GUILTY NC - Teghan Skiba, 4, Smithfield, 19 July 2010 #4

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"A leopard doesn't change his spots," once a bad egg, always a bad egg.

Yes, glee, interesting -- now that the jury has heard from dad's wife/gf, IMO it makes the doc's testimony more harmful today than it was yesterday. Tsk,tsk. What a cryin' shame....

I think we're all excited to see him shackled !!! :floorlaugh:

Yes, I'll take shackled, but I'd prefer hog-tied.

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow · 8m
Defense objectd to #JonathanRichardson in shackles in court. Judge hearing from jail administrator now abt how shank(knife)found in his cell

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow · 2m
Shank in #JonathanRichardson's cell was toothbrush w/fingernail file attached.He's on lockdown,so concern is officers'/court personnel safty

I'd say his little azz is in total lockdown with nothing in his cell except himself. That is what happens when there is a shank or even contraband found during a shakedown.

He will surely lose it being in total lockdown! If it gets too bad, he can be placed in the 'chair' for approximately 3 hours at a time. If he spits, a blinder can be placed over his head. I really don't think the jail will hesitate to use any measure they have to keep his azz in line.

I see no reason why this monster cannot be cuffed and shackled in court. He has already been convicted so there is no presumption of innocence at play here.


ETA: Okay, I see that he will be shackled in court.
Nymeria and all – thank you for the warm welcome. This is a nice community. :)


Can they just wheel in a cage?

Don't forget the muzzle. He's a biter and sooner or later he's going to put those teeth on someone. It'll be interesting to see how an adult reacts to that – my guess is he'll lose those pearly whites. :laughitup:

And I think the jury is sharp enough to notice his new ankle bracelets.

Crazytown :giggle:

*BBM* Means "bolded by me"

Like when you quote someone and bold a certain phrase you want to address, or something of importance in a post....

Stop googling :scared: :floorlaugh:

ETA- Curious to know if you had image results for that google search also... :groucho:


Nymeria, you izz bad!
I hope he felt he HAD to make that shank because there have been SO MANY threats on his life he is terrified every moment of every day someone is going to finally get their way with him.

Oh poor, poor JR...doesn't that SUCK knowing you're locked in a small space, knowing that he's coming for you? Knowing that no matter how much you scream, fight, bite, etc. that you're going to be overpowered by someone twice your size (possibly multiple men) and forced to do SICK, SADISTIC, PAINFUL things you don't want to do? With NO ONE to come rescue you?

And when it stops for the day, you get to sit and feel the pain...wondering when they are coming back for you to do it all over again.

10 days is all Teghan could take...

Just how tough are you JR, huh? How much can YOU take? Might as well BEG for the death penalty you coward. It's the best you could wish for.

"A leopard doesn't change his spots," once a bad egg, always a bad egg.

Yes, glee, interesting -- now that the jury has heard from dad's wife/gf, IMO it makes the doc's testimony more harmful today than it was yesterday. Tsk,tsk. What a cryin' shame....

BBM (Big Bullying Monster :maddening:)

Let's not leave HR out - "Water finds its own level."
Okay, so... I've seen BBM a lot and I still have no clue what it means... but I thought I would give everyone a laugh, during a time when we don't get to laugh much. I wanted to know what it meant so I googled it. First thing that pops up is this... I have to say, I needed that laugh so I thought I would share. (I still don't know what BBM means, but I'm assuming NOT this :floorlaugh: )

*BBM is an abbreviation for Big Black Meat, or less commonly, Big Black Meatstick*

Rolling! That's hilarious!

Thank you sharing:)

I'm still not telling you what it means;) lol

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Wanted to say thank you to seattle chiquie for the link to the new Jason young thread here on WS's. Although I have to say I'm going to have to familiarize myself with the *block/ignore* feature of WS once again. I'd forgotten all about it until I went to that thread last night and kept getting 'ignored person' notices. I can see there are a couple more I'm going to have to stick there, if I can figure out how I did it last time. Looked like quite a few of the 'brad is innocent' crowd have come on over to Jason young. :(
Hi! This is my first post. Thank you all for posting links and tweets, and for so many thought-provoking comments. I was traveling during the last days of the trial and Websleuths was my goto place for updates. :tyou:

Regarding JR: In my mind anyway, he's devoid of all human traits, like empathy, kindness and insight. His sole focus was his own perverted desires and while he's capable of planning ahead when it comes to carrying out those desires (purchasing hardware to imprison Teghan, for example), thoughts of consequences never once entered his mind.

That reduces him to the same level as a feral animal that can't be tamed, who won't ever stop attacking. Humans have choices where animals do not and JR made the choice to behave like a vicious animal - he should be put down.

And HR and Old Lady Creech need to go to the kennel for a verrrry long time. :jail:


HiYa, MsMarple -- I've read books about you! Very good detective!

Oh, and one more thang:





We're glad you're with us!!

The nail file - because having clean, well manicured nails was going to influence the outcome of his trial? The man has hygiene standards NOW? How much teeth brushing was he doing without any running water? He was too busy biting. :( If we are generous maybe he flossed? I really doubt personal hygiene was much of a concern for JR, seeing as he lived in total squalor. What did HR see in this psychopathic, smelly man???????

Lovely Teghan, lakes, oceans, waterfalls, hot days in the sprinkler and warm bubble baths are yours forever.
The nail file - because having clean, well manicured nails was going to influence the outcome of his trial? The man has hygiene standards NOW? How much teeth brushing was he doing without any running water? He was too busy biting. :( If we are generous maybe he flossed? I really doubt personal hygiene was much of a concern for JR, seeing as he lived in total squalor. What did HR see in this psychopathic, smelly man???????

Lovely Teghan, lakes, oceans, waterfalls, hot days in the sprinkler and warm bubble baths are yours forever.




:seeya:Flauberrry !!:seeya:

We're glad you're here!!

Just getting on here today. Busy clinic. Just wanted to say that my heart is very heavy today. The ribbon that my neighbor and I hung Sunday for Teghan on Old Sander's road is gone. I don't know who did it, but have a pretty good idea. We placed it on a stop sign, safety pinned it so the wind wouldn't take it away and even decorated it with her name and a butterfly. Some people are just evil and HELEN CREECH is just as evil as her grandson. It was on state property, not hers. It was on a stop sign across the street from the killer's home. Well if she wants to take them down, we are going to keep her busy all weekend. Anyone who wants to come out this weekend and help us tie ribbons along Old Sanders rd and hwy 70 please PM me.

Justice for Teghan Alyssa Skiba
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