NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #14

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I'm sorry, I keep going back to the cigarette burns.
I have searched for hours to find a delicate way to say this without oversharing.
There isn't, so I won't say all of it, I'll only say this.
Cigarette burns and sexual abuse go together.
As my therapist put it, "alternative penetration". Cigarettes open holes in the skin, which can be sexual for some "people."

I very rarely say trust me. Trust me on this one.

Thank you for saying this. I totally agree!

God bless you!!!
I'm sorry, I keep going back to the cigarette burns.
I have searched for hours to find a delicate way to say this without oversharing.
There isn't, so I won't say all of it, I'll only say this.
Cigarette burns and sexual abuse go together.
As my therapist put it, "alternative penetration". Cigarettes open holes in the skin, which can be sexual for some "people."

I very rarely say trust me. Trust me on this one.

I've heard that and in a pervs sick mind,they want to hurt anyway they can,also.I really think there's so much going on we don't know yet,and is just coming out piece by piece.
I have a problem with this whole story. While I think AD is a , I'm not so sure Shaniya wasn't abducted by MAM without her knowledge. I'm sure not going to trust the same LE agency that arrested Coe for info. I want to know more about the "home invasion" in which BL's wife was murdered. I think it's really hinky that the pictures were taken off the walls. What kind of criminals do that?

I've heard that and in a pervs sick mind,they want to hurt anyway they can,also.I really think there's so much going on we don't know yet,and is just coming out piece by piece.

Thank you, Winterrose, for saying this. I agree with you.
OK she has not talked to Shaniya in 4 weeks. Her Mom took her out school and she was the Guardian according the school. Would the school not call and ask where the child was? when she receives this call, Why not call the dad and say hey you need to get your but back to NC something is up with Shaniya. This is just not adding up. Somebody is not telling the truth.

I 2nd that!
I'm sorry, I keep going back to the cigarette burns.
I have searched for hours to find a delicate way to say this without oversharing.
There isn't, so I won't say all of it, I'll only say this.
Cigarette burns and sexual abuse go together.
As my therapist put it, "alternative penetration". Cigarettes open holes in the skin, which can be sexual for some "people."

I very rarely say trust me. Trust me on this one.
I posted about the association between cigarette burns and sexual abuse earlier. Thankfully, my knowledge is not firsthand. I'm terribly sorry if yours is. :blowkiss:
I don't care that her father had kids with other women.
I don't care what color those women were.
I don't care what color the children are.
I don't care that father talks about his BMW.

I care that he says he was giving Creature a chance to mother, when the only mother figure Shaniya has ever known knew nothing about it.
I care that father states he was caring for her, when the rest of the world says different.
I care that this child was likely being abused at creatures and strangers could see it before her father could.
I care that her loving father sent her to a place he knew nothing about with people he knew nothing about, leading to her death.

I agree with everything NMK - except for the part about where he sent her.
My friend grew up there and has told me that Sleepy Hollow MHP has always been a drug and crime ridden MHP. This is a small community-people know each other and their little habits. I realize he travels for his work-but he still is not ignorant to the community that he lives in. I'm not saying BL knows anything about Shaniya's murder or AD's friends. But, he knows he made a huge mistake by allowing AD this "chance" and not double checking for his daughter's safety and I would have more respect for him if he would accept responsiblity for that mistake.
I'm sorry, I have looked back through a few of the threads on this case. Do we know the COD?

Hi JennyMominRI, I logged on quickly to find out also. I just read an article from about an hour ago that said the autopsy was still underway.


I still haven't heard if jurisdiction has been decided as of yet either.
I want to know why some of you are "taking stock" in what BL's FIL are saying and looking for "signs and signals" in the interviews of his children? Why, all of a sudden is BL the bad guy?

Ture, he had help raising all of his children, but since when does that make someone a terrible parent. I was a single mother for years...and my daughter at 15 months spent her days in a daycare while I went to school...and her evenings with my mom while I worked as a waitress to put food on our table. It was hard on everybody, but it was what I had to do.

There is obvioulsy bitter feelings between BL and his FIL's, but if they saw cigarette burns on Shaniya, why didn't they call CPS? If BL, was such a horrible parent, why didn't they call CPS? If they felt for one minute that Shaniya was in danger, it seems to me they are just as much at fault for not calling the proper authorities. If I thought for one minute that someone was putting cigarettes out on any nose would be right in the middle of it all...and shouting from roof tops intil it was checked out.

Lastly, BL and his FIL have obviously had a falling out, so I don't doubt that they are not praising him as a father...but IMO BL could have turned the other cheek when Shaniya was born and walked away. Although he may not be perfct and he may not have made great choices, Shaniya, up until now was left in a safe loving home when he could not care for her. Cut the guy some slack.
I'd bet my next paycheck MAM was taking child *advertiser censored* pics of her, at the trailer and/or at the hotel.

There's money to be made by selling them, right?
Extremely saddened that people could still point the finger at the Father and say "I told him not to send her over there..." or bringing up his other children and the fact that they have different mothers, etc..etc. From what I've seen, on all accounts she was very well taken care of and she was not "sent" away because he didn't have a choice, not once has the sister said anything about no longer being able to help or that the Dad needed to find somewhere else for her to go. I believe that he was really trying to give his daughter the opportunity to be around her "egg donor"
This man's 5 year old daughter was most likely severely abused, raped, murdered and dumped along a highway next to dead deer carcasses in nothing but a t-shirt. Isn't his pain severe enough to not have to hear people say that he holds some responsibility.
Whether he shouldn't have or WHATEVER...he's burying his daughter can he have some PEACE...

