NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #28

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Great post. ITA

The Walk is a great idea, but not all can attend.

Oriah, I think you are correct that we can all help by being aware!
Pay attention, report!

To Report Human Trafficking Crimes in Your Area:
For questions, referrals, resources or to report a tip in your area, please contact the
National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888 or email us at [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]

Thank you Kimberlyd, for reposting this very important information. Remember-you do not need to identify yourself if you so choose.
Not in that area, but will pass it along to friends who are.

Please be assured everyone, that no matter where you are or what resources you have, you can help bring an end to child trafficking by simply paying attention to the children around you.

Know the signs, look at childrens' faces, read their eyes.

And please- anyone who may mistake my calmness and positivity about this as a lack of rage- please do not. It is my job to find missing persons. Many of those are children and teens who have been trafficked, sold, or otherwise abused. I've seen it up close and personal; but to me, my only option is to refill what breaks in your heart when you find a child so damaged that you can no longer help, by helping to save the next before it is too late.

My choice of rage is to find them.
MOO, of course
I know you are out there with your dog all the time doing amazing work.
Your calmness is highly required to do the work that you do. Thank God for people like you.
:D but the same calmness is not required of me, so please understand my rage too.

The bottom of the link I offered can lead people to thier state, there are events all over the Country.

One, neither McNeill nor Davis are guilty of any charges they face in this child's death.

Not yet.

They stand accused.

Two, indictments are expected, according to Cumberland County District Attorney Billy West.

"We are going through the files," says West, who adds that evidence has been in the hands of numerous law enforcement agencies - hence, the delay.

But West expects indictments within the ensuing three months.

"I'd say to expect them this summer," he says.

Among the agencies reviewing the evidence is the Fayetteville Police Department, which charged McNeill and Davis.

"It's such a lengthy case," says Police Chief Tom Bergamine.

He says you could fill wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow with the case files.

They say, Ms. Swartz, that the wheels of justice turn slowly, but apparently they are turning ... just not fast enough for many who are concerned about the heinous death of an innocent little girl.


ETA: I feel much better after reading this. :smile: May they rot.

ETA again: I am crying tears of joy right now! I feel like running outside and screaming - JUSTICE IS COMING BABY GIRL!!!!
I hope everyone can stay positive. She is NOT forgotten! They ARE working hard for justice. It's coming.
Praise God.
"could fill wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow with the case files"

:woohoo: They've got a lot on these "two people"!!!!
I am glad they have wheel barrels :)
Now! What is the status of the case?
I am glad they have wheel barrels :)
Now! What is the status of the case?

<MODSNIP> The status of the case is listed in the above article that I posted this morning.

Just a few points in case you missed it in the article:
They are going through files.
Indictments expected within 3 months.
Legnthy case being worked on by multiple agencies.
"wheel barrels" full of info in the case files.


Justice is more important than being right<modsnip>. <modsnip>.
Just a gentle reminder to all that I am local to this case. (Please check the 'locals' listed.)
The above listed article is accurate.

I mentioned several posts ago that addressed the issue of this perhaps being significantly more complex than the rape and murder of Shaniya.

NO ONE in either LE or the judicial system has forgotten about Shaniya.

Take my word on that, as someone very close to the case.
Just a gentle reminder to all that I am local to this case. (Please check the 'locals' listed.)
The above listed article is accurate.

I mentioned several posts ago that addressed the issue of this perhaps being significantly more complex than the rape and murder of Shaniya.

NO ONE in either LE or the judicial system has forgotten about Shaniya.

Take my word on that, as someone very close to the case.

We are so blessed to have you here Oriah. You are a sweetheart for what you do for Shaniya and others.

I think we should stay positive. (been saying that all along)

We have finally heard from LE about what is going on. This new info is GREAT.

Looks like justice is coming and I could not be happier!
Thanks Kimberlyd, I did re-read it. :)
I know I skim read sometimes due to frustration with this case but you did make me happy with ;
Indictments expected within 3 months. :) finally some movement.

THANK YOU :blowkiss:

I hope the wheel barrels have information that will also bust some traffickers - a girl can hope!
Thank you Kimberlyd125 :cupcake:

This latest news was the straw peeps .. after listening to Caylee's Justice Court.. all AM and I have held the tears for a good while .. I broke down .. Hold on Shaniya Justice is coming to you " Our Sweet Baby Angel"

McNeill has been held at Central Prison since turning himself in to why does he think he should go free ooo thats right it's eaiser.. I will shush I don't want a time out ...

Legnthy case being worked on by multiple agencies.
"wheel barrels" full of info in the case files.

I am wondering how many other cases these wheel barrels will help?
Yay!! What GREAT news to come home to!!!!! :)))))

Thank you Kimberlyd125!!!!!
Thank you Kimberlyd125 :cupcake:

This latest news was the straw peeps .. after listening to Caylee's Justice Court.. all AM and I have held the tears for a good while .. I broke down .. Hold on Shaniya Justice is coming to you " Our Sweet Baby Angel"

McNeill has been held at Central Prison since turning himself in to why does he think he should go free ooo thats right it's eaiser.. I will shush I don't want a time out ...

Legnthy case being worked on by multiple agencies.
"wheel barrels" full of info in the case files.

I am wondering how many other cases these wheel barrels will help?

I feel you! I've been watching the trial today too. Emotions are on edge.

I've cried sad tears for Caylee and happy tears for impending justice for Shaniya!!!
soon Angel baby, soon.
wow, I wonder what else is going to come of this ...

I hope this means not only justice for Shaniya but perhaps some other children have been spared the same fate as hers

and I hope neither of the <unusual persons> who hurt her ever get out of prison

One, neither McNeill nor Davis are guilty of any charges they face in this child's death.

Not yet.

They stand accused.

Two, indictments are expected, according to Cumberland County District Attorney Billy West.

"We are going through the files," says West, who adds that evidence has been in the hands of numerous law enforcement agencies - hence, the delay.

But West expects indictments within the ensuing three months.

"I'd say to expect them this summer," he says.

Among the agencies reviewing the evidence is the Fayetteville Police Department, which charged McNeill and Davis.

"It's such a lengthy case," says Police Chief Tom Bergamine.

He says you could fill wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow with the case files.

They say, Ms. Swartz, that the wheels of justice turn slowly, but apparently they are turning ... just not fast enough for many who are concerned about the heinous death of an innocent little girl.


ETA: I feel much better after reading this. :smile: May they rot.

ETA again: I am crying tears of joy right now! I feel like running outside and screaming - JUSTICE IS COMING BABY GIRL!!!!
I hope everyone can stay positive. She is NOT forgotten! They ARE working hard for justice. It's coming.
Praise God.

I'll be following this one as closely as Caylee. I know there won't be as much media coverage, hopefully there will be major local coverage.
I'll be following this one as closely as Caylee. I know there won't be as much media coverage, hopefully there will be major local coverage.

WRAL was the primary news source for me on this case from the beginning. That and the Fayetteville Observer. has a Shaniya Davis archive.

I'm hoping they cover the indictments and trials.
I am glad to know they are working on this case. Following Caylee's, waiting for Shaniya's and Zahra's and so many more still missing. Praying that the Lord will allow someone to find all of our missing babies, so that the people that loved them will receive closure.
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