GUILTY NC - Teghan Skiba, 4, Smithfield, 19 July 2010 #2

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Kelli O'Hara ‏@Kelli_OHara 7m

Judge doesn.t look happy, everyone sent on recess for 15 of the jurors having heart palpitations. #JonathanRichardson #trial

Awww . . . this made me want to cry. If this doesn't say everything . . .
Kelli O'Hara ‏@Kelli_OHara 14m

Kelli O'Hara ‏@Kelli_OHara 14m


How could 'juror having heart palpitations' possibly have been an equipment malfunction?

WTH?? This is too important to get wrong.
dear Lord they are human unlike the savage beast..... :tears: I do hope that "mom" has seen pictures of what she left her darling daughter with....:banghead:

"Mom" should have had to look at every. single. pic. of what was done to precious Teghan, IMO. OOOOOOHHHH, I am just so angry!

It's hard to comment when there aren't even words to use. I just can't form a coherent response to any of this horror.
I'm not buying this "Mom was weak" business.

She was joining the armed forces for gosh sakes.

I truly believe this woman is as sick as the demon on trial. It seems apparent to me that many women have children to use for their own purposes. It may be to get back at a boyfriend, (child support for eighteen years), to collect welfare (professional baby maker... unfortunately I know too many of these), or to live through vicariously. Note, all of those things are bad enough... but usually there is some degree of caring, however misguided. Those women are weak... women like Teghan's mom (and Hailey Dunn's mom, IMO) use their little girls to entice men, and have no qualms about their child being sexually abused if it means boyfriend stays.

I hope this demon's accomplice is treated as such -- a criminal, not a poor oblivious woman. Unless she is mentally disabled, she darn well knew.
It's hard to comment when there aren't even words to use. I just can't form a coherent response to any of this horror.

:ditto: :goodpost:

Many a time on this thread I have just been at a loss for words.
I am not a virgin to the horrors that can and have happened in this world.
But this case, the extremes he seems to have gone's just beyond my comprehension.
Kelli O'Hara ‏@Kelli_OHara 4m

Brain was so damaged, brain matter was starting to ooze out of head Medical Examiner just told jury about #TeghanSkiba in autopsy report.

My God! This is just unbelievable. I weep for the poor baby and at the same time am filled with rage for this creature.

He will never get what he truly deserves in this life and that depresses me.
On the previous thread some one inquired about Twitter - reporter tweeting.

The following are Links you might want to save to FAV or bookmark:

tweets from Heather Moore, TWC (Time Warner Cable) - Raleigh, NC reporter:
Twitter - Heather Moore (TWC)


tweets from Kelli O'Hara, reporter @ WTVD - Raleigh, NC:
Twitter - Kelli O'Hara (WTVD)

I was unable to get here earlier. Thanks to everyone who reported today's session so members like me can catch up.

Sounds like today was a rough one for jurors and Teghan's grandparents. If I could attend this trial, I bear witness.

If anyone on this thread is physically able to attend this trial without it posing a hardship, I hope you will consider it. I hope you will attend the trial and report back to this thread.

Heartfelt thanks.
Yeah I would be having them too, if I had to look at what they are seeing.
Even seeing (or trying NOT to see) it in my mind makes me want to pop a xanax.

If I was in that jury box I would be on heavy duty anti-anxiety meds.

If I was on that jury box I would be staring that *advertiser censored* intently ALL THE TIME. Stare his azz down. Always. I am watching you , I know what you did and you are going DOWN.
I'll betcha this monster won't have that look on his face when he gets to The Big House :jail: . And I hope he will be as terrified of the men on Death Row as Teghan was when he loomed over her.

