GUILTY NC - Teghan Skiba, 4, Smithfield, 19 July 2010 #4

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Bryan Mims ‏@bryanmims 1m

Psychologist said he never made an official diagnosis of #jonathanrichardson. He's back on stand Tuesday for more cross-ex. Arguments Wed.

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 25m

#JonathanRichardson trial wrapped for the day. Resuming w/psychologist under cross at 9:30am.
This whole thing with the psychologist is beyond ridiculous. Personally, I don't care if JR was abused as a child. That alone should be why he would know that torturing a child is wrong. In my mind there is no doubt he knew exactly what he was doing and that it was illegal. I don't think his intention was to kill her as he figured he could get HR to help him cover up the abuse when she got back. He never saw Teghan as a human being. He saw her as a whipping post. An object HR provided for him to use for his own sadistic pleasures. Sick. And the more I find out about Helen Creech the more she makes me sick. That's the one thing that irks me about the prosecution because they could bring charges against her with or without the support of the sheriff. JR, HR, and HC are all culpable. None of them gave a $€!+ about little Teghan. I hope the jury realizes this crime was so heinous there are no mitigating factors and throw the DP book at JR.
Think the public will be able to view the closing arguments or has the press decided even that will keep us up at nights? :P
Are we supposed to believe that only those blessed with an idealic childhood can be held accountable for their actions? Because if that is true, there are very few of us who are responsible for anything we do.

I don't think the jury is going to give this crap testimony any weight. If he had "lost it" and killed Teghan in a single act of rage, maybe. But we all know it didn't go down that way.

It must be terrible to be on a jury that has to decide if a person should die, but I am betting any feelings of guilt over that have been numbed by the sheer horror that was Teghan's trial.

So long, sucker.
Kelli O'Hara ‏@Kelli_OHara 1m

"There's so much smoke" so many signs of what's wrong w #JonathanRichardson but doctor can't necessarily find the fire, what's wrong w him.

I think the good doctor could ask any one of us Sleuthers, and we could answer with just one word.*

* Hint to the doc: It rhymes with "weevil.":stormingmad:;,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
He's mean & evil! A *advertiser censored* who get's off by torturing those weaker than himself. He's a controlling monster who enjoys torture. :banghead:

ditto that.

P.S. Lovin' that avatar, glee!!!!
As teens don't we all "medicate" for a period?
Well, not ALL, but a lot of us as teens I am sure spent a good amount of time "partying", at least I did. To be frank I drank for a few years and pretty much gave it up. Never enjoyed booze much. Other herbal remedies, yes. But even that I stopped when I had a son.
Anyway, point is, I call "BS" on the self-medicating teen.
He is just one of those demons in society that we have to put down.
Plain and simple.


Same here, Nymeria -- plus I had "bad" genes for drinking alcohol, i.e. alcoholism in my family. I tried really hard for a year, but after a couple of incidents (blackouts), and not ever finding a drink I really liked (Thank you, God), I feel in love with the leaf. I still miss it, but I gave it up for about 100 Lents, and I'm still abstaining, dayamit. Ah, youth!

As I said, a few threads earlier, some people are what I call "mean drunks," and that's what I said about JR from the get-go. No excuse, that, but I've only known a couple, but they bark at everybody, get mad in a hurry, etc. Thankfully, I've never known one who was ready to physically strike out or pick a fight, but the local mugshots have some folks who look like they are knee-walkers, and are booked for assault.

That's our guy -- but the mug shot folks are apparently ones who went after someone their own size. That's NOT our guy.

Stepp is one, to be sure. And JR, for starters.
Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 2m

Psychologist says #JonathanRichardson is depressed and has been since high school at least, maybe since childhood.

Thanks for all the tweets posted today. Appreciated more than you know. I love catching up here in the evening with like-minded people. Makes me feel human again.
Bryan Mims ‏@bryanmims 1m

Psychologist said he never made an official diagnosis of #jonathanrichardson. He's back on stand Tuesday for more cross-ex. Arguments Wed.

Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow 25m

#JonathanRichardson trial wrapped for the day. Resuming w/psychologist under cross at 9:30am.

If he's not examining and testing JR for a formal diagnosis, then what's the point of even seeing the defendant?!! :banghead: These "expert witnesses" that testify on behalf of a like JR and not complete a diagnosis are full of it. That tells me that they are just in it for the money.
If he's not examining and testing JR for a formal diagnosis, then what's the point of even seeing the defendant?!! :banghead: These "expert witnesses" that testify on behalf of a like JR and not complete a diagnosis are full of it. That tells me that they are just in it for the money.

