GUILTY NC - Teghan Skiba, 4, Smithfield, 19 July 2010 #5

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Hi, I scouted around to see if he has been shipped to prison. They took Scott
Peterson after the sentence in the middle of the night. I just want to know he is squirming! All WS'ers from N.C. please keep us informed if you hear anything. I also wonder when "mother" H.R. on trial.will go I was so sick during the last week I barely watched except last day. I saw the tape in court room, Yes I cried hard. I want that Bas&!%d dead..:seeya:
Hi, I scouted around to see if he has been shipped to prison. They took Scott
Peterson after the sentence in the middle of the night. I just want to know he is squirming! All WS'ers from N.C. please keep us informed if you hear anything. I also wonder when "mother" H.R. on trial.will go I was so sick during the last week I barely watched except last day. I saw the tape in court room, Yes I cried hard. I want that Bas&!%d dead..:seeya:

He doesn't show up yet in the doc offender search yet.
I just don't have the words to express how I feel about this monster...I don't think he saw her as anything but a thing...And yes I think his torture was like
something out of mid evil times. I also think he was eating her. The PA said that she had big chucks of flesh taken out of her...5 big ones on her buttocks, one
big bite on her chest and some on her back...and what was he doing with her cheek? The PA specifically said that he had people searching for hunks of flesh in the shed and none were found...What does that tell you?
Words fail me, other than my opinion that what he is is someone that has no line he wouldn't cross...not one thing he wouldn't experiment with doing on this child, BECAUSE HE COULD!
Where did he come from, how did he come to be this way? I don't know and I really don't care. I care about Tegan.
I don't know where he came from, what he is or is called, he just needs to be gone, not here anymore, not taking air or using up space in our reality...

My only hope is that all the love, all the energy of love from all of us, flows to Tegan and surrounds her spirit and covers her with care and warmth, like her blanket...and that is all she feels in this present space of time where ever she is.
My hope...
Love you babydoll...
Thank you, jurors. I'm so glad that our justice system worked for our little girl Teghan. It doesn't always work, but this time it did and I'm grateful. Thank you Popsicle, GXM, Borndem and countless others that kept updating daily, enabling me to keep up with everything. I didn't post a lot but read as many as I could and checked in daily.Thank you Landonsmom for what you and your friend did, thank you everyone here that was brave enough to stick with this most awful trial all for Teghan. I can't say I'm resting happily but I'm resting easier. I'm relieved.

Teghan's case is one of those that keeps me awake at night, I replay in my head what she went through and it makes me nuts. I have to turn the tv on so my mind won't dwell, that's my little trick.

But as always, on to another case!
Sorry if this has been posted. Here are 30 photos-some of adorable little Teghan before JR ruined her, one of Teghan with a black eye:mad:, a couple of Helen and some of the crime scene.

Those photos of beautiful, happy little Teghan...her family has suffered such a terrible loss. I just feel terrible for her grandparents and aunts.
A couple people asked 'where to go now', wanted to say I've been trying to find out more about this crime.

But it doesn't appear to have garnered much attention. I'd been hoping for some local postings, someone who knew this woman. Where was her husband, her family? Nobody noticed this was her third attempt to rid herself of these two little boys? "She could be a 'better mother' to her eldest if the two younger ones weren't around.'
I mixed up Jonathon's Mother with his grandmother.
However, I am still furious with his Mother's statement to the media.
Something DID not happen to Teghan.
Her son DID this TO Teghan.
I love my child. But.
If. My child did these horrible things to a baby... I would Never, Ever have a thing to do ever again with this child.
That child of mine would be dead to me.
Forgiving, would not even be on my lips.
I would be so angry that, I probably couldn't spit.
IMO. This is one messed up family. Grandmother, grandfather, mother, daughter, all seriously screwed up. Teghan paid the price in that shed.
They should ALL hang their heads in shame.
Forgiveness? Not me.

Well this is a little more than unfair. While she did raise a monster, there was absolutely no evidence she knew anything about Teghan. She said she didn't. It wasn't her house this happened at. It was his grandparents house. I love my daughters more than I could begin to describe. And the truth is, there is nothing they could ever do to make me stop loving them. This woman has to deal with the reality of what her son did. That can't be easy. Now it's ridiculous for her to ask the community to forgive him. But nothing else she said was inappropriate in the least. She is a grieving mother and seems genuinely sorry for what her son did.[/QUOTE]

"I understand the anger and bitterness because I feel it, too, after what happened to Teghan,” Sandy Creech said Friday. “But he's still my son, and I love him dearly. And he needs me now more than ever."