I'm too angry for words. There aren't any. Incomprehensible.
  1. Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 21m
    Still expecting #TeghanSkiba's mom #HelenReyes to testify this wk against #JonathanRichardson. Don't know if tomorrow or Fri. Back at 9:30am

  2. Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 22m
    Med examiner done testifying. #TeghanSkiba pics were as awful as expected. Her Grandma cried, Grandpa walked out. #JonathanRichardson

  3. Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 25m
    I believe judge & Attnys will talk tomorrow abt outburst towards jurors, giving them all time to review case law. #JonathanRichardson

    • Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 27m
      Obviously #JonathanRichardson trial done for day. Lingering issues: Judge & Attnys didn't talk abt what to do abt lunch outburst to jurors.

    ETA: If this is a duplicate, please excuse and ignore.

can you imagine what they have to live with after this trial?? From the tweets the only one taking in the pictures is the monster....:banghead:

I totally understand, as I would probably fall out too....fall out of the jury box and strangle that monster. But Teghan had to endure the reality of it for 10 days. This is her story to tell, and they need to be strong enough to hear it and give her justice. I hate to say it, but they were picked for this. They apparently went through the procedure and are able to declare death. It will be hard, I am sure none of them will be able to go forward in life the way they were before.

I follow this case and read the tweets only because that is all I can do. She had to do it alone. To imagine her fear, and to take it in for her...even though it is way too late. It is something that I believe I need to do. And something that the jurors should be doing. IMO.
I'm not buying this "Mom was weak" business.

She was joining the armed forces for gosh sakes.

I truly believe this woman is as sick as the demon on trial. It seems apparent to me that many women have children to use for their own purposes. It may be to get back at a boyfriend, (child support for eighteen years), to collect welfare (professional baby maker... unfortunately I know too many of these), or to live through vicariously. Note, all of those things are bad enough... but usually there is some degree of caring, however misguided. Those women are weak... women like Teghan's mom (and Hailey Dunn's mom, IMO) use their little girls to entice men, and have no qualms about their child being sexually abused if it means boyfriend stays.

I hope this demon's accomplice is treated as such -- a criminal, not a poor oblivious woman. Unless she is mentally disabled, she darn well knew.

IMOO, she was not weak, nor was she crazy. She needed an anchor to keep her man at bay and there to come home to, and that anchor was her own child. She picked a shed with no running water to house her baby in while she was gone as collateral to come back to a sorry man. She easily had other places for that precious child to go to, but those places did not guarantee her man being there when she got home.
I'm not buying this "Mom was weak" business.

She was joining the armed forces for gosh sakes.

I truly believe this woman is as sick as the demon on trial. It seems apparent to me that many women have children to use for their own purposes. It may be to get back at a boyfriend, (child support for eighteen years), to collect welfare (professional baby maker... unfortunately I know too many of these), or to live through vicariously. Note, all of those things are bad enough... but usually there is some degree of caring, however misguided. Those women are weak... women like Teghan's mom (and Hailey Dunn's mom, IMO) use their little girls to entice men, and have no qualms about their child being sexually abused if it means boyfriend stays.

I hope this demon's accomplice is treated as such -- a criminal, not a poor oblivious woman. Unless she is mentally disabled, she darn well knew.

Clarification: when I wrote that mom was "weak" I didn't mean in a pitiful, can't help it sort of way. I meant she is weak from within, willing to sacrifice Teghan to keep that monster boyfriend in her bed. And THAT makes her just as much of a monster as he is.
I am not "anti-death penalty" so much, but I have always thought that it would be nearly impossible for me to be on a jury that had to consider it. Just the thought of holding someone's life in my hands...I am not the sort of person who wants to control the destiny of others. However, this case has me sort of wishing I was on the jury, IYKWIM. I think I could pull the switch myself if given the opportunity. Anything to get this human garbage out of the equation forever. Because the thought of him EVER being free among us is terrifying. And because it would feel like a gift I was giving to Teghan.

A little off-thread, but I hate that the tweets and all of the news coverage (what little there is of it) refer to the JR trial, rather than the trial for the murder of Teghan Skiba. He doesn't deserve to be mentioned, IMO. Especially with so little coverage for Teghan. It feels wrong to me. I refuse to even type his name here. Initials is the best he gets, and it's far more than he deserves.
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