Found Safe NC - Shaylie Madden, 7-week-old infant, Biltmore Park in Asheville, 9 May 2019 *Arrest*

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It’s so sad that years later this sweet pea will know her “mother” threw her away.
I hope her and her siblings are surrounded by love forever.

It is baffling to me. The older sister looks very healthy and happy and well cared for. Why would she throw her newborn down a ravine but care lovingly for the 1st daughter?

I am leaning towards postpartum.
It did not work for me but I just searched her name and found her profile. I was unable to find the tab Gardenista mentioned. I assume that’s because I’m on mobile right now.

Yes from a computer you can click on the friends and there are different categories. First time I've seen work but it's there.

I love that people are raising awareness for PPD/PPP. I wonder if Krista had been assessed for it? I'm guessing she may have been returning to work soon, perhaps that triggered a psychotic break?

I do understand that this appears premeditated. I just want to wait and see if there is more to come before I crucify her. That's all. There is more than enough crucifying going around already.
It is baffling to me. The older sister looks very healthy and happy and well cared for. Why would she throw her newborn down a ravine but care lovingly for the 1st daughter?

I am leaning towards postpartum.
If she has postpartum psychosis, why wasn't the 2-year-old in the car when Krista and the baby were "kidnapped" by the nonexistent kidnappers in Krista's hallucination?

Was the two-year-old child intentionally left at the safe apartment?
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That part I can understand. It’s the throwing in the car seat that makes no sense. IMO that baby was in the car seat to have only gotten scrapes and bruises. It’s the car seat that has me puzzled if she was intent on killing her. Something about all of it doesn’t make any sense to me. The rest seems thought out, but that part has me stumped. MOO
Again, I am no source on PPP, but keeping the little girl in the car seat when she threw her, seems more calculated to me somehow. Maybe she wanted LE to think the nappers only wanted the car. Perhaps she thought that angle would reinforce a "car-napping" story -- that the "car-nappers" would freak and get rid of the baby & car seat since they only wanted the car -- not the baby, the car seat, and not her. That seems more an action of someone with planning and forethought, however lame it turned out to be. SMH. JMO
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I have no idea if this is what happened with Shaylie, but following the news has shown there are many staged child abductions which were created to cover up other crimes.

There is a very famous missing child whose mom trained for one year as a anesthesiologist (Krista is nurse anesthetist) but famous missing child's mom was kicked out of the anesthesiology residency and had to become a general practitioner in Britain. Her husband is also a physician.
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It was not clear who had custody of the child. Police said they did not know, except that social services was involved. Madden's husband, Jesse, declined to comment.
Police: Asheville mom accused of attempted murder threw baby down ravine, faked kidnapping

Not clear who had custody? Had. Was there a custody battle?
Every family dynamic is different, I realize that, but his declining to comment, IMHO, is odd. Maybe he was just too shocked, or angry, or sad -- IDK. But I think it's odd.
Again, JMO.
Every family dynamic is different, I realize that, but his declining to comment, IMHO, is odd. Maybe he was just too shocked, or angry, or sad -- IDK. But I think it's odd.
Again, JMO.
You'd think he's say something to the effect of "My wife is very mentally ill at this time. She has been a good mother."
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Yes from a computer you can click on the friends and there are different categories. First time I've seen work but it's there.

I love that people are raising awareness for PPD/PPP. I wonder if Krista had been assessed for it? I'm guessing she may have been returning to work soon, perhaps that triggered a psychotic break?

I do understand that this appears premeditated. I just want to wait and see if there is more to come before I crucify her. That's all. There is more than enough crucifying going around already.
Yes, I'm back & forth on this one, too. She looked very drained in the pic of her in court, but that may be because of where she has been WRT LE and being worried about her charges, being in custody, or maybe faking it. Or she could truly be dis-jointed from reality.It could be that this pregnancy was really rough on her, or perhaps they were not planning another child. Who knoze?