While I don't blame Mrs. Creech for what happened to Teghan, I am still a bit perturbed at this statement. I am a big analyzer of what/how people say things. One thing I've learned over time is that when someone makes a statement that includes "but" what they are really saying is "Ignore everything else I've said prior to I'm going to tell you what I really think". I'm not a big Dr. Phil follower, but I know he's a big proponent of this too. It really is true about people's statements.

She basically states that she understands the bitterness and anger BUT I've forgiven my son and I want you to as well.

I guess if I had a wish, it would be that one person in his family would simply apologize and NOT then refer to JR at all with compassion immediately following her "apology". I wish they could simply say they have no words that are going to begin to cover how sorry they are...disgusted with what happened to Teghan and ask that everyone's thoughts and prayers be with Teghan and those who truly loved her as they are the ones who will have endless suffering.

I am not saying that this mother should NEVER forgive her son - that's her choice...but I don't think I could personally say anything supporting him whatsoever in the media. I think she's showing us who she really is...someone who gives a feeble "sorry" to Teghan but then shows where her thoughts and prayers REALLY are.


"I understand the anger and bitterness because I feel it, too, after what happened to Teghan,” Sandy Creech said Friday. “But he's still my son, and I love him dearly. And he needs me now more than ever."

While I don't blame Mrs. Creech for what happened to Teghan, I am still a bit perturbed at this statement. I am a big analyzer of what/how people say things. One thing I've learned over time is that when someone makes a statement that includes "but" what they are really saying is "Ignore everything else I've said prior to I'm going to tell you what I really think". I'm not a big Dr. Phil follower, but I know he's a big proponent of this too. It really is true about people's statements.

She basically states that she understands the bitterness and anger BUT I've forgiven my son and I want you to as well.

I guess if I had a wish, it would be that one person in his family would simply apologize and NOT then refer to JR at all with compassion immediately following her "apology". I wish they could simply say they have no words that are going to begin to cover how sorry they are...disgusted with what happened to Teghan and ask that everyone's thoughts and prayers be with Teghan and those who truly loved her as they are the ones who will have endless suffering.

I am not saying that this mother should NEVER forgive her son - that's her choice...but I don't think I could personally say anything supporting him whatsoever in the media. I think she's showing us who she really is...someone who gives a feeble "sorry" to Teghan but then shows where her thoughts and prayers REALLY are.


IMO the is no love stronger than that of a mother toward her child. It's profound for sure.

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I too have been really bothered by Sandy Creech's statement.

So much of it is just wrong...SC said she didn't know that Teghan was in the shed or that she had never met Teghan. JR dated HR for 6 mos--was SC so uninvolved in her child's life that she didn't know? Then there is the grandmother-HC, was SC's relationship with her own mother so dysfunctional that they didn't talk about JR living in her backyard? Isn't it odd that HC didn't let SC know, hey your son is living in my shed with a girlfriend and a small child?

A mother's love is strong, but SC didn't love JR enough to be involved in his life before Teghan was murdered, but now she's showing her love!?! I think it's more likely regret for what she has gone through with this than love for her child or guilt over what she did wrong in his life. I doubt SC or HC have any capacity to take responsibility for their part in his childhood that made JR the monster he is.

To illustrate that here's a quote from SC in the article cited above: "I have to forgive him, not for him but for myself. I hope the community can do the same."

SC has to forgive him for herself and wants the community to do the same? IMO, SC wants to be able to go back to life as normal and the community not blame her for raising a monster! She wants to move on past her part in this without the responsibility and punishment.

It's just one big mess of a family, still doesn't excuse JR's actions and HC's inaction.
My co-worker's husband works in the infirmary of the central prison. I asked her to let me know if JR ends up there for any reason. :jail:
The smirk is gone. Dare I say JR might even look a little bit *worried*? Frightened? Apprehensive? :seeya: The very least prison officials could do is post updated prison photos of JR as he learns *his* new routine. :moo: Are there any biting rats in central prison?

Hi Gracielee, Oh I agree! I noticed fear when sentenced. THere may not be animal rats but I'm sure there are a few humans that bite!!. Maybe part of his welcome to prison. :seeya:
I went to the web page and it says "no photo available"

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