GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #11

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I think she had iPhone. I have one. If u type ASAP in lower case it converts to upper case - automatically, so either way it becomes "ASAP "

Thank you. Then no extra effort needed so probably not a hidden message. Except that she wanted someone to call her ASAP. Did he? When? How long after that? No response? Within five minutes, ten, twenty, two hours? When? Jeesh. :banghead:
Oh, I just noticed you addressed your question to VOH. Anyway, this is what I remember ~

Iirc Kelli didn't take her purse out with her that night. I can't recall who said (sister?) or why but her habit would be to take an id and some cash with her in her pocket. Carp, did her shorts have pockets? Then, she'd have to keep her cell phone with her in her hand or at a table loose I guess.

The sister or someone else who wasn't there saying that she didn't take her purse is not enough, IMO. While I can conceive such a scenario, ladies do take their purses with them often to bars, especially to 'freshen up' or store important things like phones, wallets, and makeup. That her ID wasn't in her purse doesn't mean she didn't take the purse, as she could have put it in her pocket when she was initially carded and just didn't put it back. Also, if she had a tab, they may have kept her ID to ensure she paid (especially on cash tab), which she reportedly did not. Which reminds me, if she had a tab, many places require a held credit card until you're ready to pay. Did they allow a cash tab? That would be rare indeed.

The phone situation is a bit more mysterious. I suppose she could have taken it with her if she left with someone else after being dropped off, but there would likely be communications between her and that person if it was voluntary.

Nick is still my primary, but some things just don't add up, or at the very least give me pause.

"Kelli is the kind of soldier you want, said battalion commander . . . .
She's selfless, she's smart and a little bit fearless. She's exuberant, beautiful, full of life and light," Kness said.

Kelli loved to play video games and was a "master" at Mortal Kombat.

Kelli's sister, mother and good friend from Florida attended the ceremony.

Neither Kelli's brother or her husband could take time off from work to attend.

If Kelli had not disappeared, she would have showed up for work Monday morning at 6:30 a.m. wearing her usual smile.

Read more about the ceremony in the article linked above.
The sister or someone else who wasn't there saying that she didn't take her purse is not enough, IMO. While I can conceive such a scenario, ladies do take their purses with them often to bars, especially to 'freshen up' or store important things like phones, wallets, and makeup. That her ID wasn't in her purse doesn't mean she didn't take the purse, as she could have put it in her pocket when she was initially carded and just didn't put it back. Also, if she had a tab, they may have kept her ID to ensure she paid (especially on cash tab), which she reportedly did not. Which reminds me, if she had a tab, many places require a held credit card until you're ready to pay. Did they allow a cash tab? That would be rare indeed.

The phone situation is a bit more mysterious. I suppose she could have taken it with her if she left with someone else after being dropped off, but there would likely be communications between her and that person if it was voluntary.

Nick is still my primary, but some things just don't add up, or at the very least give me pause.

Here's what I wrote down from an article published last week.

On April 16, 2012

~ Kelli did not show up to work by 9:00 a.m. He fellow soldier and friend, Marsha M., went to Kelli's apartment to find out what was going on. She hoped Kelli had overslept.

~ Female manager opened Kelli's apt. door, went inside and came back out to tell MM her observations. They were: pens and papers along with Kelli's uniform were on the bed; video game system and blanket were on the couch as if she had been curled up and playing the game.

~ Per MM's request the manager reentered the apartment to look for Kelli's military ID and debit card (MM insists Kelli never went anywhere without those two items). Manager didn't find those items inside the apartment. MM thought, "Oh my God."

~ MM returned to post and reported her findings to her superiors. Three soldiers (MM, Annie D., and a commander) returned to the apartment together. The manager unlocked the door again. The purse was there (doesn't say where) and so was her car (obviously in the parking lot).

From the latest article, posted above in post #176, Kelli should have reported by 6:30 a.m.

