GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #10

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Being relatively new here, I have really come to be frustrated with the lack of detail on things that are even reported on. I don't know whether to read the most recent article to mean LE made a second trip to Florida or if they are referring to the original trip. I would be interested to know if this is a second trip that was made. Is it a matter of LE keeping things close to the vest or MSM not thinking to ask the follow up questions? :banghead:
News articles can often be confusing or vague. Most articles have the name of the person who wrote it listed underneath. Best way to get clarity is to email the writer directly and ask them your question. Many will write back and answer and some will even update their original article to make the context more clear. Worth a shot!
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this is very unfair. Intelligence
or lack thereof has nothing to do with this crime as others will point
out. His lack of skills tells me he didn't come from a great background and
worked with what was given him. And that is sad.
He made a mistake long ago. Maybe he's sorry maybe he's not, doesn't
matter. At least HE came forward to tell about the night in question.
More than someone else did at all. Someone who has no backbone,
lacks integrity, rides on someone's coat tails and thus I give he/she
0 points.

His lies were told to try and show people he was good at things. He
has issues and should not be looked down upon for them.

I have no knowledge of torque punches either. Might be a lot of people that don't. I don't believe it's a big deal or will help bring Kelli back who's
gone by the hands of another.
This upsets me and has nothing to do with her missing.

If I've come across rude, I apologize. It just opened up my own can
of worms throught out my life. Difference was I never lied about myself.
Maybe it's different with men and egos. IDK

I agree that his intelligence has nothing to do with the crime. I answered a question I felt comfortable answering because I did not think it would hinder anything. It is also not the first time I have mentioned NH's dishonesty about who he actually was. I was using the torque punch technique as an example of evidence against his lies. Someone with the martial arts experience he had claimed to have would have at least heard of the technique if not been familiar with it. I don't think you were rude either.
And from what voh says, he wasn't very strong. Soldiers have to do pt every morning, so she would have been in very good shape. I would think whoever did it would have some significant bruising, cuts, ect.

I haven't really commented on his strength. When I mentioned the 11 - it was more so because he slipped when making the punch - but my reason for it was because it was actually just a memory for me. Something I had to get out if that makes sense?
I believe in right and wrong. I didn't say I always do the right thing. Is asking a question wrong though? When you do, I give you an answer and you don't acknowledge it. Is that usual for you too?

Why would telling us what time NH left the bar with Kelli be hindering the investigation? Just tell the truth. :waitasec: LE is looking for witnesses who can tell them the truth to what happened that night. If you know the truth, why not shout it out?

Makes no sense to me.

I haven't been told not to say anything by anyone. I am using my judgment. If the police have not yet released information that has been specifically asked by the media, who am I to go ahead and release that information? I have placed faith in the PD in bringing justice for Kelli. I have enough questioning of "What if I had given her a ride home?" that I don't need to add more of "What if I hadn't released those details?" I am very willing to share what I have deemed non-important on LE's tactic (whatever it may be). I have told the police EVERYTHING I know and then some. In addition, when friends have told me things - like areas to check, etc, I have convinced those friends to contact LE and tell them the information. Sometimes shouting the truth doesn't help the case. At the same time, I won't lie either. Hope this helps to clarify things.

And just so everyone knows, I do not feel anyone is attacking me. I can understand everyone's frustration because I feel it too. I know we all have the same cause here - to find Kelli and see justice embraced. I pray that one day we will.
I'm just not sure where LE turns from here. They have probably interviewed everyone they could possibly think of. Searches are like a needle in a haystack without a lead. They have certainly collected any evidence they were led to. What else can they possibly be doing currently that would get answers? Re-interviewing people? Just in a general sense, not necessarily case specific to Kelli, what could they be doing at this point that is progressing the case? TIA
I'm just not sure where LE turns from here. They have probably interviewed everyone they could possibly think of. Searches are like a needle in a haystack without a lead. They have certainly collected any evidence they were led to. What else can they possibly be doing currently that would get answers? Re-interviewing people? Just in a general sense, not necessarily case specific to Kelli, what could they be doing at this point that is progressing the case? TIA
I would hope checking with NH parole officer (when he was on parole).Were did he live,work,who were his friends. at that time and try to trace his life from when they lost touch with him till now.Checking cameras at larger home improvement stores in the area for anyone connected to this case buying shovel,rope plastic that weekend or at a gas station.I would try to check as many cameras that cover roadways leading away from area not necessarily just on Ramsey st.If Fay. police cars have license plate recognition system checking the logs on them.Any material you can get from the tires or undercarriage of suspects cars.Go thru the 911 call logs for anyone reporting a suspicious car or person that weekend and re interviewing them.Even if the car or person was not found when the police responded interviewing the caller.While part of the reason they went to florida was to get background on KB from her friends there I would also do the same for the people that knew her when she was going to school (the time between bootcamp and when she reported to fay.)
I would hope checking with NH parole officer (when he was on parole).Were did he live,work,who were his friends. at that time and try to trace his life from when they lost touch with him till now.Checking cameras at larger home improvement stores in the area for anyone connected to this case buying shovel,rope plastic that weekend or at a gas station.I would try to check as many cameras that cover roadways leading away from area not necessarily just on Ramsey st.If Fay. police cars have license plate recognition system checking the logs on them.Any material you can get from the tires or undercarriage of suspects cars.Go thru the 911 call logs for anyone reporting a suspicious car or person that weekend and re interviewing them.Even if the car or person was not found when the police responded interviewing the caller.While part of the reason they went to florida was to get background on KB from her friends there I would also do the same for the people that knew her when she was going to school (the time between bootcamp and when she reported to fay.)

