NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #2

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Brittany said she has not seen or heard from Zahra in TWO MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!

If the "family dispute" that led to the communicating threats charge was a couple of months ago (SM was apparently a no-show for the court date in August), that whole set of events may have been what precipitated both the cutoff in contact with Brittany and something be done to Zahra. I can see why a family wouldn't let their 10 year old visit or contact a young relative who'd filed charges against the child's parent or step-parent, but not showing up for the court date pretty much neutralizes any claim the SM could have to innocence in the matter. I wonder what the family dispute was about? Could it have been about Brittany contacting CPS re Zahra's welfare?
In the photos on ms, did they have 2 babies also?
and are the older kids hers?
That would make a household of children,
someone knows something and knows what happened.
The kids are much older, married????
I do not want to sleuth them, but if they LIVED there also,
they would KNOW when and what happened to Zahra.
Who, why and what set the 5 am fire?
If Zahra was mssing for 2 months why claim she disappeared now?
No one noticed for 2 months, why not go on for months again???
So strange...............

I'm gathering that at least one of the babies in the photos is B's baby, who B alleges her mother (the SM) threatened to kill along with B.
Very interesting question. I had not considered that.
What's the difference between Terri Horman and Zahra's stepmother?
I don't think it is, because in the article, Brittnay is quoted as saying "she (Zahra) told my mom that this is the best place ever" or something like that.

So it that is what Zahra said to Brittnay's mom - then the SM is not her mom, right?


Sounds to me like the SM is Brittany's mom. Zahra spent time at Brittany's home, and told her SM, who is Brittany's mom that it was "the best place ever" -- so with Brittany recounting that, Brittany would say "she told my mom".
Friend: "I knew this was going to happen someday"
Posted on October 11, 2010 at 11:35 PM
Brittany Bentley, who was married to Elisa's nephew, said her heart dropped when she heard Zahra was missing. "I knew this day was going to come. Everybody that knew Zahra knew how she was being treated. This was going to happen," she said.

and more, at

So there's more than one Brittany connected to this story? This is getting confusing! So where the heck are the SM's two biological daughters? Who supposedly went to live with her after the divorce from their father? One of whom their father referred to as "Britt" when saying that he and one of his bio daughters had called social services to express concern about Zahra?
First off I want to say that I have been lurking through this thread and I just now caught up after reading theses off an on for a few hours..

As horrible as this sounds I don't think that the child will be found alive if at all..I know people should think more positive, but honestly like the other posters have stated it just keeps getting worse and worse by the minute, it's really not looking good at all :(

A few things I wonder...

1) How did they get the ransom note inside the car? Don't most people lock their cars at night, or have an alarm? I would of thought the car alarm would of gone off??? OR that maybe a neighbor or someone driving by would of seen someone there at the time it was placed..

2) HOW did she lose all the weight?? In her wedding pictures she looks way over 200 lbs...I'm sure she has dropped over a hundred pounds from looking at her most recent pic..I do think she was a meth user, like some have posted she looks like one of those people on "the faces of meth"

3) How come NOBODY ever reported the abuse? ex..neighbors/friends??

What I think,.,

I think the ransom note was to throw off the LE..I think the step mom did it, not to judge but she is weird..and has guilty stamped over her forehead in her mugshot (sorry to judge)

I have no idea of the father was involved but I do think it's really ODD that NOBODY checked on her throughout the night and ESPECIALLY during/after the fire...I think that is really odd..

Things are just not adding up at all, like I said it's not looking good! :(

I will say a little prayer tonight that someone talks, whether it be the step mom/dad/neighbor/friend/relative and or anonymous witness that can somehow shed some light on this or lead them to where her body is (if there is one as horrible as it sounds)
Is there a link to the SM's mugshot? TIA
Is it possible for someone to help me with/find the interviews/pressers that Zahra's father gave?
What's the difference between Terri Horman and Zahra's stepmother?

SM is under arrest for check forgery ($30,000.00)

Terri has never been arrested for anything in connection with Kyron, a MFH plot or attempted kidnapping of baby K

The parents are the only people who can say that Zahra was were they say she was when they say she was.

Kyron was witnessed at the school and there is a very clear timeline as to when and where he was last seen by independant witnesses. That gives a muc more specific period to check out Terri's activities, who is yet to be arrested, a very telling fact IMO

In Zahra's case there was the bizarre Ransom Note left behind.

Kyron was seen one morning, nothing appeared awry, and then vanished.

There was reported unusual, perhaps cruel behavior witnessed from SM towards Zahra and no one outside of the household had seen Zahra in WEEKS. Neighbors were not even aware the little girl lived there.

