NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 3

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It makes me happy to hear that Kaiden is doing pretty well. Regardless of who his primary caregiver is right now, I just want that kid to be happy and healthy. He already has so much going against him.
In my mind, the fact that Raven appeared to love Kaiden helps the prosecution - it shows that Raven would've lost his mini-me in a divorce! Janet's death was the only way to get his kid, the money, and to be free of his marriage!
Hmmm, is Raven sniffling/crying/shedding a few tears? Just saw him wipe his nose with a tissue.
I don't know if I missed her testimony per the defense while I was at my dental appointment or not. Did you watch it live L L &S or did you go back to the WRAL videos to watch her testimony for the defense?

Good morning everybody! The sun is shining here and it's 69 degrees outside. Heavenly!
I had to watch late last night. My live feed is still iffy. Plus, my house is kind of chaotic right now with my grown son and his wife and baby girl moving in and I'm really busy helping them get settled.
Shouldn't this be part of the penalty phase, trying to make the jurors feel sorry for Raven by using Kaiden.
It makes me happy to hear that Kaiden is doing pretty well. Regardless of who his primary caregiver is right now, I just want that kid to be happy and healthy. He already has so much going against him.

Yeah it would have been better and he would have been more well-adjusted if it was Janet's family though.

I mean you see how well Karen did with her three children and I heard some of his kids needed to leave the home because they couldn't deal with Karen or Raven.
Wow, looks like Karen is ticked off at Jim, perhaps she wanted him to lie?
Karyn doesn't look happy with that testimony - she won't even look at Jim. Ruh-roh!
I went back to bed for a little bit and missed the direct of Jim Bolten. What did Tyndall ask him? Anything of value?
Seems the defense has been shuffling papers, loudly, all week. They don't seem prepared with respect to their paperwork.
I had to watch late last night. My live feed is still iffy. Plus, my house is kind of chaotic right now with my grown son and his wife and baby girl moving in and I'm really busy helping them get settled.

Thank you. I'll go back and watch the video. You have your hands full....I am sure getting your son and his family settled in is exciting and stressful at the same time. I could hardly wait for my kids to leave for college and now I want them all back in the same house with me, their spouses, dogs and everything else!
Yeah it would have been better and he would have been more well-adjusted if it was Janet's family though.

I mean you see how well Karen did with her three children and I heard some of his kids needed to leave the home because they couldn't deal with Karen or Raven.

Totally agreed - I definitely don't think she's the best caregiver at all, and Janet's family would've done so much for him and would've given him time with both families (something I'm not sure Raven's family has allowed). But I'm just glad he's doing well in school and all of that. I hope he gets the counseling he needs throughout his life to make sense of these tragedies. Poor kid has been dealt an unfair hand in life (it's been dealt to him by his father, IMO, but STILL!).
I went back to bed for a little bit and missed the direct of Jim Bolten. What did Tyndall ask him? Anything of value?

Nothing but looking over some pictures of Kaiden and laying a background of how long he has been married to Raven's mom, etc. Nothing earth shattering.
Arrrg.... the wrath of Karyn.... she scares me more than Raven does. IMO, over all the years of following this case and talking to people.... that woman has a few issues. I mean really.... four kids, four mug shots? My kids are far far far from perfect, I'll be the first to admit that so maybe I shouldn't judge her on that matter, however, I have to wonder......
Thank you. I'll go back and watch the video. You have your hands full....I am sure getting your son and his family settled in is exciting and stressful at the same time. I could hardly wait for my kids to leave for college and now I want them all back in the same house with me, their spouses, dogs and everything else!
It is exciting... we are a very close family. They are trying really hard to save up for a home of their own and we decided together that paying a massive amount of money for a little apartment was dumb since my husband passed away last summer and I have this huge house all to myself. The baby (20 months old) dearly loves grandma's big back yard and two dogs and four fish tanks... so yeah, it's exciting and stressful. It's only been a few days and I'm looking forward to falling into a nice stress-less routine. :)
This is the partial banking records they are attempting to put in, instead of a complete picture.

We have records here on WS that Raven's ebay account was still active and he was still selling stolen goods after his initial arrest and he lost his job from Eurosports up until the time of Janet's murder.

So though they got a break on their rental, though he was pawning things, they didn't have to pay for ANY groceries for three months prior (I spent like $200 a week or more and that's without baby formula & diapers) they still had some disposable income, the issue is he would have had ZERO income come May because he knew at the beginning of April he was going to lose his job and he knew he wasn't going to get the job in Washington because because of the EMBEZZLEMENT (the fight with the soccer ref) was well, what it was, but the embezzlement hadn't even shown up on his record then, so just imagine how much crap he would be in after that came out.

He knew he couldn't get a productive job again.

Raven was was getting rid of things, and attempting to make it look like someone broke in and stole things, he was probably trying to get rid of the TV to say that someone stole it but got caught by the Home teacher.

The painting on the wall was on the floor, so maybe he had plans to get rid of that as well. Perhaps Janet did have her rings on when he stabbed her and he took them off and washed the blood off them and forgot to pocket them as well, who knows, he didn't forget to take her cell phone though!!!

All speculation but it all points more to the fact there was PLENTY of motive, plenty of opportunity, plenty of means to do this.
Someone hold me!!!! I'm skeerd..... it's Karen!!!

OHFFS.... get that gum out of your mouth, who do you think you are.... Cindy Anthony?
Does Karyn know Raven very well? She can't remember how old he was when she married Jim, can't remember how long he was at college, can't remember if he got a degree or not... this doesn't seem like a very close relationship.
Poor Jim when asked if he knew if Raven stolen and Jim said which company, he knows Raven stolen from HP, Eurosports AND Canyon Cycles.

Karen said she had a sick sense of humor, she's so orange.

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