I'll come back and post the previous post (from a few days ago) containing the link to this information. Here's the link to the previous post with the link to the article, click on the top link as there are two articles linked in the post:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NC NC - Fort Bragg soldier PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #11

About the purse - someone who was at the bar posted that they believe Kelli didn't have a purse with her. That's all the information we have to go on.
The sister or someone else who wasn't there saying that she didn't take her purse is not enough, IMO. While I can conceive such a scenario, ladies do take their purses with them often to bars, especially to 'freshen up' or store important things like phones, wallets, and makeup. That her ID wasn't in her purse doesn't mean she didn't take the purse, as she could have put it in her pocket when she was initially carded and just didn't put it back. Also, if she had a tab, they may have kept her ID to ensure she paid (especially on cash tab), which she reportedly did not. Which reminds me, if she had a tab, many places require a held credit card until you're ready to pay. Did they allow a cash tab? That would be rare indeed.

The phone situation is a bit more mysterious. I suppose she could have taken it with her if she left with someone else after being dropped off, but there would likely be communications between her and that person if it was voluntary.

Nick is still my primary, but some things just don't add up, or at the very least give me pause.

My daughter almost never takes her purse when she goes out. She'll grab her ID, a credit card and some cash and take that along with her phone. In fact I give her trouble that she doesn't need a $100 purse, she just needs to borrow my $5 money clip. :floorlaugh:
I see the the differences you point out. They make sense. Good job!

I'm wondering about a bit of info from one of the recent articles. It is, that a blanket was left on the couch with her gaming system (as if she had just been playing it). She may have left it that way most of the time. Friday she worked all day. Her uniform was tossed on the bed with other odds and ends. At that point, she may have relaxed awhile on her couch before getting ready to go out. Wonder what time she left work and/or if she made any stops prior to coming home. The latest info was that she was picked up at 8:00 p.m.

Or, was someone else playing games on her couch waiting for her to arrive home?

Unfortunately, I don't think they treated looking at potential evidence in her apartment from that angle. They didn't consider that someone else could have recently been there too. It just read strange to me - more like a guy would leave the game right there like that. Of course, when you live alone, you can leave stuff anyway you want too. I wonder what her normal habits were.

For instance, when I was young, I'd try several outfits on and leave everything laying out as I was always in a hurry to get to where I was going next. Then, I became tidy and took the time to hang things up as I went along. My mother commented, when did you learn to be so neat! I replied that I had been a good observer (my point being, if my mother had been asked about my habits, she'd have an opinion based on her observations of my habits). So, we know Kelli's uniform was left on her bed as if she changed in a hurry? Why would she want to have to deal with it when she came home after a night out drinking? It doesn't matter except to have an understanding of her usual habits. She wouldn't be needing her uniform until Monday though. Why leave it on the bed especially if she had time to lounge on the couch?

Am I overthinking this?

BBM...I agree with your train of thought, as far as knowing what her 'normal' habits were (would certainly make it easier to know what didn't appear 'normal'), but just a thought to address the part of your comments that I bolded...perhaps she had planned to drop the uniform off at the cleaners the next morning, since she had finished her work week. JMO
It's been so long I can't remember if we discussed this:

A few pages back, Kelli's friend and coworker says that her purse was in her apartment. VOH, did Kelli have her purse that night? I understand that some ladies don't take their purses on nights out, but in my experience many of them do.

As far as I remember, she did not have a purse with her that night.

I only will say this: my boyfriend is a pretty regular drinker, like Kelli... We have been together for years and I've never actually seen him act "drunk". He never slurs his words nor does he stumble or look cross-eyed. His actions are "different" in that, if you know him you can tell the difference, but a lot of the times, even I can't tell when he's that sauced. We've had conversations, etc. that he will seem sober for and he won't be able to recall it the next day. I'm the "loud, boisterous" one, I get a few drinks in me and my volume goes up and I laugh inappropriately, eventually slur and stumble like any normal person would... but it takes a lot to get that way. Not that he's a huge alcoholic, but we're young-ish and don't have kids, so we still tend to imbibe more on any given "party" night. Not that I need to justify our drinking... lol

I understand what you are saying. I can hold my liquor as well. She did not appear drunk to me at all.

I figured Kelli didn't smoke but may have agreed to go outside with NH so that he could smoke and she could get some fresh air. They never returned inside, correct? What was the last time anyone remembers seeing her at FB, inside or outside? That's unclear now. We used to think she left AFTER 1:00 a.m. Now, apparently, she left sooner. The time span is from a little after midnight up until 12:4- a.m.? Why so broad?

