GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #11

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have long followed this case, read almost every thread that was started and I must admit, I myself wasn't positive it was Holbert at the time. I figured if it had been him, it definitely wasn't premeditated and that he wouldn't have been smart enough to get rid of all the evidence, since he just had his car and tent...Questions that come to mind, where was her phone, couldn't they have found her DNA on his clothing?, the text message that implied she was "freaked" out about something after saying she was getting a ride home...when did she send that text message..after he started fighting...or did he send it? Why would he send one that implicated him? I am curious to know how the fight went on outside the bar and NO ONE in the bar heard or saw anything? Did she really get in his car? If not, then why the text to a friend that said Nick was giving her a ride home, but to call ASAP... at least I read that somewhere in the news.

Then I guess the obvious sign is that if she came to the bar with Nick, then why would he tell LE "I figured she didn't want me to know where she lived". Um, if she's coming to the bar with you, then she's not that concerned that you know where she lives. Just my opinion.

Thirdly, VOH, you are awesome for your insight. I was always so curious about those questions you couldn't answer at the time.

I have prayed throughout these two years that Kelli would be found and she now has been laid to rest. I hope other women learn from this...don't go out to a bar alone!
This guy did what LE should have done two years ago.They should have interviewed him,re-interviewed him then interviewed him again and kept at it until they got the answer's that this PI managed to get.If he eventually refused to cooperate then you arrest him on these unrelated charges.Instead they rushed to arrest him which meant he was assigned a public defender and police forever lost their ability to question him and lost their best chance to solve this crime.

This post describes why I questioned or had doubts NH was responsible.
When it is so clear who did the crime, why isn't an arrest made closely after the crime was committed. In other cases, arrests were made when LE knows who the perp was even when we were unaware (like in Jessica R's case). Here, the perp is so obvious, yet no charges for over two years and then only because someone else came forward with additional information.

The account of how Kelli was found is still fuzzy to me. Did someone, a witness who kept quiet, come forward or did NH confess? I'm unclear as the paper says one thing while other accounts are being told. Despite how, I'm releaved Kelli has been found and can be put to rest properly.

If it's true she was knocked out early, it is comforting in a way to think that maybe she didn't suffer or endure great fear over a prolonged period of time. To think about what some victims go through is unbearable so I try not to but can't help it at times.

Now we know why LE made a public request for passerbyers to report if they remember anything unusual taking place on the road the night Kelli disappeared. But what led LE to ask that - did they know something about the fight that took place back then? Maybe someone else told LE that account of things earlier and now NH has fessed up?
I have long followed this case, read almost every thread that was started and I must admit, I myself wasn't positive it was Holbert at the time. I figured if it had been him, it definitely wasn't premeditated and that he wouldn't have been smart enough to get rid of all the evidence, since he just had his car and tent...Questions that come to mind, where was her phone, couldn't they have found her DNA on his clothing?, the text message that implied she was "freaked" out about something after saying she was getting a ride home...when did she send that text message..after he started fighting...or did he send it? Why would he send one that implicated him? I am curious to know how the fight went on outside the bar and NO ONE in the bar heard or saw anything? Did she really get in his car? If not, then why the text to a friend that said Nick was giving her a ride home, but to call ASAP... at least I read that somewhere in the news.

Then I guess the obvious sign is that if she came to the bar with Nick, then why would he tell LE "I figured she didn't want me to know where she lived". Um, if she's coming to the bar with you, then she's not that concerned that you know where she lives. Just my opinion.

Thirdly, VOH, you are awesome for your insight. I was always so curious about those questions you couldn't answer at the time.

I have prayed throughout these two years that Kelli would be found and she now has been laid to rest. I hope other women learn from this...don't go out to a bar alone!

Welcome and thanks for commenting.

See, even VOH wouldn't implicate NH. S/he at first indicated uncertainty and wanted to believe 'no' not NH. After it was learned NH didn't return to the bar as he previously stated, I believe VOH felt hinky and extreme doubt but didn't feel their place to comment/convict in a public forum (this is my opinion in hindsight).

I do recall hearing that NH did return to the bar at first and then it changed to that NH had not returned to the bar. It was the owner who said that he had so it got confusing (but the owner had been told that by a third party apparently so was sort of duped and going by what others said).
It wasn't as if everyone claimed to know exactly what happened to Kelli or, if they did, they weren't saying so.
I am curious to know how the fight went on outside the bar and NO ONE in the bar heard or saw anything?

