NC - Shaniya Davis, 5, Fayetteville, 10 Nov 2009 - Allegedly sold by mother #22

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Would the police even need a search warrant? Maybe the owner of the mh gave permission. I'm not sure how that works since I've never been in a situation like that.

I don't know if they would need one or not. If so, I would think the mh park manager or owner would have to give permission too.

But I do know they took bags of evidence and photos; therefore, I would think there would have to be a formal report.

If there is one, I would love to see it because it looked like they took quite a bit of things out of the home.
The renter would have to give permision for the trailer to be searched if there was not warrant.
When was the MH searched?
If she was still out of jail, could they have claimed exigent circumstances, like fear of evidence destruction and gone in without a warrant?
Okay, here's the thing. People talk about prositution as if there is some sort of organization or rules about it. I do not think AD was a prostitute in the sense that she had a pimp, a corner, etc. I think she was that more casual sort of prostitute you see alot with drug abuse. In other words, willing if approached to perform sexual acts for either money (to be later used to purchase drugs) or drugs themselves. I think sometimes people have an image of prostitution, mostly from tv shows, that is not the sort of prostitute I believe AD was/is. Also- I am pretty sure that no one has suggested any evidence that supports AD being a prostitute at the time of her conception.

I know, I was kind of being facitious. I don't think AD was a one night stand and I don't think BL didn't know her lifestyle. jmo
I have seen that posted here but I do not know that that has ever been stated by anyone connected to the case. Based on what I have seen released regarding MAM I feel he is not AB sister's (true leasor of trailer) boyfriend but simply AB's drug dealer who she apparently owed a drub debt to but I guess it is possible he was both. I just have never seen any "evidence" that he is associated with the occupants of the trailer outside of being a "dealer"

I agree. Plus, he was living with AA with whom he has one child and another on the way. AA stated in a TV interview she was friends with BD and that BD was having a baby with her brother. This was mentioned and linked here on WS.
Let me begin by saying I am in no way meaning this to sound like I am racial. Some of my best friends are AA, so color means nothing to me.

That being said, his friend stated on the other board that this is the first time BL's fiance has met any of his family and they have supposedly been together for 8 months.

Is is possible since his fiance is caucasion, BL didn't want her to know his past history of dating AA women and has biracial children; therefore, he didn't want her to know about Shaniya?


I am picking up this also. I haven't seen in videos or vigil- have you?
I do think he was planning to move and hence why Shaniya was sent to AD.
It's a pattern with him.
Maybe finance did not know about any of his children?
There's going to be more revealed in this case. IMHO
I think BL knew at least the tip of the iceberg. I still don't know how much he knew. Probably quite a bit, but AD does seem to be a pretty good billschnit artist.

I really do think it was a one night stand. That doesn't mean that he only met her that day, or that he didn't know her in passing after. Just that there was no relationship. They hooked up once, had sex once, and that was supposed to be the end of it.

MOO, Total MOO.
Would the police even need a search warrant? Maybe the owner of the mh gave permission. I'm not sure how that works since I've never been in a situation like that.

I think since AD is the one who contact LE via 911 they would have immediately searched the mh for evidence pertaining to Shaniya, where she might have disappeared to etc. After AD became a suspect I am sure a warrant was granted for probable cause and would also imagine the warrant was as general and far reaching as LE could get it.
I agree. Plus, he was living with AA with whom he has one child and another on the way. AA stated in a TV interview she was friends with BD and that BD was having a baby with her brother. This was mentioned and linked here on WS.

Where did she say they were friends? i have only seen the interview on the porch where she says she knew AD, they didn't get along, but she didn't wish this on anybody, regardless. (Paraphrased, my own ghetto translation.)

I really want to see this interview now, any idea what thread? I'll gladly go look.

I hate missing stuff.
Let me begin by saying I am in no way meaning this to sound like I am racial. Some of my best friends are AA, so color means nothing to me.

That being said, his friend stated on the other board that this is the first time BL's fiance has met any of his family and they have supposedly been together for 8 months.

Is is possible since his fiance is caucasion, BL didn't want her to know his past history of dating AA women and has biracial children; therefore, he didn't want her to know about Shaniya?


IMO, I don't think so as all of his children, that we've seen thus far, are bi-racial.
I believe the sexual abuse started the weekend Aunt Carey dropped her off. IMO, this is behind the "you'll never see Shaniya again remark." IMO, this is behind her not attending school. IMO, this is behind Coe's cryptic remarks "She was never in the living room."

