NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Allegedly sold by mother 11/10/09 #28

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On eve of Shaniya Davis murder trial, her father wonders what could have been
The father of Shaniya Davis says he has forgiven her mother.
But Bradley Lockhart said he often finds himself reflecting on what might have been, four years after Shaniya was raped and killed in a case that has attracted national attention.
Shaniya would have turned 9 on Valentine's Day.
"We were extremely close," Lockhart said. "Shaniya spent the majority of time with me and her siblings. You miss those days. The first day she got on a bicycle. Her brother pushing her around with training wheels on it. You miss her scratching your car with a scooter. You miss birthdays. You wonder who she would be today.
"It's extremely hard when you see other kids in the neighborhood and watch them grow up. That's one of my frequent thoughts when I sit on my porch."
I was disappointed to read this... So hopefully local media will cover it.

The looming trial has created buzz on social media, but it does not appear that national TV media will be covering the trial.
Ellen Hancox, the county's trial court administrator, said Tuesday she had not received requests from national cable channels to cover the trial since the court date was continued from Feb. 18 to Monday.
the nation and the media that desire it's viewership is far too captivated with Jodi Arias trial to be bothered to cover this case. MOO

That is very sad. I had really hoped to watch the trial. This case shocked the nation. Sadly the American public is very fickle and most have long since forgotten little Shaniya :(

But we here haven't and I know we will all be scouring the local coverage to follow these trials to the finish.
I also think the media may shy away from covering some trials because they are just too horrifying, too chilling. A mom delivering her precious baby girl to be raped and then murdered may be viewed as too much for the public to handle. Sometimes I think people want to hold on to their ignorance about the capacity for human depravity. Ignorance is bliss and all that. JMO, MOO

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Does North Carolina let media into their court rooms?

I am only familiar with the "surface" details of the case but I would like to do more research so that I can follow along better.

Justice for Shaniya! Those people may have done horrible, unspeakable things to her. But we here will remember her bright smiling face -- she is that way forevermore in heaven.

Although I would love to see this trial and watch BOTH of them get the DP (wishful thinking) I am beginning to think that cameras in the courtroom are not a good idea. OJ, CA and now Jodi Arias trials have soured me. I feel like they are circuses with performers when victims and their justice are put on the back burner. JMO of course.
Although I would love to see this trial and watch BOTH of them get the DP (wishful thinking) I am beginning to think that cameras in the courtroom are not a good idea. OJ, CA and now Jodi Arias trials have soured me. I feel like they are circuses with performers when victims and their justice are put on the back burner. JMO of course.

I agree.

And I'm not sure I could actually watch this one. I feel like too much of my heart is in it.
I already know enough of the gruesome details to haunt me my entire lifetime. I had to take several WS breaks while following the unfolding case early on because I thought I was going crazy.

Knowing the trial starts tomorrow is a roller coaster for me. I'm beyond excited that justice is closer. I'm horrified of the details that are going to come out.

the nation and the media that desire it's viewership is far too captivated with Jodi Arias trial to be bothered to cover this case. MOO

That is very sad. I had really hoped to watch the trial. This case shocked the nation. Sadly the American public is very fickle and most have long since forgotten little Shaniya :(

But we here haven't and I know we will all be scouring the local coverage to follow these trials to the finish.

And please don't slice me for this, but if loveLy Shaniya was an equally adorable white girl from the suburbs, I bet you attention and media would be there.

In any case,I will keep aware of developments via here and twitter. I think it's time I get an account there.
Does North Carolina let media into their court rooms?

I am only familiar with the "surface" details of the case but I would like to do more research so that I can follow along better.

Justice for Shaniya! Those people may have done horrible, unspeakable things to her. But we here will remember her bright smiling face -- she is that way forevermore in heaven.

I agree.

And I'm not sure I could actually watch this one. I feel like too much of my heart is in it.
I already know enough of the gruesome details to haunt me my entire lifetime. I had to take several WS breaks while following the unfolding case early on because I thought I was going crazy.

Knowing the trial starts tomorrow is a roller coaster for me. I'm beyond excited that justice is closer. I'm horrified of the details that are going to come out.