The walls to the bar are solid concrete, at least 1 1/2 foot thick. The only window is behind the bar and is a small sliding window for tenders to hand drinks out. That would be on the opposite side of the bar from the parking lot. It was closed, as it was always closed. The music was loud, as it's a dive bar. As far as people on the street goes, it's not necessarily busy at that time of night and if you refer to my original diagram of the bar layout, NH would park his car on the side of the bar, in the shadows. We don't know where this physical altercation took place.

This post describes why I questioned or had doubts NH was responsible.
When it is so clear who did the crime, why isn't an arrest made closely after the crime was committed. In other cases, arrests were made when LE knows who the perp was even when we were unaware (like in Jessica R's case). Here, the perp is so obvious, yet no charges for over two years and then only because someone else came forward with additional information.

The account of how Kelli was found is still fuzzy to me. Did someone, a witness who kept quiet, come forward or did NH confess? I'm unclear as the paper says one thing while other accounts are being told. Despite how, I'm releaved Kelli has been found and can be put to rest properly.

Our court system, to protect the truly innocent, requires the elimination of any reasonable doubt. If LE arrested NH, the DA wouldn't have enough evidence to convict, especially without a body. LE and DA work closely together for that reason. If they did arrest him and a conviction couldn't have been made within x amount of time on the first try, NH would walk and would never be able to be charged with the crime, even if it was proven years later, even with the crime on video tape. So they had to do what they did. While they suspected NH was guilty of murder, there was no proof that Kelli was even dead at the time. That's the reasonable doubt.

Also, the PI befriended NH. NH confessed to the PI and then the PI told the cops. The cops than used that against NH who then led LE to Kelli's remains.

Welcome and thanks for commenting.

See, even VOH wouldn't implicate NH. S/he at first indicated uncertainty and wanted to believe 'no' not NH. After it was learned NH didn't return to the bar as he previously stated, I believe VOH felt hinky and extreme doubt but didn't feel their place to comment/convict in a public forum (this is my opinion in hindsight).

I do recall hearing that NH did return to the bar at first and then it changed to that NH had not returned to the bar. It was the owner who said that he had so it got confusing (but the owner had been told that by a third party apparently so was sort of duped and going by what others said).
It wasn't as if everyone claimed to know exactly what happened to Kelli or, if they did, they weren't saying so.

The reason I didn't answer questions was not because I didn't want to convict in a public forum, it was because LE was asked that specific question during one of the press conferences and they chose not to answer it. Therefore, it certainly was not my place to release that answer. If they wanted that information to be public, they would have made it public. However, as I said, despite NH asking FB employees to lie for him they didn't and LE knows he asked them to lie. You are right in the fact that it was a shock to me when I realized it probably was NH.

However, I truly was not sure what happened to Kelli because I know for a fact that both NH and her husband were lying, at least to the public if not also LE to cover something up. It appears her husband was only trying to save face from a failing/failed marriage and NH to hide his horrific acts. I'm almost 100% sure the third party who told the Owner (SC) NH returned to the bar was either NH himself or SC was just covering his own... It's my opinion that he knew exactly what happened to Kelli, but wasn't going to say.

Hope this long post clears some stuff up.
Thank you VOH910 for your replies.

Do you still believe nobody at the bar knew about NH's past conviction/crime against the little girl?
I was so surprised to see Kelli was found - I first cried a tear and then slapped the top of my desk when I read NH had been arrested. My kids ran over to see what was wrong.

Oh, the mix of feelings is awful. Elated that the family has closure but just crushed that she isn't alive. SO furious that NH ended up being the guilty party. I will pray for justice now.

Rest peacefully, Kelli. You're always in my heart!
I have long followed this case, read almost every thread that was started and I must admit, I myself wasn't positive it was Holbert at the time. I figured if it had been him, it definitely wasn't premeditated and that he wouldn't have been smart enough to get rid of all the evidence, since he just had his car and tent...Questions that come to mind, where was her phone, couldn't they have found her DNA on his clothing?, the text message that implied she was "freaked" out about something after saying she was getting a ride home...when did she send that text message..after he started fighting...or did he send it? Why would he send one that implicated him? I am curious to know how the fight went on outside the bar and NO ONE in the bar heard or saw anything? Did she really get in his car? If not, then why the text to a friend that said Nick was giving her a ride home, but to call ASAP... at least I read that somewhere in the news.

