NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #15

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The feces was reported on quite early into this case. How did they know it was feces? As opposed to mud, dirt, etc.?
What does that have to do with it????

So, should the parent with the nicer house and nicer car get custody?? No questions asked??'

I'm not following why the house and cars have anything at all to do with this case.

Drug heads, child pimps, YES - That's what did this.

Well presumably there was not 2 crack ho's, an HIV positive felon, and a
felon pimp/dealer all squeezed into the dad's home (along with 3 little kids)
not to mention the users/druggies and johns and perverts who came running to party with AD and MAM etc

and NO one bothered to check it out before they sent Shaynia there
apparently no one checked on her...not even after the breeder told the aunt that she would not "see her" again after the 2 nights were up

just think...IF the dad and his family had put out this info or tried to get her back the hotel clerk might have called this in while they were checkin in and the cops could have saved her

or at any point before then she could have been saved...they could have gotten cops, a private the drug squad...whatever it took

that is what upsets some of us
Trying to send you a hug and can't find the hug smiley and if I look too long I will be three pages behind. Please stop beating yourself up - all of this is moving extremely fast and emotions are running very high. Hugs -still can't find the huggy smiley - this situation is emotionally draining.

Thanks so much! I really needed that! :hug: back atcha!
and it is not a sin to be poor, but it is a sin to be filthy as this place was!
Sewer could of been fixed! With that many men in and out......could of helped, but nope women decided to just raise 3 kids in filth!
No baths for 'anyone'? how about preparing food? ecoli bacteria?
washing clothes? bedding? SMELL......think about it..................sick!

You are absolutely correct about the filth - no excuse for that I agree 100%.
I have said all along, I have questions about this father too.
But I think way too much time and attention has been spent blaming him. IMO
I don't think he had any idea of 1/2 the things that we know now.
I'm sure he is 2nd quessing everything he did.
IMO - it would be better to focus on the facts that we know now.
So far, the only facts I know are that the fricken mother killed her along with her dredlocked headed drug head friend.

Do you want the truth?? The more you post this sort of thing the more you get posts about the dad...

No one..not even he "had any idea of 1/2 the things we know now"

my problem with him is that he didn't make it his business to know this stuff before he entrusted his precious daughter to these people sight unseen

the fact is that she was delivered to them like a lamb to the slaughter
I think it's getting really hostile in here and I am outta here for the night. Have a wonderful evening everyone.
Well presumably there was not 2 crack ho's, an HIV positive felon, and a
felon pimp/dealer all squeezed into the dad's home (along with 3 little kids)
not to mention the users/druggies and johns and perverts who came running to party with AD and MAM etc

and NO one bothered to check it out before they sent Shaynia there
apparently no one checked on her...not even after the breeder told the aunt that she would not "see her" again after the 2 nights were up

just think...IF the dad and his family had put out this info or tried to get her back the hotel clerk might have called this in while they were checkin in and the cops could have saved her

or at any point before then she could have been saved...they could have gotten cops, a private the drug squad...whatever it took

that is what upsets some of us

And again, I understand your concerns.
But, for 2 days most of the posts have been about the father.
If he is so guilty, why is he not in jail.
IMO LE arrested the 2 that should be there because THEY killed this child.
How do we know that???
Is there a link. Some copy of a certified letter I don't know about.
Or, is this, like everything else spectulation.

Making note to myself that the next time I convey to a parent a safety concern about their children, I do so in the form of a certified letter or a similar traceable means.
Well, we still have 2 perps in jail. They should be the focus right now. Why did AD tell LE that Coe was the one?...(snipped)...

She needed to keep McNeil's name clear b/c she needed him free to continue providing her with drugs.

...(snipped)...Also, it's been reported that the feces was on the outside handle of the door.
Why wasn't there any on the inside handle?

My thought? That could've been Shaniya.

I don't think MAM would leave feces on the handle. Maybe he put her in the car but perhaps when he went to throw away the blanket (which is what I think happened around 3:00am) maybe Shaniya tried to get back inside...? Then he saw her and they struggled on the porch, and poor little Shaniya kept grabbing at the rails or doorknob in an effort to save herself from being taken.

Oh God what a nightmare for this child... This scenario just came to me and is just one possibility out of many.
Do you want the truth?? The more you post this sort of thing the more you get posts about the dad...