The way I understood it, JR's defense team specifically didn't want a diagnosis. :moo: I figured they didn't want JR to come up, 'not mentally ill, just damn evil. :jail:
If he's not examining and testing JR for a formal diagnosis, then what's the point of even seeing the defendant?!! :banghead: These "expert witnesses" that testify on behalf of a like JR and not complete a diagnosis are full of it. That tells me that they are just in it for the money.
I agree. Blows my mind at these "professional witnesses." How can that psychologist look at the photos of Teghan and then try to attribute what JR did to a traumatic unloving childhood? Wonder how he sleeps at night.
How, can anyone get up on the stand in front of a jury and state "they're pretty sure this man is messed up".
A doctor? God.
Ya think?
No clinical diagnosis.
Why did he even get on the stand. Money?
I'm sick. Seriously.
Disgusted and sick.
This doctor needs to look for his soul. IMO. Apparently, he's lost it along the way to paying his bills.
He could not even come close to explaining how this client choose to rape and torture a 4 year old for over 10 days.
Hey Doc. If your client does indefensible attrocieties, Do not try to defend them. No matter what the monetary pay day is.
Because now you have given up your Honor completely for money.
That is my opinion.
I'd love to see you prove me wrong. I'd love to hear you finish your testimony on Monday by saying that you've diagnosed the reason why this man padlocked a 4 year old in a shed and spent the next 10 days hitting off her nipple, raping her until there was no tissue left to distinguish between her vagina and her annus, bitting her over 70 times, and beating her until, literally her brain matter was oozing out of her little head.
Please doctor.
Explain, argue, how your client. The one you agreed to represent should get a pass for this torture of a child.
I am waiting to hear the excuses. I hope you were paid enough, so that you can look in the mirror and peacefully go to sleep. Just asking...

QUOTE=Rhozwen;10400401]If he's not examining and testing JR for a formal diagnosis, then what's the point of even seeing the defendant?!! :banghead: These "expert witnesses" that testify on behalf of a like JR and not complete a diagnosis are full of it. That tells me that they are just in it for the money.[/QUOTE]
Did someone say mean drunk? *raises hand* and yet another reason I do not imbibe anymore friends. I can be pretty dangerous. Thanks for all the updates. This case is effed up. :(
JR has NO defense IMO. He is the one who said HR allowed And participated in the abuse so I must look at that suspiciously. I do believe HR may have overlooked some things JR did just so that she herself would not be abused by this monster. Very common for a female to allow the male to abuse the child as it takes the adult female somewhat out if the equation. I also believe Teghan may have peed in the bed due to the alcohol forced upon her with moms approval so she was "passed out" and couldn't help it. They set her up. I am not excusing HR for her part in all of this. I do think it's possible though that she allowed Teghan to be abused so she herself wouldn't be. Does that make sense?
Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow · 2m
Good morning #JonathanRichardson tweeps. Court back in session. Defense Psychologist back on stand to continue cross examination.
JR has NO defense IMO. He is the one who said HR allowed And participated in the abuse so I must look at that suspiciously. I do believe HR may have overlooked some things JR did just so that she herself would not be abused by this monster. Very common for a female to allow the male to abuse the child as it takes the adult female somewhat out if the equation. I also believe Teghan may have peed in the bed due to the alcohol forced upon her with moms approval so she was "passed out" and couldn't help it. They set her up. I am not excusing HR for her part in all of this. I do think it's possible though that she allowed Teghan to be abused so she herself wouldn't be. Does that make sense?

I believe she allowed Teghan to be abused so she could keep the man. Sorry, I don't believe she was afraid. She was in the military, she had every opportunity to just take Teghan with her to New Mexico, as the military would have offered child care. If she was SO afraid of him, she wouldn't have left her child with him. She testified that he had abused Teghan several times. I also believe that she was also rough on Teghan. They were living in a shed. She EASILY could have "saved" her and her daughter if she were so afraid. She didn't want to lose her "great catch" she had, so she allowed it, in my opinion.

Edited to add- I think she peed and pooped in the bed as a combination of alcohol, and sexual abuse :(
Heather Moore ‏@HeatherMooreNow · 53s
Judge mentioned before jury brought in- Appeals court ruling this morning in #JasonYoung case could impact #JonathanRichardson.
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