NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #8

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The audacity of her to lecture about hurting people when she is literally ruining people financially with her bad checks and fraud.

I looked up the 14-168.4 statue Failing to return rented property

(a) It shall be a Class 2 misdemeanor for any person to fail to return rented property with intent to defeat the rights of the owner, which is rented pursuant to a written rental agreement in which there is an option to purchase the property, after the date of termination provided in the agreement has occurred or, if the termination date is the occurrence of a specified event, then that such event has in fact occurred.

(b) Intent to commit the crime set forth in subsection (a) may be presumed from the following evidence:

more at link..

2636 Misdemeanor FRAUD DISPOSAL MORTGAGE PROP 14-114

I couldn't find anything I could link, maybe someone else can. I just got that it was another thing to do with fraud.
Wow... This just popped into my head...(no teasing

I wonder if the LE dusted the new home for Zahra's fingerprints... If there are none... then she was never there...right...

GREAT point! And I wonder what her bedroom looked like? Were her things unpacked, etc?

I was wondering the exact same thing. DH & I were talking about this earlier and we were saying it is odd that they not only moved recently (with ZERO sightings of Zahra by neighbors) but also that they suddenly decided to homeschool at almost the same time (but OOPS forgot/failed to register or even notify the superintendent). Combine that with the fire/ransom note plus her disappearance and it appears (IMO) she has been "missing" since they moved.

Honestly, how do you keep a 10yo hidden like that? She would have been sighted at least ONCE when they moved in, wouldn't she? I mean, when we moved into our current home, our neighbors watched us like hawks from their porches/windows. There is no way they missed our 2 dc.

If she was alive when they moved in, what would the motive be for wanting to keep her hidden? That makes no sense to me.

What did they do, bring her inside hidden in a trunk or something?

Anyone know if they own a stand-alone freezer?

Where are you, Zahra?

:praying: for answers SOON!

Another question for the US - are there laws whereby you can be charged with allowing child abuse? For example, the Dad is aware that Zahra's been mistreated and he did nothing?

I'm sure I've read something (was it that little Kelsey girl?) that the Mum was charged with enabling child abuse.

My husband has just arrived home from work and handed me today's Herald Sun to show me the story about little Zahra. He read it today while he was having morning tea and said he had a tear in his eye.
I know this was likely posted somewhere....but I never saw it. Could you please let me know why we believe AB and/or ZB were getting benefits from the Australian government while living in the US?

Upthread someone asked about US benefits and the application process being a nightmare. It isn't. AB would HAVE to apply for his documentation quite early upon his arrival in the US. We are talking about maybe 5-10 pages of paperwork...and most of it is filled out by government employees. Anyway, AB would be entitled to an immediate legal residency due to his marriage to EB. He would not need a job or anything else, because his marriage is what makes him legal.
Further, ZB would also be a legal resident, because she is his child and is residing with him in his home. Because she is a legal resident, she would qualify for SSDI.....which is approved almost immediately because it is needs based. I'm not sure what EB did for a living....I believe she is a 'stay at home mom' Vomit!
But if she didn't have any income....and dad was a woodchip machine operator, they likely qualified for the SSDI benefit and Medicaid for Zahra, and would recieve payments and medical benefits the following month (in most cases).

AB would not be automatically be legal by just marrying an US resident. His background in OZ would still be checked out by the US consulate. If he would have had a criminal background , it would be too bad so sad,. Looks like you are staying in Oz. No visa , no nothing.
Here ya go - can't find the one of dad


My heart just aches looking at this. Remembering how amazing and full of life she was in her other photos and video. Here she just looks empty and void. Like she wants to be anywhere but there. And that mark on her face. :furious: I just want to sweep her up, run her out of there and bring some happiness back onto her face.
The audacity of her to lecture about hurting people when she is literally ruining people financially with her bad checks and fraud.

I looked up the 14-168.4 statue Failing to return rented property

2636 Misdemeanor FRAUD DISPOSAL MORTGAGE PROP 14-114

I couldn't find anything I could link, maybe someone else can. I just got that it was another thing to do with fraud.

You're correct!

Article 20.


§ 14‑114. Fraudulent disposal of personal property on which there is a security interest.

(a) If any person, after executing a security agreement on personal property for a lawful purpose, shall make any disposition of any property embraced in such security agreement, with intent to defeat the rights of the secured party, every person so offending and every person with a knowledge of the security interest buying any property embraced in which security agreement, and every person assisting, aiding or abetting the unlawful disposition of such property, with intent to defeat the rights of any secured party in such security agreement, shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

A person's refusal to turn over secured property to a secured party who is attempting to repossess the property without a judgment or order for possession shall not, by itself, be a violation of this section.
Given the statements from the new neighbors and such.. noone has ever seen her...
and I agree... when a family moves in, everyone is watching... I do it...I watch like a :)
Another thing is that there was little evidence taken from the house...
Could someone link me with the search warrant, please...
What I remember is that a hair brush, pillow case, sheet, bill from electric company, (because the ransom was written on an electrical bill envolope) and a restuarant menue (chinese I think)...
Outside.. 2 gas cans, the console of a vehicle, and impounded both vehicles...
This is what I have read so far...
But I don't have the link...
I wonder if the brush fire was a plan to also lit up the house . I wonder if there was still gas in the cans to distribute in the house also and Zahra was in the house dead already. Somehow the mulch pile caught fire too early and/or somebody called the fire department right away.
This was early Saturday morning. Many people snooze in on that day. A second plan was hastily devised after the first one failed.
Another question for the US - are there laws whereby you can be charged with allowing child abuse? For example, the Dad is aware that Zahra's been mistreated and he did nothing?

I'm sure I've read something (was it that little Kelsey girl?) that the Mum was charged with enabling child abuse.

My husband has just arrived home from work and handed me today's Herald Sun to show me the story about little Zahra. He read it today while he was having morning tea and said he had a tear in his eye.

Yes... The U.S. takes childrens cases much more serious than most...IMO..
He will be charged with several things..
I'm not a lawyer, but heres a few...
child neglect
child endangerment
for starts..
If he's involved in any way..
aiding and embedding
interferance with investigation
murder (if he was there)
abuse of a corpse (wood chipper)
Many, many more...
The U.S. gets pi$$ed when a child is involved...
:nono: Don't be sleuthing relatives, please. There is no evidence they had anything to do with this horrific crime.

Also sorry Kimster, forgot about name calling. Should have said "alleged" in front. This extremely tragic case makes you forget the rules sometimes when referring to the alleged culprits..
Thanks FroginTtown, you've made my day. :woohoo: I simply refuse to accept that Zahra's father didn't know about the alleged abuse.

Here in Aus, a person charged with such a crime (the actual murderer and witness to the abuse) would receive a paltry sentence, a guest in a brand new prison, fully equipped with all entertainment equipment, access to HECS deferred university education, counseling on tap and of a course a get out of jail free card before your time's up. The crime will never be spoken of again, the child will become merely a distant memory. :furious:
Deputy chief Clyde Deal

CRAIG MCMURTRIE: When was the child last seen by anybody other than the parents

CLYDE DEAL: Other than immediate family it's been at least a couple of weeks.

Link above.
So it's been approx 2 weeks since she was last seen according to police.
Nope, nothing like that for him here....
His best hope is soap with a rope, or some vasoline or butter, if he can get any...LOL
I think he is fully aware of what was happening to his daughter...and I also believe he is fully aware of how she was murdered.. I also believe he disposed of her with the chipper. I highly doubt that SM knew how to operate that machine... I think the detectives are allowing him out of jail to see what they can get on him... remember, he has warrants on him too... They could arrest him at any time...
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