Drug addicts do what they need to do to support their habit. Max out credit cards, write hot checks, spend rent/grocery/diaper money, sell their belongings, lie, beg, borrow, steal others belongings to sell/trade for drugs, and prostitute themselves.

IMO, AD had lost the ability to prostitute herself for her drugs due to her sexual relationship with Coe.
I think the abuse started shortly after Shaniya arrived at the trailer with AD as well. I also think that's the reason she was never enrolled in school. What I can't figure out is why MAM took her to a hotel. Did he have no where else to go with her? I have figured that he obviously had a little more money that AD because he at least was able to retain an attorney (for awhile anyway...however, his attorney isn't representing him on these charges because his expertise is limited to district court so he says wondering about that myself). :waitasec: And where could he have murdered her, in his vehicle somewhere? Police have stated that he left the hotel with her alive.
Let me begin by saying I am in no way meaning this to sound like I am racial. Some of my best friends are AA, so color means nothing to me.

That being said, his friend stated on the other board that this is the first time BL's fiance has met any of his family and they have supposedly been together for 8 months.

Is is possible since his fiance is caucasion, BL didn't want her to know his past history of dating AA women and has biracial children; therefore, he didn't want her to know about Shaniya?


8 months? Seriously? If she's from Utah it is definitely possible. I don't see alot blatant racism here, but, alot of people don't date outside their religion let alone marry outside their race.
I am picking up this also. I haven't seen in videos or vigil- have you?
I do think he was planning to move and hence why Shaniya was sent to AD.
It's a pattern with him.
Maybe finance did not know about any of his children?
There's going to be more revealed in this case. IMHO

ITA. 8 months is a long time to date someone and never introduce her to your family.

She may have known about his grown children, but just their names, not their race. She probably had never even seen any pictures.
I would almost bet she didn't even know about Shaniya.

The fiance is pictured with him at one of the Pressers and at the vigil. In one picture I saw her engagement ring.

The friend said she and BL work together and that is how they met.a

He apparently has been out of town since Oct. 2nd. In my past work place experience, I have met many people who contract that live out of state.

They would often work a 5 day work week and fly home just for the weekend. BL couldn't find time to do this in 6 weeks?

Sorry, I don't buy it.
ITA. 8 months is a long time to date someone and never introduce her to your family.

The may have known their names, but not their race and probably had never even seen any pictures.

She is pictured with him at one of the Pressers and also she is the one to his left at the vigil. In one picture I saw her engagement ring.

The friend said she and BL work together and that is how they met.

He apparently has been out of town since Oct. 2nd. In my past work place experience, I have met many people who contract that live out of state.

They would often work a 5 day work week and fly home just for the weekend. BL couldn't find time to do this in 6 weeks?

Sorry, I don't buy it.

The person that posted about it on the other site said she works for the same company as him and travels to the same jobs as he does. So, she is gone from home a lot like he is. IMO
8 months? Seriously? If she's from Utah it is definitely possible. I don't see alot blatant racism here, but, alot of people don't date outside their religion let alone marry outside their race.

Is it possible that she never met his family because he never met hers? Is it possible that she knew about his children and she was ashamed of them, therefore, they decided to forgo meeting each other's families until she was more comfortable?
Just posing alternate ideas.
I think the abuse started shortly after Shaniya arrived at the trailer with AD as well. I also think that's the reason she was never enrolled in school. What I can't figure out is why MAM took her to a hotel. Did he have no where else to go with her? I have figured that he obviously had a little more money that AD because he at least was able to retain an attorney (for awhile anyway...however, his attorney isn't representing him on these charges because his expertise is limited to district court so he says wondering about that myself). :waitasec: And where could he have murdered her, in his vehicle somewhere? Police have stated that he left the hotel with her alive.

Respectfully BBM

I also find the hotel thing confusing. If the sexual abuse began when Shaniya arrived at trailer then why suddenly, all these weeks later, does MAM take her off to a hotel? Why does he let himself be seen on video with little angel? If he did not know he was on video then why not just kill her at the hotel? Why then leave the hotel and then murder her somewhere enroute to the dumpsite?? Why if momster was on board with the abuse does she then call 911. So many whys in this case, so many questions, too few answers.
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