Yes, NC and at least some of its counties allow cameras in the courtrooms. I don't know if there are rules, etc., that would disallow certain trials. There is a fair amount of set-up that would need to be done, and it has to happen in a courtroom where the jury would not be in view of the camera.

I think I indeed would like to see this one. I want to see that dayam smirk wiped off his face right there in the courtroom. And I would think that Cumberland County would have its brightest and best people in that courtroom prosecuting that soulless MAM for what he did.

I also want to know if little Shaniya's mother had any idea what was going to happen, meaning rape & death. Maybe she was too dependent on whatever drug she was "needing" to care. Had she loaned her little girl out to this man before? Was his intent only to use Shaniya to take pictures of her to sell & put out in whatever venues that stuff goes and "something" happened? Some of those questions might not come out of a trial for MAM but maybe in AD's trial, but I want to know because I just don't (thankfully) know how this malignancy works.

And I want other potential child pornographers to see this man get the death penalty because of what he did to Shaniya's trust & innocence and what he prolly would have done to any child he could possess as he did Shaniya.

This inhuman and inhumane part of evil needs to get in the faces of people who can do something about it -- and I think this trial being on TV would help to expose it. A few pictures of one little girl can be reproduced many, many times & copies sold to so many people or companies eager to sell as many copies as they get. Dollars, dollars dollars, and it feeds the minds and "et cetera" of those who want to view it over & over. The regular public needs to see how easily & quickly it can be done. It doesn't happen just in other parts of the world -- it happens everywhere and it could be happening in the house next door.

I want to see him brought down, and I want thousands of people to see it, too. There are a lot of people on Websleuths alone who cannot physically be in the courtroom, but want to show their support en masse to the prosecutors, to her family members who loved her and made her feel happy and safe.

Anything we can do to punish the participants and to expose the awfulness of child *advertiser censored* should be done, & I think airing it on TV would speak volumes and show in-your-face evil.

End of mini-rant...
He's going down and I'm sure we will see photos.
The smirk will be gone. I'm positive about that.

If we see video footage or not, justice will be done IMO.
I agree.

And I'm not sure I could actually watch this one. I feel like too much of my heart is in it.
I already know enough of the gruesome details to haunt me my entire lifetime. I had to take several WS breaks while following the unfolding case early on because I thought I was going crazy.

Knowing the trial starts tomorrow is a roller coaster for me. I'm beyond excited that justice is closer. I'm horrified of the details that are going to come out.


Oh my, Kimberlyd, you sweet tender-hearted thing. I'm glad that you know where to come when you do want details. It is just unimaginable for regular day-to-day folks to hear about. My mom was that way -- she knew evil existed and that some of it was beyond her comprehension, and she wouldn't watch it nor would she read much about it. She somehow just couldn't -- she was just too gentle to get anywhere close to it even though it was "far away" -- in the newspaper or on the TV news. She would stay on it enuff to know what was going on, but she did not need the details -- especially when it involved little children. So I do understand.

I am more of the vengeful type, I guess. I want to know what was done (to some extent, but maybe not all) and who was accused of doing it; I want to pray for those whose loss was seemingly too great to bear; and I want to see earthly justice done, knowing that it does not always happen, but knowing it WILL come. Grrrrrr.
Miss Borndem daaahling... You know I follow mostly DV cases, children murder is too much for me. But I have to be strong enough and be here with you all, watching justice being served. I will never understand why these women get to have children while others -me included- are never given such a wonderful gift.

Yes, Little Miss Wednesday, we do need you here with us on this one. We will each need the others to lean on, b*tch & rant & rave to, to laff & cry with, and to triumph with. (Ack! I just murdered the English language 4 times with those dayammed prepositions hangin' off those phrases....)