We certainly won't hear from her medical/mental testing, etc., results any time soon. Maybe we'll hear a bit more from LE or the family -- dunno.
We're about to go into that "long, silent time" that comes after an arrest and charges are made -- just waiting for only tidbits until the trial starts or a plea is made.
Yes, I'm back & forth on this one, too. She looked very drained in the pic of her in court, but that may be because of where she has been WRT LE and being worried about her charges, being in custody, or maybe faking it. Or she could truly be dis-jointed from reality.
We certainly won't hear from her medical/mental testing, etc., results any time soon. Maybe we'll hear a bit more from LE or the family -- dunno.
We're heading for that "long, silent time" that comes after an arrest is made -- just waiting for only tidbits until the trial starts or a plea is made.
When standing in front of the judge, she stated the names of her two different defense attorneys. She's definitely oriented to reality that she's in deep trouble.
If she has postpartum psychosis, why wasn't the 2-year-old in the car when Krista and the baby were "kidnapped" by the nonexistent kidnappers in Krista's hallucination?

Was the two-year-old child intentionally left at the safe apartment?

In some post partum cases, the mother is not psychotic. She can be severely depressed, severely out of whack hormonally and emotionally, and feel a compulsion to get rid of the new child, inexplicably. It is such a weird and tragic illness.

Maybe she doesn't have it and she is just evil. But it doesn't seem like it, looking at recent history. So I am baffled by her violent actions.
3. The phrase "postpartum depression" will be used in this comment to refer to themost severe syndrome of postpartum depression. Most scientists agree that there are three distinct categories within what is commonly referred to as postpartum depression.

The first is the most common, occurring in fifty to eighty percent of all women after childbirth, and is known as the "baby blues."

The second form occurs in eight to twelve percent of all women, ismore severe than the first, and is termed "postpartum depression." "What's becoming conven-tional is for the term 'postpartum depression' to describe the middle range-clinical depressionthat is not psychotic." Mansnerus, Disturbing Questions on the Darkest Side of Postpartum Blues, N.Y. Times, Oct. 12, 1988, § B, at 1, col. 1.

The last form, which is the most severe form of this illness is puerperal psychosis, or the psychosis which occurs after childbirth.

See generallyW. BROWN, PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE DURING PREGNANCY AND THE POSTPARTUMPERIOD 117-36 (1979); Lee, Postpartum Emotional Disorders, 30 MED. TRIAL TECH. Q.286 (1984). It is this last, severe form of postpartum depression that this comment will focus on.
She said she "saw" kidnappers who the police say were nonexistent. She is trying to present as psychotic (postpartum psychosis) because seeing things that aren't there would be a visual hallucination. Hallucinations and delusions occur in psychosis. Psychosis is a huge step beyond being depressed.

Another part of her story that doesn't fit with the diagnosis of postpartum psychosis is that she threw the baby down the ravine, yet the nonexistent kidnappers were supposed to have committed this crime.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (where she would have assumed the identity of the black or red- haired kidnapper) has never been associated with postpartum psychosis that I can find in the medical literature. So it's extremely unlikely that in her alleged psychosis she assumed the identity of one of her nonexistent kidnappers.

In addition, in her alleged hallucination, she was the victim. She won't be able to claim DID made her throw her baby down the cliff as that doesn't fit with her stated hallucination (victim description) and it isn't supported in the medical literature as being associated with postpartum depression.
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I hope some very wise, university pediatricians examined Shaylie and dated her bruises and she was given a drug tox screen.

Exhausted non-psychotic moms can irrationally lash out upon their children.

Exhausted moms who are nurse anesthetists have access to medications to make non-resting children (and adults) go to sleep.
If she has postpartum psychosis, why wasn't the 2-year-old in the car when Krista and the baby were "kidnapped" by the nonexistent kidnappers in Krista's hallucination?

Was the two-year-old child intentionally left at the safe apartment?
I believe the older child will soon be 4, so she may be in a preschool program or something.
Probably a Nanny. Mission has a child development program for employees. I wouldn’t use it. But it’s there.
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