NC vs. Raven Abaroa ~ the Trial 3

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I saw the Josh Powell thing, too!!! That is huge, in my opinion.

Also, did anybody else see "Raven - The Apprentice" on that list?? What, did he want to be on the show or something?!
hand surgery yesterday.....trying to catch up hearing yesterdays testimony. wow, vanessa, bless her heart. typing with one hand so can't type much.

justice for janet......:)

Glad you can be here with us--even with one hand. Healing thoughts and prayers going your way!
I missed the Apprentice file! *wow again* Hey you guys get better soon! For the repeat migraines (mine last three days always then I get a stiff neck) phenergan suppositories work really well if you are still puking. Gross as that may sound, I've suffered all my life from them and they work for me. It will calm you; and any stressed muscles in your neck area as well as take all the nausea away. Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do! ack!

The last migraine I had was a few weeks ago; I have ocular migraines now. They give you everything but the actual pounding pain...and they blind you. This time it was only in one eye. I have auras that flash, blinding me. I noticed it when i was on WS, here...and couldn't read in the box as I was typing and I was like: What on earth is that, I cannot see portions of the box...they are truly scary. Dark rooms cool wash cloths no reading no PC screens are usually my only options. You can even see the arching flashing lights with your eyes closed.

He even had a file that said Janet Pornographic ....clearly raven was following the Powell Case, I wish they had gone more into the book marks and pages and actual files.
Agreed, Cherry - the forensics guy mentioned that he gave the information to Charles Sole, who is on the stand now. Maybe they'll get into it?
I'm sorry this witness is all over the place. Very poor witness regarding use of dogs in searches.
I missed the Apprentice file! *wow again* Hey you guys get better soon! For the repeat migraines (mine last three days always then I get a stiff neck) phenergan suppositories work really well if you are still puking. Gross as that may sound, I've suffered all my life from them and they work for me. It will calm you; and any stressed muscles in your neck area as well as take all the nausea away. Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do! ack!

The last migraine I had was a few weeks ago; I have ocular migraines now. They give you everything but the actual pounding pain...and they blind you. This time it was only in one eye. I have auras that flash, blinding me. I noticed it when i was on WS, here...and couldn't read in the box as I was typing and I was like: What on earth is that, I cannot see portions of the box...they are truly scary. Dark rooms cool wash cloths no reading no PC screens are usually my only options. You can even see the arching flashing lights with your eyes closed.

He even had a file that said Janet Pornographic ....clearly raven was following the Powell Case, I wish they had gone more into the book marks and pages and actual files.

I am so sorry you can relate. Migraines have destroyed about 1/3 of my life. I have phenergan pills but have never been prescribed the suppositories. Will ask for some the next time I see my neuro, thanks for the suggestion.
I have had auras a few times and they scared me to death. I thought I was having a stroke--the first time I was sitting in church and couldn't believe that I was going to die from a stroke right there in church. Again, I'm so sorry for you as I know how they can ruin a person's life.
I, too, hope they explore the contents of those files. RA is total scum.
Agreed, Cherry - the forensics guy mentioned that he gave the information to Charles Sole, who is on the stand now. Maybe they'll get into it?

Hi Guera! I am waiting lol; so far it's all about dog handling but Im having trouble following his testimony. He is talking about training but not about the actual case; then he talks about the color me Confused lol! More Coffee for me, this morning it is Carmel Truffle, it's like mocha with a twist. Yum!
I'm sorry this witness is all over the place. Very poor witness regarding use of dogs in searches.

Seems he is giving too much background info related to training the dogs, and other details, etc. I want him to get to the crux of the dog's role in this investigation. I'm becoming impatient.
Hugs NCEast! I hope you feel better soon; yes please ask for them as NPO works best...*nothing passed orally* wow so you know the ocular migraine too! I'm sorry you've met! I totally can relate, I always end up retreating to the bedroom lights off; black out curtains and they are debilitating! Ok all off to try to put this Officer's testimony into perspective lol somehow!
Yeah I could not figure out why we cared so much about this guy's dog, lol. Apparently he was the one with the canine search at the scene, but what I got from him is that the dog didn't really pick up on anything, right? Even the coin wasn't big news to the dog, am I hearing this right?
Also - sorry to hear about migraines and hand surgeries! Yikes! I'm suddenly feeling very blessed for good health right now! May you all heal quickly!
Good morning peeps. Asking God to send healing to our sleuthers in need here.

Perhaps the state saved the best for last. I like what this guy has to say, if he'll just get to it!! Patience is a virtue .......I've not been graced with.

RIP Janet. Praying for justice for you.
He phoned Raven - hoping to build a relationship and build trust with Raven.
Made a list of employees at work to ask Raven about.
Jennifer Dawson - coworker - spoke to Raven about her. Raven says disgruntled employee. ANOTHER relationship!! Raven didn't offer that info.
Raven mailed a knife to Inv. Sole that had been "left out at the scene" and then Jim Bolton packed it up, but when Sole asked Jim about it, he said he didn't recall and then was interrupted??
Raven left for Utah within a month.
Discuss missing items from their home. Knife or knives says Raven. Says he had knives in a bin in the closet Janet was killed in All missing?

Oh, what a crock. Raven claims the knife was left at the crime scene. He found it later when he unpacked. UMHMMM
Sent knife back to them. Raven said he thought it was a joke that they left the knife at the scene. This is 2 yrs later.

Find video regarding knife? yes. ( What?? a video witht the knife??)

state's 415
CD with label 12-1-07 Knife video
Found in computer desk in Utah
State's 416
A video of Raven packing his knife. Raven claims he has a screen shot of knife.
Both entered as evidence. Objection overruled. It is entered.

this is weird.....Raven has a video of himself packing the knife?????
Do they know for sure this is the knife that he murdered Janet with?
Why would he claim it was left lying at the scene when he knows that can be disproven by the crime scene pix? Is he nuts?

Ohhhhhhh noooooooooo- company again. BBL
thanks all! thank goodness it's my left hand. my daughter has migraines so I empathize.

I, too, want him to get to crux of case!!
Arrgh, I think the internet ate my post.

I just cannot believe that Raven is stupid enough to mail the murder weapon to LE. I mean, he's an idiot, but he's not THAT stupid. In my mind, all this proves is that he had personal belongings somewhere other than at the house the night of the murder - the crime scene video doesn't show a knife left out anywhere, and thus I would conclude that Raven had stashed his knives (and perhaps his laptop?) somewhere that LE wouldn't find it. And then he pretends to cooperate with the Investigator by mailing him one of his knives that's obviously not the murder weapon. Thoughts?
Arrgh, I think the internet ate my post.

I just cannot believe that Raven is stupid enough to mail the murder weapon to LE. I mean, he's an idiot, but he's not THAT stupid. In my mind, all this proves is that he had personal belongings somewhere other than at the house the night of the murder - the crime scene video doesn't show a knife left out anywhere, and thus I would conclude that Raven had stashed his knives (and perhaps his laptop?) somewhere that LE wouldn't find it. And then he pretends to cooperate with the Investigator by mailing him one of his knives that's obviously not the murder weapon. Thoughts?

I agree. Sorta like don't look HERE and look over THERE. Who knows what he was thinking other than trying to con them.

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