, it made him a very poor runner.

And a new girlfriend. You don't want to show her how awkward you are. Not in the front of an athletic jogger! You call for the kid first. And call and call. So inadvertently, you give a lot of advantage to your kid. :(
I don't think that the reactions of the searchers who found Maddox mean much. Remember they said in the press conference that even standing next to him they could barely see him. I think any reactions were simply from finding a child's body. I don't think they could see enough detail to be horrified by anything.

I think it's more the numbness that causes me to doubt Ian's ability to run. I'm sure he'd run through the pain, adrenaline would help a lot... but running through numbness isn't that easy.

They didn't release the parents names for a while either. The GF isn't a parent, isn't a suspect and there is zero reason they need to release her name. They aren't in the habit of releasing witnesses names. If they were, they'd have A LOT less witnesses!

LE did speak with her. They interviewed her multiple times. LE knows who she is and has access to her. That's all that matters.
Very true about the numbness. When mine’s like that, I have to either use my cane or hold on to the wall. Nerve damage symptomology is not only unpredictable but is reactive to activity or lack thereof.

Point goes to you re: witnesses.
Hmmm.... Well she'd be one of the last two people to see Maddox alive.
So I'd think her eyewitness testimony is crucial.
Makes me think LE are silent about her for just that reason.
She knows something ?

That was initially my thought however, a member here (I'm sorry I can't remember who!) pointed out a possibility that made a lot of sense/a brilliant idea as well, which was along the lines that keeping the girlfriends name/face out of MSM could help with credibility of witnesses who say they saw the three of them at the park. If they claim to have seen dad/gf/Maddox and can describe the girlfriend, that would make their account more credible. (This of course wouldn't be applicable for any witnesses who claimed to have seen just Maddox or just the dad but for anyone who claimed to see the gf as well it would)
Dad's face has been all over MSM, Maddox's photo has been shared everywhere, but not the girlfriends.

Or perhaps she just asked for privacy? As long as LE knows who she is and how to get ahold of her, I suppose that might not be a problem for them?

The only thing that does perhaps hinder things in her remaining anonymous is that someone who was at the park that day may actually remember seeing the three of them together but only really remember based on recognizing her.
ok, so if they arrived at 12:45 and immediately started walking the lake without looking around a bit or stopping to look at trail maps, bathroom stop, admiring the lake upon arriving, etc... they start walking at 12:45 by 1:30 he was out of sight. What time did the park employee become involved? and if dad says they'd be looking for awhile when they approached the park employee you feel this timeline makes sense given your knowledge of the path and the size of the park?

Yes, I think the time line makes sense IF based on dads story....I've walked that entire trail, with special needs clients in less than hour ( including stopping to point out things we saw in water)... BUT, witnesses saw him playing alone etc. I'd love to know that time frame.....
I didn't really question this until the park ranger said dad did not seem worried, waited an hour to ask him to call and never saw the kid in the park.
That's when my hinky meter went wild.

But, if Dad is on the Spectrum this may explain his demeanor, lack of urgency etc...
Ok, this just occurred to me- when Maddox was missing and the police and the Mom show up and the search starts- why didn't they hold the folks in the park until the search for the child was over? Just in case someone was trying to kidnap him? Did they interview any of those people that were there already before they left for the park? None of those folks had a clue Maddox was missing, nor did any of them stop what they were doing and try to help search with the police, parents, and park ranger?

Has this bothered anyone else? Especially with the police posting daily that if anyone was at the park at the time Maddox went missing, to please call them. They didn't have other police available to watch the park goers, just in case he was with one of them?
Ok, this just occurred to me- when Maddox was missing and the police and the Mom show up and the search starts- why didn't they hold the folks in the park until the search for the child was over? Just in case someone was trying to kidnap him? Did they interview any of those people that were there already before they left for the park? None of those folks had a clue Maddox was missing, nor did any of them stop what they were doing and try to help search with the police, parents, and park ranger?

Has this bothered anyone else? Especially with the police posting daily that if anyone was at the park at the time Maddox went missing, to please call them. They didn't have other police available to watch the park goers, just in case he was with one of them?

