GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #8

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Lol I was wondering the same thing. Since this is the first time I have followed a case on Websleuths, I am guessing that this is what happens when people start getting frustrated when there is no new information or updates.

Maybe people just want answers so they start making them up as they go. Will any of you sluething regulars confirm this?

There is "spirited debate" quite often on these boards. Most of the time we agree to disagree and don't get personal.

There is nothing wrong with disagreement as long as we are within the TOS for this board.

I for one am frustrated that I have NO FACTS to base ANY THEORIES on who may be responsible for Kelli's disappearance. I do know WHO seems like a "homerun" but I have been misled before by the "easy" choice, so......:truce:
MB should not care what I am exploring. If he's totally clean from any wrong doing, he has nothing to fear. I'm a fly on his wall. He's the husband of a woman who is missing - this must be very difficult as he pointed out what a tough time he is going through. Man I could cry my eyes out for Kelli, she's the one who maybe has lost the ultimate, that being her life. MB should remember that when he speaks into a microphone.

Whenever I hear of a missing person, I think of what they must be going through, what they must have felt - the fear, the fight they had to endure. I'm not thinking about how it's affecting me. Kelli has caused MB pain in his life by disappearing - I heard his message.

The message that I heard was that the person responsible for Kelli's disappearance has caused Mike pain. Why wouldn't he be in pain? He is probably a realist and believes that Kelli is no longer in pain.
Lol I was wondering the same thing. Since this is the first time I have followed a case on Websleuths, I am guessing that this is what happens when people start getting frustrated when there is no new information or updates.

Maybe people just want answers so they start making them up as they go. Will any of you sluething regulars confirm this?

See, right there, 'start making them up as they go'. We are not a legal entity. We are hypothesizing and what if-ing when there is nothing else to do. LE hasn't charged NH. So should we just post page after page making him the punching bag?

I'm at a loss, I really am.
The other thing to keep in mind is that this case, like all criminal cases, is not for the public's amusement. The #1 goal outside of finding the victim is to take the necessary steps and precautions to legally preserve the investigation so it can be prosecuted.

Curiosity and the demand for information is natural, but investigation details are not the public's right until the case is legislated in court, and no amount of foot stomping and pouting and crying foul is going to change the way cases are investigated and conducted.

I do agree with your statement however I do end up finding some of the theories that people come up with amusing. It's kind of hard not to.
Hey, do posters remember about the 'ignore' button?
There's no rule you have to comment on another poster's comments.
You can ignore comments if you wish.
We're not going to change each other's minds so, let's agree to disagree.
Then, some day, you can all apologize to me - kidding!!!!! :blushing:

Really tho, I'm undecided as to who made Kelli disappear but, oh, do I love a good argument!
Wouldnt it make sense that the family is privy to more information than we are? If so, Kelli's mom certainly does not seem to be looking for a body but calling to Kelli and or a perp. I don't have a theory yet but it seems more than wishful prayerful thinking.
Wouldnt it make sense that the family is privy to more information than we are? If so, Kelli's mom certainly does not seem to be looking for a body but calling to Kelli and or a perp. I don't have a theory yet but it seems more than wishful prayerful thinking.

Mook. I agree she does plead out like Kelli is being held captive. I do hope she is alive.
Dear Detective Locklear,
We are really starting to get on each others nerves over on Kelli's forum. If there is any way you could name a Person of Interest or even release just one tiny little bit of information, so that we can have something to discuss, that would be great. Also, can you please provide transcripts of any and all future press conferences, we are tired of the media getting it wrong. Finally, we are also looking to find Kelli so if there is any help you need, please don't hesitate to ask!

:goodpost: Andalso

Your post made me chuckle. Would that it could be that easy.
Well this will put you over the edge than - he should have been home with her so he could have protected her.

I don't know the guy - seems like a punk to me but that's just me being judgmental. Obviously, Kelli loved him but if they outgrew each other I can see why she did. That's me being a realist.