We know that LE collected potential evidence from the back of P's taxi. Of course, we didn't hear anything about the results. It could have been routine or LE may have had a specific reason for checking out that vehicle. We saw the pictures though.

Do you know who that person is? "Justin"? Who is that? Because, no one named Justin has ever come forward to tell what he knows, correct?
I heard her old boss and friend from FL say he tried to get a hold of her several times over the weekend (he appeared on a news show). Is he the only person who was concerned?

They left from the front door around 115 - 120 from what I recall. (It's been a long time now.) At this point, I don't remember if the back door was open or not.

I do know who Justin is. Justin has talked with police. I'm not going to comment further on him or the concerned person. Sorry.

I'm not sure I understand your point about Kelli's unpaid bill. If she didn't forget to pay, and wasn't planning to hold off paying until next time, then why didn't she pay her tab?

Plus, I understand it was her total tab for the night (versus paying for a drink at a time); four beers and four shots. I'm don't understand your remark about SC not being worried about $30. I'm not concerned about whether or not he was worried about unpaid tabs, just that he told LE that Kelli left an unpaid tab behind. If she hadn't, it may be clearer that she paid up and then left the bar. Leaving the unpaid tab is curious is all.

SC sure sounds as if he was free with his money considering he was thrown in the slammer for unpaid child support (among other things?). Anyway, I know his leariness of drawing attention to FB could have been due to his other problems.

I think the wording of the reports on the tab - who was drinking - who drank what - who was paying - is all very misleading. There's not much more I can say at this point. Again, believe me I want to tell you guys everything, but my moral compass says to remain quiet for now. I am 100% he didn't want attention at Froggy's to cover his own butt. I'm willing to tell you he contacted all of his employees to hear their sides of the story.

So, we know Kelli's uniform was left on her bed as if she changed in a hurry? Why would she want to have to deal with it when she came home after a night out drinking? It doesn't matter except to have an understanding of her usual habits. She wouldn't be needing her uniform until Monday though. Why leave it on the bed especially if she had time to lounge on the couch?

Am I overthinking this?

Lots of times - the uniform is washed once or twice a week (or you have two and you do laundry once a week). Most soldiers just want to get out of the ACUs the minute they get home, especially if it was a real physical and/or hot day. Throwing it on the bed doesn't really indicate anything in my mind.;9289873]
Iirc Kelli didn't take her purse out with her that night. I can't recall who said (sister?) or why but her habit would be to take an id and some cash with her in her pocket. Carp, did her shorts have pockets? Then, she'd have to keep her cell phone with her in her hand or at a table loose I guess.

I remember hearing two different stories; one was that she sat at a table (had a place to park) and the second was that she didn't have a table and roamed around all night. The conflict has always bothered me a little. Also, that she didn't sing and later that she sang. Oh well. (conflict)

Another thing we were never able to pin down early in the case is where Kelli's car was parked this whole time. The latest article indicates it was in her apartment complex parking lot. The reason we discussed this is because we couldn't figure out where NH picked her up from because no one ever confirmed it had been at her apartment. Still, she may have met him nearby her apartment - like near the main road and not immediately in front of her building.[/QUOTE]

-She had pockets in her shorts if I remember correctly.
-She didn't have stuff (a purse) to keep anywhere. There were lots of tables open that night. She moved between them, the bar, the couch in front of the stage, and the stage itself. She played pool, socialized, and sang. I can clearly remember a few songs she sang with other people that night. Spice girls (I'm serious). A song from the movie Grease. Some old Usher song. Proud Mary (The CCR version).
-Kelli's car was not at the bar. From my understanding it was at her apartment the whole time. I agree he may have met her at the entrance to her apartment.

The sister or someone else who wasn't there saying that she didn't take her purse is not enough, IMO. While I can conceive such a scenario, ladies do take their purses with them often to bars, especially to 'freshen up' or store important things like phones, wallets, and makeup. That her ID wasn't in her purse doesn't mean she didn't take the purse, as she could have put it in her pocket when she was initially carded and just didn't put it back. Also, if she had a tab, they may have kept her ID to ensure she paid (especially on cash tab), which she reportedly did not. Which reminds me, if she had a tab, many places require a held credit card until you're ready to pay. Did they allow a cash tab? That would be rare indeed.