Many things bother me. Maybe there's no standard method of dealing with missing children in a park?
If it was Walmart they'd close the doors.
Maybe that's what's causing so many people to question the story lack of info, lack of reporting?
I didn't really question this until the park ranger said dad did not seem worried, waited an hour to ask him to call and never saw the kid in the park.
That's when my hinky meter went wild.

But, if Dad is on the Spectrum this may explain his demeanor, lack of urgency etc...
The thing is, we do not know if the father is on the spectrum. It was speculated on here, but it's not been discussed in MSM, nor has LE or the FBI mentioned this. For that matter, LE nor the FBI has confirmed that he is diabetic and has neurapathy. Not that I am doubting the father's medical condition at all- just saying, LE and the FBI have not confirmed these details.

Also, the park ranger said that the father was out of breath and sweaty. I don't know why, but Emily Glass is coming into my head right now.........
Many things bother me. Maybe there's no standard method of dealing with missing children in a park?
If it was Walmart they'd close the doors.
Maybe that's what's causing so many people to question the story lack of info, lack of reporting?
Right on- a family member of mine works at Walmart and said when a child was missing, all entrances were blocked and no one could leave until the child was found, which was a few minutes later.
I'm just thinking that with the cops there looking for this child- I mean, as a Mom, I would be beside myself with fright and would be begging people to help search for my child, to which I am sure she did- I know she was traumatized for sure. I just can't imagine a bunch of adults, especially if they were parents themselves or had children that were older, wouldn't come to their aid and try and help search. When our daughter took off, I had about 20 adults all looking for her, taking off in different directions- they were all wonderful and so kind, and this was at a campground.
Ok, this just occurred to me- when Maddox was missing and the police and the Mom show up and the search starts- why didn't they hold the folks in the park until the search for the child was over? Just in case someone was trying to kidnap him? Did they interview any of those people that were there already before they left for the park? None of those folks had a clue Maddox was missing, nor did any of them stop what they were doing and try to help search with the police, parents, and park ranger?

Has this bothered anyone else? Especially with the police posting daily that if anyone was at the park at the time Maddox went missing, to please call them. They didn't have other police available to watch the park goers, just in case he was with one of them?
Usually a perimeter is set up with checkpoints in neighborhoods and such when there is a missing child.
Ok, this just occurred to me- when Maddox was missing and the police and the Mom show up and the search starts- why didn't they hold the folks in the park until the search for the child was over? Just in case someone was trying to kidnap him? Did they interview any of those people that were there already before they left for the park? None of those folks had a clue Maddox was missing, nor did any of them stop what they were doing and try to help search with the police, parents, and park ranger?

Has this bothered anyone else? Especially with the police posting daily that if anyone was at the park at the time Maddox went missing, to please call them. They didn't have other police available to watch the park goers, just in case he was with one of them?

When the child was missing the entrance/ exit should be blocked. Hopefully more parks will implement this if possible. This park has only one entrance / exit however by time 911 was called, IF he was snatched, they had plenty of time to get gone
Ok, this just occurred to me- when Maddox was missing and the police and the Mom show up and the search starts- why didn't they hold the folks in the park until the search for the child was over? Just in case someone was trying to kidnap him? Did they interview any of those people that were there already before they left for the park? None of those folks had a clue Maddox was missing, nor did any of them stop what they were doing and try to help search with the police, parents, and park ranger?

Has this bothered anyone else? Especially with the police posting daily that if anyone was at the park at the time Maddox went missing, to please call them. They didn't have other police available to watch the park goers, just in case he was with one of them?

Good point. And I don't have an answer. Perhaps once more than one officer arrived, they did start taking down plates in the parking lot and we just don't know if or when that began?

Considering the call didnt come in until appx. 1 full hour later, I'm guessing a (possible) kidnapper wasn't still around by that time anyway.

It does make you wonder what the procedure for that would be, both with the police as well as the Park.

*Edited to fix a spelling error
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