I guess I was assuming they would have already had time to do those kind of things. Dunno.
More human remains were found deep in the woods in Williamston, NC earlier this month during the first week of August.
Location is northeast of Fayetteville taking 95 north out of Fayetteville.

Gee, a body was found in Wilson, NC too. It's believed to be a 23 yo young woman whose been identified.
She'd been missing for a few days.
Woe, I may have read right through it. What was the final word on those texts? I'm guessing LE never verified any times if I remember correctly. Did LE ever verify any of the language in them? TIA
One of the things missed in the Mickey Shunick case by LE was that she was able to get hold of the 's knife and inflict wounds serious enough that the big, strong, had to go to an ER. He told those attending to him that was the victim of a mugging (which should have sounded not believable considering his strength/size) and even though police were notified, and visited - they did not connect the , who was also an RSO, to Mickey's recent abduction!

Applying this to Kelli's case - were local ER's checked. Even if she didn't get lucky enough to inflict wounds, perp may have hurt himself, gotten bad case of poison ivy, snake bite, anything if he took her into the woods...

Gathering what I've collected throughout threads 1 to 6.5, to be looked at as a whole. There should be official info about text messages coming up soon. So far, April 26, nothing official was released regarding text messages.

On the JVM show, the same day LE held a press conference, Mike says Kelli sent the picture that shows what she was wearing to Olivia.
Why's that being kept an official secret?

At the press conference earlier in the day, why did LE refuse to answer that question when reporters asked who the recipient of the picture was?

Why didn't Olivia reveal earlier, like on day one, that Kelli sent her that picture prior to going to FB on April 13th?

How is it possible that the knowledge of the picture being sent to Olivia (if true) could hinder the investigation? Wouldn't that information help the investigation in that the public would know what Kelli was last wearing? Why didn't LE release the picture on day one if it had been sent to her sister? This makes no sense to me at all.

This is bs.
Here's the link to the subject coming up 7,#213

Here's the transcript from the JVM show ~

The only reason I can think of as to why MB thinks Olivia received the picture, is that he is being spared the fact if Kelli sent the pic to another guy.

I'm crossed eyed now. I've read up to but not all the way through the date of April 27. Some official information was released around this date but don't think I can think straight so I'll get to some good stuff tomorrow when I pick up where I left off today - half way through thread 7.

Today, it's exactly four months since Kelli went missing and her life was stolen from her and her family. It's difficult to comprehend why the police, after examining all the information they gathered and have talked to everyone face-to-face by now, have not been able to piece together the clues as to who abducted Kelli.

If they have figured it out, what are they waiting for? Ugh!

I've noticed a couple puzzling things but I'm mainly still trying to search out the text message info and who outed the info and collect 'official' info.
Seven threads up to April 27 and we only just began thread 10 in mid August - so not too much remaining info to look forward too.

:please: let there be answers soon about Kelli's situation.

Read the transcript carefully though because MB says they were talking and texting Friday. But nowhere does it say all afternoon. I'm sure LE has the records by now. Somewhere MB said he spoke to Kelli last at 3PM on Friday. Other than that, we really don't know how many texts and/or phone calls led up to their last one - afterall, she was at work.