And something that you do for me, each time you post, unbeknownst to you, is your avatar of Wednesday Friday Addams. Seeing her with her recently guillotined-by-her-brother doll makes me grin each time I see her. So thanks for Wednesday.
Oh my, Kimberlyd, you sweet tender-hearted thing. I'm glad that you know where to come when you do want details. It is just unimaginable for regular day-to-day folks to hear about. My mom was that way -- she knew evil existed and that some of it was beyond her comprehension, and she wouldn't watch it nor would she read much about it. She somehow just couldn't -- she was just too gentle to get anywhere close to it even though it was "far away" -- in the newspaper or on the TV news. She would stay on it enuff to know what was going on, but she did not need the details -- especially when it involved little children. So I do understand.

I am more of the vengeful type, I guess. I want to know what was done (to some extent, but maybe not all) and who was accused of doing it; I want to pray for those whose loss was seemingly too great to bear; and I want to see earthly justice done, knowing that it does not always happen, but knowing it WILL come. Grrrrrr.

I can handle a lot. But this case is different for me.
I pretty much lived this case 24/7 for months/years and Shaniya has a huge piece of my heart.

I will follow all that is available but sitting here watching a live trial on this case daily would be torture.

I am confident that the two monsters will be convicted.
Hullo again, Mz. Kaffee-Klatcher! Yes, "mom" has her own little docket which can be seen here:

Her court date is 04/08/2013 for the following offenses:


The penalties of all these charges, if convicted have ranges, according to prior offenses, and if the particular crime was mitigated, presumptive or aggravated.

Of course, in NC, 1st Murder is LWOP (absolutely no early release -- it is indeed life) or Death; 1st Degree Rape, Child and Sexual Offense with Child -- each are as little as 12 years, and as much as 40 years, but it can range up to Life; the others range from max of 4 yrs; max of 5 years; and max of 15 years.

So, she's gonna be looking at possibly 3 life sentences (or 1 Life and 2 @ 40 years each) and about 25 more years. That's enuff to satisfy me, if anything on this earth is...

If these are ruled aggravated -- and I'm thinking they would be -- she'll be locked up until Judgement Day. And then it will begin again.

AD has a court date today-am I reading that right? I tried to figure out how to view her docket but I can't figure it out ATM. :blushing:
Could you or another poster kindly tell me how to view it? TIA!
Fayetteville man faces rape, murder trial in girl's 2009 death
Forty-one months after a 5-year-old Fayetteville girl's battered body was found in a kudzu patch, the capital murder case of the man accused of raping and killing her starts Monday.
Jury selection in the case is expected to last at least a week, as prosecutors and defense attorneys question prospective jurors at length about their views on capital punishment.
Mario McNeill's murder trial in killing of Shaniya Davis set to begin
The capital murder trial for Mario Andrette McNeill, the man accused of killing 5-year-old Shaniya Davis, begins this morning in Cumberland County Superior Court.
Jury selection is expected to take at least two weeks.
McNeill, 32, will face a jury that could sentence him to death. Charges against him include first-degree murder, child rape, kidnapping, child abuse, human trafficking and sexual exploitation of a child.
Cumberland County District Attorney Billy West anticipates the entire trial to last about six to eight weeks.
Jury Selection Begins In Trial Of Man Accused Of Rape, Murder of 5-Year-Old Shaniya Davis
Jury selection begins today in a Cumberland County courtroom in the murder trial of Mario Andrette McNeill who is accused in the rape and murder of 5-year-old Shaniya Davis in 2009.
Jury selection to start in Shaniya Davis murder trial
The trial for one of the most notorious murder cases in the state in the last decade begins Monday
I also want to know if little Shaniya's mother had any idea what was going to happen, meaning rape & death. Maybe she was too dependent on whatever drug she was "needing" to care. Had she loaned her little girl out to this man before? Was his intent only to use Shaniya to take pictures of her to sell & put out in whatever venues that stuff goes and "something" happened? Some of those questions might not come out of a trial for MAM but maybe in AD's trial, but I want to know because I just don't (thankfully) know how this malignancy works.

Snipped by me.

I wanted to address this part earlier and I forgot.

There is evidence that Shaniya may have been raped at the mothers/aunts home the night before.
The minor brother's statement, the feces covered porch railings, the blanket...

So, my opinion on this (and its just an opinion) is that Shaniya's little body was badly damaged prior to that morning (it pains me to type that) and AD knew the gig was up.

