NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #15

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NG says........
McNeill shot a guy in head and neck and ran over a cop...........why was he out of jail?
and drugs also!

Here ya go:

Probation ended early for suspect in Shaniya Davis case

Three weeks before Shaniya Davis disappeared, the Fayetteville man accused of kidnapping her was allowed to end his supervised probation six months early.


McNeill appears to have been treated with leniency for years by an overburdened court system.

On June 17, 2001, court documents show, McNeill shot Roland Lee Mays in the face, neck, shoulder, chest and stomach. The records indicate that McNeill injured two other people that day, as well. He was charged with multiple counts of assault inflicting serious bodily injury.

A year later, apparently while awaiting trial in the shootings, McNeill was charged with possessing marijuana and trying to manufacture and sell it.

The charges from the two cases were consolidated, records show, and McNeill was allowed to plead guilty to lesser counts...(snipped)...

There's alot more in the article. You should read it if you haven't already.
Re my bold:

I think the problem is that when a parent loses a child, we tend to put them on a pedestal of sorts, sending them our hearts, and often, our money. :sheesh:

When people who know them see that parent being placed in that position, even though they know the parent contributed to the horror, they feel the need to set the record straight, so people won't be deceived...

Others, like me, are freaked out with worry that other parents might see this unfold and then take a risk like this person did, expecting that they'll be treated as victims as well. :eek:

So we speak up to try to stem the tide we see as destructive.

That is right on, said just perfectly.

I think that is exactly why these people are speaking out, they know things were not the way BL is acting like they were. I think it took a lot of courage on their part to speak up, heck this is the grand children's father I don't think the father-in-law would have said anything had he not felt the need.
I would like to discuss what someone brought up awhile back but no one really hit on it. I noticed the same ease that Mario rolled off the brothers tongue. It was said with familarity. Heck if someone kidnaps your sister and you have never seen them or have any personal knowledge of them I can't see you talking like you knew them . It would be more like "when I saw that monster holding my sister .........." JMO

Great question GetSmart: You just twigged something with me and maybe we need to explore this a bit. BL's ex-fiance's name was Ty (link to news article was posted upstream in this thread). MAM's sister's name is Tijauna (link to news article posted upstream).

The ex-fiance and MAM's sister wouldn't/couldn't be one and the same person could they. I haven't seen a last name for the ex-fiance.

Just another little something to ponder I guess.
I really see no difference in this case with the father and with Somer's case where the mom let her walk to school at her age w/out an adult.
I followed that one from day 1 as well, and I can tell you...we were not allowed to talk negatively about DT. We had stern warnings of T/O if we did.
What's the difference here. His child is still in the mourge. Can't we just discuss the criminals and worry about dad if it turns out he did know more and ignored it???
Why can't we focus on MAM and AD?

REALLY?? No difference between letting a child walk to school (in a group) that is close enough to home that no bus transportation is provided and sending your child to live in a drug infested house of prostitution. Huh. And anyway walking to school was not an issue for Shaniya since she was not even enrolled in school. You're kidding, right?
McNeill is a . They normally don't care for human life.
You know, I was looking over some MS pages today and one had a saying posted that I found odd.
He was a said

I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6

I found that odd. But I don't hang around with many thugs. LOL
We all know the stories, the allegations, the rumors.
Some of us will discuss these and our interpretations of them.
Those that don't want to discuss them, just skim over them, as opposed to eating up thread after thread with argument about it.

Half of the places where the father is mentioned here, is someone arguing over whether or not we should be digging into is past.
If you don't like a topic, skip it. It's very easy to read part of a post and simply skip over instead of hitting fact, I think that's in TOS.

This is true, you can just skip over it but the thing is we all have a right to our opinions without being attacked for it. not_my_kids, I am not talking about you or anything you have posted.

Here bolded in my opinion is the most important part of TOS...