His pain is great...My heart broke for him at first.
But His responsibility was greater, and the more I hear the more I too am holding some of my considerations.
One thing is for sure. People with pets do better research as to where their animals get housed for a weekend, then what was done for Shaniya. Daddy's Sister from her speech yesterday knew it was not a good place for the baby, and did not know that he was thinking to send her there for a long time, she thought it was just for a weekend. There is something wrong with this picture.
all the photo's where this baby looks like an angel are due to his sister, she dressed her, sent her to school, combed her hair and made her feel safe.
SURE as a father the pain and guilt are great and 20/20 hindsight is just 20/20.
BUT HE KNEW what kind of trash mom really was, and if he saw any cigarette burns on this child even one time, as everyone else has seen. How dare he send her????
PRETENDING that his pain is greater then Shaniya's pain. is nothing I want to support. Because I would be supporting enabling men to make babies and not take responsibility for them.
I am angry with him...But I am still watching and reading.
Because I DO see that his father in law is less then happy with him, and his own daughter sounds just like her grandfather. So I am not so sure how much is real, how much is just jumping on the man when he is down.
BUT cigarette burns are very real.....that is why I flipped.
Am I feeling for him? YES...Am I going to stroke him?...NO...
Not locking a window?? That would be a mistake, this is down right neglect the friends, family did try to help by telling the person who was responsible to take care of Shaniya. They even went so far as to offer to raise her, should they have done more YES, and I am sure they are feeling badly about that now, but it sure don't seem like daddy is feeling very badly. I am stepping out for a bite maybe I can calm down, I just don't have any pity for this man right now, I think he is a big fake.

Ok...maybe I simply just feel awful for this man at the thought of what his little girl went through. I agree that he should have done more checking before allowing her to go to that house and that he should have been calling on a daily basis to check on her. I guess I looked at the right NOW and not being able to even begin to comprehend how painful it is hearing that your child has been killed and under such horrible circumstances, and then to have people come up to you and say...its your fault too.
There is obvioulsy bitter feelings between BL and his FIL's, but if they saw cigarette burns on Shaniya, why didn't they call CPS? If BL, was such a horrible parent, why didn't they call CPS? If they felt f.

Is there a legal obligation to report something like this? If not, there should be.
I disagree. Children who are abused do not express their fear in obvious ways. She looked tired and frightened. Also, the position of her legs was defensive. I think she had been assaulted by then and had no choice but to be in the arms of the man that either harmed her or allowed her to be harmed. It is very hard to contemplate what that poor baby went through.
I have tried to keep up with the threads here for Shanyia, as well as read the links. One of the links I just read, had comments from others that are locals down there, and one person said,,,poor little Shanyia before this happened would not come to male figures. Almost like she was afraid of men,,,she would warm up to females in general but not the same reaction from the males in the family...From what I gathered from this comment, Shanyia could have been a victim long before this happened....This case is as sad as anything I have ever seen in my 59 years...
From the very first locals on the tv station "blog" etc were posting how horrible the Sleepy Hollow area/trailer park is...the worst area in Fayetteville...crime and drugs

I can't imagine taking that sweet little girl there....
and then not even checking up on her??

again...who would drop off a pet at a kennel like that?
The same day of death, probably yes, but how long did she lay beside the dead deer for decomp????
I think we are asking same question.
IF video in Hotel is same day baby was found then she was alive same day. and was at the final destination less then a day. YES? NO?
Video in hotel was played with and he did not leave hotel that day but a few days prior, and she was found where she may have been laying a few days.:waitasec:
I have tried to keep up with the threads here for Shanyia, as well as read the links. One of the links I just read, had comments from others that are locals down there, and one person said,,,poor little Shanyia before this happened would not come to male figures. Almost like she was afraid of men,,,she would warm up to females in general but not the same reaction from the males in the family...From what I gathered from this comment, Shanyia could have been a victim long before this happened....This case is as sad as anything I have ever seen in my 59 years...
Shaniya's older half-brother said this during his Nancy Grace interview last night- that Shaniya was shy around men, but seemed to yearn for female companionship. (not his exact words).
Brad's role in this goes WAY beyond leaving a window unlocked (or bringing a mentally ill homeless man to their home to help him). Brad didn't accidentally walk in harms way.

We don't know what calls the neighbors and Aunt made or didn't make.
And the hotel worker???? You have to be kidding. They wouldn't have this case as far along as they do without a helpful and observant hotel worker. Shaniya is awake, alert, calm and dressed in that video. Parents carry kids into the hotel from traveling in all kinds of states of dress. It is not like he walked through the lobby with a hostage victim gagged and bound. I lay no blame there.

Ok the window was a lil far fetched it was more of for arguments sake. But you actually bring up the fact that they let a mentally ill man into their home. They didn't do a background check (he was convicted before) or question any of his motives. If they were able to trust the word of a complete stranger and no one points the finger at them...why wouldn't it be possible that he trusted the word of the woman that gave birth to her.

She was awake and alert, but several people on reports and here said that she appeared frightened, tired, and disheveled. If your traveling...why would u be stopping at a hotel in the morning and not at night to get the kids rest? Don't get me wrong I'm not blaming them, I'm just saying if we're waiving the red flags at the Dad...
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