Froggy's was a cash only bar. They had an ATM. They did not hold credit cards or ID for tabs. They just started them. Some people paid for each drink. Some (mostly regulars) ran a tab. It was hardly ever packed enough for the tender to lose track of who owed what. I do know on some events when it was packed, I paid for my drinks as I received them. There was no offer of a tab. (And I was okay with that)

I'm so ready for some answers in this situation.
They left from the front door around 115 - 120 from what I recall. (It's been a long time now.) At this point, I don't remember if the back door was open or not.

Respectfully snipped by me. For my own clarity, are you saying your recollection is different than the 12-12:20 time that was reported in the article?
I see the the differences you point out. They make sense. Good job!

I'm wondering about a bit of info from one of the recent articles. It is, that a blanket was left on the couch with her gaming system (as if she had just been playing it). She may have left it that way most of the time. Friday she worked all day. Her uniform was tossed on the bed with other odds and ends. At that point, she may have relaxed awhile on her couch before getting ready to go out. Wonder what time she left work and/or if she made any stops prior to coming home. The latest info was that she was picked up at 8:00 p.m.

Or, was someone else playing games on her couch waiting for her to arrive home?Unfortunately, I don't think they treated looking at potential evidence in her apartment from that angle. They didn't consider that someone else could have recently been there too. It just read strange to me - more like a guy would leave the game right there like that. Of course, when you live alone, you can leave stuff anyway you want too. I wonder what her normal habits were.

For instance, when I was young, I'd try several outfits on and leave everything laying out as I was always in a hurry to get to where I was going next. Then, I became tidy and took the time to hang things up as I went along. My mother commented, when did you learn to be so neat! I replied that I had been a good observer (my point being, if my mother had been asked about my habits, she'd have an opinion based on her observations of my habits). So, we know Kelli's uniform was left on her bed as if she changed in a hurry? Why would she want to have to deal with it when she came home after a night out drinking? It doesn't matter except to have an understanding of her usual habits. She wouldn't be needing her uniform until Monday though. Why leave it on the bed especially if she had time to lounge on the couch?

Am I overthinking this?

I always wondered why family was so adament that she never made it home because her apartment was as she had left it, but you bring up a good point about the blanket and it bothers me too. I questioned earlier why she couldn't have made it home, and let's say, started playing a game on the couch to wind down from the night, and was interrupted by a knock on the door.
BBM...I agree with your train of thought, as far as knowing what her 'normal' habits were (would certainly make it easier to know what didn't appear 'normal'), but just a thought to address the part of your comments that I bolded...perhaps she had planned to drop the uniform off at the cleaners the next morning, since she had finished her work week. JMO

It dawned on me too that Kelli may take her uniform to the laundry over the weekend. Depends how many she had and, again, her habits. Still, just as easy for her to throw it in a basket or bag. Her bed looks rumpled in the picture.

I just took a look at the photo Kelli took of herself before going out Friday night. The bed is in the background but her body blocks the midsection of the bed. Still, it looks as if there's a bulky comforter that, if the bed was made, would be the bedspread. The bed wasn't made so you can see the comforter crumpled on the lower one-third of the bed (just thrown back, not folded back). You can see the flat sheet and pillow case.

I'm curious if that's how the bed looked when the apt. manager entered. Where's the uniform? On the end of the bed? Or in the middle on top of the flat sheet? The papers and pens must be on the exposed flat sheet because why would Kelli place them in the rumpled comforter? That info would be useful considering we can see how the bed was left (unmade). If Kelli didn't make it by then, I doubt she made it before she left to go out.
Wow, Proud Mary. Ambitious!

About Kelli's car. At the beginning of the case, we didn't know where her car was left or found. No one confirmed it had been in the parking lot of her apartment complex all along. Come to think of it though, I think her family began driving her car when they stayed in her apartment. Anyway, now we know the car was there at 9:00 a.m. Monday morning when her coworker arrived to check on her. I don't recall reading that fact before.