Most reports showed TH to be a good and active parent in regards to Kyron

LE has discovered drug praphanalia in Zahra's family home and SM has undergone a drastic change in physical apppearance in a relatively short period of time.

TH got invovled in really stupid, childish, selfish sexting with some goofball who purported to be coming around to "help find Kyron and be there" for his old schoolmate, Kaine

and lastly, most importantly in my book

SM has already been named by LE as Person of Interest in the disappearance of her stepdaughter, Zahra and I m still waiting for that to happen in Kyron's case.
I just don't get it. She has been missing for weeks, and this ransom note fire mistaken identity kidnapping of a child they haven't remembered all day or several days in the father's case, is the best they could come up with in that time?
So there's more than one Brittany connected to this story? This is getting confusing! So where the heck are the SM's two biological daughters? Who supposedly went to live with her after the divorce from their father? One of whom their father referred to as "Britt" when saying that he and one of his bio daughters had called social services to express concern about Zahra?

Yes, there is Brittany the daughter and then Brittany married to the nephew who made the complaint against Elesa Baker. Brittany the daughter is married with a child/or children of her own. Her husband (I know his name but don't think I should post it yet) is or was in the army and served in Iraq, could even be over there again, not sure. There is another daughter Amber married to Brian, they also have children. Elesa talks about having four children on her myspace including Zahra. I haven't found a fourth child yet.
I've found Adam's brother on myspace and touchingly he named his niece as one of his heros. I can't imagine what he is thinking at this time - so she did have extended family in Oz.
I've found Adam's brother on myspace and touchingly he named his niece as one of his heros. I can't imagine what he is thinking at this time - so she did have extended family in Oz.

Is that the brother with the myspace name that is the same as a band? Don't know what I'm allowed to post and what I'm not so I'm being careful.
FYI - Zahra also made the local news in Utah.

Nobody has mentioned that the stepmother has a son. Who's hair color changes frequently...purple... but also the red that was in his mother's hair back in May.

IF the ransom note was referring to Zahra the entire time... and she was mistaken for the bosses daughter. (Or it was meant to appear that way.) Then it would make sense that their other children would also be mistaken for his children, or have it made to look that way.

I would suspect that the pot smoking red head being referred to in the ransom note, is probably Zahra's step brother.

Within the last 5 mins Adam Baker has changed his mood status. He has completely removed it.

33 years old
hickory, North Carolina
United States
Last Login: 11/10/2010

It hasn't changed and he hasn't logged in since Sunday.

33 years old
hickory, North Carolina
United States

Last Login: 10/10/2010

Mood: annoyed
I'm new to this site, but after reading through all the messages posted pertaining to Zahra, I really wanted to speak on something I haven't seen mentioned. I was able to backtrack through "E'lesa's" Myspace page and find some pictures of Zahra on her page and her family's pages. What stings me is that there aren't really that many pictures of this little girl. We're talking about a child who is in remission from both bone and lung cancer. I expected hundreds of pictures of this miracle girl who survived so much and could still face more cancer battles in the future. There are more pictures of cars at a car show than of this little girl. More pictures of dogs, no less. When I look through the many, many pictures of "Elesa's" grandkids, I could be wrong, but I can't help but feel like this little girl has been excluded and ignored. Just my opinion, but that's the feeling I get. Sad.
Is this the same chick that Adam married -- the very large lady on his MS page? MOOOO only - but she looks like a mether now. YIKES.

Elisa Baker is considered a person of interest in the missing child case but police would not come right out and call her a suspect. Elisa Baker was arrested on larceny by employee, driving with a revoked license, passing worthless check and communicating threats.

LOL, thank you, I was just wondering, sometimes with steps, particularly girls close in age, there is a rivalry, a not closeness plus I am unsure what custody arrangements are in place. I was referring to minor on MS page in photos with Zahra, who is this person and what is the relationship? Do they reside together? How often do their worlds normally colide?

LOL, I hear you about the eyes bleeding, for me its the ears, perhaps together we may make a whole sleuth with all the faculties, lol

I thought I saw on her myspace that it was her granddaughter (SM's).

What's the difference between Terri Horman and Zahra's stepmother?

Physical evidence. In this case they apparently have dogs that hit on decomp in the family's cars and a possible finding of blood evidence.
There are also the mentions by neighbors and friends that this witch abused Zahra - bruises on her face, a swollen hand from trying to spank Zahra, etc.

This is a horrid, horrid case. Anyone who would harm a defenseless little kid is an outrage but a kid who wears a prosethetic, has hearing aids and survived two bouts of cancer? Who could harm such a kid.
How lonely little Zahra must have felt. How scared. God bless her, poor sweet thing.

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