Then I guess the obvious sign is that if she came to the bar with Nick, then why would he tell LE "I figured she didn't want me to know where she lived". Um, if she's coming to the bar with you, then she's not that concerned that you know where she lives. Just my opinion.

Thirdly, VOH, you are awesome for your insight. I was always so curious about those questions you couldn't answer at the time.

I have prayed throughout these two years that Kelli would be found and she now has been laid to rest. I hope other women learn from this...don't go out to a bar alone!

:welcome: to WS MissM31 :wagon: Lots of good points.
He's a registered sex offender who was convicted as a 16-year-old of indecent liberties with a 5-year-old child, why the hello was he out walking the streets ! Why do we allow these who rape our children ever out of a prison cell.Jessica Lundsford law give child molesters at least 25 yrs in prison, I feel they should get life.Predators do not change and anyone who molests a 5 yr old at the age of 16 is a predator who should never get out of a prison alive! Our Justice system failed Kelli Bordeaux when they released this out of prison, her family and all her loved ones, I pray this time the justice system gets it right !

RIP Kelli I am so sorry this happened to you but I am glad you were found so you can be laid to rest. I am praying that your family can find some measure of peace since closure is a term people use but in reality does not exist for the loved ones of a murder victim. As far as the anger you are feeling now that's to be expected, I pray that you can find someway of channeling the anger so you can start to heal.

This has happened too many times!!!!! I am angry and sad for the family ... and the family of the 5 year old who had to live with this predator walking among them ... a horrific preventable tragedy in Kelly's case :(

I always thought it was him ... always ... so grateful for the p.i.

moo :)
Did Kelli know this man? Did she know his background?
Am just hoping other women will think twice about taking risks...and remember that if someone seems creepy, trust your first instincts/impressions. I am still reeling about Alexis Murphy following that murderous creep to his home...yes, it happens, she was young, inexperienced and naive. But all we can hope for now is that some other girl or woman is saved by knowing about these tragedies. For me, it is important that LE and adults/parents etc. stress how dangerous it is to go with, or put yourself at the mercy of, anyone you do not know and trust 100%. Otherwise, nothing positive will result from these murders. Again...jmo.

I agree ... I live in a very small area and go to the bars by myself to meet friends ... I also leave by myself around 2-3 am ... I TRY to always have a FRIEND with me to walk with to the car... but I have had guys walk me as well and had to "turn them down" our my friend already left, etc ... but there are creepers and I will never give someone the benefit of the doubt if my first instinct is "creepy" again ... it's hard to learn from others mistakes, but I hope others think twice too!

moo :)
The walls to the bar are solid concrete, at least 1 1/2 foot thick. The only window is behind the bar and is a small sliding window for tenders to hand drinks out. That would be on the opposite side of the bar from the parking lot. It was closed, as it was always closed. The music was loud, as it's a dive bar. As far as people on the street goes, it's not necessarily busy at that time of night and if you refer to my original diagram of the bar layout, NH would park his car on the side of the bar, in the shadows. We don't know where this physical altercation took place.

Our court system, to protect the truly innocent, requires the elimination of any reasonable doubt. If LE arrested NH, the DA wouldn't have enough evidence to convict, especially without a body. LE and DA work closely together for that reason. If they did arrest him and a conviction couldn't have been made within x amount of time on the first try, NH would walk and would never be able to be charged with the crime, even if it was proven years later, even with the crime on video tape. So they had to do what they did. While they suspected NH was guilty of murder, there was no proof that Kelli was even dead at the time. That's the reasonable doubt.

Also, the PI befriended NH. NH confessed to the PI and then the PI told the cops. The cops than used that against NH who then led LE to Kelli's remains.

The reason I didn't answer questions was not because I didn't want to convict in a public forum, it was because LE was asked that specific question during one of the press conferences and they chose not to answer it. Therefore, it certainly was not my place to release that answer. If they wanted that information to be public, they would have made it public. However, as I said, despite NH asking FB employees to lie for him they didn't and LE knows he asked them to lie. You are right in the fact that it was a shock to me when I realized it probably was NH.

