Found Deceased NC - Mariah Woods, 3, Onslow County, 27 Nov 2017 #3

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LE wouldn't say what kind of dogs were being used in the search. Maybe cadaver dogs hit on the mother's vehicle, and that's why it was seized.
Maybe they hit on some items in the house too.

I'm surprised none of the media saw the vehicle being taken.
In my experience there seems to be three types of mom's that will let a BF discipline her kids: the neglectful mom, the scared mom and the "I wanna be the good guy" mom.

The neglectful mom is just that, she doesn't care. She's more concerned with herself and keeping the BF happy. The BF may be a brutal abuser or he may be the victim of abuse at the hands of the GF and he wants to do the right thing by the kid by addressing discipline problems and trying to fill in the gaps that neglectful mom is keeping open.

The scared mom is the victim of abuse herself and the BF keeps an iron grip on the household, which includes domestic violence against mom and kids.

The "I wanna be the good guy" mom is an attentive mother with an attentive partner but she either doesn't want to be the disciplinarian or doesn't feel confident enough in herself to address issues of discipline OR she comes from a more tradtional household where mom is the attentive, emotional parents and the dad/BF is the strict one who deals with discipline.

There is also the "both parents share discipline" mom ;) I am definitely the more lenient parent, but my husband will step in if needed or I am not around. But we share discipline about 40 (him) 60 (me). And the girls listen to him better anyway because they know he means business. He never even has to raise his voice. Neither of us believe in spanking (or any other kind of physical punishment) but we DEFINITELY do time outs (for the little one) or loss of electronics (phone, computer) for the teen and grounding for both when absolutely needed.

Like I've said, he is Dad to my girls in everything but biology and he would never harm a hair on their heads, but if he EVER crossed the line in any way I would be gone in a heartbeat.
Please use "Reply With Quote" so we can follow the conversation. TIA.
Sorry!! I'm sure that reminder was meant for me. :). I thought I had, but am new to the forum & seem to be making newbie errors. Apologies all!
Hi all, trying to catch up. Has it been released what items of interest were taken? TIA
LE wouldn't say what kind of dogs were being used in the search. Maybe cadaver dogs hit on the mother's vehicle, and that's why it was seized.
Maybe they hit on some items in the house too.

I'm surprised none of the media saw the vehicle being taken.

Do we know when they seized the vehicle, what kind of vehicle it is and the age? That may be why LE is investigating specific areas now based on info from the auto.
"If" a scent dog detected anything in the Family vehicle it would have to be a cadaver dog. I would expect scent tracking dogs to hit on a vehicle Mariah spent time in. Vehicle may have simply been seized to have a forensic look. So little info to go on.
Its hard for me to read all of this children have been violently hit with a belt by their father and the court system in AL allowed the father to get custody even though I was a stay at home mom with them and have never been arrested, while their father have a drug record. To date, DHR in Alabama refuse to do anything after the horrific bruises my children endure time and time again. My family has spent hundreds of thousands on attorneys and appeals, etc. at this point I am now filing as "pro se" the only way I can help my babies.
My ex husband used to be hit by the belt by his parents growing up and in AL they think "corpal punishment" is allowed. My two year little girl had marks on her back for over a month from the belt beating by her father. DHR never took the kids away from him. DHR does nothing, until your children are dead.
It sickens me...and CPS/DHR are involved and they never do the right thing for the children that are suffering.

My heart is really hurting for baby Mariah....
Hoping hoping HOPING today is the day little Mariah comes home :heartbeat:
Hoping hoping HOPING today is the day little Mariah comes home :heartbeat:

Same here! I'm hoping that the large number of volunteers makes a difference and we can finally get some answers.
I pray they find Mariah today and give her the proper burial she deserves...please please find her!!!
We don't really have a lot of gators.

There's a part of me that wants to ask what signs the divers might be looking for in gator-inhabited water? And a part of me that isn't sure we should even ask the question :-/
Its hard for me to read all of this children have been violently hit with a belt by their father and the court system in AL allowed the father to get custody even though I was a stay at home mom with them and have never been arrested, while their father have a drug record. To date, DHR in Alabama refuse to do anything after the horrific bruises my children endure time and time again. My family has spent hundreds of thousands on attorneys and appeals, etc. at this point I am now filing as "pro se" the only way I can help my babies.
My ex husband used to be hit by the belt by his parents growing up and in AL they think "corpal punishment" is allowed. My two year little girl had marks on her back for over a month from the belt beating by her father. DHR never took the kids away from him. DHR does nothing, until your children are dead.
It sickens me...and CPS/DHR are involved and they never do the right thing for the children that are suffering.

My heart is really hurting for baby Mariah....

I'm so sorry. This is awful :(.
Do we know when they seized the vehicle, what kind of vehicle it is and the age? That may be why LE is investigating specific areas now based on info from the auto.

None of that is known.
Its hard for me to read all of this children have been violently hit with a belt by their father and the court system in AL allowed the father to get custody even though I was a stay at home mom with them and have never been arrested, while their father have a drug record. To date, DHR in Alabama refuse to do anything after the horrific bruises my children endure time and time again. My family has spent hundreds of thousands on attorneys and appeals, etc. at this point I am now filing as "pro se" the only way I can help my babies.
My ex husband used to be hit by the belt by his parents growing up and in AL they think "corpal punishment" is allowed. My two year little girl had marks on her back for over a month from the belt beating by her father. DHR never took the kids away from him. DHR does nothing, until your children are dead.
It sickens me...and CPS/DHR are involved and they never do the right thing for the children that are suffering.

My heart is really hurting for baby Mariah....

I found the bio father believable -- not the mother.

Just my humble opinion, of course.
Yes, I absolutely believe the bio dad. The video of him and his fiance was very difficult to watch. Their heartbreak is obvious, and reminds me of Kyron's bio mom and Ayla's mom.

You can tell the parents who are really grieving, and those parents tell everything they can to help find their child.

I absolutely believe 100% bio dad.

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