We always called the uniform BDUs - I used to iron those suckers!
I always wondered why family was so adament that she never made it home because her apartment was as she had left it, but you bring up a good point about the blanket and it bothers me too. I questioned earlier why she couldn't have made it home, and let's say, started playing a game on the couch to wind down from the night, and was interrupted by a knock on the door.

After I posted about the blanket, couch and gaming system, I read that Kelli's good friend said she played a specific video game all the time. Therefore, it's not a stretch that she'd just leave it as found.

Still, how do they know no one else was using it while waiting for her to come home? LE probably never checked/investigated login times or anything like that. Too late now I suppose.
My daughter almost never takes her purse when she goes out. She'll grab her ID, a credit card and some cash and take that along with her phone. In fact I give her trouble that she doesn't need a $100 purse, she just needs to borrow my $5 money clip. :floorlaugh:

I agree. Her purse was probably left by her in her apartment. Her friend said she'd have her ID and debit card with her and those haven't been found (as far as I know). We know she had her phone (not found) because of the texts and people saw her using it throughout the night.

In another post, I indicated she had her ID and cash. I should have said debit card - we never heard if she had cash with her or usually carried cash. But, her debit card is missing, so that's probably what she had with her.

Hey, did we ever hear if she used the debit card on Friday night? Obviously, she didn't pay her tab, but did she withdraw any money from the ATM?
After I posted about the blanket, couch and gaming system, I read that Kelli's good friend said she played a specific video game all the time. Therefore, it's not a stretch that she'd just leave it as found.

Still, how do they know no one else was using it while waiting for her to come home? LE probably never checked/investigated login times or anything like that. Too late now I suppose.

I agree that it could have just been left that way before she left, but could she also have come home and sat down to play then, like let me see if I can beat this level before I go to bed. I've done that if I've been involved in a game, or go straight to the computer to read Websleuths to see if anything happened while I was out. Interesting thought as to if there is a log in time on Xbox or Play station. I don't know, the games I play are online but my adult son has 3 gaming stations hooked up at all times so he can play whenever he wants and whichever one he wants. I know when he's hooked on a game he will play through the night if he can. Holds their baby and plays games lol. If Kelli didn't have any early commitments and she was alone, I can see her jumping on the game when she got home, especially being an avid gamer. I guess my point is the game and blanket can go either way.
I agree. Her purse was probably left by her in her apartment. Her friend said she'd have her ID and debit card with her and those haven't been found (as far as I know). We know she had her phone (not found) because of the texts and people saw her using it throughout the night.

In another post, I indicated she had her ID and cash. I should have said debit card - we never heard if she had cash with her or usually carried cash. But, her debit card is missing, so that's probably what she had with her.

Hey, did we ever hear if she used the debit card on Friday night? Obviously, she didn't pay her tab, but did she withdraw any money from the ATM?

That could be why she didn't pay her tab that night. Didn't VOH say it was a CASH ONLY bar?
Trying to catch up on latest posts... correct me if I'm wrong....

Nick took her to the bar... (I didn't know that before)... wonder if that was the first time or had he done that before. That means they knew each other prior to that night....
Now I'm not going accuse. Will just state things I've observed from other cases....

It's easy for a person who is asked to drive a gal to and from a bar to think the gal has an interest in them, and if it turns out she doesn't and spurns the person,,, well you get the picture.

When a person is the last person to be with a victim, and it's that person who commits the crime, the perp usually comes up a story that distances himself from the victim in the last minutes he's with/near the victim.
Examples are a husband saying his wife came come, but she when out again and he didn't talk to her since he was upstairs etc..... or a person will say I took her home, but I did not see her go into her apt., or I left her off someplace instead of taking her to her front door...

"Distancing" is a bit of wiggle room... allowing the perp to coverup where the actual crime scene is.

So, Nick has both the red flags I've mentioned.

Also, Considering Kelli had been drinking, that's another red flag - falling asleep, being woosey while being driven home, and not being fully aware where she was being driven too...
Holbert's projected release date is May 10th. My opinion is that every day this guy is on the street is another chance for him to victimize another female, something that probably becomes more inevitable the longer he's not locked up.

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