GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #7

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I dont know why when i try to post without a quote one comes up. but i will go off of this one. When nick did that last interview before walking into the jail his demeanor was totally different from other interviews. He seemed a little angry, He blamed Kelli for being arrested. He said if she wasnt missing he wouldnt be going to jail. moo His attitude did a 360 in moo.

Well i can kind of understand!
What if this guy has been laying low keeping out of trouble and bam get
caught up in a missing woman case and is the number one suspect.
If he didnt do it i do not blame him for being angry! Look at where he ended up! He should have registered!
I wonder if he had been registerd would they have arrested him?
Have they taken scent dogs to the place where nick said he left Kelli ?
This morning on WRAL and/or ABC GMA - it was reported that searchers were asked to specifically look for Kelli's CELL PHONE.
hmmm..... So Nick said that he would not be going to jail if Kelli had not been missing. .

that right there folks is a admission of guilt, in my opinion.

I hope they charge this creep and Soon.

I'm kind of second guessing my initial opinion on this whole thing. I was never completely convinced NH was the perp, but I'm even less so now. Personally, I don't think that was an admission of guilt. It was the truth. I didn't take it like he was mad at KB. I felt like that was the truth as he believed it. Had she never went missing, he prob wouldn't have been in jail...just like SC would've prob still been out as well. LE had to run checks on people they interviewed- which wouldn't have been done otherwise. So I def believe there's truth to that....if he did do it, then he's where he needs to be...and if he didn't- he's still where he should be bc he didn't report his address. However, I don't think his bond would be 100,000 if he wasn't the last person to be seen with her...moo
"As soon as you drive into the entrance to Meadowbrook, she said stop right here," it quoted Holbert as saying. "So I stopped and she said, 'I'll walk home.' I said, 'Are you sure?' She said, 'Yeah.' I said I figured she didn't want me to know where she lived, or somebody was there and she didn't want to be seen together."

Above quote from Nick Holbert.

In my opinion, Nick never dropped Kelly off at Meadowbrook.
If what Nick is quoted as saying to investigators is true, why is the investigation not centered around the Meadowbrook apartment complex?
Investigators MUST have evidence (not made public), that leads them to believe that Nick's statement is a lie...
LE is concentrating around FB area, NOT Meadowbrook...
Investigators haven't released the details of who Kelli texted while she was at FB's, or what she texted about, but LE does... Which is probably a big part of their evidence... We also know that Nick was aware that Kelli was texting "alot" that evening at FB's... He is quoted seeing this...
It is also in my opinion that Nick had Kelli's cell phone and made the text messages "getting ride home from a man" and "home safely"...
Nick was trying to cover his *advertiser censored*.
I do have one question if someone has the answer.
Investigators have said that the cell phone registered a ping at the tower near FB's... Is there another cell tower that is close to Meadowbrook?
If there was wouldn't that be the tower with a ping, since she texted "home safely"??? Just wondering
Well i can kind of understand!
What if this guy has been laying low keeping out of trouble and bam get
caught up in a missing woman case and is the number one suspect.
If he didnt do it i do not blame him for being angry! Look at where he ended up! He should have registered!
I wonder if he had been registerd would they have arrested him?

Somewhat agreed. There are two big if's in that statement. My opinion is regardless he did not update his address like he was supposed to. That is his fault and he has no one to blame for that but himself. Just like if one of us was driving down the road and someone was riding our tail. If we speed up and get pulled over, we cannot blame the person tailgating us. We should have pulled over and let them pass (according to the law). It is our fault for not making the right choice. While he is not wrong for his feelings, he did not take accountability for his actions regardless of if he is guilty or innocent.
This morning on WRAL and/or ABC GMA - it was reported that searchers were asked to specifically look for Kelli's CELL PHONE.

I have a question!

If Kelli was texting someone with prepaid phone there would be no record
of the number right? Arent they untracable?
They would see she made a call or a text but not see the number she called.
Is that how they work?
Like Trac phones where ya buy perpaid phone cards.

I think they need her phone to read her text messages!
I think that will tell them muy mucho!
Somewhat agreed. There are two big if's in that statement. My opinion is regardless he did not update his address like he was supposed to. That is his fault and he has no one to blame for that but himself. Just like if one of us was driving down the road and someone was riding our tail. If we speed up and get pulled over, we cannot blame the person tailgating us. We should have pulled over and let them pass (according to the law). It is our fault for not making the right choice. While he is not wrong for his feelings, he did not take accountability for his actions regardless of if he is guilty or innocent.

I agree but i also dont think hes a guy with alot of intelligence annd common sense.

One more question you think if he was registered he would have been arrested?

His parents kicked him out right what does he do if hes homeless how can he register.
what would happen to him if he went to register and he told them he had no place to live?
I have a question!