I hope I find the link to the source of this information soon because, otherwise, where did the time the text was sent come from? 7,#782

spoiledmom posts that she remembers hearing the time the text was sent and she names a time. There's no link. This is the first mention of a specific time given, though someone (I believe VOH ) mentioned earlier that the text has a timestamp. Again no official source given. 7,#866

The words never came out of Mike's mouth in the video that accompanies the article that the text was sent to Holbert. The article reads that way though. That is a serious mistake by the reporter. Mike's words in the interview don't back up the words written in the article that claim that Mike said who the 'got home safely' text was sent to. Mike simply says he doesn't believe Kelli sent the text.

That's very bad if they put words in Mike's mouth.

Thread 7 was longer than the previous threads and ends with posts dated April 29.

No source/link was posted in thread 7 confirming the time either text was sent and no official reports as to whom they were sent to either.

[quoteThe brother of missing Fort Bragg soldier Kelli Marie Bordeaux said Monday that her close friend in Florida received a text message from her phone on the morning she disappeared: "Got home safely." ]

Read more:

I would bet money that Nick did NOT receive any of the last text messages from Kelli during the early morning hours of Saturday. As stated up thread...the quote about Holbert receiving them was not even a direct quote from anyone involved in the investigation. It was just ANOTHER lousy reporter who sucks at their job. IMVHO

Woe: For some reason I think the time of the texts were on a news clip that went POOF! GO FIGURE! But even on the news clip I do believe they said it was approx.[/QUOTE]

There are no official references to text messages in thread 8.

Thread 9 is a long thread, 61 pages, and brings us from early May until several days ago when thread 10 was opened. 9,#310

The post above contains the first reference to a 'Call me ASAP!' text that the poster claims was sent to Justin. Up until this post, there is no prior reference to this text. I'd like to know the source of it.

No time has been established by LE, that they've let the public in on, that correspond to any text message nor has LE confirmed any text message. (May 7).

Furthermore, the media has taken license to change a few 'facts' and one report printed that 'Kelli was last seen at midnight. . .'. I guess they jumped to that conclusion based on the detective's comment about wanting to know if anyone noticed anything along North Ramsey Street around midnight. :waitasec:

Another report published that nothing unusual was detected in Kelli's texts and/or calls from that night - just a normal 23 year old out having a good time at a bar with a crowd of people. :what: The posts containing the links to these articles/comments can be found nearby the post I linked above.

Okay. :waitasec: 9,#587

Late last night I realized where some sourceless information stems from. Though some info may prove true (if content is exhibited at a future trial), at this point, it seems that the info is based on conversations someone had with a person or people who may be closely related to the case and therefore could have an ulterior motive for telling a story their way. They may be spilling facts too that dare possible to prove. Since we know LE went to Florida to investigate, they've gathered that evidence if it exists (the 'driving' along with time and 'call ASAP' texts). This info has not been released by official sources.

Some of the texts discussed on WS came from an unofficial source. Again, there has been no official mention of them from detectives during the press conferences or direct quotes from them through the news media or Kelli's brother, sister or husband specifically referencing them.

I know Justin and John B. are two separate people but, since JB went on TV talking about text messages during the first week the case broke, and Matt stated 'let's just call him Justin'*, it dawned on me that JB could be the person who chatted with Kelli and received her texts on the night of April 13-14. Maybe Kelli was receiving support from her good neutral friend, John, who was helping her cope/get through her marital problems at the 'it hurts but I'm trying' phase. Haven't we all been there at one time or another?

If there is a boyfriend 'Justin', he may not have been the one Kelli was in contact with because, supposedly he was at a concert (how does one text all night and enjoy a concert too?). There's something hinky about the bf too but maybe he's peripheral to the night of April 13 but, at the same time, in the center of it all. That said, if the bf is the guy we think, why didn't he show up to his unrelated court appointment on the 17th? Weird stuff.

Also, texts could have, and probably were, going out and coming in from all of the above and several other people too.

*'just call him Justin' :waitasec:. Does Matt not trust JB or does he resent him for going to the media? Or, does Matt believe JB holds the key to show that 'Justin' is involved and didn't want to name JB (so he didn't get hounded by the press)? Or, is the family blinded by the idea that it has to be and will be NH who is responsible for Kelli's disappearance? 9,#967

"And whatever happened to her happened between 12:46AM and 1:24AM, Locklear says, noting the last time her cell phone was activated on April 14 between I-295 and Methodist University, and not far from the soldier's apt. complex and the tavern . . ."

midnight ~ 12:46 a.m. ~ 1:24 a.m.
46 minute window from midnight to 12:46
and then a 38 minute window from 12:46 to 1:24.