No one..not even he "had any idea of 1/2 the things we know now"

my problem with him is that he didn't make it his business to know this stuff before he entrusted his precious daughter to these people sight unseen

the fact is that she was delivered to them like a lamb to the slaughter

Wow. all I can say
I don't think anyone here is trying to speak negatively or stereotype a particular neighborhood. At least I hope not. What is sad in this case is that the father had a $250,000 home, luxury vehicle, and a job away from "home" that he "seemed" to honor and cherish more than this angel.

Shaniya was 5 years old. Are you telling me that for the past 5 years he did not know AD had a drug problem? Are you telling me that he did not know she showed no signs of being able to provide stability for Shaniya? Are you telling me that he did not know that she was evicted constantly? Are you telling me that he did not know she was hooking? Are you telling me that he did not know that she was socializing with that his son seems to be acquainted with for some strange reason? One night stand or know and if you don't you don't just drop your child off without checking and double checking first. So what if she said she was ready to be a just have to love and care for your child more than that and if you don' are responsible for not caring enough...for not being there when your child needed you to protect and love them and place them first in your life.

I am not blaming BL for Shaniya's death but I do blame him for endangering her life...for neglecting to make sure that he was the person that he has asked ALL of us to be...

Where we are from, where you were brought up means nothing in this case. You are alive and well. Your parents probably bust their butts to make sure you had clothes on your backs and food in your mouths...not walking around with your hair uncombed in a t-shirt and panties in a feces infested home socializing with convicted felons who have shot people, who sell drugs, and have you call them "daddy." Please...let's not take any of this have something that Shaniya does not have and that's life.
he worked out of state for weeks at a time - his family helped care for his kids

I don't see anything wrong or abnormal with that

however, that combined with some other factors that we don't know about yet may change my mind

the thing that bothers me most is that all these people are coming out of the woodwork now to publicly lay blame at his feet when they should all (as a family unit) just grieve their loss privately & stop causing more rifts during such an emotional time

the formal complaints (if there are indeed any valid ones) can be made to be police/investigators privately but then they wouldn't get their tv spot either

Yeah...just sweep it all under the carpet

this is not a case where some pervert snatched a little kid from their happy home

they were driven from their happy home to a h//lhole and had a packed bag to take along to their journey into pain, fear and horror

as for grieving privately..why not tell the dad that? ?I don't want to see him preaching on my tv...nor promoting his new "foundation"
TOTALLY all just my opinion on who the woman is that created that incident report. The poster stated it was his sister's home...which is also possible, but she's 49 nd he's *could* also be his mother.

Or honestly for all I know for sure, it could just be a coincidence with the same last name? Sorry I'm not much help!

I provided the police reports; the address was taken from Mario's Arrest Warrant.
In a post way back they posted the search warrant of his car and found a portable GPS device in it.

My only problem with that is, if he only went to Sanford and he was familiar with that area, I doubt he would even have it turned on.
Making note to myself that the next time I convey to a parent a safety concern about their children, I do so in the form of a certified letter or a similar traceable means.

I was trying to make a point.
I would be willing to bet 95% of the things this man is being blamed for are rumors at best.
I was just trying to make a point. Sorry.
he worked out of state for weeks at a time - his family helped care for his kids

I don't see anything wrong or abnormal with that

however, that combined with some other factors that we don't know about yet may change my mind

the thing that bothers me most is that all these people are coming out of the woodwork now to publicly lay blame at his feet when they should all (as a family unit) just grieve their loss privately & stop causing more rifts during such an emotional time

the formal complaints (if there are indeed any valid ones) can be made to be police/investigators privately but then they wouldn't get their tv spot either

Exactly, I couldn't agree more with this. I think this is what Kimberly is trying to say as well. I don't think any or us here want to protect the father if he has done something wrong. I do think most of what has been said is not fact and do we really want to rely on family, friends and neighbors that didn't bother to report any of this before this happened?

I just want us to be careful about what we are saying here about the family. We really don't know what is fact and what is not at this point. I at this point can not judge the father on anything being said by family and friends. I may change my mind as time goes on and we find out more info but at this point I'm not going to judge him either.

That doesn't mean I have a problem with you all posting facts about the father and this case.
Here I will interject my opinion: Good parenting has absolutely nothing to do with the value of one's home or the location/condition of one's home.
I agree. There are countless good, decent parents who struggle to provide shelter and food for their families, and most raise good children. I don't think anyone here would dispute that.

In this case, however, the father is a contractor. I would think at the very least, he would have had concerns about the structural safety of the mobile home and possible hazardous conditions, such as electrical wiring and sewerage problems. Did he even visit the mobile home? Does anyone know?
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