If Kelli was texting someone with prepaid phone there would be no record
of the number right? Arent they untracable?
They would see she made a call or a text but not see the number she called.
Is that how they work?
Like Trac phones where ya buy perpaid phone cards.

I think they need her phone to read her text messages!
I think that will tell them muy mucho!

She had an iPhone 4s.
She had an iPhone 4s.

I know
what if there is other person has a prepaid phone there is no record of their number correct?

Im not saying there is! i was wondering if someone was communicating with her via a prepaid phone!

I have a question!

If Kelli was texting someone with prepaid phone there would be no record
of the number right? Arent they untracable?
They would see she made a call or a text but not see the number she called.
Is that how they work?
Like Trac phones where ya buy perpaid phone cards.

I think they need her phone to read her text messages!
I think that will tell them muy mucho!

During the press conference yesterday, I got the impression that they had many of her text messages. The detective said something along the lines of "you know, people that age text constantly so we have a lot of messages to go through". (paraphrasing from memory) I assumed they got them from her service provider. Did anybody else notice this?
That is very possible, especially since he would probably need an address for the bill. I was just thinking, maybe she did send the text"got home safe", like she got out of the car and while she was walking, she texted it, as in she was "home" as in her neighborhood? It would probably ping off of the same tower, as it is so close to Froggy Bottoms. She thought once she got out of the car, she was home safe. A lot of people walk and text, and don't pay attention. Add in a few drinks, I have heard she had 8, but even so, lots of people can put away some drinks and not be as drunk as you might think they would be, regardless of size, and she might not be paying too much attention to her surroundings. If she hasn't lived in Fayetteville for too long or read the news, she might think she was in a safe area. Still hoping for a miracle for her family. Have they checkd around the entrance area for her phone? Like maybe she threw it when someone grabbed her? Have they checked with people who walk that area, it is possible a homeless person found it and picked it up, thinking he struck gold?
I agree but i also dont think hes a guy with alot of intelligence annd common sense.

One more question you think if he was registered he would have been arrested?

His parents kicked him out right what does he do if hes homeless how can he register.
what would happen to him if he went to register and he told them he had no place to live?

He would have been charged with failure to register his vehicle and driving without insurance.

I do not know what would have happened if he told the agency he was homeless. However, I do know if it was me, I would have went to the agency and found out! The only way you can find the answers is by asking. For me, not going to jail would be extremely important and I would do everything I could to find out how to avoid that situation and abide by the law. Ignorance is not an reason, it is an excuse. It is his responsibility and therefore he should take accountability instead of shifting the blame.
During the press conference yesterday, I got the impression that they had many of her text messages. The detective said something along the lines of
"you know, people that age text constantly so we have a lot of messages to go through". (paraphrasing from memory) I assumed they got them from her service provider. Did anybody else notice this?

exactly and i think they are really searching to find her phone.
what can they get off her phone once they find it that cant get now?
Im not cell savy i dont know alot about this stuff.
Now see i think NH would use a prepaid phone!

I am sure there is still some way to track it. I am sure that some other people at the bar had Nick's phone number. That would be the place to start. Regardless of pre-paid or not, the network would keep track of usage by that phone number.
I am sure there is still some way to track it. I am sure that some other people at the bar had Nick's phone number. That would be the place to start. Regardless of pre-paid or not, the network would keep track of usage by that phone number.

I guess but they seem so focused on her phone what else can they find once they have it?
And then came 'Red Solo Cup'... ;)
Haven't heard it yet (wth's wrong with me?) ;) I have a hilarious story and then I'll stop being OT and continue trying to catch up on posts...I haven't had anything helpful to add for Kelli, but not for the lack of trying nor lack of wishing it were not so. :(

For many eons, I have almost always avoided TV commercials completely (except for PBS and Superbowl or grapevine word) or at least muted them...but somebody caught my interest on a Ford comm. So I un-muted...thought "wow, WHO is that guy, whoever he is...he has awesome talent and charisma...what a VOICE...somebody needs to sign him...this could be his lucky break". It was TK. LOL. :blush:
exactly and i think they are really searching to find her phone.
what can they get off her phone once they find it that cant get now?
Im not cell savy i dont know alot about this stuff.

Prints? Location of the phone itself? Damage for theories? (How did it fall? Was it thrown? Etc) Maybe she used it as a weapon (hitting someone with it)?
I agree but i also dont think hes a guy with alot of intelligence annd common sense.

One more question you think if he was registered he would have been arrested?

His parents kicked him out right what does he do if hes homeless how can he register.
what would happen to him if he went to register and he told them he had no place to live?

From what I understand, and it's not the same everywhere, those with no permanent address are supposed to report to a sheriff or police sept every set amount of days. In Indiana, it's every 7 days, in Pa it's done monthly during the last two days of the month. In Michigan, homeless SO's report to the sheriff office rather than register within their city. When they do, they are supposed to provide exactly where they are staying...or ie: under a bridge, in the park, at a shelter etc..
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