I-295 is slightly north of FB while Methodist U is south of FB and apartment
6326 Ramsey Street is FB while 5400 Ramsey Street is Methodist University

What is Det. Locklear hoping someone saw around midnight along Ramsey Street?

If NH dropped Kelli off at 1:20, her phone was used four minutes later at 1:24, or was that the last time it pinged? 9,#1400

In a Fayetteville Observer article Detective Locklear gives a timeframe but he doesn't specify what each individual time represents.
He says whatever happened between ______ and ________.

We still don't know which text was sent at what time. He says the time of 1:24 a.m. was the last time her phone was activated.

From searching all threads, police haven't officially verified the exact words or any text specific messages but they refer to Kelli's text messages as being important to the investigation.

Any time assigning to specific text messages is speculation on our part.
Police have not released the words to any of the text messages.

Exactly. That's why I'm frustrated that nobody will be accountable for a time. I wasn't there so how would I know?

It seems to me that, from the beginning, we went with the 1:10-1:20 a.m. timeframe that NH claims to have left the bar and dropped Kelli off near her apt.
Detectives must have taken NH's word for it (why would they?) because every article states 'Kelli was last seen by NH a rso at 1:20 a.m.'
on April 14. I can't remember there being a dispute about the stated time being wrong.

During pressers that's the info they put out. Then LE asked the public to report anything observed around midnight.
LE never said why or that the last know time anyone besides NH saw Kelli was _______.

It seems (have to locate the article) that LE has gathered important information from patrons that were in FB that night.
But also the Det. thinks due to the tone of Kelli's text messages, they shed light on what she was feeling about who she was with
or something like that.
How does the 'got home safely' text do that? It doesn't. There has to be texts that they think Kelli did send.
If she was frightened or not taken straight home and had access to her phone then why wouldn't she text something specific if she could
like 'help'? If the 'call me ASAP' text is true, it doesn't sound as if she thought she was in imminent danger.

If the 'call me ASAP' text is true (no official confirmation or MSM article), I can't reconcile that message with how Kelli new something bad was going to happen. 'Kelli it's me? What's up?' Kelli, 'NH is trying to rape me!' Or, 'I'm being driven away from my apartment.'

What's the caller supposed to do? Kelli's message should be 'call 911 on Ramsey St.' or 'help me now at FB', etc.

Call me ASAP seems like she needs to tell J (or whoever) that she spots someone she didn't expect to see. Then, bam, they get her.
Too bad she wasn't more specific. One can hope that she was I guess.

Woe, I may have read right through it. What was the final word on those texts? I'm guessing LE never verified any times if I remember correctly. Did LE ever verify any of the language in them? TIA

As far as official confirmation of text content and times sent, no.
LE refers to texts messages but never gives any specifics as to the content or exact times sent.
The info regarding content came from family members and other unofficial sources.
Mike said, Matt said, John B. said, Olivia never said anything, as told by Justin to Blink, etc. All content came from sources other than LE.

LE has stated specific times as time frames but never directly said at this time this text was sent that said this or that.
All speculation on our part.

We know texts exist. We know they were sent from Kelli's phone.
We don't know who sent all the texts or to whom they were sent as LE has not confirmed any of that information.
LE has stated times but not in correlation to specific text messages.

LE is interested in around midnight along the Ramsey Street corridor and the time frame between 12:46 a.m. and 1:24 a.m.

Matt, Kelli's brother, gave us the content of two messages; one, about a man giving Kelli a ride home and two, 'got home safely'.
I don't see the post linked here - must not have gone back far enough.
One of the things missed in the Mickey Shunick case by LE was that she was able to get hold of the 's knife and inflict wounds serious enough that the big, strong, had to go to an ER. He told those attending to him that was the victim of a mugging (which should have sounded not believable considering his strength/size) and even though police were notified, and visited - they did not connect the , who was also an RSO, to Mickey's recent abduction!

Applying this to Kelli's case - were local ER's checked. Even if she didn't get lucky enough to inflict wounds, perp may have hurt himself, gotten bad case of poison ivy, snake bite, anything if he took her into the woods...

Well actually they did connect the to Mickey's abduction, right? It just took them awhile to do so.

I'm trying to imagine how emergency room personnel would have the time to determine if someone is telling them the truth regarding how they obtained their wounds to the extent that they could act upon it right then and there. The fact that police were appropriately notified and they paid attention seems like a success to me. LE couldn't connect the dots instantaneously but it seems they kept him in mind and may have investigated him further because of his trip to the hospital. Not sure how all the pieces of his arrest went down but LE did connect the dots and did arrest him.