Alright.... thats it for me tonight.... now you are becoming insultive to the victims husband.... YOU have absolutely no clue where he was on Friday night... but you continue to victimize him....!! I have an open mind too, and do NOT have tunnel vision.... but to begin to call him names is way out of hand.....

Prayers for Kelli :praying:
I'll rephrase my question too. :)

Just curious, why does it matter in relation to Kelli being missing?

I touched on the subject of MB being employed a few days back. At that time I stated that it was healthy IMO to be employed. and pinkiegreen let me have it, lol

Whether HE needed a job or not for a man to be living off of a womans income could be hard on his ego and her view or opinion of him. I do not think this is a mystery.

What problems they were having in their marriage could have been revolving around this. Kelli is trying to better herself for her family. What was Mike doing to better the family and their future? We do not know.

It matters in the case of Kelli going missing because it might help explain how the perp and Kelli happened to cross paths. It might explain what was happening in the victims life and give us clues about the mindset of the others.
If Kelli is being held captive, it's not for ransom. No one has come forth in the nearly 2.5 weeks to make any demand. She's not a child that someone else is going to raise as their own. There's no evidence that's come out that anyone had recently threatened her, there's been nothing about any drama at the bar itself that Friday night.

There's been no evidence of someone else besides NH being the last to see her. The text messages were sent to indicate she was home and safe, but the location pings show she did not send those from her apartment. NH is in jail so if she's being "held captive" it can't be by him.
I'll rephrase my question too. :)

Just curious, why does it matter in relation to Kelli being missing?

Because it matters regarding NH. We judge him based on what we already know about him. We decide if it's good or bad what we know about him. We weigh that knowledge and form opinions and place odds on whether or not he's the perp.

The forum exists to discuss the details of a crime.

MB is Kelli's husband.
Husbands have been known to kill their wives. In fact, statistics are quite high - I think 1/3 of murdered women are killed by their sig. other.
We don't know if Mike is involved with Kelli's disappearance but since Kelli is the victim, Mike is a potential suspect because he is her husband.
We judge him based on what we already know about him just like we do NH. We weigh that knowledge and form opinions, etc.

After doing all of the above, we hope that LE uncovers solid evidence to reveal the truth regarding who the person is who is responsible for Kelli's disappearance and place that person under arrest regardless of any of our opinions from yesterday.
Well this will put you over the edge than - he should have been home with her so he could have protected her.

I don't know the guy - seems like a punk to me but that's just me being judgmental. Obviously, Kelli loved him but if they outgrew each other I can see why she did. That's me being a realist.

I see the same thought going over in his head when he is in front of the camera. He should have been there to protect her. But he wasn't. He was in Florida. I can't imagine the guilt he must feel for not being able to protect her. Poor guy.
OT This was sad!

Mary J. Moore, 45, died after she was struck by a vehicle on a street in West Allis around 1 a.m. Sunday. Separately, a friend was speeding her son, Thomas M. Olson, 22, to the hospital to see her when he struck three parked cars and overturned, West Allis Deputy Chief Charles Padgett said. Olson was killed in the crash about 5:30 a.m. Sunday
Hello everyone,

This is my first post here.

I joined this site because I wanted to keep tabs on Kelli's disappearance. I am currently local to the area (have lived here for about a year and a half.) I work at Fort Bragg as a civilian and my husband is active duty Army.

My house is off post towards Eastover so I commute on 295 daily. I know where FB is located but I have never been there. I also noticed where Kelli's apartment complex is located the last time I drove on Ramsey.

Has anyone read the Statement Analysis of what NH has said (or what little the media has realeased)? It's very interesting! I found it on the Statement Analysis ("Seamus") blog.

I hope and pray that the appropriate areas are being searched by LE. I understand why we don't know more right now, but I wish we did. The amount of information on the Fayetteville Observer website amounts to hardly anything. I wanted to participate and bring my dog when they last asked for volunteers to search, but I was (still am) super sick and not physically up to it.

As a parent, all the other threads I have started to look at on this site are so sad and truly terrifying beyond words. I even ordered a kit for my son from the Klaas foundation to ease my mind a little bit!
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