She would eventually have to return Shaniya to her aunt/Father and knew Shaniya would tell or that the injuries would be obvious.

IMO she let MAM take her early that morning knowing full well Shaniya would never be back.

She hoped her lame kidnapping story would hold up and she would get away with selling her daughter.

AD has a court date today-am I reading that right? I tried to figure out how to view her docket but I can't figure it out ATM. :blushing:
Could you or another poster kindly tell me how to view it? TIA!

Good Morning, twall! Yes, you are reading AD's court date correctly!

Her dates have not changed for a while. Weeks ago, or more, both of them had the same court date, as they still do -- I think because the DA's office was figuring out which case they wanted to try first. And they simply have not changed hers -- the Senior Resident Sup. Ct. Judge holds planning meetings, usually once a quarter, with the DA & Defense teams for upcoming cases and they schedule trials according to their own schedules. AD's date may simply be as-is just because they have not had a chance to put a real date on it. I don't really know...

To get (limited) info on NC county court dates, here is a link. It is fairly self-explanatory from there. Some counties post their schedules earlier and for longer periods of time than others, so the amount of info per county varies.
Fayetteville man faces rape, murder trial in girl's 2009 death
Forty-one months after a 5-year-old Fayetteville girl's battered body was found in a kudzu patch, the capital murder case of the man accused of raping and killing her starts Monday.
Jury selection in the case is expected to last at least a week, as prosecutors and defense attorneys question prospective jurors at length about their views on capital punishment.
Mario McNeill's murder trial in killing of Shaniya Davis set to begin
The capital murder trial for Mario Andrette McNeill, the man accused of killing 5-year-old Shaniya Davis, begins this morning in Cumberland County Superior Court.
Jury selection is expected to take at least two weeks.
McNeill, 32, will face a jury that could sentence him to death. Charges against him include first-degree murder, child rape, kidnapping, child abuse, human trafficking and sexual exploitation of a child.
Cumberland County District Attorney Billy West anticipates the entire trial to last about six to eight weeks.
Jury Selection Begins In Trial Of Man Accused Of Rape, Murder of 5-Year-Old Shaniya Davis
Jury selection begins today in a Cumberland County courtroom in the murder trial of Mario Andrette McNeill who is accused in the rape and murder of 5-year-old Shaniya Davis in 2009.
Jury selection to start in Shaniya Davis murder trial
The trial for one of the most notorious murder cases in the state in the last decade begins Monday

Did any of these news outlets provide more coverage than the others in 2009? Noticed that if a lot of web hits are made to a site - they often provide more coverage. That is often the case in Florida - so just wondering where to put attention - when I have very limited time. Thanks.
Snipped by me.

I wanted to address this part earlier and I forgot.

There is evidence that Shaniya may have been raped at the mothers/aunts home the night before.
The minor brother's statement, the feces covered porch railings, the blanket...

So, my opinion on this (and its just an opinion) is that Shaniya's little body was badly damaged prior to that morning (it pains me to type that) and AD knew the gig was up.

She would eventually have to return Shaniya to her aunt/Father and knew Shaniya would tell or that the injuries would be obvious.

IMO she let MAM take her early that morning knowing full well Shaniya would never be back.

She hoped her lame kidnapping story would hold up and she would get away with selling her daughter.


Ugh, that makes a lot of sense, Kimberlyd -- so hard to say that! But I do remember the horrible details from her brother about the blanket, etc., and MAM giving Shaniya something to make her sleepy, etc., etc.

It makes a lot of sense
-- and that certainly would bring AD much, much closer to, essentially, a conspiracy with MAM for him to "take care of the problem," and the disappearance sounds pretty logical. But stupid, IMO, for her to think that LE would take her word for it, look around some, and eventually put it in a cold case file.
Did any of these news outlets provide more coverage than the others in 2009? Noticed that if a lot of web hits are made to a site - they often provide more coverage. That is often the case in Florida - so just wondering where to put attention - when I have very limited time. Thanks.

I'm not sure Karen in New York, maybe some of our locals can let us know.

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