A side note and lessons learned ~ I was almost certain MS was a victim of someone she knew because of her being on a bike and all the people who knew she'd be heading home around that time. I never believed she connected with stranger danger (I guess because she was a skilled rider, would be moving along quickly and the odds of there being no witnesses if she was hit and thrown off her bike). So, what do I know? Nada! I just wish MS would have won that fight. The perp is a depraved person - he'd better never see the light of day again imo.

WOMEN ~ DO NOT TRAVEL ALONE AT NIGHT, especially after midnight. PLEASE!
The fact that Holly Bobo disappeared from her home in Tennessee on April 13, 2011, and Kelli disappeared on April 13, 2012
(officially April 14 but stemming from her night out on the 13th), just struck me today.

When Kelli sent her outfit text, did that appear anywhere virally?
(is 'virally' a word?) :banghead:
Thanks Woe. I'm not a techie guy, and I'm sure this was discussed, but what do they mean when they say the phone was last activated at 1:24? I see some discussion of that in the threads you brought forward, but I'm still confused. Does that mean that was the last time it was used for a call/text? Does that mean that was the last time it was turned on? Does that mean that was the last time it pinged? Do any of those things mean the same thing? Sorry. I know we discussed this but I'm still confused.
Thanks Woe. I'm not a techie guy, and I'm sure this was discussed, but what do they mean when they say the phone was last activated at 1:24? I see some discussion of that in the threads you brought forward, but I'm still confused. Does that mean that was the last time it was used for a call/text? Does that mean that was the last time it was turned on? Does that mean that was the last time it pinged? Do any of those things mean the same thing? Sorry. I know we discussed this but I'm still confused.

I'm not a techie either and posed the same question earlier. Activated was the exact word LE used in reference to 1:24 a.m. and Kelli's phone. That said, if one turns their phone on, aren't you activating it? :waitasec:
This is what I think I know. A cell phone pings if the battery is in it even if the phone is turned off. In that case, a call will go straight to voicemail - it will not ring. That must not mean 'activate' to LE because JB, for one, claims to have called Kelli's cell many times over the weekend and the calls went straight to vm. Those calls would have, of course, been made after 1:24 a.m. on Saturday. LE must not mean that then when they say 'activate'.

So, what does 'activate' mean? Since pings happen as long as a phone has a battery in it, do they mean a text was successfully sent or a call was successfully made?
Because, if a call goes to vm but rang a couple of times first, wasn't the phone activated by that transaction? In other words, both making calls and sending texts or receiving of both activates a phone. :waitasec:
LE wasn't specific enough for us to determine what it means.

I haven't an answer. Apparently, it means something to LE but, as we know, there are questions as to who sent the final text. Whatever 1:24 symbolizes, Kelli could have been immobilized already by then.
I'm not a techie either and posed the same question earlier. Activated was the exact word LE used in reference to 1:24 a.m. and Kelli's phone. That said, if one turns their phone on, aren't you activating it? :waitasec:
This is what I think I know. A cell phone pings if the battery is in it even if the phone is turned off. In that case, a call will go straight to voicemail - it will not ring. That must not mean 'activate' to LE because JB, for one, claims to have called Kelli's cell many times over the weekend and the calls went straight to vm. Those calls would have, of course, been made after 1:24 a.m. on Saturday. LE must not mean that then when they say 'activate'.

So, what does 'activate' mean? Since pings happen as long as a phone has a battery in it, do they mean a text was successfully sent or a call was successfully made?
Because, if a call goes to vm but rang a couple of times first, wasn't the phone activated by that transaction? In other words, both making calls and sending texts or receiving of both activates a phone. :waitasec:
LE wasn't specific enough for us to determine what it means.

I haven't an answer. Apparently, it means something to LE but, as we know, there are questions as to who sent the final text. Whatever 1:24 symbolizes, Kelli could have been immobilized already by then.

Personally, I think LE carefully chooses their words so as to be vague and leave the public in the dark. Just so many instances in various cases where they give a release and everyone is left trying to determine "What does that mean?"

I've said it before, at some point in an investigation, if its going absolutely no where, it would seem to me that LE would start disclosing more information almost as a last ditch effort. In other words, it can't hurt because we're not getting anywhere by holding it back. By looking at it that way, maybe they are still working viable information since they're not releasing anything and I'm just getting frustrated by the not knowing. Hoping that's the case anyways.
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