[ame=""]Terms of Service Short,Plain Language Version[/ame]

Terms of Service - Short, Plain Language Version

We have a detailed, formal Terms of Service (TOS) posted separately, and that TOS is what you will be held to as a member here. It's long and detailed because it has to be in the world we live in, and you are expected to read it, understand it and abide by it. However, we can sum it up as follows:

1) Be a decent human being;
2) Treat your fellow posters as the decent human beings they are;
3) Keep in mind that whatever you post will likely live on forever, so think before you press "Submit Reply".
4) It's a big world. People will disagree with you. You will disagree with them. This can be done with respect, and that's what we expect.
elepher50 that is the same line of pondering I am on. It just seemed liked he knew him, somehow someway. Plus did you catch the brothers statement that convicted felons deserve a second chance , they can change.!!

eta I am not diagreeing with that statement or agreeing with it it just seemed odd to offer forgiveness to a felon when you are a crime victim... am I making sense?
I am sure the GPS device was the "reliable source".

I'm lost. What GPS device? I can't find a reference to it in all these threads, because there are so many.

So please anyone? What GPS device? Who's GPS device? Who released the info contained on the GPS device? And where can I look at that document?

Thank you very much in advance :)

ETA: As you can see that post by the Dr. was way back that way <------ that's how far behind I am :D
REALLY?? No difference between letting a child walk to school (in a group) that is close enough to home that no bus transportation is provided and sending your child to live in a drug infested house of prostitution. Huh. And anyway walking to school was not an issue for Shaniya since she was not even enrolled in school. You're kidding, right?

Since you quoted me and asked me a direct question, I'm assuming it's ok to eat up the thread with an answer without being in violation of the TOS

I'm not kidding. The point I was trying to make is that we were warned not to speak ill of DT because she was a victim and not charged or suspected of a criminal act. That's the point I was trying to make.
The fact that her parenting skills and BLs parenting skills are being questioned.
I was just wondering why the same rules don't apply to this parent. That's all.
I have tried very hard not to attack, either the father or the people that defend him.
I don't have a problem seeing the defense posts for the father. This would be a mighty boring place if we all felt the same way about everything.

I was just suggesting that it is easier to skip them than to fight about it all day.
Here is my :twocents: FWIW

I'm not saying she wasn't burned and I'm not saying she was...

However, when my son was 7 months old I thought I could save some $$ by not using dreft anymore and I just used the regular family detergent. WOW a big no-no as we now know he has incredibly sensitive skin.

My mom works for a pediatrician and I took some photos of the circular rash that was all over his back and I uploaded them to our family photo account so my mom could have easy access to them. The next thing I know, my dad is calling and blessing me up and down about the burns all over “his grandsons” back. After my husband and I took him to the doctor, we found out this was a flare up of eczema.

If anyone thinks there is any relavance of looking at my poor babies back while in the midst of an ezema flare up I can certainly post it.

All I'm saying is, I DO think the two could easily be mixed up. Especially by people (like me) who have no medical experience what so ever.
I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6...

I'll take my own trial over my own funeral any day. Kill or be killed, I'd rather kill, thank you. Makes sense to me.
I saw the pictures of his home and I saw the pictures of the trailer he sent her too. He was under no obligation to send her there. You do not send your loved ones to live in a low life place like that. To me that is major neglect.

I agree. If the Aunt or father drove over to the trailer park and took Shaniya back, I am sure momster would not have run out and hired a lawyer to get her back. Especially if she was told that her past and current drug use would be disclosed to the court.
Any local news on the timing for a memorial or burial service? Yesterday or before didn't dad and the aunt say they were starting to work on the service? Why would they not be releasing the body or is it because they are waiting for tests to come bacK? That poor baby needs to be laid to rest and at least a proper burial.
I'm lost. What GPS device? I can't find a reference to it in all these threads, because there are so many.

So please anyone? What GPS device? Who's GPS device? Who released the info contained on the GPS device? And where can I look at that document?

Thank you very much in advance :)

ETA: As you can see that post by the Dr. was way back that way <------ that's how far behind I am :D

Police recovered 11 pieces of trace evidence, such as hair and fibers, from the car, as well as clothes, a belt, a straw, a cell phone and a portable GPS system, according to the search warrant.
If someone can say the father is to blame, I have every right to say I don't think he is.
The father is NOT to be blamed that is totally unfair.
BLAME the perps.
the father was negligent, irresponsible and we should not paint him as any Model Dad even though he loves his kids he
needs to become more accountable. But blame him NO lets blame and convict the Perps.
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