Found Deceased NC - Stephanie Mayorga, 27, & Paige Escalera, 25, Wilmington, 15 Apr 2020

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How do we know they were going 100 mph? Is that just a guess from LE or from the witnesses that were in the car in front of them, looking through their rear view mirror? How would anyone know how fast they were going? Doesn’t look like that much damage to the car if they were really going 100 mph. MOO

That's true. Perhaps I'm too stuck on the speed estimate.

Still, as we know from the Hart case, there are now technological ways to know the exact last actions and speed of a car just prior to crash impact - through internal blackbox data. And in that case they were able to discern that the Hart car was accelerating off the cliff, brakes were not applied, no attempt was made to course-correct, and it was going roughly 70 miles per hour.

I don't know if a 2013 Dodge Dart would have this kind of technology on board. Perhaps we will never know exactly what caused the crash. Two young lives were tragically lost, no matter the reason.

I do have some questions about how long it took for the authorities to discover the crash site. However, it's up to the bereaved families involved whether or not to pursue this further (if they have concerns regarding the overall response by LE).
Glad the girls were finally found.
Not sure they were going 100 mph, but if you clipped a wall or structure and lost control of the car I can see how they ended up where they did. If the car went head on with a wall it would not have veered off, so if it only hit one side and kept going, how is it high velocity? Very confusing. Both are still in the car, no attempts to get out? This was not a head on collision. So both are found, still in the car, not car parts strewn around on the road or on the tracks into the woods! No broken lights or anything!!
That's true. Perhaps I'm too stuck on the speed estimate.

Still, as we know from the Hart case, there are now technological ways to know the exact last actions and speed of a car just prior to crash impact - through internal blackbox data. And in that case they were able to discern that the Hart car was accelerating off the cliff, brakes were not applied, no attempt was made to course-correct, and it was going roughly 70 miles per hour.

I don't know if a 2013 Dodge Dart would have this kind of technology on board. Perhaps we will never know exactly what caused the crash. Two young lives were tragically lost, no matter the reason.

I do have some questions about how long it took for the authorities to discover the crash site. However, it's up to the bereaved families involved whether or not to pursue this further (if they have concerns regarding the overall response by LE).
I saw in another thread that the box analytics are available in this model and year car.
The general local outrage around LE and the 911 call is fairly centered around their lack of acting on things. I’ve had no reason to need them so have no personal experience but we’ll say, overall, their “Yelp reviews” seem to be a “3/10 would recommend”. That being said, and knowing one of the family members and it just being a small community here... I think/hope it’ll be pressed to get a WHY did this happen and in what way and WHY was it handled the way it was.
Maybe, with so little cold hard cash in their pockets that they are selling anything not nailed down, they are also on WIC.

In that case, they might choose a non-chain store because non-chain stores might not include line-item descriptions in their cash register coding; in which case I don't think you have to hew to nutritional guidelines. The clerk is supposed to keep you on track vis-a-vis nutritional guidelines, but I lived in the Bronx for a decade and trust me, at the bodegas that just hand you a receipt with dollars and cents on it; no clerk does.
WIC is for pregnant women or children under age 5-do either of those scenarios fit for Paige or Stephanie...?
That's true. Perhaps I'm too stuck on the speed estimate.

Still, as we know from the Hart case, there are now technological ways to know the exact last actions and speed of a car just prior to crash impact - through internal blackbox data. And in that case they were able to discern that the Hart car was accelerating off the cliff, brakes were not applied, no attempt was made to course-correct, and it was going roughly 70 miles per hour.

I don't know if a 2013 Dodge Dart would have this kind of technology on board. Perhaps we will never know exactly what caused the crash. Two young lives were tragically lost, no matter the reason.

I do have some questions about how long it took for the authorities to discover the crash site. However, it's up to the bereaved families involved whether or not to pursue this further (if they have concerns regarding the overall response by LE).
BBM I totally agree. If I were a family member, I would demand some answers. It makes no sense that they didn’t search that area extensively the next day, especially with everyone knowing these two girls were missing. SMH
I don’t understand how anyone right now, could possibly know they were going 100 mph. I don’t believe they were going that fast. MOO
I would love to see a picture of the front end of the car because that does not look like anything close to being a 100mph crash, at that speed i would expect to see the impact showing signs of crumpling front door and the a pillars and even though it looks like the windshield may be smashed the roof line looks perfect.

To me that looks like a crash i would expect people to survive IF they were wearing seatbelts, The question is were they wearing seat belts and were they alive after the initial impact and could they have been saved if LE had found them sooner?

A few small details seem a bit off here to me but will wait for further info to come out.
Could have been madly in love. Did anyone ever think of that? Young and in love and out on a “joy ride” during this horrible pandemic bc what else are you going to do when your young and in love and invisible and you know more than likely you aren’t going to get pulled over bc what cop wants to take the risk of getting covid due to a traffic stop... they were going too fast and got into an accident . The people who brought up heroin and drugs and everything else should go take a look in the mirror and ask themselves why in the hell do they have to be so judgmental and what is it in their lives that is making them so angry to accuse and blame people they do not even know enough to make ridiculous accusations such as the ones made. I really do not know what happened here but I am satisfied that the family of these two beautiful girls will get some closure .
Could have been madly in love. Did anyone ever think of that? Young and in love and out on a “joy ride” during this horrible pandemic bc what else are you going to do when your young and in love and invisible and you know more than likely you aren’t going to get pulled over bc what cop wants to take the risk of getting covid due to a traffic stop... they were going too fast and got into an accident . The people who brought up heroin and drugs and everything else should go take a look in the mirror and ask themselves why in the hell do they have to be so judgmental and what is it in their lives that is making them so angry to accuse and blame people they do not even know enough to make ridiculous accusations such as the ones made. I really do not know what happened here but I am satisfied that the family of these two beautiful girls will get some closure .