However, I truly was not sure what happened to Kelli because I know for a fact that both NH and her husband were lying, at least to the public if not also LE to cover something up. It appears her husband was only trying to save face from a failing/failed marriage and NH to hide his horrific acts. I'm almost 100% sure the third party who told the Owner (SC) NH returned to the bar was either NH himself or SC was just covering his own... It's my opinion that he knew exactly what happened to Kelli, but wasn't going to say.

Hope this long post clears some stuff up.

Regarding what I respectfully BBM-
Often, once a person is arrested, there's the tendency for some to chastise those who though a husband or someone else was involved. I am glad to see your open mindedness and that you, like myself and other, saw various red flags with those other that Nick.
Regarding what I respectfully BBM-
Often, once a person is arrested, there's the tendency for some to chastise those who though a husband or someone else was involved. I am glad to see your open mindedness and that you, like myself and other, saw various red flags with those other that Nick.

I agree. I have seen posts that seemed to imply that anyone who gave consideration to other possible suspects, and I include myself in that group, somehow thought NH was a nice guy who couldn't have done such a thing. I have read pretty much every post since post 1 of thread 1 on this forum, and I don't recall ANY post that implied such. Everyone knew he was a and RSO that should not have been walking the streets, but that didn't necessarily make him Kelli's murderer, even though it turns out that he was. The hubby definitely raised red flags for many here, by among other things, pretending that the marriage was fine, when in fact, they were in the process of separating...a separation that by most accounts, he didn't want. Then we learned that he apparently did not attempt to contact her from sometime Friday afternoon until he was notified that she was missing on Monday. Now, for a couple that has separated, that seems perfectly normal, but for a happily married couple, which we were being told by him that they were, I think many of us found that a bit odd. There were several other things that led some to look at him, and LE spent a week in Florida investigating him. And yes, I know that LE made it clear later on that NH was their POI, but I am also aware that LE can pretty much say whatever they want to the media, or say nothing, and they certainly did not seem to be any closer to arresting him for her disappearance. Had we been privy to all the things LE knew, I doubt that anyone here would have thought the perp was anyone other than who it turned out to be. But in almost every post that I saw from anyone suggesting it may possibly not have been NH, the post almost invariably acknowledged that yes, he was the most obvious, or the most logical suspect. Ultimately, regardless of who anyone here thought may or may not have been responsible for Kelli's disappearance, she has finally been found and can be taken home, and her killer has finally been caught and will be held accountable, and at this point, that is what matters most. JMO
I have long followed this case, read almost every thread that was started and I must admit, I myself wasn't positive it was Holbert at the time. I figured if it had been him, it definitely wasn't premeditated and that he wouldn't have been smart enough to get rid of all the evidence, since he just had his car and tent...Questions that come to mind, where was her phone, couldn't they have found her DNA on his clothing?, the text message that implied she was "freaked" out about something after saying she was getting a ride home...when did she send that text message..after he started fighting...or did he send it? Why would he send one that implicated him? I am curious to know how the fight went on outside the bar and NO ONE in the bar heard or saw anything? Did she really get in his car? If not, then why the text to a friend that said Nick was giving her a ride home, but to call ASAP... at least I read that somewhere in the news.

Then I guess the obvious sign is that if she came to the bar with Nick, then why would he tell LE "I figured she didn't want me to know where she lived". Um, if she's coming to the bar with you, then she's not that concerned that you know where she lives. Just my opinion.

Thirdly, VOH, you are awesome for your insight. I was always so curious about those questions you couldn't answer at the time.

I have prayed throughout these two years that Kelli would be found and she now has been laid to rest. I hope other women learn from this...don't go out to a bar alone!




:seeya:MissM31 !!:seeya:​

We're glad to have you here!:cheer:

For the welcome. I hope some of my questions come to light. Thanks VOH for your explanation.
Correction. Nick showed the PI where the body was buried and then PI called detectives. Nick didn't show the police where the body was at. Police had no role in finding Kelli's body.

Regarding what I respectfully BBM-
Often, once a person is arrested, there's the tendency for some to chastise those who though a husband or someone else was involved. I am glad to see your open mindedness and that you, like myself and other, saw various red flags with those other that Nick.

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