It is possible, I know here in my city alot of people are being charged for speeding, it has gone up since Covid. Emptier roads less cops on the roads. Three ding dings were caught skateboarding on the highway yesterday. If the car went airborne, would that account for less damage?

They both have recent DWI so it is not surprising people are speculating some intoxication may have been involved, but I haven't seen anything that shows that they were in to heavy drugs.
I'm not going to blame or shame Law Enforcement but i hope something can been learned from this snafu and tragedy. This was said in the first presser-a week after girls were reported missing and the 911 call. Obviously the connection wasnt made until one more week.
"Wilmington Police Captain Thomas Tilmon said while it’s not unusual for people in their 20s to be spontaneous, it is unusual that the women did not come back home, and also left all their property in the home. In addition, neither woman has been in touch with any family members since their disappearance."
I wonder if “100 mph” is just a figure out speech for they seemed to be going very fast. Like others said, not sure if going airborne would cause less damage. Because if you look up YouTube videos of 100 mph crashes, including the Mythbuster one going straight into a wall, the damage is catastrophic to the car.
Could have been madly in love. Did anyone ever think of that? Young and in love and out on a “joy ride” during this horrible pandemic bc what else are you going to do when your young and in love and invisible and you know more than likely you aren’t going to get pulled over bc what cop wants to take the risk of getting covid due to a traffic stop... they were going too fast and got into an accident . The people who brought up heroin and drugs and everything else should go take a look in the mirror and ask themselves why in the hell do they have to be so judgmental and what is it in their lives that is making them so angry to accuse and blame people they do not even know enough to make ridiculous accusations such as the ones made. I really do not know what happened here but I am satisfied that the family of these two beautiful girls will get some closure .
Uh...? Nobody is being judgemental. Accidents do happen. Some could be prevented though. People are being nothing but respectful here. Everyone has the right to say "I believe something else could be here", nobody is saying "they for sure did heroin" or "they were on drugs 100%" or "this is nothing but a murder-suicide". We discuss stuff here, we don't know much of what actually happened and, in my opinion, many things that were said here make a loooooot of sense. Maybe it was just an accident, maybe it was more than that. And there's a lot of things here that sound really weird to me. It needs to be investigated. I'm sorry if these opinions/discussion hurts or bothers you though.
I wonder if “100 mph” is just a figure out speech for they seemed to be going very fast. Like others said, not sure if going airborne would cause less damage. Because if you look up YouTube videos of 100 mph crashes, including the Mythbuster one going straight into a wall, the damage is catastrophic to the car.
I think you are absolutely correct. I can see someone saying "they were going like a 100 miles an hour". Has it been said when the witness saw the car out of their rear view mirror if the car had passed them going the other direction before or if it was going the same direction and they only saw the car behind them to gauge speed.
I think you are absolutely correct. I can see someone saying "they were going like a 100 miles an hour". Has it been said when the witness saw the car out of their rear view mirror if the car had passed them going the other direction before or if it was going the same direction and they only saw the car behind them to gauge speed.

They were going the opposite direction, so it would have to been a figure of speech if you ask me.
Also my question. Only thing I can come up with is due to the Stay at home orders in NC business and traffic would be servery reduced and easier to go unnoticed. I don't understand how EMS/Police didn't find the car when reported. I feel like there had to be a path made in the woods if a car is traveling at 100 mph.
Yesterday, on YouTube, there was a picture and a map showing where their car was found. I noticed a very sharp curve, also, I am confused about what is meant by "deep in the woods" as there were some woods nearby but not very much. By looking at the picture of the woods, this one part could be seen as very woody, but there was also a bridge nearby, a small pond and an apartment complex. The patch of trees was thick but a very small group. I think about their last movements, buying 21 dollars of snacks, the time of night it was, it looked "uneventful", we'll never know exactly what was going on. It appeared as if they were planning and working towards their future, I did read that Paige's sister said that she easily and frequently became ill, one of them said that they found the one "to hold her hand" the rest of her life, I believe that. The fact that they were blocking friends from social sites, though, leads me to think that something else may of been going on or not and it all was an accident of some sort.

Yeah, I don't understand getting $21 dollars of snacks before you plan to kill yourself in a high-speed collision... I mean, on one hand I suppose there's no reason to go out hungry if you're never again going to worry about calories; but I can also think of better things to do in/with my last moments. Unless half of that was spent on beer/cider, etc., it seems unlikely.
'Cruising' at 100 mph, though? That's 160 kmph. I'm just finding it hard to wrap my head around that amount of speed as being normal or accidental.
I have not read all the way to the end yet in the thread, but I wanted to weigh in. I have had some school mates (more than one) die from excessive speeds and one had a passenger in with him. I am still thinking it was an accident and that they were going for a drive. I think whoever was driving was going fast for the thrill. Didn't know the road well and missed the stop sign all together, maybe hit the wall at an angle and then bounced off and went into the other side. I think it was dark, so the person looking in their rear view mirror could only guess at what they saw. Could be wrong..JMO
Yeah, I don't understand getting $21 dollars of snacks before you plan to kill yourself in a high-speed collision... I mean, on one hand I suppose there's no reason to go out hungry if you're never again going to worry about calories; but I can also think of better things to do in/with my last moments. Unless half of that was spent on beer/cider, etc., it seems unlikely.
If it was a murder-suicide, the one behind the wheel wound probably want the passenger to think that everything is okay until it's time to actually do it. Big if, though.

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